Friday, December 30, 2011

The Fuck

I hope you people are prepared for "Weird Sex, Psychiatric Medications, and Obscure Music".
That's the title she has decided on.
This is real.

I will note here that I do have strong opinions. I am not going to sugar coat anything. I never have. Not that my journal is all grim stuff - at least I try not to make it all bloody grim, which isn't easy a lot of the time for your average girl who could be her own chapter in the DSM-IV.

This is from her profile.
She wants you to know she has mental conditions and Christ help you she will remind you of this constantly.

I freely admit to being stubborn, strong willed, hot-tempered, irritable, emotional, self-loathing, hypersensitive, shy, and socially awkward. But the medication and therapy are helping.

Helping to turn you into a passive pooft, maybe.
Pooft. There's a term no American should ever use, I apologize.
I guess I thought she was British for a while but then I noticed she's from New York so I decided to throw out that I, also, know British slang.

Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?

Today's writer's block.

Please. I think you all know the answer to this.

The reason I chose this blog was because of the level of presumption in this sentence.
What is your computer wallpaper right now?

No currently it is this image:

At the moment, it's the image in my icon: Benedict Cumberbatch, as Sherlock Holmes, holding his violin. Mmmm...violinists.

I think we have a clear winner in "who has the cooler wallpaper" contest.
What's the last thing you bought?

That was so long ago.

Cigarettes. What? Y'all already know I smoke.

Oh yes, we all know you smoke.
All of us. Everyone in the fucking world knows that "Anna" (I know I called her Rafaela earlier but that's her user name for reasons I cannot even attempt to guess) is a smoker.
Though I have cut down considerably of late (I can't smoke in my flat, and it's fucking freezing outside).

Your apartment.
You are a Jew living in New York. Knock the British shit off.

Non-smokers, please no preaching about my filthy habit.

Number of comments: 0.
Either she headed that off successfully or, as I suspect, no one gives a fuck.
Of course a man such as myself who is interested almost exclusively in DBGs and DYGs can't be too picky about smoking or no because when it comes to them yellow girls especially the odds she's a smoker increase.

My mom has asked me to post this. Feel free to link, share, etc. This is a message Mom has been trying to get to Occupy Wall Street. She is homebound and vision impaired, and cannot get to rallies nor can she get on the computer. So please, pass it on!

I will do my part to pass this on.
I'm sure whatever it is will be great~

Here are TEARS.

... With my psychology hat on, I question the wisdom of reducing the message of your entire movement to the acronym TEARS.
We are here to bring TEARS.
Not quite the image you want to be putting into peoples' heads, I don't think.
Tax the wealthy.

The wealthy are taxed.
Whether or not they're taxed enough is another issue, but they do, in fact, pay taxes.
This is why this movement is doomed to fail. SPECIFICS, PEOPLE. If you just say shit like this then any smug asshole like me can say "well actually they do pay taxes" and you just look like a massive twat. It doesn't matter if what you meant is they should be taxed more because you didn't say that.

End corporate welfare and loopholes.

I'd like to take a timeout to say every time I copy something from her blog it changes my font so I have to copy and paste everything she says into Notepad first before recopying it and pasting it here.
This extra step is really starting to bring my piss to a boil.
Accountability for banks.

What kind of accountability?
I'll agree should a bank pull the shit they've been pulling this past 800 years their leadership should be executed but I don't think you'd agree with me.
Or maybe you would, I don't know.
All I know is "accountability" can mean anything from fines to jail time to my suggestion, death.
Repeal for revenue marijuana prohibition.

That statement doesn't even make grammatical sense and has nothing at all to do with the current economic situation.
Was this just added because you needed something that started with an R?
Also tacking on shit like that really makes it seem like you don't have a firm grasp on reality.
What does pot have to do with the bankers being crooks?
Are they secretly laundering drug money (which I'm sure pot isn't the biggest narcotics market in the US)?

Save our country!

That doesn't even say anything. That'd be like saying LAND ON MARS! with no real suggestion at how to achieve that. You're protesting but you don't seem to have an actual plan or better suggestion for how to conduct business.
So of your acronym, they're already doing T, E is actually a good idea, A is too vague to mean anything, and R and S are complete bullshit.
Good mission plan, guys.
Seriously, what's the implication with S? The bankers are like Sinestro and Lex Luthor plotting the downfall of the human race? I wish that were the case because then you could just march in like the goddamn Batman and beat the fuck out of them but no, it's human rights this and ethics that.
Day treatment is day treatment, forever and ever unto infinity. There is a young man there who insists on proselytizing - but only the men. Which explains why he's left me alone. I would expect that a self-described socialist, feminist Jewish bitch on wheels would be a tempting target, but no, he hasn't said a word to me on the subject.

Later in another post I doubt seriously we'll be reaching she questions why she can't find a boyfriend.
Gee, I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the self-described "bitch on wheels" bit?
Also not that I'm against feminism but I imagine your particular brand of feminism isn't really feminism and it's just subtly rebranded pussy sensitivity that would grate almost immediately.
That talk with Dick probably deserves an entry of its own, but I haven't the time. Basically, he says I do not communicate well with people. He cited the concerns of Dr. Morris about how I use verbal fencing and a hurricane of witticisms and jokes to conceal my real feelings, and his own observation that I use my casual knowledge of literature, languages, history, and most other liberal arts as a barrier to people.

I love verbal fencing with smug assholes like you.
But I have to win almost immediately because I get bored pretty quick.
"Hurricane of witticisms" is pretty much the easiest technique to outdo, too, because literally all you have to do is one up them and they're stuck.

He then cited the most recent group, wherein I quoted Shakespeare twice, Yeats once, and Jean-Paul Sartre in the original. I said rather snidely that he didn't seem to have a problem understanding what I meant. He then asked just how lonely I wanted to be, as that would be the inevitable consequence of my witticisms and allusions - distancing people.

Just distances you from the assholes, maybe.
I do hate people that feel like they have something to prove by litfagging it up constantly. I remember in a debate I actually told someone to calm down and reminded him we're in a 500 level English class and we've all read The Tempest.
Sure shut him up, anyway.
Also, he invoked Freud, saying that I'd learned to do this as a child as a way to feel good about myself.

That's a pretty legit point to make, too. Who does this that doesn't just want to feel good about themselves?

I then accused him of invoking Freud just to piss me off, as he damn well knows that I think Freud was full of shit. He smiled and said, "Got your attention, though."

Damn him. And his little Freud action figure - they deserve each other.

Thanks a lot, Dick.
I think you and Anna are right for each other.

So someone asked me about my novel. What was it. I told him, and he reacted with disbelief. Why would someone like me write something like that?

Money, I told him. He was shocked. Never Mind Literary Greatness, Here's The Filthy Lucre.

Only a shitty writer would have to choose between greatness and money.
I think this novel will sell. I enjoy writing, sure. I also enjoy eating. And vacations. And nice clothes, Doctor Who DVDs, cigarettes, music, nifty gadgets...well, you know. All things money can buy.

But! I intend to make money at it. So I'm writing something I think people will like to read. Is that a fucking crime or something?

No but it sure seems like an easy way to deflect blame when you write a bunch of fucking crap for the Twilight crowd.
"Well it sold well but I was only looking to write a bestseller."

How important is physical attraction in selecting a romantic partner?

Very and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
Well, now, what causes physical attraction? For me, it's so much more than looks. It's big things - intellect, charm, sense of humor.

Physical, as in, relating to the body and not the mind.
You're full of shit.
Oh boy, here's a teaser of her novel.
One way or another. Invariably the other.

Livia checked her watch - a chunky man's watch, expensive, a birthday gift from her twin. Fifteen minutes until the end of office hours. She felt the distinctive beginnings of a nic fit, but held her peace. There was one more research proposal with annotated bibliography that she had to hand back for her Renaissance Italy class.

Oh, a sassy liberal arts girl who smokes.
Not the author at all, this is LEEEEEEvia.
This is such a beginner's trap for authors. "Well they say write what you know and who do I know better than me?"
Yeah except you're a boring slob with a Livejournal who thinks fanfiction is a good idea. This isn't top selling material.

Arthur Mendes, said the neatly typed name on the cover sheet. He was not unknown to her - he had taken her High Middle Ages class the previous semester. A senior, set to graduate in May. Odd that he was taking yet another class from her - he wasn't even a history major, but an English major with, apparently, some electives to burn. For all that he was a pretty good student - he had gotten an A minus in the High Middle Ages class, the minus due only because he had missed two weeks worth of class due to illness - mono, she recalled.

The fuck?
What's happening?
I guess she's a professor--
Also you can't take off points for missing class for an illness if he has a note from a doctor.
Fuckin' laws and shit.
She turned to her computer and checked her email. Faculty meeting tomorrow, a request for her review of a textbook, a brief note from Ella - God, how old was she now, eighteen years old, a student majoring in music - asking to meet her at services Friday night. She decided that the textbook could damn well wait until tomorrow, and replied to Ella, equally briefly, saying she'd meet her at the synagogue, and why didn't they have a drink afterward. Ella, like Livia, was not a heavy drinker, but did have a fondness for good beer. She wasn't 21, but hell, Livia's parents had allowed her as well as her twin brother to drink in moderation from the age of thirteen. Livia saw no harm in it.

There's a very real difference between exposition and storytelling and I don't think you've learned that in your "accumulated 33 years of wisdom" (her quote, not mine).
Ten minutes left. God, I could really use a cigarette now. She patted the pack in her skirt pocket. Not long now. She picked up Arthur's proposal and bibliography. She had already marked it - it was good, focused, terse.

