Friday, July 31, 2009

( ゚ Д゚)

I wish I had Darkinuyoukai's (Jesus fuck) address, because if I did I would definitely send her some nice Summer's Eve douching products.
While I'm on the note of Darkinuyoukai (Jesus fuck), let's go over that name. Dark is always an awesome opener for any name, up there with XxX or SSJ in my opinion. I call them "openers" because I'm not sure if "title" is appropriate here or not. Then we have inu, or as it's actually written, "犬" it means "dog". Then we have youkai which I do believe is some variety of demon. I don't really know what kind or what their deal is.
So here we are, Darkinuyoukai (Jesus fuck)'s journal.

Insomnia...I've experienced it for quite a while, yet I still can't shake it when I'm supposed to.

If you could "shake" insomnia it wouldn't really be insomnia, now would it?

I know I will sleep, but to get back into the schedule I once was in will take a lot of work.

Anyways, I've been itching to go to the bookstore. I want to read another good series, and it'll most likely be horror again.

pick two.

For one, I've changed my major. There is good reason why I did that too.

Talking more and more to advisiors, I decided that more stress on me wouldn't be the best thing....especially with my migraines.

"Advisiors", huh?

Changing my major to English gives me a lot to work around with.

Well if you want a low stress major welcome to it, holy fuck. It's a lot of douchebaggery and a lot of reading but challenging it is not.
I'll narrow it down a bit more when I'm back on campus. So now, I'm just retaking Anatomy and Japanese, and taking a general education class in poetry.

Ha, ha what a gay schedu-- OH FUCK IT'S LIKE MINE. I didn't willingly take a poetry class, or anything, though. Believe me it was a last resort.
*headdesk* hopefully that won't happen.

Wednesday, I have a phone meeting with advising to help me along this semester. Oh joy. I just love to talk on the phone.

I couldn't deal with the pain any longer, so i was admitted to the hospital in hopes of breaking the migraine I've had.

Pussy. What are they going to do? Besides waste resources trying to treat your stupid ass, that is.
It was quite annoying being in the hospital again, but it was necessary. After skirting around a possible LP, I had quite a few blood tests, an MRI, and an EKG doen to me during my two day stay there.

Ha, ha so you're sick enough to have all this shit done to you but not enough for a spinal tap. Hey, it'd get your mind off how much your head hurt, which believe me if you've had a real migraine would almost be welcome.
Most of the time, I was either sleeping or on my computer....which I was glad I could take into my private room. xD

lolxD last thing I want to do when I have a migraine: look at a bright computer monitor.
Oh yeah!! I forgot something. The same day that I was admitted to the hospital. (the 14th,) I had a phone interview for a job on campus. Ironically, I got the really surprised me.

All right English major, what's ironic about this?
Everything that happens to you that you don't expect is irony, you know. Now if the person lining up the interview and said "there's no way you're getting this job," or if your last name was "Nojob" then that would be ironic.
Okay, get this. Apparently, my neurologist is still there in the hospital system. She didn't even leave at all! I'm pretty pissed at the lame brain receptionist that told me that she left the hospital system...

"God I don't want to talk to her again, can't you just tell her I left?"
"Sure thing, boss!"
That's how this played out at the hospital, I'm sure.
I'm about ready to just go and tell anyone that tells me that I need to stick with the pain medication I'm on. Its NOT working,

Brotip: nothing really helps migraines. The best thing I've found is caffeine and aspirin, and even that's like a 50/50 shot of working.
The only reason I haven't done that yet is because of how long it takes to schedule an appointment in such a big hospital. I'm better off going to a neuro off the main hospital area, yet still staying close enough to make a difference.

*headdesk* I'm going to stop worry about that...otherwise It'll make the migraine I have now worse. ^^;

I'm actually glad I'm reading this. Further proof that no matter how smart you are (brain doctor in this case) you cannot escape cunts.
Ha, ha poor doctor probably thought she was going to do something big and important with her medical degree but NOPE WACKY HERE NEEDS MORE PEELZ.
I have the WORST luck sometimes.

Now I'm going to do what I normally do and quote from some Roman archivist or philosopher (so listen up he's probably smarter than you):
"Every man is the architect of his own fortune", or so said Sallust.
Haha don't get me started on my depression, or wanting to stay away from crazy doctors like a few of my last ones were. One of my old doctors STILL wants me to go to a pain psychologist, and I'm still basically telling him flat out, "No way in hell would I ever end up there."

Good grief.

Its a wonder that I still maintain my anger over all of this...>>;

Yeah it is, actually. I thought for sure you wouldn't have GUTS enough to be angry.
That'll help your dumb headaches, I think. SHOW THEM THE FURY OF ARES BURNING IN YOUR CHEST.
I really don't know what to do now other than suck it up, and look for someone else that could help me.

Of course you don't know what to do. It's because you don't have the balls to stop being a faggot.
Migraines that are messing with my vision, mental health that's extremely questionable sometimes (I go from quiet, to hyper, back to pissy. Pretty fun range of emotions when I'm in so much pain.) spinal health that is totally shot, depression, and god...what else? I could try to list what else would be wrong, but that would take a while.

Holy fuck do you ever shut up? There's an exercise for you: shut up.

I'm getting into my neuro slowly, but at the moment, I'm completely off the Topamax.

Topiramate is a pussy drug. Tell them to give you the real shit.
I would start working on my fanfics again...but at the moment, I'm either too bored to, or I don't have any muse to start where I left off/being too lazy and want to wait to do them.

Here's your muse: kill yourself.

I shouldn't have to deal with this, yet I do daily.

It's Nemesis punishing you for being a douche.

Oh god, thanks to one of my friends, I'm hooked on para rping again.

So now I'm skipping all entries where she's bitching about her head or not being able to sleep (gee wonder if these things are connected) and I'm having trouble finding entries.
Here's one-- oh no, no it isn't. Ha, ha, just kidding.

I'm quite happy that I got a C in Anatomy, and even though I didn't get a B,

You do know there's a grade higher than B, right?
Yeah this looks like the end. Not seeing anything that isn't more bitching or just irrelevant drivel, so I best be off~

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let's-- not sure what I'm seeing

Maybe it's because my dog decided to wake my up at the UNGODLIEST of hours today but when I clicked on today's blog I just had to sit and stare for about 30 seconds until it finally registered: what the fuck am I looking at, here? Well my dull-witted self, if you scroll down there's your blog. This is intuitive. I'm going to look forward to scrolling that scroll wheel for about 5 minutes to read your latest earth-shattering revelation, lady.
Also cool microfont, I'm blind, etc.
I don't normally do this, but here's today's first entry in picture form, with my English teacher RED PEN ALL OVER IT :C
Oh great thanks for resizing that for me, Blogspot. Oh well now I'm typing as small as she is :3
woke up and immediately put on jeff buckley vinyl, and swam deep in the happiness of my blooming concrete jungled garden and the streaming sunlight.

Cool douchey imagery, cunt. Also she put on a vinyl, guys. That means record. She's indie. No MP3 players/CDs/tapes/8tracks/etc for her, maaaaaaaaan.
say what you will about south philadlephia, but in the early morning hours, when the light turns each leaf's cell matrix into a kaledioscope, I feel like luck has kissed both of my cheeks.

>doing anything but being a turbo bitch
wow you read some different stories than I did.
my needs are so simply met, these days-
a bit of earth, songs sang from the missisipi mud banks, and your blue green eyes. I am pale golden.

Am I the only one who thought the +44 was way fucking better than blink 182 has been since........2001?

Yeah because I don't even know who +44 was (I wasn't even aware you were talking about music until I read it again, to be honest) and Blink 182 or whatever sucks, so yeah, it's all you, baby.
And they don't have the dopey dick and fart jokes which is wonderful considering no one likes 30 somethings in so-cal dickies shorts talking about dogs licking peanut butter off their dicks.

Speak for yourself. That's my fetish.
Last night, after three fourties and fishticks, augusta got my named tattooed on her ass.

Things couldn't be better

Hi too much information.

You can come close to the original iron chef show. The american version just sucks

Yeah, well the dubbed English version sucks too so learn some Japanese if you want to be really pretentious about this you stupid cunt but ohhhh that's right you can't.
P.S. Iron Chef sucks anywhere.
Now there's some wedding photos that imply she married the Geico caveman. Cool star tattoos by the by. Looks real trailer chic.
i hope this terrifies you.
Sorry I didn't read this entire entry, what?
I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars.

Yeah... What?
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man.

People have been bitching about this since literally the stone age. Stop it already.
Wasn't that some sort of Socratic curse "may you live in interesting times"? No you don't want to live in interesting times. You want to know interesting times? WORLD WAR II WAS INTERESTING. I'd love to see you storming Normandy, lady. OH THIS SAND GOT IN MY EYES WHY ARE THESE GERMANS SHOOTING AT US WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression.

Great War? That's World War I. No, you definitely wouldn't want to fight WW1, bitch.
Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives.

Speak for yourself. I had a gay old time (gay as in fun, but also as in homosexual) time playing Final Fantasy XI today. Got warrior from levels 20-24 and learned Sturmwind. Shit is so cash. I mean, yeah, everyone insisted SHIELD BREAK IS BETTER but who gives I shit I can totally turn your shitty fire arrow into a 92 point scission skillchain. I mean it only happened that one time and every time after that it was around 20 damage but I think that made (possibly) gimping my damage worth it. Besides it's fucking Qufim it's not like it's a scary hard place to level in or anything.
Ok back on topic, sorry.
We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars.

