Friday, May 31, 2013


I'm reviewing this blog purely because it's the first one I found that wasn't flagged.
I'm also mining ice in EVE despite it being worse profits than ore just because I have to pay attention less. Like once every 30 minutes less.
And what am I doing with all this bureaucracy from my day cleared?
I just spent about 15 minutes staring blankly into the middle distance.
I have decided I want to run a vegetarian/vegan Quest Tavern with community notice board for people to advertise volunteer services and ask for volunteers, and also put up more fun things like if they're going to Stonehenge and have room for one more. There would be games and books and somewhere to relax after 5pm without alcohol.
I can't help but notice your avatar is the 8 pointed star of Chaos.
Clearly snowflakes are followers of Chaos.
But I keep reading the news and thinking that also, I want to just feed people. Because there's not enough food. Half a million people in the UK using food banks. Some of the food banks running out of food, or people having more than the allowed number of vouchers, so they send them on to food kitchens. Government via Job Centres responding to this by sending more people to food banks, rather than going 'OMG WTF no food how come British people are starving what has gone wrong', which seems the more reasonable response.
We're rapidly running out of protein to support our bloated population.
Thing #10000 only I seem to find concerning.
I realise role play games and free food doesn't immediately evoke the traditional community outreach response to food poverty. But it's more interesting than making people listen to a religion book. They can listen to a Terry Pratchett book instead, or a Doctor Who, there's audios of those.
Or you could just make them play Atlus games.
Everyone knows those make you fat.
You know what I said earlier about trigger warnings, and how if films had them I'd watch far less of them?
... yeah.
So: warnings for discussion of suicide
also: dear writers: death is not a solution, okay? death is the problem. FFS.
you know, I am a big fan of smoke alarms. truly, big fan. little bleepy things that warn us of imminent flamey death: awesome.
little bleepy things that warn us it is somewhere between five ish and seven ish and someone is making dinner? not awesome.

my neighbours...

there's this buddhist meditation where you practice feeling kindness to yourself, your friends, some random people, and your enemies. may they be happy, may they be well.
I had a guy try to extort money out of me in EVE today.
He should have checked himself before he Shrek'd himself.
Amazon are trying to licence certain specific kinds of fanfic, so the fic writers get a little money and Amazon and the rights holders get a lot.
People who have some knowing of tie-in or comics work-for-hire contracts say the terms look pretty familiar from there (which, given how much noise there is about the terms being sincerely crappy, is worrying).
Amazon is saying stuff like No Porn, though, which, er, somewhat severely restricts the utility of their plan.
Amazon is*
also: lol fanfiction.
Can you imagine paying for that garbage?
It's pretty genius really. Tons of these dumb bitches would in a second.
I was thinking though, fanfic happens from a mix of two motives, more-of and more-from. Canon shippers and case file writers are the classic more-of crowd, slashers and... well, really the vast majority of the sprawling edifice that is fanfic, they're more about more-from. Because what we want from fanfic is all the moments we'll never see on TV. The missing scenes and episode tags are part of that, but the epic A/B/O or D/s 'verse about space colonisation and alternate universes are the things we really need the fic for. Mainstream is just not going there.
So there you have it. Fanfic is mostly porno.
And women say they don't look at porno all the time.
That's kind of like they've glimpsed the coast of the land of Fanfiction and thought it looks pretty much like home so hey, let's invite them over! Or, for a less charitable interpretation, invite themselves over.
... the vast and tangled deeps of the continent only resemble the canon land in ways alchemical and strange.

It seems like one big thread of worry over this venture is if they take a look at the more transformative works and react in ways best expressed in gifs and WTFs and possibly lawyers.

