Monday, November 29, 2010


Hells Bells is a great song.
Speaking of hell: what the fuck.

Gotta be 14+ to read goddess_julie's (ugh) journal. Good.
Goddess indeed.
Here's today's writer's (FUCKING APOSTROPHE S) block:
If you could make a cameo appearance on a TV show, which show would you choose, and what type of character would you play?

I dunno I can't even muster up enough of a fuck to answer this question. I'd rather write a good TV show than be a good character on a hack TV show (which all modern shows are).

Oh man. What would I choose.

Numb3rs. I'd so want to be some mathematician or physics doctorate that Charlie and Amita confer with when working on a big case, and have Colby, Liz and David have NO CLUE what I'm

Not to interrupt you but that show got canceled.
Today was absolutely amazing!!! I went to the gym last night for the first time (at this gym) and all in all it was great! Did the bike and the treadmill!! Tried the elliptical machine but I'm not ready for that! I'm going to come up with some kind of schedule for when I'm going to go, but I'm excited!!!

I can't believe I do this for fun. I'm reading about some cunt's first journey to the gym. I could be doing anything (literally anything) and it would be more productive and probably interesting than this.

Today was shopping and seeing HP 7.1 again! I caught things I missed the first time and just fell more in love with all of them!

I can't believe we can officially abbreviate "Harry Potter" to "HP" and everyone understands it.
Christ even I knew what she was talking about.
Man I'm depressed now.
All in all, a successful day! Tomorrow I'm going to go to the gym and make a lasagna!

Hit rank 16 in leatherworker today. I suspect my character smells like a tannery what with all the leather she carries around and wears but I guess when you spend half your life looking like a twisted bondage freak and then the other half making leather and metal materials that's the price you pay.
Wow. I've been coming to this campus for the past 12 weeks. Every Thursday I've passed by this library and never once did I think 'wow, maybe i'll come inside and see what's going on'. If I had have, I would have realized that I could have been spending time online between classes instead of ...

The internet? At a library?
What an age to be alive!

I'm being honest it's not like I didn't have other things to do. I was either finishing up homework or reading or knitting... and it wasn't like I was completely bored out of my mind, but still. I'm currently typing on a Mac computer, in a lab that I just walked into the library, found a sign that says open access computers and tada....

Did you know you can rent books at a library?
Also I'm waiting for the point to this story because if this is it this is really kinda boring even for a Livejournal post.
The best part? And I know you're waiting for it.. was that I needed a username and password and I'm all ummm I don't have either of those... and I'm so not going to ask anyone for help because I'm that loser who just doesn't, so I sat down and thought 'maybe it's my student number'.

I'm already going into withdrawals... From Ron to Harry and Hermione... And then the... Then they... And it was all... And we were like....

It. Was. Brilliant!

Utterly brilliant!!!

Well I had a reaction image all ready to go but Blogger decided there'd be none of that today.
Just imagine a face between this:
and this:

I think it's physically impossible for me to have more than one fandom at any given time.


Not only have I written one scene for my novel today (which I might hand in as my assignment this week - I haven't decided which I'm going to go with), I'm in the middle of a second scene.


PLUS, I went back and reworked the beginning of the novel (which has been tripping me up because I didn't want to have to disect it, rework it and put it all back together in a way that makes sense,

Did I just read "I don't want to have to make my novel make sense"?

You know you're old when...

Back in the BSB/NSYNC fic days, I would stay up until 2... 3am to finish a fic. You know those fics, where it just pulls you in and grips you so you can't let go and have to read until you've finished it, despite nodding off because you're so tired and it's so late!!

Oh yeah I remember many a long night reading Backstreet Boys fanfiction (you know you're at a low point when you're reading Backstreet Boys fanfiction).
What the fuck?
So I'm caught up in one of those types of fic now, but it's J2 AU. At the end of every chapter I think 'I'm going to go to bed now and finish tomorrow...' but then I always click the link to the next chapter.

Oh dang, really? That's funny.
I think I can say categorically fanfiction people are the most annoying people I deal with on a frequent basis on Livejournal.

My attention was immediately caught. When I left the accounting firm I worked for 7 years ago, I had intended on buckling down and writing my first book.

How old are you?
Old enough to know better than to write fanfiction, certainly.
*whines and grabby hands at the yarn*

Anyway I think I'm done here.
Getting a bit of a headache, actually.
Be seeing you, fags.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Writer's Block, Writer's Block

Playing some Pokemon Online. I am currently ranked 33rd in the world on this fuck for 4th gen overused.
Awww my opponent forfeited. You still had four entire Pokemon, man! You could have pulled a stunning victory!
I mean you did let me set up two layers of toxic spikes and a DD up on my Gyarados but otherwise you weren't doing too bad.
Also I saw your discharge on your Lanturn coming from like 5 turns away but whatever.
Good show, good show.
That's always such a bullshit move to even try. "Gee that thing that's 4x weak to electricity, I'm going to try to hit it with electricity!" like I'm not already anticipating that possibility.
If I were smart I'd probably substitute something in my team for a ground type-- or an Electivire, hrm.
Oh right, this shit.

Actually come to think of it he probably raged when I switched into Blissey and he realized I had a stall team.
Best way to defeat an opponent is mentally~

Do you find holiday gift-giving more pleasurable or onerous?

Pleasurable because the stores have trained me to equate love with buying stuff.

I love giving gifts, especially when I see how happy that person is because of the gift I give them. That being said, I find gift giving more onerous than pleasurable.

I am terrible at thinking what my family wants for the holidays. They are horrible to shop for and when I ask for hints I get little to no response from them.

Now here's an entry called Thanksgiving Prep. Mood: pessimistic. Music: Kesha.
I have a good feeling.

So once again I don't think I can properly respond to the writer's block question. Simply because my family doesn't have any traditions associated with Thanksgiving.

Let me respond to the writer's block without responding directly to the writer's block about how I don't have a response for the writer's block.
Have I ever seen an entry this pointless?

How many brothers and sisters would you choose to have, and why?

Mood: thoughtful
Music: Katy Perry
You sure do have great musical taste.
This is definitely an odd question, in fact it's so odd that I had to read it twice before I got what it was asking for.

Yeah that one line complex sentence sure is, well, complex. It's barely even a complex sentence, really. "And why" barely qualifies as another clause.
Although hold on, let's break this down--
on second thought let's not.

If you could conjure an animal spirit protector, which animal would you choose, and why?

Oh God fuck this question. No one seemed to understand this question and got hung up on the logistics of it. "How can I even summon a spirit protector?" "Can I pick a mythological creature?"
Here, let me solve this fuck for you idiots:

This is like that "if you could be an animal" question. Now I could go two ways with this question, one if you don't exclude the mythical animals I would like a dragon spirit protector.

See? No one can just give a straight goddamn answer.
I like how she qualifies it. "Now I could go two ways--" yeah, you certainly could. You could go any way you wanted.
Cause Dragons are awesome and I've adored them since I was little. I'm going with the European version of a dragon rather than an Asian version. Because they seem bigger and breathe FIRE!!!!

... So do the Asian ones, what?
Also not all European dragons breathe fire. What about that one from Beowulf?
He didn't-- did he?

Do you believe that violence in media promotes violence in real life? Does media reflect cultural values or can it actively reshape them?

No, yes and no.
A lot of people like to get this backwards and say "no, yes and yes" or if you're really stupid "yes, yes and yes".

I think that it is a mix of both. I think it's entirely possible to become desensitized to violent acts by being overly exposed to something. You see people getting harmed on TV for entertainment's sake and soon it doesn't register with you and soon your shrugging of news reports of violence.
I would love to meet the person that is actively horrified by news reports.

"Oh no, a person I've never met and indeed will never know has been killed! THE HUMANITY!" Most people just don't give that much of a shit about people not themselves. Most people would gladly lie, though, to seem more humane than they actually are.

It can help to reshape them as well, by introducing new concepts to millions of viewers. Slowly but surely people's opinions can be changed by what they see on TV.