I haven't.
i made salmon burgers tonight
and they tasted like sex.


everyone else:

things are great, ben and i are six months old.

GROSS YOU REFER TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS HOW OLD YOU ARE? Goddamn I just got douche shivers and I burped and tasted some stomach acid, but I think that might be an unrelated event.
Now there's some meltdown that I'm not quoting here about how TIME MOVES AND OH MY GOODNESS NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ostensibly it's because she's turning 22 in 5 days (life over, incidentally. Might as well pack it up to the hospice because you are already dead) but I suspect someone was getting a little more attention than she was so here we are.

getting drunk and sloshing through rivers in my clothes, living on icepops and diet pills,

>alcohol (suppressant)
>diet pills (stimulant)
definitely not toxic or anything. Although maybe diet pills aren't stimulants anymore, shit. Anymore people are so FAGGOTY with their "ehhh I don't want to be jittery but I also don't want to exercise or eat less" bullshit science invented a way to trick your cavernous stomach into thinking it's full. God bless you, science.
when you touch me i shake like a child
it's late,

ha, ha whoa, easy there. Some daddy issues working their way to the surface or poorly worded poetry?
if you feel discouraged
when theres a lack of color here;
please don't worry lover-
it's really bursting at the seams
from absorbing everything.
the spectrum's A- Z

Glad to see we know how colors and color theory works in this blog.
in absolute short terms:

my friends are the realest, my boyfriend is epic, drama wont get us fucking down, so you can take that shit to the streets and run it up your fucking flag poles.

"Realest"? Going to have to check my dictionary but I don't think that's a word.
GO CHECK IT, and that my friends is the real baked potato.

lol so randum xD

besides, my spank pants? read CUNT on the ass. you love it.

Excuse me?

Simultaneous sitting 'til you atrophy
Maybe you try to be pretty instead of kind

Ah yes, atrophy. From the Greek atrophos meaning "to be ill fed" something I bet she is very unfamiliar with.
if i knew how to play guitar, i'd start a band. one like the yeah yeah yeahs & rainer maria. who wants to teach me how to play?

Here's how I read this: "if I knew how to play the guitar, I'd start a shitty band."
she went over to his apartment
clutching her decision

Oh boy I'm so looking forward to a million couplets like this one next semester.
... Now I'm suddenly down.
Oh well time to do something else~

Monday, July 27, 2009

Let's Read Phonetically!

For today's blog I'm going to be reading everything phonetically because spelling errors are humorous that way.
Here we are, Maarkage (you're a cunt).

when people never heed my advice, like i dont know what im talking about
what you think the 18 years of hell ive been through , has shown me nothing??

You're 18. You don't know anything. Shut your trap.
seriously , you get hurt by "freinds" so u listen to me and tehn you go back with your back stabbing so called freinds
why cant you people see , that people never fucking change, only make choices upon those around them.
deep down inside

Yeah I have no clue why no one heeds your "wisdom". You can barely express yourself. They probably had no clue what you were on about.
god im so fucking pist...
all this wisdom and no one fucking listens
yall wounder why i hate myself

You probably hate yourself because you're a deplorable waste of space.
Yesterday upon the stairs,
I met a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish, he'd go away.


bitches i got my first tat and it stands for independence

Shit son, did you get one of those tribal bands? Or maybe some Chinese characters that you think say "fire warrior" but in actuality say "faggot ass"?
Or maybe you went for the tride-and-true SKULL WITH SNAKES COMING OUT OF IT OH NO
that this date in the mark bowdidge history books , it the weirdest, i dont know what happend on this date years ago
but i know it hurt me in such a way i forced my self to forget

hahah hell its even raining

not really funy

Mark. I'm watching you, Mark.
now reader, you may or may not know that we bothare stuborn ignorant fools, we'll fix you cause we aint "broken".

Stubborn perhaps, ignorant for certain. Also no, you won't be fixing me. I'd avoid both of you like the Plague of Justinian. The Plague of Justinian, incidentally, is perhaps more virulent and took a higher death toll than the legendary Black Death, so there's my opinion of you.
"This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."

QUICK! ONLY AN IDIOT WHO CAN'T SPELL OR STRING TOGETHER A COHERENT SENTENCE CAN SAVE US NOW! Yes, millennia of social engineering have failed us, and now we have to trust on this 18 year old kid to fix all of our problems!
Also cool juxtaposition between whores and politicians. You know, they do have a lot in common. I mean, most prostitutes are only working for a living (regardless of if you agree with the institution of prostitution, they're most probably not stealing tax payer dollars or the like) meanwhile politicians are all scum. Seems to me you're confusing social and political issues, but you are, after all, an idiot, so I doubt you see much of a difference between these things outside of "I disagree with them, and they are therefore bad."
sadly , this is how i veiw most of society

Very black and white "veiw" of society. Maybe when you grow up some you'll see most people aren't good or bad.

im sticking with political sceince as my major, ima need it to play their game

"Ima" not take any basic grammar classes either. Brotip: if you want to play "their game" you're going to need to understand the differences between 'ie' and 'ei' if you want any occupation above mixing concrete.
laughing my ass off for no reason just like i always do, but to day is gonna be never ending , i got a wedding and than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday .

>than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday
>than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday
>than sara is staying over for like ever wich equals untill wensday
Hooooooooboy that's probably the worst spelling I've seen lately.
oh oh awsome new quote well quotes

" one mans fanasy is another mans nightmare"

Oh God, what?
I have an awesome quote for you: kill yourself.

why did live journal tell me when my own birhtday is

Probably wishing you a happy birthday. Not that you deserve it. Yeah that's right, stupid, every time people like "friends" and "family" said that they weren't actually reminding you of your birthday (although you are, after all, an idiot and would be prone to forgetting it).
Here's a comment from "Angst1991" (cool username, bro):
Because lj expects everyone to be dumb.

me gots a date for 2moro really stoked
first actual date ina while...cause some people are afraid to leave home
but enough about that

Ohhhhhhh boy the idea of this man reproducing is a scary one. Also "me gots a date 2moro"? Seriously? What, are you a caveman who thawed and then somehow adapted to modern living? I'm not sure whether to be impressed now.
u dont know waht its like trust me
all these images in my mind
random laughter
keeping a smil on my face

you seriously thing u know me huh ?

try again

To quote Oblivion: "I don't know you and I don't want to know you!"
you think you know what lonlieness is...
well let me tell you
when you aint got a shoulder to lean on
a brother to mess around with
and no best freind to kick the shit with
what do you have...

Well maybe stop being such an emocunt and you'll have friends.
Tuesday, April 30, 2047 ..... thats the day im gonna day

acording to "the death clock"

I look forward to it. Only 39 years. When I awaken on Tuesday, April 30, 2047 I'll exclaim "I HAVE WAITED LONG FOR THIS DAY!"
am i that much different from the rest,
that some one would classifiy me as a totaly different kind of human
my only responce to that was agreeing....
look im flattered that you think im differnt and worth idiolizing
but now i got me self thinking....
what about me makes me so different

Ha, ha, ha, ha
ha, ha, ha

i talked to jamie...
told her my birth day is in 13 days

"Yeah? And?"
Here's a post entitled "fighting is fun!" which leads me to believe our boy has never been in an actual fight before. Unless this is a metaphorical fight for something, in which case... No he's never been in a fight before.

one wrong move gramps and ill show you waht fear is

Ah, ha, ha, ha cool it, Vegeta.

giving 2 shits about enemys is not my style.

Yeah you're a regular space marine, kid.

dont say you fucking know me, then get shocked when i act imature
dont be all surprized when im a wise ass, and complain cause i insulted you

I'd love to see your insults. Actually, just kidding, I probably already have with shit like I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT FEAR IS!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamn what a putz.
Well, Mark or whatever, you're a cunt's cunt and I'm sure you'll be forgotten quickly. Not only by me, but by the world. Enjoy your life or whatever~

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Let's break in my new graphics card!

Oh hi if you see this I succeeded in fixing my computer. So let's break this fucking massive brick that required me to mickey mouse my hard drive around with some EXTREME TEXT EDITING.
I love the first entry, by the way: "click here if you want to see what I'll tell Matt!" Wow you're such a tease! With a play up like that how can I not click that?
It's such a nothing post I'm left with nothing else to say about it.
He's overweight and I guess I just want someone smaller than me or same size.. I'm about to cry because I've known about his size for a long time and I coudn't possibly tell him that's the reason I don't want to be with him.. Am I being shallow world!!!???? Please tell me...

Yes and also a hypocrite because later you say you yourself are on a diet and are overweight, so good job you shallow, hypocritical cunt!
I'm just giving up a few things so that I can pay for rent like not getting my hair and nails done.. NOOOOOOOO.. Ok. i'm good. Just needed to get that out. Right now I have my hair in a cute donut bun.

Thanks for that. Cute bun, guys. Also you would have your hair styled like a delicious fatty food, wouldn't you?
I'm going to start posting pics up to make my journal more fun for me to read lol and my other LJ friend.. I'm a visual person I like to see pics.