If they want to invite our more-from into the sprawling mess of near-canon that is tie-in land, well that'll be interesting.
What the fuck are you trying to say you nutjob?
If they just want to kind of soak in the more-of... that'll remind me of Doctor Who, actually, where the borders have been porous for some time now, but only to certain subsets of work.

mostly though I'm not thinking much about it. people will keep telling stories. if people have to go back to invitation only mailing lists with paper copies, history suggests they'll keep telling stories.

only problem is potential exploitation of creative workers, and it seems that is already established practice
We wouldn't want people exploiting the brain trust that is the fanfic community.
The most successful work out of the fanfic community, incidentally, is 50 Shades of Grey.
So give that a moment's pause.
 On the subject of parity I just poked all my alt-Avengers ideas and found serious surfeit of men.
Writing slash is no excuse. There's more than two characters in the story, there should be more women.
Tackling the important issues, I see.
Of course given familiarity with the wider Marvel universe you can just bring in more awesome women until parity is achieved. That's fun too. But a lot of comics characters accrete around a core of stories that were structurally ... really not great to women. A lot of female characters get invented as in relation to male characters. Flipping a male character gives them an origin story and place in the universe that just starts with them.

aka makes them protagonists?
But women don't do anything.
And that's a big problem when you're telling a story.
The story is superheroes. Not women whining about tampons and gender equality.
The Iron Man and War Machine armours seem to translate real easy to historical AU, being visually reminiscent of traditional plate armour, so fitting in with the 13th through 16th century. 
Yeah you know how all those knights had anti-gravity technology?
And guns, more to the point?
You know plate armor started to vanish around the time guns were invented because you can punch right through a steel plate with a gun.
Fuck blogs I'm tired.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Men willingly believe what they wish to be true.

Here's a blog that opens with a sales pitch.
I can have my tarot read for the low, low cost of 45 dollars!
You know the ancient Greeks and Romans believed birds flying in their path were messages sent from the gods.
I can take an auspex for nothing on my ride to work.
Three crows flew over me yesterday.
The reason tarot appears to predict the future is because it is easy to relate to the human condition.
I think using it as a fortune telling aide is bullshit because no man can predict the future but I believe properly applied to your own problems it can have a therapeutic effect.
That said all the snowflakes on Dreamwidth think it's magic.
 I am a ball of neurosis today. Whee.

I say this not to engender pity or anything, just documenting the feeling. Mostly because other than one small possible-trigger, I can't figure out where it's coming from.

I will unravel it eventually, it's just not fun in the meantime. 
I am fuzzy-brained, so I can't thing well enough to process all the thinky panels I saw. But I learned SO MUCH. My brain feels like it stretched to accommodate all the learning. And, in some cases, clarifying of points. 
What the fuck does that even say?
What the fuck are words?
I finished ME2 day before yesterday, and I had planned on waiting until I got back from WisCon before starting ME3, but I needed something to cheer me up, and killing aliens and meeting "old friends" was just perfect.  
Mass Effect 2 came out like 4 years ago.
This post was made a month ago.
Mass Effect truly has been one of the most influential games in gaming but for all of the wrong reasons.
I completely understand the people who kept saying "just skip ME, start with ME2" now. ME2 is a great game, and I think I will start there from now on. But I wanted to be a completionist, and I am glad I did play ME. 
Meanwhile anyone with any goddamn sense tells you to play ME1 and skip the rest of that garbage.
Here's a great rule for life I'm learning:
if fanfiction-writing, Dreamwidth snowflakes tell you something just assume the opposite is true.
If one told me the sky was blue I'd probably suspect it was red somehow.
So, literally, one of the first things I saw upon waking was Angelina Jolie's awesome op-ed about her choice to have a double mastectomy after learning she carries the "faulty gene" that makes her chances of breast cancer exceedingly high. I was impressed by her willingness to shine the light on such a personal choice, and my respect for her climbed even higher. 
I respect her decision to excise any perceived weakness in her even if it's physically mutilating.
I suspect she'd understand my desire to gain cybernetic arms and eyes.
Unfortunately, she's a woman, so therefore the haters climbed out of the muck to shriek about this courageous choice.
People can't handle forward thinking like this.
No one wants to think of their own body as defective and in dire need for augmentation.
Except when Asian girls get their eyes widened.
There is no need for that nonsense.
I also don't see this as hypocrisy either because that serves no practical use.
Clearly Asian people evolved that trait for a good reason.
Between the assholes saying "poor Brad," and the people ranting about "how dare she," and "why is she even talking about this?" (maybe because people need to be educated about their options?!?!) I quickly reached my limit for asshattery today.
This poor woman is having her entire chest cleaved off but meanwhile it's all about what you feel about it.
White women ahoy!
Fortunately, I have awesome friends. The Ferrett talks brilliantly about why no one should be saying 'poor Brad.' That says it all, really. As to the "how dare she" crowd, it's HER BODY. She gets to do whatever she wants. Go watch your Hackers gif if you're so in love with her "original boobs," as one individual put it. 
I thought she already had implants?
There's no way she doesn't already have implants.
My issue with her choice is that it's a choice made possible by her wealth. I could not afford the genetic testing that she's done, and I have what is considered *good* insurance. My insurance still does not cover that particular gene test, and while that may change, it'll take a lot of lobbying for the change to happen. 
What was she supposed to do?
Not have the test done because there are people who can't afford it?
So she doesn't have it and gets breast cancer and dies.
Or has her tits hacked off then and gets really sick on top of it.
Either way she's just out her tits or her life.
At no point is her not having these tests a bad idea.
People don't look at the end results of shit enough.
It's all "oh but her motivation wasn't pure".
Who gives a shit?
Same end results, really.
Her reconstruction, which she references, is also made possible by her privilege. Again, if such reconstruction was not covered by insurance, I would not be able to afford it even if I wanted it. And given her status, I am certain she had the best plastic surgeons in the world-- something, again, I could not afford! 
 She's framing this in "I couldn't afford this so it's wrong" implying if you could you would keep your mouth shut.
That's interesting to me.
What if you want to know, but you don't want to have a double mastectomy? That should be your choice, not a mandatory side effect of having a procedure.