But that entire statement is so redundant it's stupid. The media is just the way people communicate with each other so you might as well be saying "do you think people can influence other people?" the actual media, that is, the machinery used to create it can't do anything without people working it.
Why do people treat the media like it's some alien entity not of this planet? It's just other jackasses like you running the cameras and writing the newspapers and shit.
What's your favorite thing to do on long car rides?

Mood: calm
Music: Only Girl in the World
I'm ashamed to know that song is by Rihanna.
I'm so glad she's updating me on her mood and what music she's listening to. Maybe I'll start doing it too.
Mood: frustrated at bullshit
Nothing beats a good book. I can just lose myself in the story and completely forget where I am and what's going on around me. This is especially good when I go for long car rides with my family.

So how about that FFXIV patch, eh?

Things can get tense some times so it's good to have something to distract me from all the drama. It's even better if I bring along my CD player as well.

I actually can't believe it turned out as well as it did. I mean I know SE promised all this shit but frankly who even believed you could accomplish that much in two months? All the lag is gone, the UI isn't a nested menu nightmare anymore, you can actually level in a timely manner-- no complaints at all, really.
Well there is one thing: they removed the "number of people playing currently" counter (presumably for spin control reasons) and that actually makes it impossible to tell how many people are currently in your area, which makes it hard to discern whether or not you can get a party in any given area.

Which phrase would you choose to replace the ubiquitous "Have a nice day" phrase?

I forget what I even suggested as an alternate. I can't even think of a time where I wished someone to have a nice day. HAVE A NICE DAY AND GOD BLESS HURRRR.

The geek in me is breaking free.... Live long and prosper!" That phrase is so positive and sweet if you truly look at it. Wanting someone to live a long life, hopefully free of sickness and diseases. Also wanting that person to have a relatively comfortable live with out struggle to make ends meet all the time. Your essentially wishing for their good health and monetary comfort.

... It doesn't say any of that shit. Literally all it says is "live a long time and do well." "Prosper" doesn't inherently mean living comfortably. It also doesn't mention struggling. In fact to prosper, especially amongst the stars, I imagine struggling would be a great part of it.
Yeah fuck you stop injecting your pussy bullshit into stuff.

Which songs have been covered better by artists who didn't originally sing them?

Don't You Forget About Me by Billy Idol, motherfucker.

This question is purely conjecture as everyone has different tastes.

As opposed to all of these others which have been purely objective. Putz.
Also "conjecture" implies a guess made at something with (presumably) an objective truth so you're still wrong. The word you were looking for is "subjective".
But I can think of one song that I know of that has been remade that's way better then what I think is the original. I can't help falling in love with you by UB40 is just the best, I truly enjoy listening to that song over and over again.

Oh great that's one of my favorite Elvis songs.

I think it was originally sung by Elvis, I'm not one hundred percent positive. I've heard that version and two others but UB40's is definitely the better one to me.

I think it's sung by Elvis. Whatever. What'd he do for music anyway? Not as much as UB40 for sure.
Who the fuck is UB40? I'm getting angry now.
Here we go.
Wow this is bad.
Dear Livejournal,
Mood: frustrated

Who would you appoint as Earth's ambassador to alien races, and why?
Barack Obama. He's been doing such a bang-up job here on Earth I think he could really understand alien psychology.

This took some thinking and in the end I could not name a specific person.

Actually wait: the obvious answer is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Did you people see Predator?
Well the Predator was invisible for most of the movie (presumably for monetary reasons) but you get what I mean.
Here's a post where she states she responds to the writer's block so often because her life is really boring (no shit).
I miss being able to browse Livejournal normally because now I just have to choose from people who just do the writer's blocks. Not that their answers aren't hilariously misinformed but whatever.

I'm all giddy cause Obama is finally taking office! I love the fact that someone I voted for finally won. I know he's not some miracle worker but hopefully things will start improving under his leadership. Other still bitches about him but they are die hard republican. I still think Other should give him a year or two to prove himself before they start bitching about how bad he is.

So everyone officially has your approval to bitch now?
Am I really back almost a year now? Good grief.
So let's boot up FFXIV, shall we?
Oh no my mind just went totally blank. Cassiopeia Hollow is near-- Bloodshore?
Guess I'll solo here because I'm far too high level to party with these plebs.
46 SP at a time is pretty shitty but they die in 10 seconds so I'm not really sure--
Wow that one was really evasive.
Oh right, this.
Uh-- beat it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving come early. Well, Thanksgiving is tomorrow but I don't update on Thursdays.
Or Mondays usually anymore.
Anyway today we have Chillpenguin666. Dang, son! Is that a username with a Mega Man X character and 666 in it? That's pretty fucking intense! All it needs is "SSJ", "Dark" and a reference to Naruto and we're in business.
Anyway today's WB (I keep wanting to write "EQ" but that's a teaching thing. I write too many lesson plans anymore [EQ stands for "essential question" incidentally]).
If you celebrate Thanksgiving, do you have any favorite TV shows or events that you associate with this holiday? If so, why do you love them?

What's that cartoon movie featuring the pilgrim boy and the Indian boy and a talking beaver or something?
It's like the most boring thing ever created?
I dunno Thanksgiving doesn't have the same draw as Halloween or Christmas in terms of specials.

They're aren't as much thanksgiving specials as you'd think.

They are sure aren't.

And rugrats thanksgiving. And I usually get drunk.

Rugrats Thanksgiving and drinking to intoxication. O ye mortal coil.

Sometime I just don't know what to do. My heart bleeds for the 'Hoff but our love can never be real. Sometime it makes me want to scratch my wrists with a thumb tack until it's raw.

Wow we're going back in time now. This entry is almost a year old. Why on earth would you quit Livejournal for an entire year only to answer today's writer's block? Was it so interesting that it caused a comeback?
Also by "the 'Hoff" I have to assume you mean David Hasselhoff and then I have to assume you're trolling me because unless you're German (Max Garil Kristich might be actually, good work putting your full name on your Blog) no one can even tolerate the guy.
I don't get Germans.
Happy birthday, J.K. Rowling! Which of her seven Harry Potter novels do you think is the most satisfying read?

Dante's Inferno.
Wait, no--
The Odyssey.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Twilight I guess?
Fuck I'm not very good at this.

order of the phoniex

Better than this guy at least. Order of the "Phoniex" indeed.
I'm sure he meant "Phoenix". God knows what he was trying to spell with a 'ph' and an 'x' if not that.
Phalanx I suppose.

2 finals 2 papers.Lets get busy.
Lot of good records of late.
Home soon. Maybe summer classes.
Her name is sarah. It's been a while, but I think I have something here.
Blackest night is coming....

Jesus Christ. Joining thoughts-- difficult.
Final Fantasy XIV patch tomorrow.
Playing Pokemon--

That damn dream's always a little different, but the message is always the same.

It needs to stop.

I'm not sure what "it" is but I was playing Call of Duty: Black Ops today and I have yet to meet anything or anyone that isn't stopped cold by a SPAS-12 shot to the chest.
I'd forgotten I could actually write in this,

So what, you just sit there and stare at the text editor and wonder why it's the most boring game of Tetris ever?
Fucking Germans.

I failed a class. Went on an adderaol binge and crashed and couldn't get the work done.

Maybe I have a drug problem.

All I wanna do is read xmas comics, listen to type o, play megaman and pleasure myself. I should say I'm streesed, but after reading carlys post I feel that's disrespectful.

Nothing more stressful than playing Megaman and masturbating.
Seriously what's wrong with this guy?

I got stiches at a dying fetus concert.

That stopped me cold for about a full minute.
Stitches at a Dying Fetus concert. I assume that's a band and not people who make music by killing the unborn.
At what point do you stop and have what alcoholics call a moment of clarity?
Getting the shit kicked out of you at a Dying Fetus concert.
Oh, and I'm giving up smoking-again. The negatives are outweighing the positives, and I'm spending way too much money.