Well you're certainly not a text person because you suck at typing coherent thoughts with proper punctuation.
I bought an ESHAKTI dress and I like it/hate it.. I only hate it because of my weight, but I am currently going to lose that weight.

GOING to lose weight, people. I love her conviction before she even drops a pound. I guess thinking about doing something feels as good as actually doing it.
My mom has me forever terrified to wear sleeveless anything. I'm afraid to wear tank-tops or sleveless dresses because I think my arms are fat. Granted, they're not the smallest thing on the block, but I feel like if other woman bigger than me can do it. Why can't I?

Because your mom is smart and knows how to hide her shame but you feel vindicated in doing something just because other people do it?
(brotip: just because other people do something does not make it right or a good idea).

Which is cute, shows he has a little loyalty to his little girl toy that he's trying to get with.

Jealous and shallow. I can't imagine why no one wants to date you, what with your winning personality and looks. You're the complete package!
Sooo, I stopped acting cute, and start getting down and dirty with him.. Joke for joke, wise ass for wise ass comments... Remember those racist comments he would sometimes make..yep, I made them back and I (what he would call) busted his balls!!!

Ha, ha you tried to run with a troll and got obliterated. Good work, come back when your kung fu is stronger.
I guess I was being mean, but you know I don't care. I know that I'm sweet and that I'm a darling.

errr, what?
Anyways.. I answered like two more CL posts and one guy wrote me back saying "Are you cute? Any pics?" ummm why would I be contacting you if I thought I was dreadfully ugly.. Would I tell you that on the spot JERK!!! Anyway i wrote back NVM. I cannot stand ppl who go strictly off looks..not fair at all..

Seems fair to me. You're trying to hook up with people on the internet. They have literally nothing to go off of. I guess if you're going to be a shallow twat you might as well be an attractive shallow twat.
Next weekend, I'm supposed to be hanging out with my ex-boy..hmmnn I'm actually looking forward to it..not because of him..but just to get that mean??


but I'm sure I went over my points when I ate my ranch fully loaded taco salad from Taco Bell.

Ha, ha, no I'm guessing that's perfectly healthy. Probably 0 points.

That's pretty much it for today, OH YEEAH i"m going to start reading Twilight again.. can't wait to get absorbed back into the book.. Movie comes out in November and I want to go with some adoring fans..gotta find some first

Oh yeah and I"M DONE>..


Oh wow this is shocking. People who graduated no longer have access to services they're not paying for anymore!?!?
I'm sure my school will do that to because the minute one of our students graduate and come back they think they can just be all up in the plays and stuff.. I mean please.. Aren't you supposed to be on Broadway or something. Go make a life for yourself and stop trying to be in college productions lol

Here's what I always wonder about theater majors: if you were a good actor to start with wouldn't you already be in shows or something? What, if you're a good actor without a degree they just won't take you?
Ok, so I just posted something and it erased all.. so basically what I had originally said..

was that ::: aroaogfsoghsohjsaogjos i don't feel like typign that anymore im pissed

Wow, what? Cool meltdown.
Sooo, I am giving up fast-food as long as I can stand it and I am going to SUCCEED and not fail.

Yeah fuck this wishy-washy shit! You either succeed or you FAIL.

wow.. i have a major hot flsh and i don't know why lol haaa air..

Anyways, I didn't go to church yesterday and basically I was just tired of waking up so early every morning.. I didn't want to have an obligation for once.. my mom said that I will have to answer to God myself about not going to church.. I know I will..

Tell God to go fuck himself. It's your day off and you're going to sleep. SLEEP LIKE THE DEAD.
but hopefully he understands how tired I am.. and that I love him.. a lot.. it's just soo hard to try and juggle everything..hmpf..lame excuses I know.. but it is.. OHHH if it wasn't for Adam and Eve I wouldn't have to be explaining myself right now.. I will just live in peace and harmony.. but you know what how do we know that if Adam and Eve didn't eat the apples off the forbidden tree it could have been someone else.. and our lives will still be in peril and we would still sin.. I believe it was unavoidable..

I'm pretty sure the entire story is an allegory but all right sure I guess we're taking the stance that "the Bible literally happened as written and God created the Earth in 6 days 6000 years ago and rested on the seventh and it all happened regardless of contradictions".
Now there's a long post where she's butthurt about her best friend getting a boyfriend and then freely admits she ditched her friend for a boy in high school. Yes, it does, in fact, work both ways.
oh yeah he's a loser in my eyes..always wanted to hang out the little days that we did hang out..i mean "OH MY GOSH" what real man wants to hang out with his girlfriends bestfriend and her little sister...i mean come on...

I don't know if he isn't romantically involved with either it sounds rather noble to me to try and befriend his girlfriend's friends.
Well, like the song "Radar Love" by Golden Earring, it's a half past four and I'm shiftin' gears.

Monday, July 20, 2009

AMAZING story time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love people who type like this. Oh wait, no, sorry, I meant: I LOOOOOOVE people who TYPE LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So today we have (I think you can see where this is headed).
I'm not sure where to begin. Like with most of my entries or emails, I have spent the last few days THINKING.


People are asking and wondering why I am soo quiet. Some think I'm tired, others stressed.

I can't imagine having this conversation about anyone. Hey what's with the girl in the corner! She's so quiet!
Well I think she's tired.
Maybe she's stressed?
I don't always correct them to defend myself, because their assessment contains some truth. However the full truth is that my mind is on a raceway of thoughts, feelings, memories, and emotions.

Ah, I see. She's one of them "thoughty" girls!
Right now I'm thinking about marriage.

Oh great. Please, tell me more!
Though I am not forced to make a decision...I still sense the near options in front of me. There aren't really options in front of me...for me to decide. But there is a decision hanging in the balance. Good thing God is in control!! :)

Yeah, it's good of God to take all of the living out of living. We're all pieces in his great game, and we should be thankful for our place in it.

I feel amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like twirling and laughing and giggling and being beautiful and then maybe falling on my butt. Ahhhh i love being me.

:3 sure is a self-indulgent moment I'm witnessing.

I've been driving around listening to country music

I'm sorry. Is your radio broken?

Whcih causes me to be the bubbly overflowing person I am.

I call that "annoying" but I guess bubbly works.

I love dancing (when I shrink back its cus I think others can dance better and I don't want to look like a fool, but i L O V E to dance.), twirling around in circles in a pretty dress.

The devil commands ye to dance, loathsome harlot!
You're dancing and twirling that dress STRAIGHT TO HELL!
I love loving people.

Wow this is such an alien emotion to me I can't even imagine. Love loving? Really? Is there a reason for this manic approach to life?
Little does the world know that on the inside all hell has broken lose. Room of pain to be cleansed.

Pain cleanses or something.
Also in a world where everyone is spelling "lose" (as in, "I lose because I'm reading this blog") as "loose" it's nice to see someone can screw it up backwards.
But the progress (praise God it aint digression)

And its this more that causes me to be both bitter and numb. Bitter at myself for the state of my heart. I'm not in love with Jesus, my Bridegroom, enough.

What is this I don't even
The depth in the statement that God L O N G S to know me...all of me...and invites me to do the same to Him astounds me.

Wow I had no idea Jesus was such a playa (spelled with an a because I'm familiar with street lingo like that). I wonder what that says for all the male Christfags, huh? (Gay, as I always suspected).
Also does anyone see double (even triple) entendre in "L O N G"?
I remember this past Jan being at IHOP for the One Thing conference and having a heart-to-heart with My Love.

As all important spiritual revelations occur at IHOP (I don't know what people did before IHOP to be honest), I'll allow you to continue.
I told the Lord, my Lover and Friend, that when His eyes searched His body to find a resting place, a place to confide, a place to exhale, a friend to enjoy laughter with, a place for advice, a place to vent, and someone to love Him I wanted Him to find me.

If I were Jesus I'd be really uncomfortable right now.

I read this verse in Isaiah earlier this morning and I had a moment with God, where I just smiled at Him with my "Really?" smile. He knows all my smiles and everything I'm thinking.

Goddamn you're a douche. I hope God tells you this on a regular basis.
But anyways,


After waxing the boards


And let me just say, I screamed a lot!


I have so much to say. I have this box

goddamn double entendre Monday in blog "Miss Em"

For years I was always the girl who loved God and knew alot about the Bible...

Not "alot" about grammar, apparently.

more than most people my age.

Not enough about the Bible to stay humble either, apparently.
I don't like when other people tell me what I am thinking!!! You are not in my head, so don't try and ask like it.

Yeah you're such a riddle it'd be impossible to know what you're thinking.
This is an extremely constant thing in my life. Meaning I have thought this for 8 years.

Yeah eight years is a really fucking long time, kid.
There are times throughout these past few weeks that I have felt like my body was literally going to explode from thr pressure inside my heart

She tried to master the secrets of Hokuto Shinken by herself and it backfired. You will have no need for your Bible now, because you are already dead.
for Africa.

Oh, oh. I see.
I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous, but I am being honest. I am praying for God to make a way for me to go....not only because I want to go, but because I know He wants me to go. He has given me a desire for loving on some African folk.