I am glad she's speaking out about this, but to me, it only raises more questions and more frustration about the state of the world-as-I-know-it.
Progress is by definition unequal and unfair.
Get used to it, snowflake.
Kidney doc appointment done! My creatinine is still high, but it's only a little high now-- 1.5 versus the 3+ that I left the hospital with. So, he thinks following up with blood work in a few months is all that's required, and I can do that with my regular doc. So, yay!

He said to keep up with the liquids. My potassium levels were still a smidge low, too, so I'm going to keep up with the gatorade for another week or two as well. Other than that, once I'm out of this flare I'm going to return to my normal routine of exercise. Yay for a clean bill of health.
How many millions of Africans can't afford to have their kidneys tested?
You should stop because clearly your wealth is affording you this test others can't afford.
Worse yet you mentioned in another post I'm not quoting that you're on Medicaid.
You are benefiting from wealth that isn't even yours.
See what I mean when I say you're a whiny bitch about the Angelina Jolie thing?
I am firmly ensconsed in a flare. Ow ow ow. 
Maybe don't sit on chemical fires?
Personally I'm wreathed in warp fire but that's the corruption of Chaos.
I haven't done anything today, thanks to the pain. I woke up at 9 in horrid pain, took meds, and slept all day. I am still in pain, but I'm going to attempt to be upright for a time, so I only took OTC pain meds.

Ugh. I hate flares. 
Oh this is like a pain flare.
Maybe specify.
Because I was thinking road flare this entire time.
I finished Mass Effect 1 last night, and stuck in 2 almost immediately. ME1 is all the things that made me love Bioware, smushed into Science Fiction-y goodness. And, IMHO, the fact that you can import your character and continue playing in ME2 makes it a better sequel than Dragon Age 2. 
>Dragon Age 2
This game series and Dragon Age are why I am a huge Bioware fangirl. It doesn't even feel like a game, sometimes, it feels like an epic movie that you're influencing. *siiiigh* Looooove it. 
The only reaction I ever have when I read women talking about Bioware games.
Anyway fuck blogs.

Monday, May 27, 2013

All guys with blogs are gay

Guy named James who writes fanfiction--
So we saw Furious 6 today, and it was awesome. AWESOME. The tiny bits of plot were rare and easy to ignore and focus on the important things: fast cars, impossible stunts, witty banter, Vin Diesel standing around in thin shirts.

I approve very much of this movie. I think there was something about a computer chip. I do not know. Driving fast! Biceps! Something about a guy named Shaw!

It was all good. I want to re-watch 1, 4 and 5 now. And write lots of stories explaining why Dom and Brian are going to raise Jack while Letty and Elena (sp?) go catch criminals together. Or Elena can be a cop and come home to Letty and say "Don't tell me what you did today! I'm not covered by the fifth amendment!"