... Positives to smoking.
Outside of "looking like Solid Snake" I can't think of one.
Maybe, that is. Somehow I doubt "Chillpenguin666" looks like a hardened veteran equipped with future technology but you get where I'm going with this.
I'm so happy with death magnetic-it's not the greatest metallica album, but,it's actually better than I expected. I was thinking it would be decent, but they came back with something that I can listen to multiple times-which is rare for me, with all the records I review.It's already a contender for album of the year.I'm actually excited to hear a lot of these songs live(which i'm going).

In short, thank you metallica, for bringing me back to a time in high school-when metallica ruled my world.

On a scale from 1 to Hot Topic how much black do you think this guy wears?
Well, I'm horny again. That's the start of something bad.

Oh, hello. What the fuck? Who starts an entry with that?
Horny leads to bored. Bored leads to lonely. Lonely needs to god knows how long depression over not having a girlfriend, and more importantly, not getting any since.......uh....june.

Isn't that the vicious cycle Yoda describes in one of the new Star Wars movies?
There's a reference I never thought I'd be making.
To cap shit off, My ex girlfriend came up for a week visit, as a spur of the moment thing-had nowhere to stay after her old suite mate kicked her out,so I'm letting her sleep on the couch in the common room. I really don't have any romantic feelings towards her anymore, The breakup, while instigated by her was something I had on my mind, cuz the truth was, we had nothing in common, and at the time.

Somehow this sentence is a run-on and a fragment. I didn't even think that was possible.
I was really head over heels with someone else(You all know my bast emo baggage with THAT case, and people are watching, so I'm not delving any deeper than that.).

Oh no, please, don't start making sense and explaining shit on account of me.

However, she's flirting with my roommate, despite the fact she's taken now. And, he's flirting back. I have no honest to god problem with that, but wow, if that happened, my roommate getting with an old about a psychological kick in the nuts! Whatever.

I mean on one hand you two aren't dating so she's free to do whatever the fuck she wants but on the other of all the men on earth she has to come sniffing next to your turf?
But on the other hand (I have three hands) you did invite her into your shitty apartment (I almost wrote "home" and had to laugh it off and backspace) so I guess this is on you?

Speaking of old relationships, I've been free of any lingering thoughts of what could have been for a while. and I've been comftable with being single...but I mean c'mon, am I really that unaproachable? Yes, I am a amazingly big nerd, but I don't proclaim that to every girl I talk to,

They can smell it.
Seriously if she's an American woman you basically have to pretend like you hate anything fun.
Try it sometime. Go to any education class (where there's invariably more women than men) and when you find the three nerd guys in the class tell them Call of Duty is a bunch of fuck (inevitably what college-age men are talking about) and instantly the girls will think you're pretty ballin'.
Then you can yell PSYCHE I PLAY POKEMON and hater's gonna hate walk the fuck out because you have now alienated everyone in the room.

and I love metal sure, but as it's spring now, I've been wearing hawian shirts almost all the time,or some other non metal t shirt, so It's not like I'm sticking out like a sore thumb.

Trading your metal shirts for Hawaiian shirts.
It's like you think girls still have cooties.

And Its not that I smell or I'm repulsive looking. Hell, the little toe rag mike groujch has a gf(ugly as hell though) so what's the holdup?

Can't be what I'm reading now, nosir.

Sigh. One of these days I'll get lucky.

Lower your standards. Who wants those hipster bitches anyway?

Thankfully, I m going to the metalfest. Bnads you all(You all-I think only 1 or two of you check this on a regular basis)like/know include vital remains, megadeth, high on fire, children of bodom, municipal waste,overkill,ministry, dimmu borgir, and countless fucking others.

>complains about not having a girlfriend
>primary social event for the week includes a band called "municipal waste" and "overkill"
That's like me complaining I don't have a girlfriend because I don't venture outside of my house. What, expecting her to knock on your door, asshole?
Ahh, but what about the faggot? Your old roomate josh? Well, I thought I hated him more than anyone on the planet. More than W.T. and my grandma and butterfast put together. And I did. However, I seemed to have reached a point, where I've seemingly....forgiven him. I don't knwo if it's a sign of maturity, or I'm getting soft, or I just realized I was an asshole, but I don't really mind him all that much anymore-

Didn't pace yourself, bro. Hate is like a fire. Big infernos burn out quick.
You know that feeling when you basically slaved yourself to write a paper you had no idea how to do, and your uddenly kind of proud of it, yet now you only have half a page left-out of 5-and suddenly, your newfound sense of optimism dies???????? AND YOU CAN'T FIGURE WHAT TO WRITE ANYMORE????

No actually I don't.
I know that feeling of "well I said in half a page what I need to say in eight" though.
I don't know if I quoted it here but he was whining about how he's doing more work than a grad student so I was trying to figure out what his major was. Usually for someone to be whining about their workload I'd think medicine or law or something but I was guessing history major.
Turns out he's a history major.
It is a lot of reading I understand but fuck off, Jesus.
Anyway this entry has gone on long enough.
You were interesting, Max Garil Kristich. Can't say you were a cool dude but at least you were interesting.

Monday, November 22, 2010

This is really avant-garde.

So this is a person who has a blog but is writing it from the perspective of a character they created. I think.
To add confusion to this already confusing formula, the character also talks about the person writing the blog (the actual person) in third person.
Following along?
Me neither. Let's rumble.

For how much money would you be willing to spend a whole week away from the Internet, TV, and mobile phones? Would you suffer withdrawal pains?

If it's next week you're paying for my next semester of college because I'd probably fail if I had to go away from the internet.
This week-- ehhhhhhhhhhh I'd take 100 bucks.
I mean I could amuse myself with my DS for a week probably and that isn't explicitly banned so I have to assume it counts.
None, because I go for longer than a week when I'm adventuring.

*4th wall breakage*

Now, the person behind the screen is a different story. Give her a million dollars to do it and she will, while suffering from withdrawal pains.

Am I on drugs?
Why the fuck would you write like this? What possible benefits could it have over being normal?

So, apparently, DeviantArt is trying to give the one behind the screen's computer viruses again. Stay off DeviantArt for the next month. Oh and scan your computer more than once every five months. Maybe then you won't end up with 1067 things of Spyware on your computer. Surprised that there was no Malware at all. Just try to take better care of your computer, okay author?

Things of Spyware.
SURPRISED THERE WAS NO MALWARE. Do you even know what Malware is? When you get it you pretty much know instantly.
Name: Mortin
Universe: GSC/Gen II Pokemon


Age: Unspecified; anywhere between 18 and 22
Alliance: Hero
Pokemon on hand: Quil - Quilava; his starter, Gator - Totodile, Haunt - Haunter
Pokemon used in Gym Battles: Gastly, Haunter (x2), Gengar
Powers: Super Speed, 'Shape-shifting'
Other Forms: Two demon forms, a tasmanian tiger form, and echidna form

You know I've played through Pokemon Crystal a couple of times and I can't remember Morty changing into a demon or an echidna.
Oh and we've reached the end of this blog.
Calm down, calm down. I still have to click to read each entry, so I only got one warning instead of two.
Just a little scary is all.
Anyway here we have a "furry surrealist's ramblings (ruh-roh). Answer to the previous question:

Depends on where I am. Stuck in my apartment without art supplies or a gameboy? I'd probably go mad. That would take at least three hundred bucks, I'd be losing money otherwise by not being able to do business.

Throw me in the mountains with a truck of Dick Blick supplies and a cozy cabin?

Anyone else stop reading at "throw me in a truck of dick"?
Here's a post where he explains how he has some kind of albinism and no one gives a shit.

It looks like my companion's dropping out of school. It's been a hard run, and while debt has piled, we think it best to just cut our losses. He's miserable, I'm sick of being annoyed with him over school issues and it'll free him up time to work. It all stems from him being pressured to go to school anyway, if it would have been okay for him to quit a while back, it would have gone so much better, but he was pressed to keep at it, and hated every step passionately.


It conflicted heavily with my grad school plans, as well as our need to get out of here so Dari can start trying out a new path as far as gender goes,

... What?
"A path as far as gender goes"?
It would have no effect on where Dari wants to work, and he has no real plans for ideal career anyway, it would have been just to please his parents.