Good, focused and terse?
So, the exact opposite of this?
Holy fuck what follows is more dialogue than I think I've ever written in my entire fucking life.
"What language is that?"

"Hungarian. Useful for cursing. You can curse the air blue for twenty minutes and not even repeat yourself."

"Where did you learn that?"

"I grew up speaking it. My father's parents are from Hungary."

"Oh. I thought -"


He blushed. "You - your accent. It's hard to pin down. Kind of European, but you use some British idioms. I thought you might be from Europe."

Yeah the Brit slang is because she's a pretentious twat.
Stick with me, Arthur. We're going places.
She laughed. "No, no. I was born and raised in this very city. My mother's parents are from Poland, my father's parents from Hungary, and I learned languages from a young age. I don't have one mother tongue - we spoke Polish, Yiddish, Hungarian, and English in my home. And my husband was a Brit, so I picked up idioms from him."

"Your husband? You -"

"I'm a widow," she said, her tone somber.

This is all very interesting.
I really care about this character and her plight.
"The book," he said hastily.

Yes. Please, let's move this mess forward.

"Ah, you're in luck. I don't have to arrange an interlibrary loan." She stood up and stretched, and looked at her watch. Time for office hours to be over. She shrugged on her own overcoat over her green turtleneck, long denim skirt, and cable-knit navy-blue cardigan.

You can tell whether the author is a man or a woman almost without fail based on the time spent describing articles of clothing.
You think I'm fucking joking but try it sometime.

She hefted her purse over one shoulder, stuffed a manila folder full of blue books to mark from her Western Civ class into her briefcase, and went to the small bookcase kitty-corner

Such a northern expression.
"No, I've been legal to drink for awhile. I'm older than I look."

"Really, now." He had followed her into the elevator, and they were heading down.

"I'm 28," he said.

Livia was a little surprised. He was older than she was. Suddenly she felt like a little girl. Ridiculous, she scolded herself.

God I hate this.
It is really difficult to put into words exactly how shit this writing is. It just sits there. Nothing creates an image in my head. The language is just so matter-of-fact. It's like it's a chore she's getting through and that's exactly how it feels.
Dear Gentlemen,

I want you to understand something about me, and about my feminism.

Man, fuck.
What the hell is wrong with people?
Welp, I'm off.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Today is a spotlight community that is Women Gamers.
Many posts seem to be based more or less around the notion that GIRLS ARE TOO GAMERS AND WE CAN DO ANYTHING BOYS CAN DO IN VIDEO GAMES which I'd fucking hope so because it's not like it actually requires physical prowess to do something in a video game.
You're not actually decapitating people, women.
One thing guy gamers can do that women can't do, though, is shut up about their gender in relation to their hobbies.

I was wondering if anyone has any good resources for building your own gaming rig at home?


I'm at NewEgg right now watching their tutorial videos, and was thinking it might be good practice to watch a few different tutorials, if only to get a good idea of how everything goes together in general.

Seriously it's round peg goes into round hole level logic assembling a computer.
It's not that difficult I promise.
The only way you can possibly fuck up is if you buy the wrong type of processor but even that's made trivial when Newegg lists exactly the types of processors a socket will take.
Also before you ask the stupid question (that all newbies seem to consider for a moment): no, Intel processors don't fit in AMD motherboards.

I also wanted to gauge which parts I should be investing in and what the differences are, as flat-out reviews have a lot of technical speak that is just getting me all confused.

What are you trying to play? Just copy someone's build that plays the game on max.
We've had a series of PC crashes around the house this week and so are in the market for some new PCs. I don't paticularly want to shell out another $1000 for a laptop with mediocre performance and would much rather use that money to invest in a rig that I could upgrade/wouldn't have a bunch of prepackaged software/might live longer than 3-4 years. But I've never built a computer myself, and the only person who I know who has is 3 hours away (sister's husband).

We can do anything boys can do in video games except, you know, when it gets really tricky we have to rely on men.
You're involved in a community that is dominated by white men who are almost fully anonymous and feel they have something to prove in fantasy land because many of them are not successful in real life.
This is the one realm in their life where they feel fully competent and to them, you're a threat.
Here's a review of Star Wars: The Old Republic.
That "new" "MMO" by Bioware. Its major claim to fame is it is the most expensive video game ever developed in the history of man and also it's fully voice acted.
The implication there being the voice acting cost lots (in which case they got ripped off, because I've heard the voice acting and me, a non-actor, could do about a million times better without trying) or it's the first fully voice acted video game in history.
I don't actually know what the first fully voice acted video game is but I know for a fact Assassin's Creed 1 was fully voice acted and it definitely came out before 2011.
Character: Jedi Knight named, you guess it, Jakia.

- Character creation: sadly lacking CC options. I have a feeling that, playing the main game, I'll probably run into more than one twin of my character.

But those pre-generated face assets were over budget.
I've never run into a clone of Edie, incidentally.

You can't go in and fix the face exactly the way you want to like in Dragon Age or Mass Effect--you pick a preset and edit their hair/makeup/skin color and go from there. Which is fine, I guess, but I'm used to having more control over my appearance.

Your first MMO, clearly, because I can count on one hand the number of MMOs I've encountered that let you control facial details to that degree.
Phantasy Star Universe (first and last time you'll hear me say something positive about PSU)
aaaaaaand Age of Conan.
Both games were shit, but they did have fairly in-depth character creators.
There's your character--
she's definitely more masculine than I am.
Maybe you wanted the tough chick look with a clitoris she has to tape back, I don't know, but either way she's hideous.
You start out choosing between the Sith or the Jedi, which disappointed me at first because, well, what's the point of RPing then?

Who roleplays in these games outside of mutants, honestly?

Ten minutes into the game, though, proved that choosing the Jedi didn't mean I couldn't be the biggest asshole/dark side leaning Jedi ever, which is so lulzy. I love it.

I like to roleplay but my main goal is to violate the rules to the entire underpinning of the Star Wars franchise.

I'm just going to say it: I love voiced protagonists. This game has a voiced protagonist. This pleases me. ^_^

I'm at bullet point five and I have yet to hear mention of gameplay. I suppose I could cut some slack because it is a first impression so maybe she's tackling these subjects as they come up but really, come on.

The game does suffer from the same problem Dragon Age/Mass Effect suffered from, though, in that the dialogue you click on is only a summary of what your character will say.

Bullet point six. Maybe you spend the opening of the game talking a lot?
Far be it for Bioware to open their game with heart pounding action and intense combat.

For example, one mission I was on I needed to talk the villagers into helping me. One option (the bottom one, which previous knowledge of Bioware games tells me is the evil/"bad" choice) had me ask "what do I do if they say no?" which I thought was a legit concern.

I remember in Mass Effect when I was trying to get in that blue bitch's pants and I was playing it cool so I picked the "maybe we can talk about this later WINKINGEMOTICON" option and it translated into "I AM VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE."
Thanks a fuck ton, Bioware.
Turns out she hates the cool approach anyway and the clumsier and creepier my advances became the progressively more turned on she got.
Apparently I don't understand women or video games.
It's not that the dialogue tree just summarizes the actual dialogue (which wouldn't be a problem) it's that often what's written differs drastically in tone from what's actually spoken.
But I shouldn't be surprised considering the lead writer at Bioware was hired based of the strength of her fanfiction (no shitting).

Clicking on that, however, had my character pounded her fist into her palm and went "so how many skulls do I get to crush if they say no?" Which, no, THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED TO SAY! Misleading dialogue is misleading at times.

Sounds like what I meant anyway so okay.

I love conversing with NPCs and hearing them talk. It's so BIOWARE. If you don't love Bioware, chances are you aren't going to love this game, because so many Bioware tropes are in this game.

There you go. Review in one sentence.
Avoid this shit.
First piece of usable loot I picked up? Booty shorts. Apparently this only happened to me, because no one else is running around in booty shorts, but I am. "The Force is strong in this one!"

Does this game have gameplay or is it really just a gossip and dress up simulator?
I legitimately wouldn't be surprised either way with Bioware.

Graphics aren't the world's best, but they aren't bad, either.

I'm sure one might argue that doesn't matter as much for an MMO because you know what to expect but I've heard some frankly shocking things about TOR in the gameplay department considering it's the most EXPENSIVE VIDEO GAME EVER MADE.
That said, there are some things that I have a problem with, and they are big enough that it may keep me from actually buying the game until said things are resolved:

- Combat. Combat is AWFUL.

I have problems with some things.
"You know, this restaurant was really good. The ambiance was nice and the wait staff was very kind if you can excuse the fact they served me a cat turd on a plate."

There is no auto-attack button, and clicking on someone does absolutely nothing. I click on them and then I have to MOVE and manually attack them. It feels like 10 steps back from KOTOR, and it's annoying because I get slaughtered before I can hit anyone. I've played for maybe two hours, and I keep getting killed because it won't let me auto-attack. VERY frustrating.

No auto-attack isn't instantly a bad thing, you know. There's such a thing as skill in video games and manual attack can facilitate that because it becomes a balance between dodging and striking, you know.
Except I've seen the combat in TOR and there is an auto-attack button so I'm afraid she's mistaken.
The camera! The camera is terrible! It's very difficult to manipulate, and it's almost too sensitive at times, causing it to zoom in/zoom out and zoom around the character while I'm trying to do something. It's terribly distracting.