And stuff.
Great thanks for that time waster!
"These movies have no plot and it's the 6th one so do you really need a review of it?" is how this post should read. Of course, that doesn't stop Dreamwidth from being eternally sunny about everything:
stellar analysis! you've focused on the truly important bits of the movie, imo
Says one comment.
Truly, indeed, this is the pinnacle of movie reviewing.
Adventures in reading fanfic
I'm not going to be mad at this post because that's the title and I clicked on it.
Like what did I expect?
Ooo, a story I haven't seen before!

Okay, do I recognise that author's name?

...yes, I think I do!

Wait, do I recognise them because they're good, or because I always think I recognise them for being good but really they're bad?

clicks on story link

 What did I expect?
The part that slays me is I have to agree that I'm 18 after each post like Dreamwidth does but there's a posted reason this time:
Talk of porn..
I'm going to go until I find a post where you talk about porn. What do you want to bet this is the entry that doesn't end?
Why even warn about talk of porno?
Do you realize it's hard to do studies on internet porno because finding a control group that doesn't watch porno is impossible to find?
I have written over 800 pieces of fanfiction over the last twenty years (possibly more, considering the way I am not all that rigorous about archiving my stuff). I have posted to paper zines, university-owned mailing lists, usenet, yahoo, LJ, DW, AO3, moderated archives, my own forums.

I still get paranoid about posting something and waiting for that comment from a moderator saying that I have screwed up, violated comm rules, and I need to stop being a brain-dead loser who can't read instructions.

20 years of writing fanfiction?
So since 1993?
At what point do you stop and evaluate what the fuck went wrong with your life?
20 years of writing fanfiction.
Do you realize you could have written something of actual substance in that amount of time if you had even a modicum of talent?
A couple days ago I banged out 1,000 words in about fifteen minutes, spellchecked it, went over it and changed half a dozen words and punctuations, and posted it. Now it has, like, 1500 hits and almost 200 kudos and over a dozen comments.

I feel like I misled everyone by not actually spending time and effort writing it. However, I figured out why it's popular: it's not a WIP, it's not angsty, and it isn't Steve/Tony posted under the Clint/Coulson tag. Also, it is a fluffy piece of awwwww so it makes readers feel good, which encourages kudo-leaving.
 Writings by women.
Writings by men.

 When you read a long story all in one sitting and when it's done you have to try to pull your brain back out of that world and remember things like a) what you were supposed to have been doing and b) whether you have time to still do it and c) your name and species.
What the fuck is wrong with you and what went wrong with your life?
Still waiting for that talk of porno, speaking of.
So I start reading a story and it's "this happens, then this happens, then this person says this, and that person says that, then this happens, then that happens" and not one single person has a single emotional response to anything at all, ever.
Fanfiction of inferior quality?
You mean if you eat shit you'll end up eating shit?
Dear Customer:

Why do you ask me where something is then walk away as I begin to answer?

Good luck,

Yeah people did that to me all the time when I worked my shitty grocery store job.
Here's how you handle it:
You started walking away before I told you anything.
Finish thought.
Call them right out on their bullshit because I ain't be trying to spend all day babysitting grown women.
Happens all the time in high school too but you know I'm getting paid to babysit (effectively) grown women so whatever that's what I'm paid to do.
 When I have lunch I sit at the front window by the doors to our store, and I watch people come and go. It's always entertaining, but the one thing that always gets to me are the number of women who wear heels and don't know how to walk in them. Usually it's the bow-legged clomping walk they use, because they don't know how to keep their balance or something.

I don't wear heels -- I used to wear cowboy boots but now they hurt my arch.
Oh it's a woman.
Excuse me for assuming a journal named James was a man.
You know it had all the indicators of being a woman but who the fuck even knows anymore
That means I don't really have any heel-walking experience with which to rant about how some people look really stupid and clumsy when walking in heels. So I did what anyone would do, and I went to youtube and looked up how to walk in high heels videos.
And now I want to get a pair of heels. Possibly so I can learn to walk in them correctly and be all smug about it. Luckily for me, I don't have any occasion to wear heels (they would not go well with my cargo pants or sweat pants, I suspect.)
So let me see if I understand this correctly
you're going to buy shoes you don't like
that are uncomfortable
put research and practice into this 
just for the purpose of showing up other women
who don't care
so you can feel smug?
White women, eh.
So at my last break at work, I go in to the break room and find that Lord of the Rings is playing on the tv! Yay!