I hope it was for the best.

>dropping out of college
>not having a plan
>for the best
Yeah probably not.
What, do you think things just work out by sheer coincidence?
I mean sometimes they do but what, you just expect things to go right? By what virtue?
Let's look at her paintings.
Oh I'm not allowed. I'm not privileged enough in the furry community to be privy to these wonderful works of art.
That's smart, too. Selling shit while blocking potential buyers. It's like you don't want money.
Not that I'd buy it, of course, but she doesn't know that.
Oh here we go.
It's-- hmm. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen but it is furry art so I dunno.
Also I like how she claims to be blind and yet produces coherent works of art that look like creatures I've seen in real life. I'm not saying it's impossible but yeah I'm calling bullshit on this one.

Visual Impairment angst again.

School starts again tomorrow, and I'm fussing and fretting over cane travel again. It's nothing new, I do it every year. I fuss and pout over everything, really.

I'm jealous as fuck at this one blind girl on my campus. She gets a balling dog and a balling cane and what do I get?
Oh yeah an entire sense she doesn't have.
Fair enough.

I found out we have a new student on campus who has a guide dog, and I find myself quite interested in meeting this person, I just hope it goes well. On one hand, I often feel like I want to meet other people who feel similarly, I guess I don't like feeling so alone, but on the other, my issues are kind of "tricky".

>Implying people have to think like you just because they're in a similar situation
There's also the fact I have no binocular vision, in short, no depth perception. My cane has saved me more bruised shins, scraped knees and stubbed toes than I can think, but It's hard to use it just for those situations. It helps, a lot, but that really makes people wonder I suppose. The cane is also good or navigating shiny floors, I'm sensitive to glare and sometimes even get vertigo on them because they feel far away, this is also because my eyes don't work right.

Newsflash: no one cares that much.
What, she's seriously expecting someone to walk up to her and say "hey, how blind are you? Sorry I can't let you use this cane, then." No one gives a fuck. You could see across several spectra normal humans can't and I still wouldn't give a fuck if you used a cane.
The reason I don't stop and give in to my "pride" is that I know the light exposure is hurting me.
It's not obvious, it's slow, but every time I try to brave the great outdoors without a cane, I'm diminishing my vision.

You're like an incredibly whiny vampire.

Boy I wish I could. I wish I could find something that did the same thing, that didn't give the "wrong" idea. But unlike the rest of the world, glasses don't make my problem go away. Here's where the cane/wheelchair anaolgy goes against me, because people seem to think I went and "Got a wheelchair to deal with a stiff toe". Believe me, if I could have found something else, anything else, I would have tried it. But so far, nothing else works.

What, did you steal this cane from another blind person? Who cares? It's your cane. If you want to wear it up your ass that's your goddamn business.

I hope I get the nerve to meet and talk to this new student, and I hope the reaction does not become an issue of " No, she has problems, you don't"

Oh yeah I'm sure the campus is hanging onto this story.
Here's what your classmates are thinking:
I gotta get in that exchange student's pants somehow before she goes back to some unpronounceable "istan" country and then I gotta do this bullshit assignment for some fucking class I don't wanna take and then I--
Notice how "I" never vanishes from the thought. Because that's all people are thinking about.
Seriously, whether or not you agree with them, it's getting to be a really, really warm time of year, sweltering in some places. If you get a missionary at your door, even if you aren't interested, by all means, offer the poor kids some ice water.

No I don't want them to think that's an invitation for them to come back and talk to me about dumb bullshit. I think it's even a commandment: "bring ye your own water if you ventureth to the great yonder."
A few weeks ago, Dari and I got slammed with a 600 dollar critical bill. It was a computer error on the part of the bank AND the service (because we have awesome luck!), but something we're still responsible for paying.

I'd switch banks if this were so.

I've put my motorcycle up for sale, I've tried whoring my art out everywhere,

Try just regular whoring.
I bet a freak show like you could get quite a few costumers who'd be in it just for the story.
I'm sorry that was insensitive of me and not very productive.
... Nah that's the best idea I've had yet.

Just an idea I've been kicking around.

I want to take a shot at drawing, well, a lot of the pokedex. I've been a pokemon fanatic since I was wee.

The problem is there's 400 and something of them,

At the time of her writing: 493.
What, you're a huge fanatic, been into Pokemon forever but couldn't name the actual specific number of Pokemon?
and that's a lot of work to take on, especially for free, as free work always pulls some time from commissions.

Are you for real?
You know, guys, painting all these Warhams is a lot of work to do for free even though it's something I want to be doing.
I'm not saying you have to donate, but--
My conundrum is that I don't feel right being commissioned to draw characters under copyright.

I like how she says that like it's some kind of moral code she's following and not, you know, the law.
I have other motivations to make this a pay project as well. I became a pokemon fan because of my best friend, Caleb. He was my favorite person growing up, we got in a lot of trouble, and had a lot of fun together. He encouraged me to draw, he was part of why I'm a furry, he was my first boyfriend, and in 2004, he passed away at age 15, he had an extremely aggressive form of lymphoma. I've wanted to do a project in his honor for a while.

Heh, I still have his Arbok and Mew.

So here's a mindfuck, yeah: Mew and Ditto have the same colors (both regular and shiny forms) and weigh the same. Ditto is the result of a failed attempt to clone Mew.
Anyway what follows is a bunch of fuck and I think I have to go do something for a class.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Question for Furries

Fuck writer's block, honest to God. I don't understand why I've had to fall back on this nonsense. Take away the easy way to browse, why don't ya? Yeah that's great. "Well gee, we're losing users to the likes of Myspace (this has been going on a while), Facetube and even Youtube, what can we do?"
"Oh, I know! Let's scale back usability!"
And so they did. Good.
Anyway today we have someone who thinks they're being cute.

If you could conjure an animal spirit protector, which animal would you choose, and why?

Well if I can pick any real or fictional creature I definitely pick an Arcanine. Giant fire breathing dog lion.
I can't believe the number of people who said "eagle", incidentally. You can train an eagle in real life. You should pick something you can't easily train like a lion or a tiger or a crocodile or a Tyrannosaurus Rex or something.

I'm confused here. Is this like some Native American spirit thing? Or a Patronus charm thing? If it's the first, I wouldn't conjure one; I don't practice the native american religion.

You also can't conjure spirits, so just answer the fucking question.

If the second, I'm pretty sure I don't get to choose the shape it takes on. I can't think of any way conjuring the actual spirit of an actual animal would do anything to protect me, being likely incorporeal, so I'm just not getting this question.

Let's take the piss right out of it, all right.
What's not to understand? IF YOU COULD, WHICH WOULD YOU PICK? It's not asking you to get technical with how or why. You just fucking can.
Oh my God I'm getting a headache already.
You're the same kind of person that whines about realism in video games.
"It's not very realistic that I can take three bullets to the chest and keep on keeping on."
Wow you are so right in a game where communists can brainwash you to the point you assassinate a president.
Or what kills me: "it's unrealistic to have to repair my weapon more than my armor in Final Fantasy!"
Wow, damn. Pack it up Square: you're finished. A lack of realism in Final Fantasy?
Also wouldn't an edged weapon need to be repaired more often than a giant hunk of metal you wear?
Ugh forget it.
When it’s cold, wet, or snowy, how do you stay fashionable?

Fashion comes and goes but giving not a fuck is always in vogue.

I just stay warm, and laugh at those who try to maintain a sense of fashion at 40 below. Seriously; my old room mate bought some cute but ineffective boots from walmart; when it finally got cold enough that she needed bigger boots, she went to the outdoor store and told the guy, "I want something not too big, something cute." The salesman replied, "You know what's attractive, hon? A woman with all ten toes." She ended up with proper boots.

Ha, ha ha-- wow that is... Funny I guess.
Also two unnecessary semicolons.

If you wanted to have children and had trouble conceiving, would you be more likely to consider IVF, surrogacy, or adoption, and why?