How in the fuck do you have a bad camera in an MMO?
These games don't require precise camera control so when a bad camera in an MMO becomes noticeable it's something of a problem.
Especially considering it's the MOST EXPENSIVE VIDEO GAME EVER DEVELOPED.
I cannot overemphasize that enough.

the Bioware "female characters have sashaying hips" is in effect full-force. Which was never a problem for me in other games, but it is in this one.

Well you did make a tits and hips monster of a character, to be fair.
I imagine in real life she'd have a very sashaying walk.

The game is very, very laggy. I went into an almost empty server and the game was still laggy as all get out. And I know it's not my computer--based on the system requirements, With the game lagging, no auto-attack, and my character's swaying hips, basic movement from place to place is terrible. I run into walls, I run into other players, I run directly into enemies and then it takes me ten minutes to attack them and by then, they've killed me.

We spent hundreds of millions of dollars developing this game but we decided against buying good servers.
The shocking thing I heard was there's no combat log.
You know, the thing that tells you details of your fight?
The thing that has been a staple of every graphical MMO ever and was included in the very first MMOs, like Nexus, Meridian 59 and Ultima Online?
This game cost as much as some Hollywood movies and you don't have simple, simple basic shit like that?
What'd you spend all that cash on?

Overall, I think it has the makings of an EXCELLENT mmorpg one day, and it sucks you in in a way WoW or Galaxies never did for me. I just don't think it's ready to be released yet.

"Makings of an EXCELLENT (her emphasis) MMORPG"
"I spent a vast majority of the time crashing into walls and getting killed."
World of Warcraft really has ruined the MMORPG genre.
So I bought Skyrim today and have loved the experience so far. I only have one not so tiny problem: I am in the process of completing the golden claw quest (yes I am in the beginning). I have made it all the way to the snake, snake, whale puzzle. I have used every combination of them to try to get the metal gate to open. I even looked in the strategy guide that came with the game (it was a gift).

Dipshit: click on the claw. The solution is literally stamped on the claw.
You're using the wrong claw's code.
Or is it that other puzzle where you have to rotate the pillars?
Either way I have never had problems with this.

It tells me that when standing in the doorway facing the gate the pillars should read : snake, snake, whale. I thought maybe it was a game glitch and reloaded my last save only to have the same issue. This is one of the main plot quests and I have to get this gate open. Help!

Oh, that one.
It goes the other way, I'm pretty sure.
I don't remember, honestly. I just kind of fucked around with it for a minute and the door popped open.
Hello everyone. I'm currently looking into buying a Playstation 3, and I wanted to pick your brains about PS exclusives.

Generally what I'm into are non-turn based action/adventure games, but I'm fairly particular in what I like. I'm not into "realistic" war games that draw from historical events (such a WWII), and generally steer clear of shooters (third person included). However, I make exceptions for games with amazing stories and unique gameplay. I just prefer sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat, or magic, to killing with a gun.

Final Fantasy XIII sounds right up your alley since I'm guessing you hate fun.
I know that isn't exclusive but who gives a shit.

Series I enjoy:

Zelda -- I like the simplicity of the stories, the puzzles and the boss fights.

To keep this simple gameplay is mentioned exactly twice and "simplicity and starting a family" is mentioned more than twice, as well as colorful graphics and lots of different environments.
What games does she think she'll like?

Demon's Souls/Dark Souls (I know Dark Souls isn't an exclusive, but I kind of want to play Demon's Souls before Dark Souls)

What does Wikipedia have to say about Demon's Souls?

Praised for its dark fantasy art design, variation in combat choice and integrated online multiplayer, the game is particularly notable for its high difficulty level with many critics noting it as a genuine challenge.

Dark fantasy art design (AKA dark and gritty) and high difficulty level.
Sounds like a good match for someone who enjoys simplicity and colorful graphics.
And starting an in-game family.
So I just found out something from my partner today and I thought I would share.

So my partner and I have been together almost 2 years now and we are engaged to be married next year. When we met he knew I was a gamer-girl ( I grew up playing video games on consoles like the sega megadrive, nintendo 64 and the original playstation) and he appreciated that as he too was a gamer.

Well if we're laying out our gaming credentials I'm exactly one generation older than you in terms of gaming so I'm not impressed.
So he went to work not long after this and told one of his fellow male workmates that I was a gamer and his reply?

"Chicks dont game."

They don't, generally. If they did they wouldn't need special communities.
When my partner told mr this I latterly threw a tantrum. I was told the guy (only 17 years to my 23) thought himself to be pretty cool with gaming since he started playing and could beat any girl, so he reckons.

I'd like to take a time out to remind everyone that she's offended by the comments of a 17 year old.
Also I'm older than both of you so shut up and listen to me.
I have more gaming experience.
But that was not what annoyed me. The fact that he said that girls don't game an ultimately suck or are lousy absolutely annoyed me!!!!


Yeah, I got a few comments.
1. Who gives a shit?
2. What's up with your boyfriend? Surely he told you this knowing it would bother you.

A large launch party and LAN for Battlefield 3 is being held in Texas, and women are disallowed from attending in order to protect them from misogynistic insults.

Ha, ha wow. Only in Texas.
That's like some I, Robot thinking.

Nothing ruins a good LAN party like uncomfortable guests or lots of tension, both of which can result from mixing immature, misogynistic male-gamers with female counterparts. Though we’ve done our best to avoid these situations in years past, we’ve certainly had our share of problems. As a result, we no longer allow women to attend this event.”

This is the high technology, adult version of a "no cooties" sign on your club house.

Could there be a more perfect example of privilege? I'm not exactly a social justice warrior but it is nothing short of disgusting that males who cannot prevent themselves from making sexist comments or behaving in a misogynistic manner are being catered to. This behaviour is akin to victim blaming, and I for one will not be purchasing this product.

No, they're saving you from the mean comments.
Because if they let you attend I'm sure I'd be reading MEN ARE SO MISOGYNISTIC comments.
Either way they can't win.
Ohhhh, man.
I so don't care about this Texas LAN event thing, incidentally. Normally I could dredge up enough interest to take a side but I really don't care.
So what have we learned from this blog?
I learned games with bright, colorful graphics, cheery atmosphere and good dialogue are winning combos with the woman demographic.
If you can slap a marriage and child-rearing segment on your game then you have it fucking made.
Also they don't understand why male gamers are threatened by female gamers-- ignoring for the moment most people who would self-identify as a "gamer" have little practical experience with women-- when the three colors in an average male-oriented video game are gray, brown and khaki, the story most likely revolves around war, death and depression and the first question when the phrase "children are in this game" is "can I kill them?"
My ultimate conclusion is gamers really are a juvenile bunch of twats, irrespective of age, gender or other affiliations.
This is the 21st century equivalent to playing house and playing war, respectively.
Only my understanding of gaming is superior.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ave Nox Aeternitatis


Share one thing you’d like to accomplish before the end of the year.

I'd like to finish filling in the air bubbles and other casting imperfections on my Dark Eldar succubus.
But considering she has more holes than resin I'm guessing that's a pipe dream and she'll be prepared for priming somewhere around the end of 2012, when the world ends.
No, I kid. She's nearly done.
I hope.
Just some final checks on the one leg plate I had to entirely reconstruct and the one half of the fur thing she's wearing that I had to refinish because the massive release tab completely destroyed the detailing--
There's something suddenly ironic about the title Games Workshop has given this new casting method.
"Fine" Cast, more like.
One of the major boons of this casting method (supposedly) was figures wouldn't have a sand blasted look like metal figures do. Ignoring for the moment you could easily take some fine grade sandpaper or give it a nice Milliput coat to correct that, the finish on this succubus wasn't massively improved over the metal ones.
Before I used to think people were being fussy and whiny when they returned their Finecast figures to the store because they had imperfections. This is a fidgety and fussy hobby and you should be prepared for some minor corrections you have to make, I said.
Now I completely understand why they returned them. This really goes beyond the pale, and few people have the skills to fix the myriad problems of the typical Finecast figure.
Oh right, you didn't come to read my rantings about Finecast. It's not all bad, actually. It is far, far easier to convert Finecast than metal figures and at the end of the day the detailing (even if some of it is hideously gnarled by an inferior cast) is far greater than metal models so I guess I'll take the good with the bad.
I have to, actually.

to accomplish? I'd like to be married. Bear with me on this one.

Errr, you have 5 days to achieve that.
It is, I have to admit, perfectly achievable, especially if one is prepared to sacrifice 'quality' in order to achieve it.

"Perfectly achievable" implies it isn't hard to do.
You hunting any woman down to marry, Livejournal user, would be difficult.
(by quality, I of course mean quality of relationship, not quality of individual, should anyone percieve that to be in any way misogynistic.)

Wouldn't want to seem misogynistic.
Except there are inferior women as there are inferior men. Simply stating reality doesn't make you misogynistic.
Now, when you start saying shit like "all women are inherently inferior to men" then we can talk misogyny.
The reality is that, above consideration being observed, it won't happen. But this isn't about what will be achieved (I will, for example, have grown older, eaten more food, earned money) but what is desired.

I used to read sentences like this in pussy sensitivity and I crossed them out.
You're welcome, person who bought the book after me.
That says precisely dick.
It even has an air of condescension, doesn't it?
No fucking kidding, dipshit. As opposed to all of us who are growing younger.
I've been on a rather messy road towards it for many years, as, unwittingly or otherwise, most of us have been or are.

I wrote a line a lot like this in a story recently.
Only when I wrote it was a lot more concise.
And didn't sound like whining.
And the guy who said it was a professional soldier so the road he walked was literally messy with bodies.
Okay so it was nothing like this but some of the words were similar.
There's still an indefinite length of road ahead of me, and the visibility is such that it's impossible to tell whether it's a smooth, open, tarmacked highway or a rutted path full of potholes and obstructions.