Wow God really does have a plan. YOU, CREEPY, SELF-CENTERED WHITE GIRL! GO GIVE LOVE TO AFRICA! That's what they need, too, I might add: love. Not, you know, medicine or food or a solid infrastructure. Love conquers all, even AIDS and malaria.
Also I like how she makes love sound like it's something done to you. YOU'RE GETTING LOVED, AFRICA, WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT!
So I have this weird talent of finding things. really I do. It is something God has just given me...weird...I know. For example, when I was about 10 or 11, my mom lost her keys. It is a common thing to do. I found the FREEZER. (Ask her if you don't believe me.) Who looks in the freezer for keys?

Uh-oh. Time for the Inquisition to make a foray to... Cunt here's house and purge some psychic talent.
He has a new CD out and well I am extremely in to it. And by that I mean, its pretty AMAZING! Definitely worth 12 or so bucks for the thing. Its entitled "Burn For You" and please go buy it, order it, listen to it. So so soooo good!

BRB Blue Oyster Cult
Like I can't spell,

You sure fucking cannot.

What is Christianity nowadays? Is it really what Jesus would want it?

Bullshit and no.
Wow somehow I stumbled through 3 years of entries. Well bravo, Followchrist. Keep this small instead of making a Livejournal and then making five million entries.
No accolades, however, for being a boring, stupid cunt. I have an awesome brotip for you, and I think it'll make you a better person all the way around: read a book not related to the Bible, go see a movie, watch some TV. Experience some new shit.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh God What

What is this I don't even
I think I stumbled upon some kind of furry or something. What is an Asatru, even? Who knows, and I'm definitely not googling this shit. Maybe I'll discover this in the course of the blog.
One more entry before heading back to work. In the past even years before my own Awakening, I knew how important it was to remain apart from cowan culture if I became intimately involved with my future Lifemate.

Cowan. What.
According to Wikipedia a Cowan, amongst many things, is someone who, to the Wicca (lol) and Freemasonry communities, is not part of their little enclave. Great?
Since realized two specific aspects. That women in general remain disempowered as so their foolish relationship choices can benefit men more in life. Think many people go out of the way in rejecting christian values. Which is in turn an imbalanced lifestyle. To a certain extent Men's Rights Activists are headed in the right direction with the need to reestablish strong values, but important that those values not be christian ones.

Cool fragmented sentences and lack of pronouns, bro.
Well aware of how it was christians who largely supported the eight years of personal decline in this country thanks to the likes of George W. Bush. Not to mention how lame would it be to have an exclusively christian nation?

Not as lame as having a nation of whatever you are.
Not that a reestablishing would work as this false religion is naturally on the demise. People at least when it comes to spirituality are not so easily deceived.

>not easily deceived

Since this is unfortunately not an Asatru society, I am not obligated in turn to have to propose to an ordinary woman just to claim the status of marriage.

Asatru. What. All right, fine, I'm breaking down and googling this.
Ohhhhhhh. Okay. The followers of the Norse Gods. Odin is okay in my book.
An example of how something like no-fault divorce eventually works against women. Very few men want to get married to women only to end up on the receiving end of a divorce. Hence the marriage strike and the popularity of foreign women.

That's quite a bold statement, considering less than 5% of American men are currently married to non-Americans.
From watching Divorce Court, far more sensible to believe any weddings still taking place around now will end in a divorce regardless.

Wow that's some unbiased research. According to a show entitled DIVORCE COURT everyone gets divorced. Well according to the Sleuth channel, everyone is either a criminal or a cop.
The definition of insanity in action.

... No, actually, insanity in action would be repeating what hasn't worked previously expecting it to work this time.

Repeating the same action again and again, but somehow expecting different results.

Oh. Then yeah, you got it. Man, she's hard to follow. She has a very disjointed writing style. Here, let me see if I can emulate this.

Have come to learn that many women foolishly go for men with financial assets.

Learned that talking to a cunt. Personal pronouns are for pussies.
And since female promiscuity is not discouraged, do not have to be the reincarnation of an obscure Slavic heroine to see that an affair is far more likely to happen.

What. Hey fuck whoever you want to. Not my fucking business. Also you could be the reincarnation of... Of... Brunhilde for all I care. You're still a cunt in my book. Nope definitely not finishing this entry.
Briefly thought I was being a bit harsh again, but watching some of both the Maury Show and of course Divorce Court served to further enforce that I am being perfectly sensible.

That an overweight male can actually have cheated on his Lifemate with thirty other women. And I wonder why I have a low regard for cowan culture and so on....

Oh aren't you just the big, scary witch with Odin on speed dial. Maybe you're not as familiar with Odin as I am, actually having read the actual mythological cycles and not some bullshit fanfic on the internet, but he wasn't exactly forward thinking in regards to women. He was a lot like Zeus, in fact: pretty much just out to do whatever he wanted.
Epic tier troll, but not exactly a good example of feminism in action.
How disempowered can human women be here? Promiscuity benefits men far more than women.

Hey who gives a shit?

Largely a jest, but some validity to my Major Slutt persona.

>Major Slutt
Oh God what
One would think that with some commercials, if women are goddesses, by implication men are gods.

No, Major Slutt, women are humans and men are humans. If there are gods (unlikely but all right I'll roll with it) they've long since departed from our company.
Something that came to me about how socially conditioned ordinary people are. How with men, personal sexuality has to automatically be dependent upon being involved with a woman.

Would you please shut up about this?
I think the Chivalric code had this shit worked out in the 11th century but apparently news travels slower than I thought. Here, according to Wikipedia:
Duties to women: this is probably the most familiar aspect of chivalry. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women.
In before WELL WHAT IF SOME WOMEN DON'T WANT THAT? Shut up everyone wants to be treated graciously.
That life during this incarnation would be a horrifying degradation. I would be overweight. I would be losing my hair. I would have no choice but to endure the humiliation of being on the receiving end of a divorce.

:3 so it all comes out.

The main turnoff to male heterosexuality is not being able to remain intimately involved with just one woman for a handful of decades.

Oh so you had one bad experience so all men can't possibly be involved with one woman? Whatever, witch.

I personally think my torso is decent enough. In shape and without being too defined.

Hey if you're comfortable with the way you look no need to blab to me about it on the internet.
Able to discern two specific reasons for a man to have a six-pack and so on.

I only have one discernable reason: he works out a lot. Let's compare notes.
He is either extremely self-absorbed or obviously trying to attract the attention of women in general.

You know I saw a gay guy with a six pack once. What does that make him?
I find myself suddenly unable to focus on her words. My eyes automatically cross.
Had some more thoughts about the spam email I got the other day

Oh hey I just found out why. An entry about junk mail.
You're a bore, woman. Not only a bore but you're a pretentious bore. Personal pronouns, use them sometimes. I, my, me. They're great.
I know you're trying to preserve the image you're some lithe, sexy witch but it isn't working on me. You're a fat aging hippy who thinks she talks to Odin. Shape up (figuratively or literally) and maybe someone will take interest.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Get drunk, find a gun

So whatever today's blogger brings is immediately trumped by my superior achievements: I beat red mage Maat (went 1/1 awww yeah), got Sky access and got to level 71. All I have to do is print a picture depicting these three achievements on one screen (cut and paste job I assume) and it's basically a "get laid instantly by any girl ever" card. Yeah I totally beat the fuck out of Maat. Bitch didn't see the 390 damage Aero III coming his way until he was already battered by gale force winds.
So whatever, Magi_Sammy.
So here's her biography: owned by a cosplayer/artist/writer/actress who WILL talk about her life most of the time, sometimes (admittedly) whine and complain, but more often then not post fun/amusing stuff.

Ha, ha everyone fancies themselves an artist, writer and actor, don't they? I know I've said this before but this just further proves it.
As I've admonished before, just because you write does not make you a writer.

I finally finished one full season (62 episodes) and the first movie of One Piece.

Cool. How does it feel being 12 trapped in an adult body?
Durrr, awesome pirates are awesome.

Eaaaaaaaaaaaasy. I'll be WATCHING you. Scum.
Cosplay bunnies are biting, as always. But right now, I can't decide between Luffy and Sanji. They're both my favorites. Luffy for being just a ridiuculously adorable retard/amazing badass all at the same time. Sanji for being a cancer-stick chewing smooth criminal. ;^; Durr help f-list? DECIDE MY FATE, plz?

I'll decide your fate: kill yourself.
Now there's pictures from an anime expo which is about as embarrassing as it sounds, way to dress up in costume.
I just got another one of those "durrr UR COSTUME IS SO GOOODD. I need to no how to meke it!!11 Tell me!"

Please take the compliment. Let's not make a production out of this, please.
Here, I'll set up a situation for practice:
"hey way to be an awesome red mage for going 1/1 on Maat!"
"Thanks. It is awesome!"
There you go. No false modesty.

I guess I'm at the end of my rope with these questions because I just PMed this person back and said "It's actually rude to message someone with that question."

"Actually upon closer inspection your costume is shit. I'm glad you didn't mail me directions because I wouldn't want to think you wasted all that time typing shit no one will ever use."
Would be my response.
D8 GOD. Whatever happened to trial and error? Do people need step-by-step tutorials for everything nowadays?