I would certainly try IVF first, surrogacy second. I don't think I would adopt. I want a child with my own genetics. Yes, there are plenty of wonderful orphaned or abandoned children out there, but I honestly don't think adoption is something I could do.

Yes, we need more of your genetics around. It'd be a positive loss if your genetics were opted out of the pool.

What is the BIGGEST lie you've ever told?

BIGGEST. Instead of smallest I guess.
It's one that only two other people on this planet know the truth about, and I'm not about to disclose it here.

What is your opinion of the death penalty? How important is this issue in deciding which political candidates you support?

Just quoting this for context, really.
I believe that the death penalty is the only sensible solution for dealing with rapists and serial killers.

I agree. The only sensible solution ever is to kill. Kill back, as the case may be.
Actually, I really like the idea of (in the case of male offenders at least) castrating rapists and murderers; rapists won't be able to offend again, and a lowered testosterone might ease murder too. But most people don't agree with me.

Why might women get off the hook?
Besides the obvious there are many, many, many more times men raping than women but I wouldn't preclude them.
There have been a right many female serial killers-- and most serial killers don't get out of jail to start with, so why castrate them?
Why castrate anyone when death is the ultimate result of their punishment?
Seems a bit unnecessary to me.
Anyway I wandered off for about 7 hours. I guess this entry is over~

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Heh heh

I love it when Livejournal users admit they eat too much.
What attracted me to this blog was the Pokemon images. I'm not gonna lie. Do something to set yourself apart if you want me to say mean things to you.
Incidentally I'm not sure how I feel about this new generation of Pokemon. They seem a little, well, strong this generation. There's talk of banning Dream World abilities but I don't know if that's a wise idea. I mean it is the only way to get permanent weather outside of ubers, but then some of the shit like Shandeeraa's (or whatever the fuck too many vowels) Shadow Tag that's ridiculously overpowered.
Anyway to break with the norm I'm going to see how big a nerd I am and identify all the Pokemon in her posts by image.
If you were a TV producer, what would be the premise of your first TV series, and who would star in it?

Grimdark future show. It'd star someone who doesn't suck.
Oh gosh. Knowing me, it'd be a crime drama-comedy. If such a thing can exist. (Monk did it, anyway. Mine would be gorier than Monk.) It'd have both cops AND detectives, set in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley in Alaska

Krabby, Crawdaunt, Aerodactyl, an egg, Anorith, another egg, Zubat, Feebas, Pidgey, Meowth, Aron.

Also what do you mean by "knowing me"? Commit a lot of crimes in a humorous way?
Which phrase would you choose to replace the ubiquitous "Have a nice day" phrase?


"May the force be with you!" of course. What else?

Also: Zubat, Feebas, Pidgey, Meowth, Krabby, Crawdaunt, egg, egg, egg

If you were in solitary confinement for the rest of your life, and you discovered a cockroach in your room, would you kill it or make it your friend?

Fucking WB. Look at this fuck.

Um... make it my friend, probably? Is there a third option to eat it and die of cockroach germs? I would go crazy in solitary, might as well avoid that. <3

<3>Faux fur, scarves, cardigans, paperbag skirts… what are your favorite holiday style trends this year?
The year of the hipster bitch apparently.
Also tough post this time: Combee, Zangoose, Rilou, Qwilfish, Skitty, Lileep. The rest are repeats.

Who would you appoint as Earth's ambassador to alien races, and why?

I don't trust aliens. Name one alien race that had humanity's interest at heart.
Steven Hawking. Not only is he the embodiment of everything awesome, but he'll probably be the only one able to comprehend their space travel mechanisms and implement them for our own use.

Yeah like they'd just give up that technology. HERE YOU GO WARLIKE HUMANS, TAKE ALL OUR TECHNOLOGY.
Also: no new Pokemon in this post.
Oh and the next post she stops posting them. Fuck this noise, new blog.
But before we do I want to get to this post:
Do you think your parents made any major mistakes in how they raised you? If so, how did it affect you?

And her response:

Hmm. Well, for starters, I still blame my mother for my... less-than-ordinary eating habits. It's not that I eat too much, I don't blame her for that. It's how I eat. For example, I eat everything with a singular goal (other than getting it into my stomach, I mean): I try as hard as I can to make my food unappetizing to others.


I eat pizza by biting off the sides and crust first, as well. It's gotten me some strange looks. The reason for this (can you guess?) is that my mother used to steal food from me when I was little. It's a horrible thing to do to a kid that overeats in the first place.

Moving on~

My living room smells delicious. If I could eat it... I WOULD. It smells like cinnamony bun things. Thank you fabreeze.


I did not catch up on my word count last night, even though I cheated (oh noes). BUT I AM DETERMINED TO TONIGHT. YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME NANOWRIMO.

November is the month wherein you're supposed to write an entire book of 150,000 words.
Great idea. Quantity over quality.
Herrmmmmm I don't think I have anything interesting to to-day. (Not that I'm ever interesting.... but I digress.)

*sips coke*

uhhhhh......... that's all

Well I think I'm done for tonight, actually. Fuck this.
You know, I have another blog, I write pretty nonsenses in it, little lyrical things that my heart is more responsible for writing than my hands. But, I've been so busy with NaNoWriMo, I haven't had time to put together tripping treatises to touching things. This here makes me feel a bit like I'm cheating on it with another blog. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN. XD But it's much easier to write here because I'm not creating courteous little couplets of continuity, I'm just blabbering on.....

Yep quitting forever. Fuck you Livejournal.

Which phrase would you choose to replace the ubiquitous "Have a nice day" phrase?

"Fuck Livejournal."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Screaming 12 year olds

Apparently it's poor form to shoot people as they're dropping down in that new Call of Duty game. Excuse me I thought we were playing a war game, not a sportsmanship simulator.
Well if he was butthurt the next three sure were when they got hit in the face with a flashbang.
Five kill streak in the first thirty seconds of the game. Awesome.
The rest of the game them proceeded to be pretty mediocre for me so let's just move on to today's blog.

I can't seem to access LJ to post unless I finagle my way through doing the writer's block thing without signing in.

Intuitive. I'd call you an idiot but Livejournal does seem to be scaling back its usability. THINGS ARE TOO EASY TO USE, QUICK MEN, QUICK!

There's not much excitement to post about, though. It seems that we are going to get a snowstorm tonight, and I am lining up for the lame switcher at 0400.

Oh yeah, let me navigate what is admittedly a frustrating and convoluted user interface to post about nothing. Good.
Otherwise, today was a completely wasted day. I felt pretty D&D (dead and drained, as I say, although it is really Business Nomenclature for Design and Development down at head office)

Also Dungeons and Dragons. Just putting it out there.
Here's a post about something. I have no clue what he's talking about. It's just a series of acronyms and buzzwords. I try to ignore these in my own field so this is an immediate skip for me.
Speaking of my field, I kept a list of the acronyms I heard in a thirty second stretch of speech:
I can translate some of these (to my own horror): EL is English Language, ELL is therefore an English Language Learner, I'm not too sure what ELC or EC is (someone told me but I forgot to pay attention) and an SC is a Sheltered Classroom but I'm not entirely sure what that is, though.
Here's a job interview. Or maybe it's just a regular interview because our boy is a celebrity.

Interviewer: So how would you describe yourself?

Me: That's a tough question. I was pondering it earlier today, in fact. If I were to write about myself, I would indulge my love of adverbs and describe myself as moderately offensive.

Offensive in the sense you're a douche, maybe.

Dickens, I think, would have described me thus: "he was a man with the habit of going about with his hands in his pockets, and who insisted on growing whiskers in spite of their lack of cooperation." Wordsworth may have called me one who murders by dissection, and Johnson, I feel, would has described me as Thomas Gray, that is, "a good design ill-directed."

Good ol' Ben Jonson.
Oh we're talking about Johnson with an h. Who is that?
Probably Samuel Johnson who isn't nearly as cool.

Interviewer: It seems that you think about yourself too much.