"We all walk towards oblivion."

But now, in contrast to previously, it feels like something that should be achieved. I am, as it were, ready for it, and rather like preparing a meal for guests who have been unavoidably detained, there's a sense of champing at the bit.

Then there was a heroic duel on a long-forgotten road leading to a castle that had, in all likelihood, already fallen to rubble nestled on a hill that was no longer significant to anyone.
The preparation of the meal has been done (the bashing around through life, the chaotic learning processes that enable us to function reasonably well as individuals in the world, the string of ill-starred relationships that hone one's ability to identify the partner most suited to us) and now it's sitting around and waiting for the second party to turn up so we can settle down and get 'stuck in', to employ an unsubtle and frivolous phrase.

What are you even talking about?
At least my story had fighting in it.

There's much to be done when they turn up before getting to the jumping-off-the-dock stage, and that's the next exciting bit.

The dock-- What?
There are far, far too many analogies drawn in this little paragraph of bullshit. We have the road (of life), cooking, a dock (of the bay)-- what is happening?

A different road, with better scenery, as it will be witnessed by two pairs of eyes, and therefor doubly rich- but the road is no less even or easy to travel than the first solitary expedition, and nor should it be- for what is the worth of a distant goal if it's a doddle to get there?

SOOOO you might say that you don't know where you're going
but you sure know where you've been?
Hanging on the promises
in the songs of yesterday
And I've made up your mind
you ain't wastin' no more time
Here I go again?

I won't be there by this time next year, depsite what Yahoo! News might urge to the contrary with their questionable suggestion that 2012 is the year to get married. I mean, honestly. But with quiet interest I'm watching the peripheral elements fall into place, and only the core element is missing. I asked for it for Christmas, but sadly the shops had sold out.

I hope they called the cops on you.
"I'm looking to buy a wife."
So you want to deal in human trafficking, eh?
God that was douchey and pretentious
and bad.
Here's a picture of his computer.
It has no case.
It's just a pile of parts--
and he has a bunch of leads going to a typewriter that he insists functions as his keyboard.
While I'm sure this works (in theory, I don't know if this one actually works) the wisdom of leaving exposed wiring like this just to have a keyboard that is 10,000 times less efficient than one that was designed for a computer because it looks marginally cooler might be questionable.
I would say "typewriters look cool" but considering the mangling of the case this whole thing just looks like a rat nest.

Some will no doubt remember the multiplicitous swearing that accompanied my attempts to get my Mac Mini online and operating in anything like a logical and helpful manner, not assisted by the fact that I refused to buy sensible Mac hardware (for 'sensible' read 'expensive'.)

>Buying a Mac
Also can we talk about your use of the word "multiplicitous" for a second?
A word Firefox doesn't even consider a word and frankly I don't either.
It literally means "giving rise to or resulting from multiplicity". Ignoring that the definitions tells you precisely fuck all what it means (we're coming to that) I question the use of a word that doesn't know whether it's causing something or being caused by something.
"Multiplicity" itself just means a great many (or great variety) of things.
Or, to put it even clearer, "a lot".

Having recieved an iPod Shuffle for Christmas, I decided to update iTunes, which in turn meant updating the ancient OS from 10.3.9 to 10.4.whatever. I managed to *borrow* a copy of 10.4.whatever, but with some trepidation as to whether or not it would muck up the rather homemade wireless settings that took me four months to establish first time around.

"trepidation", or "trembling fear", as we simpler folk say.
You spelled "received" wrong, incidentally.
You nailed trepidation but stumbled on receive.
Which is exactly what it did. And it would not go back online for love nor money. Which is the point at which i did A Daring Thing, and completely deleted the hard drive whilst booting from the disk, and then did a fresh installation. By gum, did that make a difference. It leapt online as soon as I'd uploaded the driver (the dongle driver for 10.4 and later seems to be far more helpful than the old 10.3.9 one) and, after one or two teething problems, I am now using it and online and gleefully trouble-free after about two hours, which is an improvement on four months, in my book.

As much of a douchebag as this cock is whenever someone says "Macs just work" I'm linking them to this entry.

If your best friend asked you OR your partner to help you conceive a child, would you consider it? How do you think it would affect your friendship and your relationship?

Man I miss all the hard-hitting writer's blocks.

So far, no-one has asked me to help conceive a child. I will assume for the purposes of argument that this isn't a commentary on my personal levels of hygene.

No, but I'm sure it is a commentary on the use of your genetics.
Also: hygiene.
I usually forgive the occasional typo or tricky word screw up but for someone with a douchebag vocabulary like you there will be no quarter.
Also, at the moment of going to press, I have no partner, so it's unlikely that any friend of mine would approach my partner with a view to helping to conceive a child. If they did, it might in fact be a beneficial and welcome development, as they could then let me know who my partner actually was.

Do you ever come to the point quickly?
Why do you take 17 extra sentences to make your point?
Is this supposed to be charming or witty?
Because it isn't. It's dull and you seem like you have your head so far up your own ass I imagine you have a girlfriend living with you that you've somehow forgotten about.
Now that seems like a pretty fair deal. If I did have a partner, I would hope that THEY would be my best friend, and I'd be more than happy to help them conceive a child. Once I've read the instruction manual, of course.

My current best friend (i.e. the title holder of 'Best Friend' until this child-producing unknown partner of mine is discovered- maybe a sub-categorisation of 'Best Friend' is required) already has a baby, in collaboration with his best friend and partner (one and the same, not some peculiar team effort.)

I've tried to read this three times and I can't manage it. The same safety mechanism that kept my brain from exploding during pussy sensitivity readings keeps triggering. I end up skimming and immediately forgetting what I just read.
The other threat is that, if I were to assist anyone in conceiving a baby, there would be an outside risk that said baby would end up in some measure like me, and no responsible adult would opt for that as an offspring.

See even this asshole admits he's an asshole and an evolutionary roundabout with no business reproducing.

Personally, I can't see how anyone could struggle to conceive of a baby. The concept of a baby is a commonly held and simple one, and not difficult to grasp. However, for those who do find it difficult to conceive of a baby, I can offer a few pointers.
Get it because "conceive" and "conceive of" have different meanings.
Man this shit is harsh.

"*username here* is a 98% match for you. You aren't a match for her because of this 'absolutely crucial' criterion: Drinking"


"*username here* has chosen not to recieve messages from people who don't match her 'absolutely crucial' criteria, so you can't message her."

Buddy we've been over this. I before E except after C.

You won't talk to me because I don't drink? You stupid little girl...

You know who doesn't match my criteria for dating?
Stupid little girls.
Seriously man, think about this shit for a goddamn second before you post.
How the hell does that work? I could understand it if I had ticked 'rampant and perpetual drinker' on my profile- after all, a member might have had a bad experience with a heavy drinking partner or something. But to say 'I can't countenance anybody who chooses not to get rat-arsed' is quite simply pointless, and the attendant implication, 'you can't enjoy yourself unless you're pissed' is plainly puerile.

But it filtered you out, and you just used the words "countenance" and "puerile" in the same paragraph.
She's just some party slut. You're missing nothing by not being able to contact her. Trust me, my college campus was filled with literally hundreds of the pretentious twats who sit there filling my brain with fuck during the week and then whoring around during the weekend.
Mind you, I can't say I'm that disappointed to be unable to communicate with that particular member. "I've tried internet dating before, I wasn't ready for a relationship but I thought I was" smacks far too much of the immature emotional dysfunctionality that excuses anyone, apparently, from treating you like shit. It's a shame, but any tolerance of 'committment issues' that I may once have had has vapourised, leaving a curmudgeonly old-man like opinion that they should just grow up and accept responsibility, and stop whingeing and prancing around like spoilt pre-teenagers. Humph.

I can't believe you just told someone to stop prancing, because if ever a paragraph could be described as "prancing" it is the one above.
Also I don't think I've ever seen a blog contain this many "words that no spellcheck actually recognizes as a word" as this one, and I'm even discounting words that are spelled the British way.

First of all, when I last posted, I was about to go for lunch with a delightful young lady, who quite simply burst into my life and really shook things up. This young ladie's name is Bethanie, we are at present 'together', I'm glutinously and spoonily crazy about her, and every conversation we have seems to point even further, to me, to our being ideal for one another. She makes me, and I hope will continue to make me, extremely happy.

I'm glad she dumped you.
I feed off your misery.
In fact, your unhappiness keeps me youthful.

"If you have a disability you may apply under our guaranteed interview scheme. Contact us for details."

I beg your pardon? "Guaranteed interview scheme"?

Gamey leg. Got it in the war.
I'd lie constantly on job applications if I wasn't sure lying specifically about disabilities is a crime.
This is what's called Equal Opportunities. If you're disabled, you're guaranteed an interview, regardless of your aptitude. If you're highly skilled, but better with interviews than written promotion of yourself, you have very little chance of getting an interview.

Oh don't worry about it, mack, if they need someone with functioning limbs, Cripple McLandmine isn't getting the job. They just have to put on the lacquer of equality.
The only problem I have with the system is how the privileged, not the skilled, get an advantage.
The best should always rise to the top.

I really can't see how guaranteeing an interview on the grounds of disability is in any way representative of 'Equality'. Isn't it, in fact, underlining the difference and giving preferential treatment in order to appear to be treating everyone equally?