I sit down in time to see Boromir's death scene.


Now I'm home and am having all the cookies and ice cream.
Not that you needed an excuse for that am I right?
Lo, the irony! The other day I described a sort of book I wanted to read. Turned out I had a book exactly as I wanted sitting on my bookshelf in the to read pile. I'm about 100 pages in and loving it.

The Straight Razor Cure by Daniel Polansky is about a drug dealer in Low Town (the slum part of town), a former soldier and former wizard's apprentice who gets dragged into investigating a crime by his former bosses, the town's elite police corp.
What the fuck has gone wrong with your life?
Sometimes I buy books and I end up reading them right away, sometimes a year later. (If I buy it in hardback, chances are good it'll be "a year later, right after it's released in paperback.") Sometimes I end up reading the first 50 pages and deciding I don't want to finish it. (50 pages is my limit: if I don't like it well enough to keep going by then, chances are I won't suddenly start enjoying it on page 52.)

The nice thing about buying books, though, if that even when I buy it and decide I don't like it, I never feel guilty for having spent my money on it. Unless I discover that the author is a complete asshat, I think that books are awesome enough as a Thing that I'm happy to support their existence on principle even if I don't care for the actual content.
If I buy a book and it sucks I'm pissed off that some asshole has my money undeservedly.
because seriously who gives a shit about your purchasing habits I mean goddamn

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I will give you a snippet of it. Any fandom I've written before; please specify pairing or grouping if you want that to be relevant.
I am pleased by this turn of events.
It's possible I am a little grumpy (and that I maybe don't like answering the phone anyhow) when I hear my phone ring from the other room and I yell (to the empty apartment) WHY YES I WOULD LIKE TO IMMEDIATELY DROP EVERYTHING I AM DOING AND COME TO ANSWER YOU.

There may have been a few "fucks" sprinkled in there. Luckily for the caller, it was the automated system telling me to pick up my prescriptions. So I didn't have to ruin anyone's day by being grumpy at them.

Also, why isn't it spelled "perscriptions" since that is how it is pronounced?
How it's pronounced if you live up north or down South, maybe.
Meanwhile in non-plebeianville it's pronounced exactly how it's spelled.
You know how when you send a PM or direct message or the like to someone you have interacted with before, but are not really friends with, and you're trying to, like, be friendly and you try to be witty and change your wording several times so you sound just right and then they don't respond for a couple days and you realise you've probably just offended them and they're never going to like you?

Yeah. That.

all my personal mails are in EVE Online and are usually handled with clinical professionalism.
I've even started conversations with strangers with "state your business."
Why is it always the songs I dislike which get stuck in my head??
Must suck m8
Does it count as exercise if I eat a cookie while on the stationary bike?
Oh boy.
Fic Letdown
And more irrelevant bullshit.
That moment when you see a new story has been posted in your small fandom, and it's a genre you despise.

That moment when you realise that half of the new stories in your small fandom are a genre you despise.

That moment when you see an author you adore talking about a new story that's almost ready to post...and in the last sentence of her happy babble you find out it's a genre you despise.

And it's the sort of genre where you just want to say "If that's what you enjoy, then why not write stories in Fandom X, which is tailor made for that sort of thing?!? And leave my Fandom Y alone!"
Imagine if you had real problems.
For four decades I knew that when my stomach was upset, the best course of action was to not eat anything for awhile, or have some toast and 7-up. Now, of course, I am on two medications -- both of which give me an upset stomach if I have not eaten enough.