You are so right, interviewer. First person I feel I can agree with in a blog.
Me: You mean to say that I'm selfish?

Interviewer: Not exactly. Perhaps I mean that you are preoccupied with yourself, but not concerned with yourself to the exclusion of all others...

Here was the answer they were looking for: "I'm a hard worker and I never give the fuck up, even when surrender would be advisable or even preferable." If you're in the army or some sort of equally killy occupation you can also add: "to the last, kill them all."

Me: ...most of the time.

Interviewer: Go on.

Me: Do I love myself? Yes, I suppose I do, as much as anyone with a strong sense of self-preservation. Am I in love with myself? I think that that is much different. Most people with opinions form them on the basis of conformation to their standard, not the standard to which they aspire. I am not my own gold-standard.

Why is it someone who is comfortable with himself is automatically in love with himself? Can't I just be casually friendly with myself?
Interviewer: So you mean to say that arrogance forms opinion, but claim that self-deprecation in the basis of yours?

It's not arrogance if it's true. Also: it's like I'm reading a competition between two people trying to out-douche themselves. I retract what I said earlier about interviewer, here.
Me: To the first clause, I would say yes. Those with opinions need to believe that they are right. That kind of mentality is healthy.

Can an opinion be right? If it can, is it an opinion?
This is some Zen shit, motherfucker.

I have my own brand of arrogance: I tend to believe that I am right, but my passivity makes me think that I am doing a poor job of being right.

If you're right do you really need to explain yourself?

It is odd to me that the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops was so close to November 11.

... That a holiday or something?
Oh, oh right, Remembrance Day.
Day they signed that armistice to end WWI.
Then later they renamed it to Veterans Day.

I'm not one of those up-in-arms people, (or am I?) but it seems strange that, at this of all times, the marketing for a war game is as aggressive as it has been lately.

Well to be fair the game is pretty fucking rad and if I were a veteran I'd be honored that my occupation is depicted in such a way.
Except for the several graphic torture scenes.
Also the part where your character goes insane for about ten full minutes.
Also the part where you destroy a Vietnamese village.
But otherwise it's awesome, honest.

I saw a backgammon board yesterday and I almost bought it.

I don't know how to play, but I would like to learn.

It seems to me that there is something delightfully, if harmlessly, Imperial about it.

>developed in ancient Egypt

I had the misfortune of having to talk to a drunk woman the other night. A drunk stranger, that is, with whom I shared some acquaintances.

"So," she says, in a tone both overbearing and minorly hostile, "what's your story?"

Deciding immediately that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, I replied, "well, in terms of Canadiana, I suppose that you could describe me as a glacial erratic."

"You're gonna hafta use smaller words, honey."

You're lucky she let you off with just that. I know people who would have turned violent.
While sober, even.

I was also told once that I was looking "like a Modest Mouse fan."

Translation: you look like you just sucked a couple of dicks.

I received a compliment today.

"You are a counter-cultural guru."
> counterculture
> works for the shipping industry
nothing says "anti culture" than providing bulk goods.
Oh he makes model trains. Here's a picture of one.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, I'd expect more weathering on a train but fine I suppose. No real detailing or highlighting but not bad I guess.
Anyway I think that's it for the evening. I got shit I'd rather be doing than listen to this idiot dither on.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh what the fuck

Black text on an orange and black background.
Readability? What's that?
Seriously click on that blog and look at what I have to put up with for this update. This update will not proceed until you do.
If you were in solitary confinement for the rest of your life, and you discovered a cockroach in your room, would you kill it or make it your friend?

Who thinks of this shit?

Why are those the only two choices?

Yeah that's a good point, actually. Why are there only two choices? Imagine if in life those were the only two options with people.

Can't I just not kill it? I don't kill bugs, not often at least. I guess it's the hippie in me, but I think that they are a little life with a little soul and I should respect that unless they are really interfering with my life. I had my house sprayed for roaches last month,

Oh well if they're interfering it's okay to compromise your morals.
Isn't that the argument Hitler used when exterminating millions of Jews?
but I never killed the one or two I saw. My cat killed them eventually or Zack, so it's not like I let my house get infested.

Oh so it's okay as long as you aren't directly doing the killing.
You know you could just say "I don't have a moral issue with killing roaches" and this exercise in tedium could be avoided.
I kill ants if there is a large amount of them in my house or car, but if a spider, or one ant is just wondering through, I leave it alone.

So it has to be a big kill.
I can accept this.
Seventeen percent of divorces in the united states are caused by infidelity and those are just the ones who get caught or aren't forgiven. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't believe that cheating is just about sex.

Gearing up for a Biblical "well if you think about it's sort of the same as actually doing it--" no not really but whatever.

Couples may not have sex as much as someone else, but I am pretty sure if you were so desperate to have sex that you were willing to cheat, you could just talk to your spouse about it. One night of sex is never worth losing someone that you truly love.

Have my wife nag at me some more instead. Good tip.

Then, there's the nagging. I am a firm believer that no relationship problem short of abuse and cheating can't be solved by talking it out.

Most people are borderline illiterate. You honestly expect them to approach a problem with any sort of rational mind?
.I admit that's not good, but its the times that I let everything out that I know I'm really looking for a break up. The toilet seat was left up, he can never find the remote, she shops too much, they never walk the dog.

Christ, could you come up with fucking more cliched examples?
All right I got it: she's addicted to internet gambling and he's a registered sex offender.
Now there's some dramatic tension.

It would be rude to leave a relationship with a few walls still standing, I guess. It's much better to break it down to it's foundation. The truth is, that foundation will never go away though. As much as we want to break all connections to the person we were in a relationship with, we will always have the same foundation, us, to build our next relationship on.

I find it quite annoying that I spend hours practicing for a show. Then I spend every weekend for several weeks putting on a show. I post about it on my facebook, I text friends about it, I offer several people my free tickets, and yet no one ever fucking comes. The last show my mom came,Zack came, and Kandi came that was it.

Who wants to watch you work?
I know you're a magician and it's a lot of fun but I don't invite my friends to come see me bumble through a remedial English lesson, do I?
Also anyone paying close attention to your bullshit will see right through the illusion. Don't let the smoke and explosions confuse you.

So fucking annoying! I always support my friends with their shit.

You know when you use your support as a form of blackmail later most of your friends would rather do without support?

It really insults me when I'm like "hey we are having 15 different shows over 4 weeks, and I have 2 free tickets, do you want to go" and I get "oh, no I am busy" (for the next 4 weeks? I think no) or "I don't want to go alone" or "I will probably go next Friday" (which results in them never coming). Do you know how many Rocky Horrors I have seen because Adam is in it?

Plays are boring and I got iron chain to make.
Oh, what, like these assholes are going to suit themselves up?
No, so I'll do it. For a price.

I lot, probably over 50 since he joined the cast. I am trying to save up to afford a fucking $40 ticket to the spirit of Norfolk so I can see Julanne and Jr preform? yes, I have been trying to go for a while now. If I had never gone to anyone'e show I would probably have a couple extra thousand dollars and at least a few months extra time left over.

So stop fucking going, what? The benefits of not going are clearly outweighing going now.
Oh there's you. Hambeast, can't say I'm surprised.
I don't get it. I mean, I know the job market is hard now, but I'm a nanny. It's not exactly a common job. Even if there are a billion stupid girls out there trying to be a nanny, I am a real nanny.

>not a common job
>billions of girls
Oh but it's okay because you're a real nanny.
OMGmy friend invited me to this military wives/girlfriends group on facebook. I considered joining because I have made a few friends who are military wives lately and I thought maybe I'd make some more. Then I saw this list of things that military guys should know about their spouse. It was a lot of tupid shit like she needs two sets of dog tags oen for her rear view mirror and one to wear all the time. That she's super strong and how he's her hero, and shes his princess.

I'm just sitting here with my mouth open and my eyes unfocused. Am I reading words?