Unfortunately in pussy sensitivity there's a concept of "equity is equality" whereby ensuring everyone has the same chance often means some people have more of an advantage because the perception is it'll level the playing field.
It doesn't. It just makes my life more inconvenient.
Now, in fairness, none of them resemble Father Jack, Les Dawson, Barry Humphries, or anyone else representative of an Unattractive Look For Young Ladies. Most of them look quite pleasant, although one of them does look rather like someone wanted by the Allies for war crimes on the Eastern Front in 1943.

Sounds like the kind of woman I'd like to know. In fact, if I'm on an online dating site (for some reason) and my first thoughts about a woman are "she looks like she might be wanted for a war crime" my thought isn't finished before I'm responding to her email.

She's an architect, apparently, and sounds quite entertaining in truth of fact, but I can't get rid of the vague feeling that she might be Albert Speer in disguise.

Albert Speer, really?
Of all the Nazis you could think of, why does Albert Speer immediately leap to your mind?
Albert Speer didn't even commit a crime outside of "being a Nazi" such that the French, the Americans and the British were prepared to let him off but it was only by the Russians that he got a conviction when they (intelligently and rightly) said there is no such thing as an innocent Nazi.
He was chief architect and he was convicted of war crimes by some gas chamber plans that he designed.
Except he didn't remember designing any gas chambers and none of the plans bore his signature.
Also if she looks like Albert Speer I'm not responding. I was under the impression she just looked kind of crazy.

The biggest problem with Gnardiun Poleslates is that I appear to be cornering the market in women of approximately 34-39 years of age.

34-39. Desperation creeps in.
You could have it made, my friend.

Ok Ok, I'm not all that far off thirty myself- but I don't really want to be reminded of that, and hooking up with someone six years older than me lacks, broadly speaking, a certain appeal.

But hooking up with someone six years younger is perfectly okay.
In fact, it is perfectly okay. Just don't act like she's sick and horrible for doing exactly what you're doing.

Once again I'm thoroughly bewildered as to how these people find me, as I've put my preferred age range in me preferences, and matches are apparently calculated on this basis. A lot of the people peering at me throught he ether are, strangely, people whose profiles appeared in the immediate vicinity of someone I actually liked the look and sound of- these latter, naturally, have taken a quick peek and disappeared, I presume for some form of therapy.

You know what kills me about guys like this?
He probably had a thing for MILFs when he was in his teenage years, but now that he's getting up there ("getting up there" in quotes because if I read about another fucker freaking out about hitting 30 when you have 60 years in your miserable life yet to bother me with your inane ramblings on the internet I'm officially joining a monastery) suddenly anyone older than 30 is too old and he only goes for nubile, underage vagina.
Maybe I'm just a simple man with simple wisdom but this is clearly a case of the grass being greener.

Macs, contrary to popularly received wisdom, are NOT the way forward, unless of course, you happen to be in possession of an income roughly equivalent to the GDP of Sweden.

Considering all people moving society forward are using Windows systems (or Linux systems, I guess) I don't think anyone ever claimed Macs are the way forward considering the typical user is a self-entitled manchild sipping lattes at Starbucks whining about how the economy is keeping him from his career in gay porn.

What in God's name are they playing at? the thing isn't even that old. Say what you like about PCs, this old Dell is older than the Mini, and not once, NOT ONCE have I had any trouble fitting upgrades. Wireless, you name it, it comes on a board, I plug it in and it works. Not the Mac, that smug, greed-ridden, inoperative and apparently overblown and underspecified lump.

You just had a post about how you pried off a graphics processing chip and re-soldered it. Why are you buying off the shelf computers?
Ohhh man, I don't know anymore.
Anyway I'm going to go do stuff.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Holy shit I forgot to update and it's way past my bedtime so let's keep this quick~

Are you on Santa’s nice or naughty list?

Today's writer's block.
It was kind of startling how many people interpreted this question literally and had to inform the good Livejournal people that there is no such thing as Santa Claus.
Considering they're adults I'm sure they were aware. I'm pretty sure it's just a turn of phrase.
I don't know why I'm surprised, honestly. People are idiots and if there is anything beyond the literal to understand it will be missed.
MOST DEFIANTLY Naughty list.

Defiantly and definitely have very different meanings.
You also missed a definite article in this sentence--
Nonnative speaker or just an idiot?
It's the latter, of course.
Also unsurprisingly everyone fancies themselves a real badass that made the naughty list. What exactly did you people do that was so evil?

Life is just rough lately.

I don't know how to get out of this rut. For those of you on this journal who don't know ... I am back in the states. I left Mitch.

Its been rough.

Its like an endless circle of suck so far. I've not felt human in months ... maybe even a year. I've not felt period it seems ... anything aside from hurt and anger and dissapointment that is.

Yeah it's one of those "I'm perpetually breaking up with my boyfriend of which I seem to generate an endless amount of" girls.

Tell us your worst date stories. (Don’t worry, we all have them.)

I wonder what my ol' buddies Victorygreywolf and Givegodtheglory had to say about this one.
Givegodtheglory probably pulled no surprises but I imagine Victorygreywolf described the time the hooked he was trying to flay alive managed to bite through the duct tape tying her hands together and escape his trunk.

Totally with Ian West. Our first date ever. We went to see Pirates of the Carribean, it was my second time seeing it but I wanted to go out with him so I just said yes. So We get home kinda late and he isn't into leaving ... so I was like alright come see my room. So he starts kissing me and stuff ... well its more like him eating my face. Like HORRIBLE ... spit everwhere ... and I kept trying to push him off and he just kept on eating my face. Like ... biting and everything. So he reaches for my bra and I am like alright whatever ... I didn't want to offend him I didn't think he would try to go any farther being a virgin.

Let me take a man to my room and let him unhook my bra but clearly he'll think this isn't heading anywhere.
So ... it takes him like 30 mins of trying to be sneaky for me to just undo it then he suddenly asks ... are you on the pill or uh do I need to get to my car.

I just stoped dead .... and said WHAT.


He said well uh .... you have had lots of sex right ... isn't that what happens.

Needless to say I was ticked. And that really should have been the end of Ian. But naturally it wasn't.

Because my life is filled with great decisions.
Skipping a ton of shit where she mentions she has a kid and just turned 20 (great decisions) and she's getting divorced--
Mmmm mmm, life.

My son is a month old tomorrow, not like anyone but Ashley reads this and she might not even ... but she would already know that I am sure.

Life has become interesting. Motherhood isn't what I thought it would be. It isn't bad but its not ... what you would think. It is one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.

No shit, raising a kid to adulthood is really difficult?
That really runs contrary to everything that says it would be easy like, I don't know, FUCKING NOTHING SAYS IT'S EASY.
You are supposed to get your baby and feel so happy, he is supposed to make you feel so fuzzy and warm inside ... well that first week all I could keep thinking was omg what have I done what mistake have I made ... what was I thinking. My happiness has washed down the drain. My husband and I will never get a moment again to be like we were. Never a free second. I will never sleep for more than 3 hours at a time without either my boobs exploding or having to feed someone.

Good thing you thought a lot about this before rushing into it.
Because, you know, when there's a life altering decision like having a child to be made it's always smart to make the decision early and quickly.

I don't really see the point in LJ, I remember a day where I couldnt live without making an entry. here I am WAY over ... 30 weeks since my last entry and ... idk I am still alive kinda. James .... I'm not much in the mood to talk about. He went to jail, got out of jail we got together for like a month I got him a job and he kept clean ...

Then you got married, moved to Italy and had a baby, divorced the guy and moved back to the US.
Oddly for someone chronicling her journey through life you sure seem to have some trouble stopping to think about what you do before you do it.
Pre-Ap English ... 3

OKAY this is stupid. We are in that class for a trial run ... because they dont think our JR. work ethic is good enough ... so the pre-ap .. is for like to see if ... we will have enough kids and stuff for an AP class because we dont have enough space for AP english next year and to have all the rest of the seniors take senior english ...

Someone who graduated from high school after taking AP English doesn't know the difference between your and you're.
The day after christmas ... I got arrested ... fancy that.

I have to go to court on the 17th ... please dont ask about it. I am ashamed enough to be telling you guys in here.... it was stupid.

I'm ashamed but not ashamed enough to keep it a secret.
All right well I guess I'm done here, then, because I'm back into 2007 where she's posting about her stupid school football team.
I would have posted this earlier but honestly I thought it was Saturday and you know how it is.
AnywayS I'm going.
Goodbye AIDS patients.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Speed makes way for strength

Zeal and fury.

Take a deep breath. Now rant about something.

Today's writer's block. Fucking lazy, if you ask me.

Brother, I rant each week on LJ, and I will again when I get a new monitor.

What do you love about Hanukkah?

I love the start of the story where Alexander the Great is kicking ass.
A military mind so great he's included in no less than three religious texts.

I'm not Jewish, but I like knowing the history of events and cultures. So I'll say the history.

Sure, that.

Hi, everyone. Due to my monitor not communicating with my tower, planned upcoming entries will be held off til further notice. Tech issues second December straight. It's getting annoying already. Hope to be restored soon.
Stay safe and smart, everyone.

Sounds like captain bullshit can't work her Mac to me.
Hi everyone. I'd like to start this week by giving KingBob a little message: it's over. Stop trying to get into the Pawpet channel. You have been banned. Take the hint. I knew you were stupid, but Jesus Christ, this is just too much, even for you. Get over it. Find some other channel to annoy and get banned from.

Jesus Christ someone ragequit my LS today and the last straw seemed to be that no one cared he was leaving.
Friend, if you're going to act like a babby it's probably best you go.