Yeah and back in my day no one knew how to paint Warhammer figures. Now they do, and people can learn from the techniques of the successful. Oh, what, ever have trouble in school? You're sure fucking lucky no teacher or fellow student said "HEY TRIAL AND ERROR, ASSHOLE!"
Goddamn I hope you get irrevocably stuck in something and no one will help your conceited ass.
Also, reading comprehension: they didn't ask for step by step directions, they just asked how you did it, so something like "oh here's kind of what I tried:" would have sufficed.
I guess if you don't want people to comment on shit you do DON'T SHOW OTHER PEOPLE.
Goddamn I hate people like you. Posting shit and expect nothing but ego stroking sycophancy.
My Mom is trying to tell me that graphic novels are pointless pieces of shit. :/

Tell your mom to go fuck herself. Pretty much all forms of entertainment are technically pointless but enjoying life is kind of what makes life fun.
And yes, 99% of comics (comics) are devoid of any artistic/literary merit. That doesn't keep Fist of the North Star from being totally awesome, though.
God, when I found out Farrah died, that was hard enough. Then Michael Jackson? It's just like...what? Is it possible? Can these people actually die?

Yes. As evidenced by the fact that they did die.
Oh and...


I'm already in college, sweetie.
So her costume schedule for an anime convention (can't believe I just said that) includes Sailor Venus (ha, ha but you'd have to be pretty for that!)
Now here's a post entitled "omigosh i suck" which is true.
A dress that fit me perfectly in August is now tight on me.

Just great.

Eating too many cupcakes, fattie?
Unfortunately, I didn't get into UCLA. :/ But I sorta expected it. I mean, they accept maybe 90 people for the Theater Major

>theater major
Ha, ha, oh you. Majoring in something that'll get you a job, I see.
But I didn't really like their program very much, so I'm fine with it. It sucks to get rejected always, but I'm not horribly upset about it...

That's the spirit. Didn't accept me? FUCK YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO GO ANYWAY ;_;

Just about an hour ago, my mother called one of my friends a "loser who needs to get a life."

Ha, ha siiiiiiiiiiiiick.

She then proceeded to get pissy and say that she was "tired of this abuse."

Troll who can't take trolling on the rebound. SHE IS SMALLTIME.

I'm so tired of this. I need to get out of this house. I can't stand my mother's hissy fits and my father's passivity a moment later. That's right -- Dad heard ALL of this and didn't say a word.

Your dad is a smart man.
I would've preferred him backing up Mom rather than just sitting there like a fucking lump. But Dad hates confrontation. And it drives me insane.

Choosing sides between his wife and his daughter. Seems reasonable to me. Really he should have stepped in and called you both cunts, but hey, what can you do?
"Soon, you'll be in college, and you won't have to see me every day, and I bet you'll be really happy about that, won't you?!"

She probably is just getting that, what's it, empty nest shit.
So I guess I'll just post a piece of writing I threw together for the literary magazine at school and get some feedback from the writers/editors on my LJ.

All right.
Juliette Blanders was a girl who deserved everything in the world, of that I was positive. I’d never met a woman with more talent, more charisma, or more intelligence than Juliette. But from the way I describe her, you might think her nothing but an individual blessed with desirable qualities.

So I might. Actually I was just musing how long until this turned cliched, and I'm counting on it next paragraph.

On the contrary, Juliette was a developed sort-of creature, only making her more exquisite.

What? Just delete this sentence. It adds nothing and makes no sense.
From everything I’ve said, you might think I was in love with the nearly perfect Miss Blanders. But, strangely enough and for reasons that even I cannot explain, I was never attracted to Juliette in that way. I didn’t love her – I appreciated her – a vastly different emotion.

Oh oh shit just had a big yawn. Sorry. What were you saying?
Our flats were right across the street from one another, and thus, our visits were frequent. Sometimes, after a particularly tiring day, Juliette would bring over her Chemistry texts and enough tea to last us through the night.

Ah yes the popular passtime in England of "reading chemistry books".
I would provide the red plush couch that always smelled new – as if it had retained the odor of the store I had purchased it from; we would sit on it together, a friendly distance apart.

Good grief, do you really have no filter on what goes to your story? IT SMELLED NEW, YOU KNOW LIKE IT STILL SMELLED LIKE THE STORE I BOUGHT IT-- yeah I fucking got it. I'm not a complete waterhead.
Wow imagine a girl about to graduate school is writing a story about a girl graduating from school. That's-- that's quite a stretch.
“It’s all rubbish anyway,” she would sigh, throwing her textbook on the coffee table in a public display of her surrender.

“Charlie,” she would say, her voice sweet, as if she were glowing with curiosity, “what do you think life’s going to reward you?”

Oh high school kids~
Ha, ha burn on comments:

The net effect, to me, is a bit pretentious. Were you striving for that?

High five, battle brother.
The writing is good though I'm unclear of the overall tone. Is it a comedy or a drama or a romance?

Whoa easy, chief. There clearly is no thought given to tone or meaning or actual plot or anything. It's just a dialog-laden vignette. I'm not even sure you could, in good faith, call this a short story since there's literally no plot.
It's two characters talking about shit. Poorly. So it's basically like my best seller Twilight, only not fifteen trillion pages.
He bagged my book and told me to have a "really great day" but I didn't really want to let it end there. I introduced myself and he told me his name too and we shook hands and stuff.

I don't know, maybe I'm reading WAY too much into it.

A cashier telling you to have a great day? I don't know, sister, he probably wants to marry you.

I developed Cellulitis in my face (a complication of the flu).

Praise be to Nemesis, she who punishes the vainglorious. This is preemptive punishment for the bullshit you pulled later with your costume comment hi jinx.
;( I'm alive, I promise! And if you haven't gotten your flue vaccine GET ONE. GET ONE NOW. THIS SECOND. STOP READING LJ AND GO GET VACCINATED! YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF LATER.

I get a flu shot every year but thanks for the protip, pox-face.
I don't really like the Homecoming Dance -- last year the music sorta failed epically. All generic rap and hip hop. I'll just have fun with my friends for three hours.

Imagine. A high school dance having shit music.

I told her, "I think you just don't want me to go away!"

I'm guessing you are the only child or youngest. Also nothing gets by you, sleuth.
"Well of course I don't!" in this voice that read "I have every right to impose what I want on your future".

Ha, ha wow. Sure is adding meaning that isn't necessarily there. You're going to look back on this period of your life in about six months and regret this.
Let me go where I want to go! I'm sorry if you're sad that your last child is leaving home, but I can't sacrifice what I want to spare your feelings!

Yes 10,000 points for me!
I saw that coming.
Youngest child.
Also yeah your mom probably wants you to live your life and shit but you could be a little nicer about it, okay.
You're right. I'll do that. Some concrete evidence will convince Mom that the programs aren't the same.

Glad to see your friends aren't complete dopes.
Well I guess it's time to wrap this up. In conclusion, you're all right, kid. You better fucking check yourself, though. You're peering over the dangerous precipice that is the life of an eternal cunt.

Monday, July 13, 2009


If there's one thing I love more than Japanese in my blog titles it's Latin. People with Japanese in their titles are douches, people with Latin in their titles are pretentious douches.
Here we are: Veritas: Exposed.
What does that mean? "Truth: Exposed" Veritas is the Roman goddess of truth, borrowed (kind of) from the Greek personification of truth Aletheia.
First entry "My life has done a total 180" which has always been kind of an odd turn of phrase to me. "Total 180"? As opposed to what, a partial 180? Wouldn't that be a range of degrees from 1-179? Well, whatever.
Within the last week, my life has completely turned around. I went from hardly speaking to my friends to having dinner and movie dates out the ass. I went from hating myself to being... well, okay.

So there you have it. The "total 180" of "hate" is "okay".
I went from thinking no one liked me, that no one could ever think about me romantically, to hearing (FROM A BOY) that I am lovely, that my conversation is much enjoyed and that someone looks forward to talking to me.

Ha, ha seeking validation through the approval of others. Methought I espied a fragile spirit in yon thicket of ye Internete.

I hope lovely's not too far a cry from "wonderful" or "beautiful".

"Lovely" means, of course, "lovable" whereas wonderful is quite literal: full of wonder, and beautiful is likewise self-explanatory. You don't need any of these things to be lovable, so I wouldn't press your luck.

I feel like writing about all the people I'm jealous of and why.

Oh boy I love envy. It's such an ugly emotion.

Nobody seems interested in actually listening to me when I want to talk about this (and for good reason) so I have to settle for writing it down here.

Ah, I see. Sort of a "hiding it in plain sight" tactic.
Aubrey Galusha - she has a boyfriend who deeply cares for her and who lets her be her own person; she works as a scientist for Corning Incorporated and makes more money per year than my mother; she has the ability to budget; she has expertly managed her time between school, work and all else; she succeeds at everything she does;

Covetous and envious. I'll just break this down into two categories: she coverts peoples' relationships and wealth and she is envious of any skill they have that she doesn't have.
I'd have a suggestion here but frankly this entire entry is so stupid I can't even think of what to say outside of "don't be a cunt".
I guess it comes from that long line of Americans I am descended from... you know, the ones in the 17th century who were slaves to the motherland England.

What? I'm going to assume you're talking about the Puritans (who were English). They weren't slaves. They just weren't welcome in England because of the touchy political climate and them being zealous, unlikable douche bags.
I love England and I really love America but damn it, I don't want to be engineered for servitude.