One said he he got a higher rank, he would get laid. She'd stop talking to her civilian friends, and make a bunch of friends online because no one else understands. Really

Bitches be crazy? Seriously edit your posts, Christ.
they were all crazy like that there were only like 3 things that weren't crazy. I don't fucking get it. Why do these women obsess about their husband's job? Yeah, it's a little different than being with a guy who works at McDonalds, but you will never catch me with dog tags on my rear view mirror.

Yeah getting shot at by desert people is a little different than making burgers.
They act like their life is so different and that only other people who live that life can undestand and are worthy of their time.

So they're like everyone else, actually.
Know what the hardest job in the world is? Whatever job you're doing at that second, apparently.

People work out of town all the time!

Working out of town, your APC hammered by a mine-- same thing, really.
Not to mention, I don't see why I need friends who 'understand' to me that means that I'm expected to bitch about it all the time.

Weren't you just bitching that none of your friends understand you and never come see your shows?

Warning: this is not safe for work

Oh don't worry no one can read it anyway. Not that they'd want to.

It had been six months long months since I had gotten to touch a woman's flesh. six long months without feeling any release except for the kind of relief the palm of my hand provided. It wasn't the same. Prostitutes wouldn't have been the same either, nothing was the same as her. She was the most amazing lover I'd ever had, if I couldn't have her, I didn't want anyone.

Somehow I suspect this is some sort of story she's writing and not something based in fact.
Anyway fuck this nonsense.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Almost committed this update to my teaching blog. That'll leave a positive impression on future employers and current peers and coworkers: saying "fuck you" to high school age kids.
Fortunately today's target is older. I think. Anyway we have some shit today so let's go to it.
How do memories influence the decisions you make? Is it better to embrace memories, even the painful ones, or cast them off?

I thought today's WB was interesting. I suppose the problem with this question is it implies embracing memories and casting them off are mutually exclusive things. I can embrace memory and then cast it off.
Personally I feel if you're right-thinking (like how that Buddha fellow outlined) you don't actually need to actively remember anything because the lesson is already committed to heart but whatever people are dumb and like to reinvent the wheel.
Memory hangs behind me like a pale moon in a sunny sky. How is it even possible to cast off the hungry ghosts of one's past?

Easy my friend. Easy.
Just gotta do like Al Green said: lay it down, let it go.
2 swords from Todaiji Temple identified as treasures that went missing 1,250 years ago

The giant Buddha statue under which the swords were found is pictured at Todaiji Temple in Nara on Oct. 25. (Mainichi)IKOMA, Nara -- An X-ray scan has revealed two swords from Nara's Todaiji Temple are the two treasures that went missing from the temple's treasure room 1,250 years ago.

I find it fascinating there are Christian Churches, Muslim Mosques and Buddhist Temples with weaponry in them.
I don't know much about the teachings of Jesus Christ but I'm almost positive he's quoted with saying "Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."
I know the Bible is often not very clear at all but I defy someone to come up with another interpretation of that line besides "don't fucking fight you idiots."
Buddha and Mohammad (despite not practicing what he preached) both said similar things too, so what the fuck?

The Vatican has issued a warning against an organization known as Opus Angelorum, Work of Angels. This is an interesting-sounding organization founded by a woman named Gabriele Bitterlich, who claimed to be in contact with, and actively invoking, angels fighting demons.

I'm also pretty sure Warhammer taught us using fell powers to fight fell powers is no excuse for making pacts with demonic forces.
Ask Gregor Eisenhorn about it.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done to impress someone? Did it work?

Can't even think of anything. I do what I want, man.

I cut off the last digit of the little finger on my left hand.

Hardcore, son. Probably didn't win any ladies with such a display but I'll give you some credit: you're more badass than I.

Oh, wait. That was William S. Burroughs. I often confuse the two of us.

Oh, well fuck your shit. You've set the bar high only to disappoint me.

A manuscript by Nehemiah Wallington describing the Rebeccah West witchcraft trial and the activities of John Hopkins, the Witchfinder General, is being digitized.

Always good bedtime reading.
If you wanted to have children and had trouble conceiving, would you be more likely to consider IVF, surrogacy, or adoption, and why?

I think it's God telling you not to have children.
Not really but that's what I'd tell everyone to believe.
Kidnapping. Although it removes the joy of the Oedipal ending, it does add the excitement of other risks.

What the fuck? Why would you say something like that?
I know he's trying to be edgy and funny but goddamn he just admitted to pedophilia, basically.
Also you fucking idiot if you'd read Oedipus Rex you'd know he was adopted. I know that's not kidnapping but the critical plot element here was he was not raised by his biological parents.
You know the oracle told him he's destined to kill his father and marry his mother so his parents leave him to die of exposure (common practice in those days)?
Then a woodcutter happened upon him and gave him to a nice family who couldn't conceive?
Then he catches wind of his oracle and leaves his family thinking they were his biological parents?
Oh fuck you read a goddamn book.
Are You Sure You Want To Quit The World?

If you were desperate and hopeless enough to log on to a suicide chat room in recent years, there was a good chance a mysterious woman named Li Dao would find you, befriend you, and gently urge you to take your own life.

Am I reading the plot to a psychological thriller?
A bad one, that is.
Also I'd be interested in how "Li Dao" was written because I suspect it translates to something like "beautiful end" depending on the tone and such.
And, she'd promise, she would join you in that final journey. But then the bodies started adding up, and the promises didn't. Turned out, Li Dao was something even more sinister than anyone thought.

Turns out she's a malevolent spirit borne out of the internet aether.
No, wait.
So I read all seven pages of the article and it turns out it's a dude and etc. I can never tell gender online.

Do you think space exploration is important? Is it worth the billions our governments spend?

It's pretty much our future and we'll stagnate and die if we don't, so I guess so.
Aleister Crowley was born today in 1875 -- five years to the day after the death of Robert E. Lee. Coincidence?

... Yes, actually.
Hey I was born one month before Veteran's Day to the day. Coincidence?
When you doodle, what shapes, patterns, and/or creatures do you find yourself drawing? What do you think it says about you?

I already told you I doodle geometric shapes and wiggly shapes and lozenges and shit.
The Greater Seal of Solomon.

Anyway so closes another entry to Edie Finds a Corpse.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Oh that's fucking great

You have to be 18+ to read today's blog. I'm going to need at least two forms of photo ID before I let you into this entry.
Today's WB:

What do you like to do when you can't get to sleep?

I like to hum Cars songs and play the drums on my mattress.

The internet , tv , online radio , reading fanfiction , eat my left over dinner and just waiting for me to go to bed .

I have a hard time sleeing eveing i about to go somewhere .

I have a hard time not speaking like a recently thawed caveman.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done to impress someone? Did it work?

I've been playing that new Fist of the North Star game today and whatever the craziest thing this bitch has done isn't half as crazy as the wringer Kenshiro goes through for this Yuria bitch.
He kills at least 20 scores of men that I know of in that entire animu before he even reaches Shin.
But before that Yuria jumps the roof to her doom but not really because some shadowy types rescue her but Kenshiro doesn't know that so Shin's already dead and then Yuria catches that same disease Toki has even though Toki had radiation sickness I thought--
Whew, that plot's all over the place.

Well, not much ... the only thing crazy thing i done to impress an guy is dress up in really sexy outfits and draw love pictures.

Ok ok i'm to shy for anything !

Sexy outfits.
It should be a felony to make "sexy outfits" in sizes greater than, errr, 6.
Is 6 big or small know? I know they were going to change the size to make fatties feel better but then I don't know what happened.

Hello everyone !

Halloween is now over .

Posted at 7:05 PM November 1st. I guess it is.
Oh that's fucking great. A post entitled "2 days until Halloween" and I have to agree that I want to see content "not suitable for minors" and the post is empty. So far this cunt hasn't even said a bad word let alone a racy thought.

How do you feel about public versus private schooling?

No strong feeling one way or another.

Now, now i went to a public schools all my life and well i guess to say my high school years was horrorble . Since i never went to a private school ,but my only anwser is online schooling .

Actually on second thought fuck public schools if this is what they spawn.

What are the three all-time greatest summer songs?

Is that a summer song?