Now, comedy is supposed to make you laugh and relax, maybe as you rest after a long day at work, or whatever you do. But Dennis Miller, comedian most well-known for his similes, had his last show geared toward the side with the red sabers. When you show full bias in your entire supposed comedy show, not everyone will be able to relate, making it not funny. But throw a ton of easily-found insults and biased attacks, and it's fucking horrible.

And yet when Jon Stewart does it, it's all in good humor.
I am a firm believer that comedy and politics seldom mix well.
Dennis Miller is the only comedian I've ever seen do this. And I don't give a damn how popular, well-known, or good he is, he's still just a human. To use a comedy show as your soapbox is sickening.

Daily Show--
The Colbert Report--

There might be people who are saying "but Dennis Miller is a comedic legend." No, George Carlin was a comedic legend. And he received an award posthumously, by the way. You know who else is beyond Dennis Miller's league? Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. And they can also act.

Did you just call Jim Carrey a comedic legend?
Really, Ace Ventura, comedic legend?
And now, I go into dangerous waters: politics. Why? Cause I'm sick of bullshit. President Obama has done some impressive things so far. There were solutions toward dictators over in parts of North Africa and parts of the mid-east performed without our help under his watch. He saw to the end of bin Laden. He's going to bring the soldiers home from Iraq after a "war" that should have never been started. Yet he gets no credit. And why is that? Because people are still focusing on the economy.

Yes, let us give credit where credit is due: the Middle East is in flames, America is rapidly becoming a police state and a welfare state, Africa is rife with civil war, the economy will probably never recover in my lifetime, BUT AT LEAST THE IRAQI WAR ENDED.
That'd be like when I was in school if I failed all my classes and called the chancellor a whore and raped a girl but my defense was "well I didn't shit my pants, so I think I deserve a little credit here."

I'm not saying they shouldn't focus on that, but at least turn your frustration at the people who don't give a damn about you: the Repubs. You know, the lapdogs of the Tea Party.

Shouldn't I turn my anger to the people responsible?
Like Obama, whose administration has spent more than all the past presidents combined, including the presidents that oversaw the largest military conflict in the history of the world and the president who oversaw the American Civil War, which by virtue of it being a civil war was a loss to American life and materiel on both sides?

That's right, the Repubs don't give a crap about you, average person.

And Obama and the Democrats do?
Holy shit, honey, there's brainwashing and then there's fucking brainwashing.
You got it bad.

What does this have to do with Obama and the economy? Easy to answer. The repubs don't want the black president to have another term, so they're pulling out all the stops. It's about stopping Obama at all costs, even if it means costing the country jobs. What? I said costing the country jobs. Obama is trying to push a jobs bill and the fear the Repubs have of Obama following through on his promises cause them to say no.

You know I'm having quite a time finding a job despite being a qualified educator (a notoriously recession proof industry) so if Obama is creating tons of jobs I'm not really seeing them.
In fact at a recent job fair the room was more or less filled to capacity with qualified educators in a similar boat to myself.
And, disconcertingly, they were all far, far older than I was but let's not dwell on that.
"You are the most qualified people we could find," said the presenter lady.
Why do I seem so out of place?
Oh well.
They're denying the jobs bill. I have no doubt that if the Repubs really cared about the country, they'd swallow their pride and put the bill through. I also have no doubt that if that happened, that accomplishment would be Obama's, too. Which is what they also fear. So make sure you're frustrated at the right people. By the way, the economy's climbing, so far at 2.5%, under Obama's watch.

I found this funny chart.

I found another funny chart that makes it even clearer in case you're really clueless.

The second chart, I'm sure this brainwashed cunt would argue, is "just" the debt ceiling but honestly why raise the debt ceiling if you don't need it?
And in case you thought my comments about welfare state were a bit theatrical, my final piece of evidence.

Now, the second guy, as much as I respect his creativity, is Steve Jobs. That's right. The man Apple lovers revere so much as the god of their OS. Yes, he was a creative guy, but those who knew him and weren't made to sign a non-disclosure agreement said he was a controlling, demanding, abusive tyrant.

A guy that builds a multinational media conglomerate isn't a nice guy?
You don't fucking say.
The article has this to say about ol' Steven Jobs:
Indeed there were things Jobs did while at Apple that were deeply disturbing. Rude, dismissive, hostile, spiteful: Apple employees—the ones not bound by confidentiality agreements—have had a different story to tell over the years about Jobs and the bullying, manipulation and fear that followed him around Apple.

Sounds like a typical ruler to me.
I don't believe a good ruler has to be rude or dismissive but he must be hostile, spiteful, manipulative and command an air of fear.
I would contend the best rulers dress that up with a lacquer of politeness and beneficence but Steve was, at his heart, a nerdling.
It has been said that there's one in every family. Well, now there has been one on set and one in a corporation. Fame turned Shatner into an asshole and who knows what made Jobs such a bastard.

I'm going to put this to you simply so even a small mind such as yours can appreciate it:
to be in a position of authority is to be this way. You know how being a pretentious cunt is what lead to this journal, and if you weren't that way you wouldn't have this journal?
If you aren't a flaming asshole you aren't in charge. Simple as that.

This is Tahisha, signing off.
Have a nice night, everyone! And have a safe and happy Halloween.

Oh boy.

Hi everyone. You know, I've encountered stupid people in my life, and I've been beating the whoopties out of them week after week. But this week, I turn my focus to some ignorant guy from..guess where. Yeah, 4chan. Go figure.

Excuse me?
Are you taking 4chan seriously?
The same website that produced this image (as funny as it is):
Probably isn't the website you want to read for its serious political debates.
So let's see if I can open some eyes here in another point-by-point, starting now. Points from the 4chan guy were posted as was, with no editing or correction.


It should be illegal for a woman to give birth to a child without a signed consent form from the biological father. When a man doesn't want a child, and the woman uses her religion as an excuse to not get an abortion (or any other reason) children are born without a loving home with two financially stable parents. This behavior has created endless problems in our society. I would posit that having children, like having sex, should be a decision reached mutually, and not forced upon a party by one overbearing, overzealous individual.

This is a classic 4chan debating tactic at its finest because ultimately it turns two deeply held beliefs on each other.
Gender equality
A right for a woman to choose.
An especially astute high schooler could probably argue his way out of this by saying simply that a pregnancy has a far, far greater risk ratio to the woman than the man then she should ultimately be the one to decide what happens to the child.
Or, simply, you could reverse the logic: by this reckoning a woman should be able to tell a man when she wants him to get her pregnant, since if what was stated is true this should likewise be applicable in reverse.
Somehow I doubt she has much experience debating with a seasoned troll.
Being a seasoned troll I do. See what I mean?

Some feminists have suggested 'sexual consent forms'. Why are there two different standards for getting consent for the sexual act, and the birthing act?

See what I mean? He blatantly states he's turning these two beliefs against each other.
To the casual observer like our cunt with the blog here this may seem like a bad idea but it's actually an important tactic.
Outright stating your argument in this manner has three effects:
1. it makes your argument seem blunt
2. it flusters your opponent, who expects subtly in the opening of an argument
3. simple statements like this often prove difficult for the uninitiated to successfully argue against
The beauty of this kind of trolling is that, even though I haven't read the rest of this post, I'm sure I will soon be able to demonstrate from sentence to sentence his essay (or whatever you want to call it) doesn't really form a coherent argument. The beauty is it doesn't have to. As long as a single part of it draws someone out it has done its job.
Contrary to what Christians would have you believe, people have sex for pleasure, and only rarely set out with the intention of creating a child.

See what I mean? What does Christianity have to do with anything?
His second sentence ultimately has no bearing on anything and his complete nonsense but what he's hoping for is someone to say "you know you can't really prove that people usually have sex for pleasure and blah blah" because as I said, his goal isn't to debate, it's to inflame you.
Children are most often an accidental byproduct of the act. Women should not have a monopoly on reproductive rights.

A simple argument to make here (that I'm sure she isn't taking) is that women don't have a monopoly on reproductive rights.
But he's combined pregnancy with reproductive rights. Due to his previous couple of sentence you might have lost sight of that subtle distinction.
I would also like to take the time to remind you that his true position on this issue is impossible to know based off this post.
A good troll will go wherever the trolling takes him. He has no stand to take.
I can agree with the wrongness of the religion part, but bringing legality into something natural is just plain bullshit. And how do you know they're financially unstable? You don't seem to be speaking generally. "This behavior has created endless problems in our society"? I don't think that's what has caused endless problems in our society.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. An uninitiated debate partner.
I have absolutely 0 stake in either side of this-- whatever you want to call it (I refuse to call an idiot respond to a troll post a debate) but even I can say when you use phrases like "I don't think..." you're already taking a very weak position.
I can think of a number of things that have, though. "Not forced upon a party by one overbearing, overzealous individual." I agree with this, guys. After all, this doesn't seem to describe women. Since when has a guy been intimidated into having sex? "Look, Joe, we're doing it right now!" See how dumb that sounds? When's the last time a guy said he's had a headache and the woman kept urging him.

At this point your argument is as bullshit as his is.
The difference is, and where the comedy of this comes in, is you're being serious.
This goes on and on, too. Good grief.
All right, I'm skipping down.

There is a new "energy drink" that is actually named Cocaine. I am not joking. I would not joke about that. It has 280mg of caffeine. The daily recommended amount of caffeine is 200mg.

When they put actual cocaine in it I might take interest.