I'm not really enjoying myself. In case you wondered.
40 years old.
years old.
Anyway I gotta do some shit and then some more shit and then go to bed so goodbye.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I am gay

Another Wednesday.
 Overall, yesterday was an interesting day:

First, I got a free lunch! One of the teachers has been making friends at the food carts across the street, and arranged for the toddler classes to take a field trip over there for lunch yesterday. It was raining a bit, but there's a big covered area, and everyone had fun and a chance to try something different for lunch and there were leftovers, which they brought back for me. \o/
This warranted you writing about it.
A friend called later than usual the other night after receiving bad news, needing to talk and wanting some distraction. So, she reminisced and we talked about inconsequentials for a while until her brother called. After I went to bed I figured I should text and say it was cool to call me at any time (even 2:00 am) if she wanted/needed to talk more. Her one-word response of "tux" confused me a bit - I thought *probably* she meant thx - but I answered with "ballgown?" to hopefully provoke a smile. It was a damn you, autocorrect moment, of course - she did laugh a little (and didn't call me at 2:00 am, which I appreciated). 
Zoning out while stopped at a light this morning, my attention was caught by the sticker on the back of the SUV in front of me - a large-ish (4-5" diameter) Captain America's shield; the car was the exact navy of the center circle of the shield. I grinned like a lunatic for several minutes, until they were no longer in front of me.
Fucking goddamn it.
The Bloggess posted about a new, revamped Merida (of Disney's Brave) who's been prettified and sexified into something far from the rather admirable original. People are justifiably upset and raising objections, and signatures for a petition - on which Disney commented, but missed the point entirely 

What do women want from fiction? I have an image that summarizes this issue.
Let's see if I can find it.
Yep here it is:
The gay.
In her post, The Bloggess mentioned some *real* strong women, and asked people for their favourite female heroes (lots of good ones in comments), which made me remember my collection of heroes. Back in the mid80s, A Woman's Place Bookstore sold a line of b/w headshot photo postcards of women -

I don't even know how to properly respond to this.
Who gives a shit?
Friday afternoon was apparently present time! One of the family advocates brought me a thank you card and some flowers (this was Teacher Appreciation Week, and she thought I deserved some too) and not ten minutes later The Big Cheese came by to give me the Sports section of The Washington Post from a week ago, with a big picture of the Capitals' bench celebrating a goal and a review of Game 1. He'd been in DC for a Head Start conference and some politicking, saw it and thought of me. *g*
*feels loved*
I have 12 capital cargo bays and 8 capital armor plates in my item hangar in EVE. Plus this shit in the hopper:
you know, it's probably really wrong of me to feel so betrayed when a story with a promising premise turns out to be crappy; after all, the writer having a cool idea but not being able to follow through on execution (probably) isn't done maliciously just to bug me. and while I'm moaning about stupidities - I also really resent it when the mediocre idficcy story I'm subscribed to is updated, but the chapters are always short. how hard is it to combine a couple of those chapters so it takes me more than a minute to catch up on the latest?
/feelings of entitlement
Has there ever been a less important use of words than this post?
Are you fucking joking? Oh wow DUST 514 has support for the Playstation move.
Can't imagine how awkward throwing a grenade is with that magic dildo.
My character already throws like a bitch.
Don't need me throwing like a bitch to compound the issue.
I mean seriously you have super clone suits that augment your strength and heart rate and breathing but AUGMENT SOMEONE'S THROWING ARM ARE YOU CRAZY?
I think I could throw a grenade further in real life.
I'm not even joking.
It's to the point where I just unequip them and add more armor plating.
Might as well.
I think I've killed a grand total of 2 people with them.
They don't even flush people out of cover properly because you can't throw them far enough and if by some miracle you do the fuse is set for 86 minutes and he just fucks off backwards a bit to totally avoid the explosion.
The Bloggess recently posted some valuable Rules for Life which are pretty damn awesome, and I think I need to internalize more than a few of them:
There are like a million of these and I'm not talking about all of them but I will go over a few that stuck out to me.
6. Support the under-dog.
So when the war started to swing against Germany I should have switched sides?
Tacit approval of being a Nazi.
10. Don’t use the word “literally” when you really mean “figuratively”. It literally makes me want to stab you a little but I don’t do it because that’s illegal and also because I have a very limited amount of knives.
 Just keep that one in mind.
15. Become a pirate. Or a monster truck. Or a space toddler. Or a jacket. That’s my favorite one. I just jump on someone’s back and say “Sorry. You looked cold. Zip me up.” It’s awesome.
I would literally kill anyone who did that to me.
Anyway I forgot about this for 12 hours and now I've forgotten my train of thought, so--