Ha, ha, what? What, did the English send their specially engineered slaves to be slaves to the Native Americans? Yeah, I seem to recall that chapter in American history. Worked out for the Indians to be sure.
No matter how shitty a day/night I seem to have, work always fixes it. Bizarre. I hate servitude and yet it makes me happy.

"The loyal slave learns to love the lash" as they say.
Is this just more proof that I hate being happy and therefore, by implication, love being miserable?

Logical fallacy. Hatred of happiness is not implicit desire for misery.
(I should say manfriend as I don't think a quintegenarian qualifies for the term 'boy' and hasn't for at least three decades).

The word you were looking for is "quinquagenarian" you pretentious prick.
A person between the ages of 50 and 59. Personally I'd just say "someone in their fifties" but then again I don't like to show off my ENORMOUS VOCAB (that's no existent in your case, way to be pretentious and wrong in the same sentence).
but I'm still so incredibly worried that I am going to essentially wander around alone... if not in physical person than in mind and spirit, perhaps even heart.

Well I guess an outing of friends is all about you, huh?

Oh, and I have a heathenistic desire to talk and dance around an obscenely large fire...

Hedonistic, you mean? The idea you seem to be trying to describe (trying being the operative word) is, indeed, "heathen" in which case... The word is heathen.
I'm restless and an idiot. My best friend just told me she's going to Massachusetts next weekend to see Plymouth Rock and Salem and other stuff with her boyfriend. And I'm jealous. Really jealous. Extremely jealous.

No, stop! You, jealous?

Am I damaged? Am I inherently evil? Or am I just plain stupid?

Since we seem to be referencing the Puritans a lot I'll use them as a point of reference: they'd argue all people are inherently evil, but personally I think you're just extremely selfish and stupid. Worse, in many ways, than plain evil.

I find it ridiculous that I'm only 20 and I'm trying to make myself be an adult. I am barely out of my teens! I should be running off with my friends to God-knows-where in the middle of the night and drinking myself silly around a bonfire all summer! I shouldn't have to commit myself to a job, a rent payment, a phone bill, an electric deposit, an adult life just yet.

You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
I should get a few more years to raise hell and do what I want. Instead... I'm offering myself up to the Gods of Adulthood.

Gods of Adulthood, hrm. Who might they be?
I shouldn't be sitting around like an old spinster, relying solely on work and school to give me some semblance of a life.

So, what, you get trashed every weekend and suck some dicks in the back seat of some Honda Civic and those are the good memories?

I should be young and fast and hot and heavy and random and adventurous.

The transgressions of youth become the regrets of adulthood or something.

I should be partying in Dublin or dining in London, like I was three months ago.


People fucking suck. They're arrogant and ignorant and they never once bother to stop and ask how I am today, if I'm feeling all right, if I want to talk, if I'm sure.

Ohhhh maybe they're thinking the same thing about you. Ever think of that?
Also I'm getting the creeps now, I'm sure I've read this exact sentence before in another blog. Am I somehow reviewing the same blog again?

I just want to say that I would rather die of gangrene than get one of my limbs amputated.


It really bothers me that I've so broken the mold as to what a girl, a woman, should be that no one would have the slightest interest in getting to know me, or eventually daring to love me.

Oh boy, so many things wrong with this thinking. Where to begin? First, just because you perceive yourself as being different does not mean you actually are. Second, just because you're different from the "woman" mold (not even getting into that logical mess) what makes you a likable person? From what I've seen you're wholly unlikable, and any alterations you've made to the stereotypical "woman" pattern (pretending something like this exists, or even makes sense) are generally for the worse.
In fact, if I had on my cynical face (and I do, as it never comes off) I'd say anything stereotypically bad about women is, in fact, exactly what you embody: you're petty, covetous, emotionally clingy and prone to hysteria.
Further, just because you're special doesn't mean you're useful.

I put myself in the friend zone and I don't know how to stop doing that.

Fuck isn't that what loser guys whine about all the time? Getting friend zoned? Guys don't have a friend zone, honey. And yeah I just called you honey because it's demeaning go get fucked.
They expect us to keep our heads down, our mouths shut and to not complain... ever.

Sounds like sensible management to me. You're being paid to work, not to fraternize.
I don't know... maybe I should feel bad about myself.

Finally something sensible from this blog. On this victorious note I'm going to do something else.

Friday, July 10, 2009

First Year Anniversary

Hurray an entire year of shitty blogs and headaches and cunts. May the second year be as successful.
Today we have Ty_Ping, and than you, Ty_Ping: you and your kind are the reason this blog is successful. Well, successful technically, not successful in any other sense of the term.
Today's first entry is entitled:


Oh boy I'm in for it now.
I'm spending all day printing out my workbook pages because I am by far too cheap to acctually buy the book (Stupid thing costs 80$ used in the campus bookstore. That's BULLCRAP!) so it's taking me a long time to do on my cheap little printer having to double side the pages my hand by pulling the page out and then flipping it over.

A girl on Gaia is claiming

Stopped reading there. Guess what? Gaia is the asshole of the internet. No one cares what those mutants think about anything, because they're all deviants in league with furries.
Oh and she's also an authority on Homosexuality because back in high school she used to feel an attraction to girls

Posting on Gaia I guess she would be fairly familiar with what's gay and what isn't. (Hint: Gaia is).
This is why I'm glad I changed my religion to Idongiveadamnism. Which is an offshoot of Zen Taoism and Brahmanism.

>Zen Taoism
It's Zen Buddhism, chief. Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes experience over formal education, and therefore was popular amongst the warrior classes in both Japan and China (I think) until it ultimately found a following in North America, particularly on the West coast, where to this day it is still the most popular brand of Buddhism in America.
Zen and Taoism do share a lot philosophically, however.
However they have tennents against ignorance in all forms and faiths so it is offensive to my religion and morality to see her rape her religion like that.

I see. So it's okay for you to interpret your "religion" (hint: Zen Buddhism has little to do with religious doctrine) any way you see fit but the second she attempts to interpret her religion she's wrong by virtue it's offensive to your own philosophical beliefs?
Sure is butthurt Christfag logic in this blog.
Not to say she's right (she isn't) but you're just as wrong.
Now there's a long post about dieting. Imagine that, someone who takes Japanese classes and posts on Gaia is overweight.
Now there's a post about her totally awesome Death Knight in World of Warcraft. No one cares, stop posting.
Midsummer festival has started on WoW, I'm kind of at a crossroads here. You can get about 500 or 600 of the festival currency if you do most/all of the dailies and other quests. However it take about 1,000 of them to collect all the cool stuff they sell. So now I'm wondering, should I spend my currency on the midsummers outfit so I can dance on the pole and get the achievement. OR, do I get one of the rare pets.

Now I'm reminded of why I quit WoW.
There are few things that will turn me off of a person altogether, I think I'm quite open minded and people can disagree with me on many things and I wont think any less of them, but there are two, no maybe three things that will just set my teeth on edge and throw out any respect I might have held for you.

One of them is Childishness.

Well you being open minded has already been proven incorrect, but please, do continue.
He was exalting how fun this game he was playing was to me. Explaining details and interesting tid bits while he played it and I watched. Then I asked "Can I try"
"Uhhh no offense but I don't like anyone touching my computer."
Too late I'm offended.

Wow. Childishness is apparently a peeve of yours, but I sure can see pettiness isn't.
"I don't like anyone touching my computer."
"That's cool I don't want to catch HIV from touching your computer anyway. Enjoy your shitty game, fag."
Another WoW thread that I'm not quoting here.
I'm terrified someone will try to talk to me and I can't use the good old "Me no speak Japanese" anymore.

You're taking Japanese 101. You still don't speak Japanese.

All my brother did was call me a bitch and I started crying, then my Mom gives me heck for crying and I just cry more. Hell even writing about crying is making me cry again. I just can't stop crying and all I want to do is to go home but I don't know where that is anymore.

Ha, ha wow. I'm not taking sides in this event. I'm just going to call you all cunts and move on.
Normally I don't have that much drama in LFG but god this Belf was such a DICK.

Oh wow some more shit in a game no one cares about.

What do you do with a boy with zero respect and seems almost a compulsive liar?

Sounds like your mother has already failed as a parent.
You want to verbally berate him? Don't listen to him, quit respecting him because clearly he doesn't get it.

Yes, be disrespectful. This is sure to earn you respect in turn.
Glad to see even rudimentary human interactions are a complete mystery to you. I guess this is why you have problems in World of Warcraft, huh?

You have to punish him EACH time he steps out of line.

Ah, another award winning solution: don't make him regret the action, make him fear the repercussions of getting caught. This won't make him stop being a liar or whatever, it'll just make him better at what he does.
Oh well, the upside of this is I'm an even better liar and I've been stealing money from your change jar and since you can't trust a word that comes out of the other kids mouths I can get away with it no problem.

Oh, jeez.
Sounds like you kids need a good Imperial upbringing: first one steps out of line gets shot. I don't think we'll see another problem from the (remaining) others.
"You needn't support this ((Multi-billion dollar)) poorly run company that allows, "glitches," "cataloging errors," and/or new policies against, "adult," books to censor numerous authors due to their beliefs or their sexual practices."