There to many ...... for me to remember.

>missing a verb
>wrong "to"
>ten thousand ellipsis
That's like five spankings.

What subject you like to become more knowledgeable about, and why?

Yes, hi I'd like to answer for marychanel if I may: she'd like to be more knowledgeable about spelling and grammar.
There so much things to learn in life ,but the one subject i can be more knowledgeable is art history and cooking.

>the one subject
>lists two things
AWWW COME ON. You're not even trying now.
Now here's a writer's block called "Comfortably Numb" and I'm not even reading it.

What's your favorite example of how technology has made your life better?

In my lifetime we have gone from 1 GB hard drives being huge to transferring more in a 24 hour period than 20 of those shits can hold over the internet.
So I'm going to vote "cable internet".

Cell phones and the internet and things are a little bit better now , but it's still a long way to go.

>long way to go
FROM WHAT TO WHAT? We've gone from, in my full lifetime, practically no one having the internet to EVERYONE HAS IT ON THEIR CELLPHONE.
It's hard, it's really hard. It's been one year since michael jackson pass away last year and i still missed him .

What, were you a close friend or member of the family?
It's not like he'd recorded a good song since the 80s.

So for this day i'm seeing this is it and i feel sad that the tour will never happen and but if he was still alive the tour would have been the grandest tour ever .

No one would have given two shits. It's just because he died, stop being silly.
Some books are inspirational. Others are intellectually stimulating or emotionally comforting.
Then there are those juicy, mindless reads that are only good for a plane ride or the beach. Which books or authors fall under this last category?

Question filled with useless information, hello.

I can only think thew things, mangas, comics and "An midsummer's night dream" .

Oh yeah, "An" Midsummer's Night Dream is light beach reading. You know, just deals with Perseus and Oberon and shit. Lovable scamps everyone is familiar with.
I got some bad news for me , well as of last night my great-grandfather has pass away as of last night.

I'm suddenly reminded of that scene in The Matrix where Neo sees the black cat twice and it's deja vu and oh no that's when they've changed something in The Matrix.
Have you even had a moment, an hour, or a day that renewed your faith in the fundamental goodness of humankind?

No it has pretty much been downhill since birth.
On that note I think another glooooorious entry in the annals of "Edie Finds a Corpse" draws to a close.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let's-- :V

I ran into the gayest character ever a few days ago in FFXIV.
Sorry for the small size but Blogger sucks a fat one. Sort of like this guy's character, har har.
Also yes my character is the girl on the right looking horrified. Somehow playing a petite girl is less gay than playing a burly man character.
Final Fantasy, go figure.
That guy seriously stopped my entire adventure for that day for a minute. OH LOOK AT THIS COCKSUCKER WITH HIS BULGE IN HIS BIKINI BRIEFS NOW I HAVE TO KNOW YOU EXIST
Anyway keep this trainwreck image in your mind while we discover today's blog.
Also note my character is named Edie too. Definitely not named after the blog which is named after a character from a TV show or anything.
Today's WB question:
Should there be limits on how much money a political candidate can spend on an election campaign, and why?

Asking the Livejournal think tank confirms the answer should be yes.
Yes, I think a reasonable spending limit in today's dollars is 1,000,000.
Oh thanks for limiting it to today's dollars.
Don't be spending 1,000,000 in electrum on today's election because that would be unreasonable.
Also no one answered why they thought spending should be limited, just that it should. Half credit for not fully following directions but on the other hand it isn't school so I don't know.
Do you think your parents made any major mistakes in how they raised you? If so, how did it affect you?

I really like this question because it shows how self-absorbed Livejournal users are. Not because they think their parents suck but because it's an excuse to talk about their 10,000 real or imagined mental illnesses they have.
It is the perfect WB question because if you want Livejournal users to talk ask them a personal question.

My mothers main mistake was her alcoholism. She was very selfish too. Starting at age 12 I had to run my own life. She was also mentally ill in the same way that I am. And that made life with her a problem I wanted to escape from. At age 15 she cut the strings to me and let me go.
I became a Foster Child. Now I live with BPD, (Borderline Personalty Disorder)
At first I was a little dubious about her diagnosis of BPD. On one hand it isn't the typical "I have autism XP" self-diagnosis but on the other hand-- I don't know.
Incidentally people with BPD (almost always female, further proof bitches be crazy) cannot be easily treated even with medication so the only clear treatment is of the 10mm persuasion.

What is the worst insult you've ever received from someone? Were you able to forgive them?

Someone called me a coward on Xbox Live once so I shot him in the fucking head (in the game not in real life obviously).
No one calls me a coward.

What is the biggest mistake of your life so far? What did you learn from it?

Hold on to your asses because here comes a motherfucking answer:

My biggest mistake was touching my daughter inappropriately on two occasions.


I was sentenced to 20 years and spent 4 years in prison. What leg me to make that mistake in judgment? Methamphetamine, speed, meth, crystal, I will never use a again.

>what leg
Also cool excuses. It can't be because you're fucked up, can it? Nope, gotta be BPD or meth or something else.
And I may never see my daughter or my grand-kids. Is there a high judgment awaiting me? I am ready for it if and when it comes!

By "high judgment" I assume you're talking about some kind of god and by "some kind of god" I mean the Christian God.
Oddly the Bible is eerily silent on the subject of pedophilia and at one point appears to condone it (between father and daughter at least) or, if not condone it, at least permit it. I mean God was handing out judgment left and right and turning people to pillars of salt all up inside that book but suddenly Lot is fucking his own daughters and God turns a blind eye.
Makes you think.
Oh Christ what's wrong with me? I see you have a website called "Chrissy Photos" and I click on it. Gee, what kind of images could a ped take?
Well fortunately it was all landscapes but still, I wasn't thinking.
Anyway that's the end of today's blog.
Well let's go for a Two play Wednesday, why not?
i know i havent updated much.

Life's been so busy and I'm very happy these days.


Now there's a picture of his knife collection and words that I'm sure amount to something about how much he wants to murder people or something.
To be fair I am ignoring the title of this blog: "either love me or leave me alone".
Definitely not following directions, nosir.
Now here's a post accusing me of being an asshole.
Hey, guilty as charged, what can I say?

You didn't get mad...

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy.

You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.

You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.

You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

Define "legal invasion". According to whose laws? Do I need the permission of the country I'm invading before it's legal?
If so I have some news.

You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.

Well it is a huge waste of money, but--

You didn't get mad when you saw the Abu Grahib photos.

You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.

You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.

Hey, hey, hey. The ends justify the means.

You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.

Logical error. If I didn't get mad at the "illegal" war that is Afghanistan shouldn't I be upset that the primary objective of "stopping terrorism" which would be achieved via capturing bin Laden was failed?
If I did get angry at the "illegal" war shouldn't I be glad they didn't capture bin Laden because he's just a freedom fighter?
Can't I logically call both parties assholes?

You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

Yes I did.

You didn't get mad when we let a major US city drown.

To be fair they were told a hurricane was coming and to get out while they still could.
You didn't get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark.

Are you fucking kidding? I bitch about that at least once a post.
I don't know about this policy bullshit but I do know simple economics and how infrastructure works.
You finally got mad when.. when... wait for it... when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all ok with you but helping other Americans... well fuck that. That about right? You know it is.

Don't put words in my mouth. I sat back and let both sides discuss it reasonably before I ultimately concluded that while it was a good idea it would mean less healthcare for a higher cost because the government cannot possibly implement anything, let alone something as sweeping as healthcare reform, in a timely and costly manner.
I have no moral objections against war, either. Evidently man has always fought war and evidently creatures not human (chimpanzees, for instance) fight organized wars too, so what the fuck? It's a natural thing.
Outside of the sheer horror of war I'd like to hear one rational objection against it.
I can wait.
It gets you what you want, people, face it.
From the bananas on your table to the gold in the computer you use to type this nonsense conflict keeps your prices low and your quality of life up.
Well he just admitted he's a fan of Berserk, the second manliest animu ever so I think we can part ways here.
You're all right, you fruit.