Friday, November 19, 2010

A Question for Furries

Fuck writer's block, honest to God. I don't understand why I've had to fall back on this nonsense. Take away the easy way to browse, why don't ya? Yeah that's great. "Well gee, we're losing users to the likes of Myspace (this has been going on a while), Facetube and even Youtube, what can we do?"
"Oh, I know! Let's scale back usability!"
And so they did. Good.
Anyway today we have someone who thinks they're being cute.

If you could conjure an animal spirit protector, which animal would you choose, and why?

Well if I can pick any real or fictional creature I definitely pick an Arcanine. Giant fire breathing dog lion.
I can't believe the number of people who said "eagle", incidentally. You can train an eagle in real life. You should pick something you can't easily train like a lion or a tiger or a crocodile or a Tyrannosaurus Rex or something.

I'm confused here. Is this like some Native American spirit thing? Or a Patronus charm thing? If it's the first, I wouldn't conjure one; I don't practice the native american religion.

You also can't conjure spirits, so just answer the fucking question.

If the second, I'm pretty sure I don't get to choose the shape it takes on. I can't think of any way conjuring the actual spirit of an actual animal would do anything to protect me, being likely incorporeal, so I'm just not getting this question.

Let's take the piss right out of it, all right.
What's not to understand? IF YOU COULD, WHICH WOULD YOU PICK? It's not asking you to get technical with how or why. You just fucking can.
Oh my God I'm getting a headache already.
You're the same kind of person that whines about realism in video games.
"It's not very realistic that I can take three bullets to the chest and keep on keeping on."
Wow you are so right in a game where communists can brainwash you to the point you assassinate a president.
Or what kills me: "it's unrealistic to have to repair my weapon more than my armor in Final Fantasy!"
Wow, damn. Pack it up Square: you're finished. A lack of realism in Final Fantasy?
Also wouldn't an edged weapon need to be repaired more often than a giant hunk of metal you wear?
Ugh forget it.
When it’s cold, wet, or snowy, how do you stay fashionable?

Fashion comes and goes but giving not a fuck is always in vogue.

I just stay warm, and laugh at those who try to maintain a sense of fashion at 40 below. Seriously; my old room mate bought some cute but ineffective boots from walmart; when it finally got cold enough that she needed bigger boots, she went to the outdoor store and told the guy, "I want something not too big, something cute." The salesman replied, "You know what's attractive, hon? A woman with all ten toes." She ended up with proper boots.

Ha, ha ha-- wow that is... Funny I guess.
Also two unnecessary semicolons.

If you wanted to have children and had trouble conceiving, would you be more likely to consider IVF, surrogacy, or adoption, and why?


I would certainly try IVF first, surrogacy second. I don't think I would adopt. I want a child with my own genetics. Yes, there are plenty of wonderful orphaned or abandoned children out there, but I honestly don't think adoption is something I could do.

Yes, we need more of your genetics around. It'd be a positive loss if your genetics were opted out of the pool.

What is the BIGGEST lie you've ever told?

BIGGEST. Instead of smallest I guess.
It's one that only two other people on this planet know the truth about, and I'm not about to disclose it here.

What is your opinion of the death penalty? How important is this issue in deciding which political candidates you support?

Just quoting this for context, really.
I believe that the death penalty is the only sensible solution for dealing with rapists and serial killers.

I agree. The only sensible solution ever is to kill. Kill back, as the case may be.
Actually, I really like the idea of (in the case of male offenders at least) castrating rapists and murderers; rapists won't be able to offend again, and a lowered testosterone might ease murder too. But most people don't agree with me.

Why might women get off the hook?
Besides the obvious there are many, many, many more times men raping than women but I wouldn't preclude them.
There have been a right many female serial killers-- and most serial killers don't get out of jail to start with, so why castrate them?
Why castrate anyone when death is the ultimate result of their punishment?
Seems a bit unnecessary to me.
Anyway I wandered off for about 7 hours. I guess this entry is over~

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