I wonder how this will affect my book selections considering all I buy from Amazon is gay porn.

Well you might try something new. You know there's more to life than porn, gay or otherwise.
Also lolpayingforporn
-Rant based off an argument with some friends over topics related.

Why is a woman that wants a new nose shallow but you're not?

Because I don't want a new nose. Next question.
Why is a girl who starves herself to death stupid, but someone killing themselves over their lack of penis tragic?
They're both stupid.
It's not okay for us to feel ugly, it's not okay for us to feel bad, it's not okay for us to not be good enough and yet every time someone changes that's what you're saying.

So stop feeling that way. If my words make you feel bad about yourself then it's your own weak will.
you talk about my moral high ground?

How many of you support pro-ana groups?

How many of you would support someone sawing off their limb just because they don't want it there?

Jesus fuck what are you talking about? Shut up you raving moron.
I don't care anyway.

For someone who doesn't care you sure do sound butthurt over it. What, sad you're fat and have to buy two tickets at the movie theater?
I'm reading the news today and an Indiana officer has been fired because he refused to be tased in a training exercise because both his personal doctor and the doctor on duty said not to do it as the metal plate in his back could amplify the shock and the resulting muscle spasams could render him paralysed.

Weeding out the weak.

Or maybe, just maybe, he could, you know, just not carry a taser?


This is why I don't want kids. Because frankly I'd beat them. With Gusto.

Based off your previous brilliant parenting tips I can't say this is unexpected.
I just got a warning to cite my image sources on a sketch I did for a friend last year that I guess she gave me source material for but frankly I couldn't remember/care enough to cite when I decided to post the image on ygallery.

Better stop tracing, then.

But in any case the reporter for the show was saying "Would you trust someone who performs a symbolic human sacrifice to watch your kids, to be your neighbour, to run your country"

Sure, why not? It's just symbolic, after all. This would be like saying "I don't trust Catholics because the perform symbolic cannibalism."

Now the religion in question was Molach (sp?)

Moloch, typically, but if I had to get on your case about spelling it wouldn't be over this.
Apparently there was a secret group of people who would dress up an effigy and sacrifice it to Molach once a year.

Uh-oh. Time to get on my witch hunter hat.
I watched a Japanese movie called like Ibaraki or something like that. Essentially it was a mix of Battle Royale and "The Lotto" which was a short story.

Yeah thanks for that.
I'm pretty sure government santioned randomized murder isn't going to make people more happy to be alive.

Well good thing it was just a movie, then.
Uhhhh why am I so tired after reading this? I think I've found a no-pill cure for insomnia, good grief. If only Al Pacino knew about this blog in that movie Insomnia maybe he wouldn't have died at the end.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ha, ha oh wow

I can say, without a doubt, this man has the largest ego of any blogger I've seen, and that's saying something. "i became what i am today. which is one of the best writers ALIVE, not AROUND," spake he, the modern Orpheus, the modern Orpheus who fails to capitalize a proper noun or the first word of a sentence. Well, I for one am impressed.
So let's get our troll faces on right and proper and watch out for the cleansing bolts of Nemesis, for surely if she punishes those with hubris, this man is undone.
i started writing in early highschool and started calling myself a writer in late highschool. and i was good, even then.

"High school" is two words. I mean you were good at writing by the rigorous standard known as high school so I'm probably a complete ass for second guessing you, but I'm just putting it out there.
in LA, i found my voice and got to say, with all truth and power, "daniel is one of the best writers around".

Daniel is an appropriate name for you, as Daniel is one of the authors of the Gospels, widely considered the finest (ha, ha) example of literature the world has ever known.
The only way this could be better is if your last name was "Homer" or something.
Daniel Homer. Why not?
i would read every week in public and couldn't find a job because i was always writing. because of the world around me, i became what i am today.

This is a logical fallacy if I've ever heard one: "I write a lot so I therefore must be a writer," just like a man who buys a roll of stamps is not a stamp collector, or a man who gets a handful of change back from the bank is not a numismatist, just by virtue of putting pen to paper (or typing words on a keyboard, whatever) you are not, per se, a writer.

which is one of the best writers ALIVE, not AROUND. face it, my pride is truth.

Face what? The man who can't identify a proper noun and uses the Bill O'Reilly-esque technique of capitalizing words for emphasis (because if it's in CAPS it must be IMPORTANT) is the best writer around (not of all time, because if we're counting time even your monstrous ego can't believe that).
So what if you're the best author of this age? This is a pathetic age. Oh wow, you're better than Stephen King and Dan Brown. Well fuck me, your mother must be so proud.
and it was a competition, in portland, because all my friends wanted to say the same thing and know it.

Oh, well if your friends think you're good, hey. Who am I to judge?
i work and take care of my wife and son and i sleep. this is not to diminish how perfect my life is, but i have become a recluse writer ( a term i came up with a few hours ago and have already used 3 times ).

I believe someone named, oh what was his name? "F. Scott Fitzgerald"? Something. Anyway, he called himself that in the 1930s. But I wouldn't worry about him. He's smalltime, he just wrote a book called, oh what was that quaint thing called? Oh, "The Great Gatsby". Don't worry, Daniel, it's just widely considered one of the finest American novels ever written. I'm sure it has nothing on you.
i write constantly, like all the years before, and have thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories, 2 finished novels, 3 works in progress, a handfull of stage plays and screen plays and i am only just turning 25 in a few days.

Cool story. Have anything I might have heard of? Don't be shy, either. I may seem like I stick with the classics (and that's because, by and large, I do) but I do know a bit about some modern writing.
it doesn't matter to me that on the streetcar home i wrote a 3 page poem about women dressed in jewelry of metal and the way that dancing is something like tangible.

A woman dressed in jewelry of metal (sounds awkward but all right). Sounds... Sounds... It sounds.
it doesn't matter to me that strangers will still stumble over my shitty deviantart writing and say that i changed them.

Ah, a Deviantardlet. I should have known. Well, Daniel, let's see this formidable talent.
Well I can't say it is often I fail at this, but I cannot find his Deviantart account. I'm a little surprised, too.

his first plane ride and my first vacation in years, plural.

Who gives a shit? You don't sound employed so what do you need a vacation from?
Oh here's proof he's the best writer alive (which, at last check, J.D. Salinger is still alive, so no):
this is
written on thighs
in soft tongues
in crisp-edge teeth

Further proof poetry is just sentences with random line breaks.
written with
in every choice of
twenty six options
written with
in every flawed beat

>free verse
(and it will draw from the willing a steady flow of sweet salty taste that lingers on lips and coats the throat for future lookings-back)

palms pull
knees apart
fingers place themselves
in their
proper locations

Gee, I wonder what this is about? He's such an artisan I just plain can't tell! His euphemism is so strong this could quite literally be about anything, not the least of which is sex!
there is this girl
(he says out loud)
in such fashionable disrepair
surrounds herself
in the diseased arts
in a culture defined
by feeling every moment as
a climax
tangible as coarse tangerine skin

"There is this girl," he said, out loud, in the way no real person does. Wow this goes on for several stanzas longer, but my eyes seem to be unconsciously crossing whenever I have to look back at this page so I think I better stop before permanent injury sets in.
i watch tv again, which bothers me sometimes because going from being raised by the thing to living for years without even a decent radio, you definitely understand the concept of media as nothing but a great social evil.

The media is evil? You do know if you were a published author (which you aren't, nor will you ever be) you would be part of the media, right?
i pride myself on being strong. mental, physical and emotional strength is something that i have always maintained at an above average level.

Is there any task you can't perform at an above average level? I'd hazard your answer would be this: "no".

but still. i am not weak.

Emotionally strong. Then you shouldn't have a problem if I post a link to this post? I mean, being emotionally strong, you should be able to shrug this right the fuck off, am I right?
my grammar is shit right now. always.

Hey just helping a bro out in his time of need.

i don't see the point in having people forgive me, but i want forgiveness.

Then you shall go wanting. Forgiveness is earned, not given out freely.
How do you earn it? Stop being a douchecunt.
but i want to tell every single person on my mind that i am not who i once was. i am a good man.

i am a good man.

You're a monstrous egotist and I have a feeling you burden your poor wife with your overbearing, heavy-handed ways. I'm sure you're also an enormous hypocrite, but I can't know this. Your ego, however, is manifest.
When someone says "I am a good man", usually the accompany this with "think", as in, "I think I'm a good person", or put a wishful spin on it, like "I'd like to think I'm a good man", but you, you're assured you're a good man. And by what? What do you have to show that you're a good man? You're good at writing (which is a lie that only you believe at this point I'm sure), but how does that make you a good person? Short answer: It doesn't. You have no reason to believe you're a good person. You pay your taxes, you treat your wife well, you take care of your son? Well whoop-de-shit, you're doing what you're supposed to do.
Good grief.
I rarely genuinely dislike these people, but I can say I genuinely do not like Daniel.
Go fuck yourself, Daniel.

Monday, July 6, 2009


As her opening post can attest, she is quite pissed off. Oh no I wouldn't want to do anything to arouse her anger!
Why is our little darling so angry? Well (read like 1950s narrator Walter Winchell, all around master troll, like "mmmwell" for the sake of this post) the opening to her post goes something like so:
Why, you ask?

Health care. It's bullshit.