The reporter tried one dose and his bood pressure rose and he got tremors in his hands.
People, do I really need to tell you-..? What am I saying? Of course I need to tell you! Companies are overdoing their products cause they know people are stupid enough to buy and try it.

People do stupid shit all the time.
You know there's 0 medical proof that the ingredients in cough syrup help with a cough, right?
Where's your crusade against cough syrup?

Do people think at all when they make up slang?

Let's try two old ones. First, "back in the day". Which one? There have been quite a lot of days over many years. Which day are you referring to? Second, "in my day". Do you have a day? Maybe your birthday. But can you really call that day your's? I'm sure others have a birthday on that day, too.

I'm going to link you a Wikipedia article.

I want you to read it and carefully consider it before you continue making an ass of yourself.
Even on answers to phrasing, the English language is stupid. There are a couple phrases I have noticed that are never really answered right. If someone starts a question with "Are you sure" or "do you mind", that is the question you're supposed to answer, in connection with the words in the question that follow.

Yeah languages don't make a lot of sense.
Apparently this is your first day on Earth so let me be the first to welcome you.
Proper response to "how do you do"?
Shit doesn't make sense. Get over it.
Another one that annoys me is when someone asks "what did you think I meant" or "what did you think I said" and the answer given is "I don't know". OK. Thinking and knowing are two different things. You're being asked what you thought, not what you know. It seems that people don't think about what they're being asked. Or maybe they don't know about what they're being asked.

I don't know, the implied being "I don't know [what you meant]" or "I don't know [what I thought you meant.]"
A simple statement I suppose (I suppose) would be "I misunderstood." But, as a man who is no stranger to anger, this seems mighty silly to get upset over.

And the phrase "as American as apple pie" needs to stop. The apple pie was started in England. The phrase is a damn lie. It turns out that the pie was a lie the whole time, not the cake.

And apples are from Kazakhstan originally and bread is a Neolithic invention so it's really rather silly to assume the British were the first people to put the two together, and yet somehow the phrase "as human as combining apples and bread" is even more opaque.
Seriously, idiomatic speech. Look into it. This shit isn't meant to be taken literally.
It's not just the English language that bothers me. It's also how many Americans interpret and "translate" some foreign words and terms. A big misunderstanding was created out of the word "jihad". People use it to describe the "evil" Muslims. Oooo, they're so evil, aren't they? A bunch of "Jihadists". No! That crap is false. The word "jihad" means "struggle". That's all. Nothing evil in that. Nor are all Muslims evil. Most are rather nice.

Fucker declares a Jihad on me he's getting it returned in kind.
Also the only Jihad most Americans are familiar with is the one that involved the destruction of one of our most important monuments and the deaths of thousands of our citizens so forgive us for being a bit jumpy when the term is brought to bear.
You get on a ship, but that's fine, cause it has no roof to it. You get in a boat, which is right, cause it has a sloping inset. You get in a car, and that's right, due to the roof. But I'll be damned if anyone is getting on a train or on a plane.

Well you board planes and trains but you don't board cars, so hence the choice of prepositions.
Technically speaking you are on a boat because you board a boat as well as a ship.
Just because this shit doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean there isn't an explanation that does make sense.
In fact, for someone who so hates ignorance what I'm reading here is pretty much the definition of ignorance.

I have other problems with the English language and how Americans have mangled it, but I've said enough about it these past few weeks.

So far none of the things you've brought up are specific problems of how Americans interpret English.
Oh boy, another post on this nonsense.

Are you all-American? I don't think you are. Nobody is all-American. It's a bogus title, really. And these days, it's a fake state of mind.

Except Native Americans.

All of us have a history, and that history comes from an origin. Your origin would've been the country where your last name originated from if not for the USA, which has become just a place where people from other countries come for various different reasons.

I had a buddy in elementary school whose last name was Iron Shell. He was American Indian.
Would he qualify? Based off this definition--
Anyway, when you're careful, you're full of care, right? So why is the word "awful" used to describe something horrible?

Because "awe" and "dread" are near synonyms, classically speaking?
God this is legitimately starting to piss me off.
Some words and terms go through more changes than a human body during puberty. "Piss" was a word that can be traced back to the 14th century. It means to urinate. But how did it go from that to meaning angry? Quite a jump, it seems to me.

Because around that time the Norman grip on England was slipping so the old Anglo-Saxon words were slowly creeping back into the lexicon and so we get to benefit from such words as piss (Anglo-Saxon) and urinate (Latin).
Other examples include "fuck" (Anglo-Saxon [unclear original meaning]) and "copulate" (Latin), "shit" (Anglo-Saxon) and "defecate" (Latin), "pig" (Anglo-Saxon) and "pork" (Francophone, Latin origin) "cow" (Anglo-Saxon) "beef" (Francophone, Latin origin)-- are you sensing a pattern here?
Anglo-Saxon to the English mind and therefore the American mind are down-to-earth and blunt terms while Latin terms are high-minded and proper, so one will always be perceived as vulgar and the other will always be considered clinical and proper. That's why Anglo-Saxon terms have flexible applications like that.
The incredible thing to me is that you have five posts of this ignorant drivel that I suppose is supposed to be funny but the only thing that's funny is the tumor I'm developing over this.

A word that has undergone quite a conversion is "gay". It once meant happy. That is not the case anymore. It went from happy to homosexual with no transition. And now it's being used as a replacement for the word "stupid" by ignorant jackasses who don't have one damn clue on what the word means. Doing so just shows their idiotic laziness and non-willingness to look things up.

Your sweeping ignorance on everything English related leads me to believe you also haven't looked any of this up.
To the Elizabethan mind "gay" had implications of carelessness and a distinct lack of protocols or due consideration for station so therefore had implications of immorality and hence the easy jump to homosexuality to the 1950s, American mind.
I'm not asking for mastery of the English language, here. I readily accept the level of understanding I just demonstrated in this entry is beyond the ability of 99% of all English speakers but if that's the case just keep your mouth shut.
And who can look into the word "gay" without looking at the words "fag" and "faggot". Here is another case of the lazy ignorant jackasses making stuff up instead of *looking* it up. "Fag" means to work hard or to tire out.

Before you just showed a decided lack of research. This is the first instance where you've been blatantly incorrect.
"fag" "faggot" and all of its permutations come from the Latin "fasces" which is a bundle of sticks.
The correlation should be clear but in case it isn't let me spell it out: dick = stick, bunch of sticks = gay shit.
Jesus Christ, you people.

We call someone who likes to cause trouble a troll. Women are called things like harpies and succubi. What about satyrs? What about elves? What about gnomes? Why use some mythical creatures and not use all? Some aren't feeling the love.

I've heard children described as elfish.
In fact, even though the book can eat a fucking dick "The Scarlet Letter" describes a child as elfish, so there's your literary proof.
Satyrs-- kind of a difficult comparison to make, honestly, because satyrs were well known for being bestial and lustful and they were a fusion of a man and an animal and were basically there as a commentary on the nature of man (maybe we aren't as far removed from beasts as we thought hurr durr) so comparing man to a symbol of man's own nature is needlessly convoluted.
And, really, if you're arguing "some mythical creatures aren't feeling the love" why stop at satyrs?
Why not get into the obscure?
Where's my comparison to Talos?
Stay tuned, people, cause I'm not even close to finished with my language problems just yet.
Next week is part four.

I've only addressed two parts but I think I can safely conclude your problem revolves mostly around you being an uncultured slob.
All right, I clicked on part two.
One more, just one more.

When did "fucked" and "screwed" become substitutes for "messed-up" and "done" and "dead"? The meaning of the words has been twisted and bent out of shape to fit today's formats. What the point of that is, I don't know.

This originates from the French phrase "la petite mort" which means "the little death" which was a euphemism for an orgasm.
While I haven't bothered to look up the exact origin of this term I know Cavalier poets of the 17th century found this very funny so included it in every fucking poem they could so I'm guessing it's around 400 years old.
Have you heard the 80s song "I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight"?
Someone with a literary mind.

Something else I agree with Hal Sparks on is using the words "pussy" and "balls" in association with fighting being used in the wrong context. You call someone who backs out of something a pussy and you say that someone with a brave streak has a lot of balls. That is wrong! Think about it. Think of how tough a vagina really is. You can slap, poke, and prod it for hours.

The clitoris alone possesses three times the nerve endings the testicles do.
Further, a swift kick to the cunt can have catastrophic health implications where as the balls will, after a brief period of agony, likely be completely fine.
Is there a solitary point in your little essays here where you aren't dead fucking wrong?
I've noticed the word irony being used very loosely and wrongly for a long time. There is a difference between irony and coincidence.

Took you three entire essays but we got there.
Finally, you made a point that isn't incorrect.
On this note of triumph (such as it is) I'm leaving.
I am going to bed with a headache.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Jesus Fucking Christ

You know how there's kind of a range of acceptability in things? Like if I told you "the cunt's response to the writer's block today is three paragraphs" when it should only be a sentence you might say "yeah that's a bit long" but you probably (wrongly) wouldn't conclude it's too long.
But then you reach that upward limit and keep going and you think "okay now you're really being unreasonable" but then you stretch past that and it becomes unbelievable.
What happens when you stretch past that?
Today's writer's block is literally awe inspiring at how long it is.
Are you ready for how long it is?
Are you sitting down?
I don't think I've had six pages of thoughts today, let alone on one sustained subject.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

How long should that response be?
I'd think maybe two words. At most a sentence if you want to be a specific kind of something.
Like "I want to be president of anime" and you'd have to specify "of anime" and not just "president" but any more than that and you're really pushing it.
Well, shall we begin?