YEAH FUCK YOU MODERN MEDICINE-- oh she means insurance, probably.
And on top of that, there are people constantly telling me that health insurance is necessary and benefits our society. How? It takes our money and makes health a material possession of sorts. So I now have to put a price on my soul?

No, just your health.
I skipped down a ways this is kind of boring and filled with thoughts most people had several decades ago about health insurance, like maybe insurance companies aren't your friends and are maybe a tad on the amoral side (oh what a revelation).
To me, spending time with my family isn't really what matters much to me, but spending time with the people I choose to be my family does.

Here let me translate this for you, literally: "spending time with my family doesn't matter to me, spending time with my family matters to me." Dope.

The best part is that I don't lose friends... I only gain stronger bonds.

Ha, ha aren't you just a Hallmark greeting card?
This gives me more energy to get the things that I need to get done, done. I've been testing out more of my baking/cooking skills and succeeding with tasty results.

current cooking skill: 9
current alchemy skill: 47
FFXI update because I know everyone had been dying to know.
Aside from those current events nothing else stands out to me as happenings go. I'm starting this week off positively and hoping it remains in that direction. I also hope to keep up my productive spirit. As you can see with the amount of writing I've been doing, it's quite apparent. So until next time......

>doing things you like to do
>implying it's productive

It does seem like carnivals do become lamer each year, physically.

Physically lamer. As in the carnivals are drawing up lame.
The Mafia took John Carníval out back and broke his leg in 5 places and ever since he hasn't been walking quite the same because his one leg is two inches shorter than the other one.
They really tuned him up, man.
Yesterday I spoke of grudges. While I hold my opinion that grudges, if used right, can be useful tools of positivity, I still acknowledge that the concept of these things are less than cheery.

... You must have a different definition of "grudge" than I do.
I'm fusing two posts to make them less boring/more coherent than they were previously. I'm upgrading her blog, I guess you could say.
I hold a grudge.

I think I found the problem with this blog. Okay, she holds a grudge. This is usually where people would say what this is (as if anyone cared, but that's another issue) instead, I will post, unedited, all of the words leading up to this fabled "grudge":
I have held it for years. Anyone who knows me likely knows what it is all about and especially since I'm making this a public entry, I see no need to write about it here... At least not in this particular journal, so I'll save it for the next one that only my friends can read.

However, I will say that with this particular grudge that I hold, I feel nothing but power and strength in the situation. The problem with a lot of people who hold grudges is the fact that they don't really think much about why they are holding them and without realizing it, begin to mimic and repeat the actions, words, and situations they repeatedly speak so strongly against. Sometimes when a grudge becomes a person's life and only topic of discussion, others around them begin to hold their very own grudges against that one person as well. The process is contagious... But I've kind of trailed off here... Back to my grudge.

My fuck who cares? I didn't care before, now I definitely don't.
I feel like I have every right to hold this grudge. I do talk about it a lot and it consumes my mind. I think it should though. To me it is a type of reminder of things that can go wrong and will go wrong if I forget.

I can summarize your dipshit post in four words: "never forget, never forgive" THERE YOU GO. FOUR FUCKING WORDS YOU TWAT.

If I don't keep this grudge active then there is a chance that laziness will enter my mind and make me just as ignorant, self-loathing, and boring as those I hold such a grudge against.

>not boring
Two concepts I am familiar with, though. EVER VIGILANT.

You know what pisses me off? Why is it that every single department store you travel to stops selling seasonal items right as the season begins?

Early bird, worm, etc.

For years I've been contemplating a specific thing.

Oh wow I wonder if this will be another fifteen million word post where she doesn't actually say anything? (yes) (brotip: use words other than "thing").
It's something that I don't take lightly as the decision to do such a thing can not simply be reversed. It's forever. It's a part of you. I can honestly say that the last dozen years or so I have tossed this idea round and round in my head and at times even threw it out due to uncertainty and fear, but the last two years and specifically the last couple of weeks have brought on a more solid factor. This must be done... For myself.

It better be a fucking hysteroectomy because you having kids is a terrifying thought. After reading this travesty you deserve to have your womb ripped from you.

It isn't something that I have just spontaneously thought about at random.

This is a decision that has been in the making for years! Mostly, I just want this and that's the bottom line and all that matters in the end.

Gag on a dick you stupid whore.

I'm getting the In Utero angel tattoo. That's all there is to it.

(also ha, ha I said you should get a hysteroectomy over a tattoo entitled "in utero angel")
So you'll never guess how long this post continues.
Here's how I'd handle this post:
"hey fags getting a tattoo of that In Utero Angel the Aerosmith logo from that Nirvana album Aerosmith." Then I'd probably realize what a faggot I've become. HURR DURR BAND TATTOOS.

I'm exactly where I need to be in life and entirely ecstatic about it.

You're always where you need to be in life. It might not be where you want to be, however.
Whoa sorry just took a 3 hour break to do besieged and get a red mage's testimony. What am I doing?
Oh right, you.
Yeah good luck with all that douchebaggery and stuff.
Meanwhile I have things to do that aren't this.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Herp Derp

Captain of philosophy and critical thinking: Dustin. His Socratic wisdom is truly a testament to our times, and it is a great boon to our age that he is alive and among us.
If Newton stood on the shoulders of giants then Dustin stands on the shoulders of giants who are themselves standing on the shoulders of giants, who are standing on the shoulders of the hundred-handed ones themselves.
His blog is entitled "Like bringing a knife to a gun fight" or, alternatively, "I like balls" the latter of which is oddly appropriate, because as we all know, all men with blogs are gay.
First thing you will undoubtedly notice is his layout, which is great. I mean really great. Four words per line is fucking awesome. In a world of wide screen monitors it's nice to see Dustin is looking out for the man reading this on his PSP or perhaps his iPhone. Thank you, Dustin. Ever thoughtful.
It's been a month since Dr. George Tiller, a doctor who performed late-term abortions, was murdered.

Bro didn't you hear? Michael Jackson, Billy Mays and about a thousand other people died (felled by the silvery darts of Phoebus Apollo I should think). Talking about Dr. George Tiller is so last week.
I've been meaning to write something about it since then but just haven't had the time to collect my thoughts on the matter and think of something to say.

It's understandable. A man of such titanic intellect would need a lot of time to gather his undoubtedly multitudinous thoughts.
I think the incident provides an opportunity to discuss religion and the intolerance it is capable (and a lot of times does) of breeding.

Religion breeds intolerance? I've never heard this before. You're going to need a ton of proof to back this up.

I think it's a good opportunity for my religious friends to reflect on their beliefs and take note of the effect their world-view of choice can have on people.

There's definitely no hole in this logic your friends could find. Definitely nothing like "I'm a Christian and I'd never murder an abortion doctor," or "just because there is one lunatic on the fringes of Christianity doesn't mean all, or even a majority, of Christians would murder someone."

If you don't get your faith in God from the Bible, where else could you possibly get it from?

This just in: Christianity confirmed as the only religion in the world (brotip: when Christians call it the "one true religion" I don't think the emphasis is on "one").

There's no doubt that the Bible does condemn homosexuality to death

Oh good grief. Who cares? Really, a bunch of bronze age barbarian desert people had problems with gays? This is hard to believe!
Now he immediately launches from the controversy of abortion to the controversy of drinking!
I, for one, support prohibition because it is my goal in life to run and own a speakeasy.
I think alcohol is a stupid drug. Maybe I'm biased because of my experiences with it, but I don't see a whole lot of positive aspects to drinking.

"It makes you feel good." I have you there, don't I?
"Why's there a bullet hole through the window that was left by a shotgun shell? Oh, you were drunk and fighting and decided to load the shotgun, got it. Hey, why'd the cops get called here the other night? Oh you guys were drunk and fighting and someone pulled a knife out, got it. Hey, why'd you freak out last night and attack me in my room? Oh, because you were drunk and having a bad night, got it."

>bullet hole
Sure is don't know how guns or glass works in this blog.
I'm far from being the militant straight edge kid I was 2 years ago, but I have no tolerance for ignorance.

But apparently a lot for hypocrisy.

Feeling numb and feeling good.

brb Comfortably Numb

Future Markets, Holy Wars
Been tried ten thousand times before
If you think that God is keeping score, Hooray!

Shut up I'm coming to the good part now.
Fuck yes guitar solo.

The imminent and the aftermath
Draw another bloody bath to drain
Like the polar icecaps centrifuge (Oh Allah! Oh Jesus please!)

Jesus Christ all mighty I'd drink if I had to be around you too.

Fuck paying 14 dollars for for 50 blank cds that don't work on my computer.

Ha, ha you bought DVDs without a DVD burner get a computer made after 1999.
I read books, which I especially enjoy because I'm an anti-social, lonely guy with an insatiable epistemic hunger, and they seem to make sense.

>epistemic hunger
wow what a douchecunt. (epistemic comes from the word "epistemology" which is literally the study of words for those of you not versed in douchebag like myself).
I finish a book, and as long as I comprehend it correctly

>comprehend correctly
>implying there's an external force guiding comprehension
Well that's it for our douchecunt of today, Friday, July 3, 2009. His blog actually continues but I don't feel like scrolling 5 miles through 3 word lines to discover more of his deep thoughts and douchebaggery.