Now this is an ironic prompt.

Definition of irony:

a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

This is the question that's been haunting me the most lately. So I don't see myself writing *too much about any "dream" job, but more on a realistic level.

There's my answer.

The funny thing with dream jobs is that they're usually defined as fun or easy, by other people's standards. But even if I chose a career in a field/industry that I love, the bigger question is, "Will I be able to do it?" If this wasn't a question, I'd have gone straight into the Animation Major during college, instead of fearing to marr my beloved industry.

You know the question didn't ask why.
It just asked what your dream job would be.
So animator.
Animator is your answer.

Or, I would have stayed in the Science Major to become some sort of mad scientist doctor. But really, there's nothing worse than every day, continuously failing, being self-disappointed, and humiliated in front of entire classes, while also disappointing a teacher.

Are you still fucking talking?

;____________; School, in and of itself was already that, so adding the horror of incompetently disgracing a personally beloved field/industry of mine, daily, would be too unbearable. There are no "dream jobs" when self-disappointment follows you everywhere.

Ever since I got laid-off in September, I've been thinking about what career I might do with my life. I'm still unemployed. But the very day after my lay-off, I got a seller's permit and got into swap meets and made all these plans for joining Artist Alleys at conventions.

Jeeeeesus fuuuck the looooord.
All right so while this cunt yaps on and on and on let me tell you guys this shit.
So I was doing the new Grand Company quest in FFXIV. I wasn't expecting anything interesting (the quest was investigating an airship crash [hint: the quest's name, "Alive", might be a spoiler]) when dear Edie runs through a cave tunnel thing without looking where she's going (even after being explicitly warned the area is crawling with Imperials and she just killed 3 to get there) when guess who drops down from nowhere the way she just came?

Gaius Van Baelsar, my old friend.
Gaius Van Baelsar's entire character is based around three things:
  • looking menacing
  • saying vague things
  • shooting people with a plasma gun from Warhammer.
I imagine the design process for him looked something like a bunch of grown men playing with action figures for an hour to get in the right state of mind for this shit. He just drops out of fuck nowhere to kick ass and then promptly vanishes. You know, sort of exactly like how kids play with action figures.

So I guess you could say I'm now self-employed. But the more events I get seller's tables for, the more I think this lifestyle isn't for me. I certainly loved designing merchandise and deciphering how to fabricate it all. And I love fabricating things with my hands, as well. But when it comes down to sitting at a table and interacting with people... I've done 2 events so far, and have already had more bad human interaction experiences than this Social Anxiety sufferer can stand.

Oh right, you.
God I was just thinking how great that quest was and now I have to come back to the startling reality that you exist and I have to know from you.
I am very disappointed that Edie ran like a bitch for the third time and got shot in the back.
There's a coward's wound if I've ever heard one.
It was okay, though. She shrugged that ball of super-heated magic off like someone pushed her.
Because, as it stands now---still and always has stood, I don't really see the worth in living. ...Except in the enjoyable hobbies that make me forget about the horror of being alive. In and of itself, if is a pretty horrible thing. It was one thing to live in a horrible situation, and feel there was a horrible enemy to defeat, then life would be awesome...But to live knowing that whatever environment (good or bad) or (lack of)obstacles you may be in, it would always be horrible because I was always there...;-;

Maybe the most emo thing I've ever read in my entire life.
But there is a horrible enemy to defeat: your fellow man.
What greater foe than the pigs around you?
Think about it. Even though dragons are evil, if they were real you could at least mourn the passing of a worthy foe after you vanquished it or the passing of a majestic and awesome creature.
What are men?
Filthy and unworthy, I think.
I can't get away from me. There was a time when my solution was to change myself, improve myself, into a person I could be proud to live with. (I hated myself so much, back then, that I couldn't stand seeing myself in mirrors.) But I hit my wall years ago. I Grew as far as I can, and I can't Grow anymore. ;_;

For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave.

The only place I can go now is death. And that's the irony. Once you're alive, that Survival Instinct and evolutionarily-ingrained fear of death, makes it near-impossible to just die.

>evolutionary ingrained fear of death
>humans are the only creatures even dimly aware they can die
You don't really know how evolution works, do you?
The only fear evolutionarily fear ingrained in man is the fear of falling and perhaps the fear of the dark.

Belive me. I've tried. You can use all the logic of your own ideals (the only Truth in this world of subjective morality) to justify suicide, but when it comes down to it, it's tough to go up against millions of years of Survival Instinct.

Yet people kill themselves daily.
So you want to kill yourself, and not over something noble like the loss of honor or a gambling debt but instead over-- THIS, which is the coward's way out of I've ever heard it, yet you're too cowardly to take the coward's way out of life--
No matter how much suicide is "right" and logical for me, when I get serious about taking action for it, now I get such a flood of emotions, that I can't suicide. Usually, it's sadness. Inexplicable sadness. Because when I'm depressed, I can barely get up, much less mix up some poison drink. ---I'm an Escapism junkie.

I skipped down a bit because at this rate I'm not getting to entry 2.
Can you believe a question about your dream job turned into a rant about suicide?
I sure can.
Maybe it's my method of survival. But it's hard to just revel in it, when the whole world and even the people you respect most keep reiterating that my geeky hobbies really aren't that important. ;_;

Did I show you Edie's crown already?
Yes I did. I wish I hadn't blown my wad on that the day I fucking got it.
Then what am I sticking around life for? ......Kingdom Hearts 3, that's what. And Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

Oh, Christ. If that's what I had to look forward to in life I'd be reaching for the hemlock too.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII, seriously?
Only the Final Fantasy series can have sequels to the sequels to the sequels.
So you have Final Fantasy XIII, the worst game ever made, then there's a sequel to that, Final Fantasy XIII-2 (which is released after XIV) then you have an unrelated game to the previous two set in the same world called Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Have I confused you yet?
Let's not even start with Final Fantasy XII.

But this journal entry was about careers, wasn't it?

Yes, back to the matter at hand.

My resume seminar instructor once suggested I get into some kind of merchandise design. Which would fit with my penchant/love of daydreaming unique concepts and fabrication. Which I currently express through fanart and cosplay. But writing was the one thing in my life where I remember always enjoying the hard work, and even feeling a constant hope of continual improvement/honing skill.
You have to learn how to learn, you know. It is a skill like anything else.
Here, let me tell you your next goal for writing: being less wordy.
The goal of writing isn't to throw as much shit onto the page as you can muster. It's to form a coherent idea and more importantly to express it to others as efficiently as possible.
Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. Whatever skill I had in writing, I lost it, when I went to focus on art. Me and my stupid dream to become a comic book/manga author who could draw and write. ~_~;

Number of manga authors who can draw and write:
Not that many don't tell amusing stories but I have yet to encounter one who is truly a writer.
They're primarily telling (not showing, the mark of a real writer) through pretty drawings.
Dragon Ball Z is especially remarkable because if there's a thing you shouldn't do in writing Dragon Ball Z does it and yet tells an entertaining story in spite of all that.

All I ended up doing was half-heartedly and unsuccessfully studying a skill that took up all my time for writing, until I lost touch with that skill altogether. ;_;

So what do you call this thing you're doing that's wasting all my time?
I could be making wind shards or dying to that new Moogle boss, you know.
I guess that's why I feel anxious about this new job offer from the government, that just came in the mail 3 days ago. If I go back to that cubicle life, how is that any different from the job I just left---was freed from? I don't need money. I have a substantial savings, because I don't have a Normal person's recreational activities/spending.

Man I just yawned big.
If I go back, then I might as well have stayed with my last job. I could have moved with them to Northern California. Sure, I'd have to say goodbye to my beloved family for probably forever, but I could have continued just roaming the internet every night for fun. Maybe even get a cat, once moved away from living with allergic and pet's-mess-phobic people. But I knew that if I went there, stayed in that job (not even a career), I would have had to first, resign myself to a lack of Hope, dreams, or chances for life to become anything grander. With that kind of Hopeless resolve, I knew that once I got up there, I would have just killed myself (and my hypothetical cats), all for a job that gave me nothing but money.

Didn't you just say the only reason you're living is because of your hobbies?
That sounds like a great reason to be alive, actually. You're living because you get to do what you want, what? Why are other people alive?
Do you realize how many people are alive simply because they can't die? Things like spouses and children depend on them?
Is that really what you want from life?
So far you haven't mentioned marriage or children so I imagine you don't really care about such things so what I'm getting from you is you're upset at life because your job sucked, yet they offered to pack you up and move you to sunny NORTHERN CALIFORNIA and you turned them down because that wasn't good enough.
Newsflash, honey: jobs suck. That's why they're called jobs. and not hobbies.

And I don't need money. I paid off my students loans, my car,...I don't pay rent or buy groceries (Luckily, Asian parents believe "good girls" live at home),

Man, Asian parents.
Wait, what?
An Asian girl that plays Final Fantasy?
Motherfucker are you dense?
Do you know how many successful nerds I know in Final Fantasy XIV that would literally murder someone to find an Asian girl who can talk intelligently about video games?
You wouldn't even have to work. They'd probably let you stay home as long as you can do domestic things because they're all beardbeasts.
Unless you're hideous. I can't help you then.
You don't even have to be beautiful. Just not hideous and you should be set for life.
I've seen some dense motherfuckers in my time but you're up there, lady.
I can't believe it but this is the first entry of Edie Finds a Corpse based entirely around one other entry but I guess that's what happens when you've written a six page thesis for the writer's block.