Thursday, July 31, 2008


I had another entry about this ready to go, but upon rereading it I seem wholly confused. After much meditation on why that might be, I figured it out.
The furry community is confusing to navigate. The reason for this, as near as I can gather, is twofold: firstly, it lends to the image that yes, they are special snowflakes. LOOK HOW UNIQUE THEIR WEBSITES ARE! Secondly, it keeps strangers out. For a community that proclaims to be so open-minded and accepting, they certainly get offended easily. Very easily.
So it is with some glee that I can safely lump them with goths, emo kids, and the rap community. While they proclaim to be so unique, in reality they are just embracing a different set of cliches.
But my previous post (that I doubt I'll post since it isn't very interesting) did serve a purpose. I straightened the entire mess out.
Today's subject matter can be found here:
I hope you enjoy this post. I mean really, genuinely enjoy it. Getting this far easily took two hours. While that doesn't sound like a ton of time, when you're wading neck-deep in the sea of shit that is the furry community it's a life sentence.
So immediately it has a system where you have to click a button to go back to the previous day, only unlike the other systems I've encountered this is even less convenient.
Eventually I found this post, but I'll be goddamned if I can figure out the date when this was posted. It only lists the time.
So whatever I'll just fly blind.
My first search there was, well, "furry." Because duh. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. It got no results at all, not even when I turned Safe Search off.

This is about a new search engine called Cuil. Some might say it's a good thing that nothing came up, but whatever.
I go further back and I find a post about some grand injustice rendered unto him by a friend.
No just kidding his friend signed off the internet in a way that made him think of ending the friendship.
I can only imagine his ego, like all furries, is that fragile that you have to walk on egg shells at all times when around him.
I just started a conversation with a friend online.

Asked how he was, he said he was good, then asked me how I was. I told him that I'd been bored lately, hadn't had so much as a good friendly chat with anyone in the past few days. In addition, I had found out a cough I've had was actually bronchitis, which antibiotics were helping but it was still bad. I wait a bit, and his response is:

"Bah. Not fun. Well, I gotta head out somewhere today. Feel better."

And within two seconds, before I can even begin typing a response, he signs off.

What really gets me here is that the contents of the message made him THINK he was being nice to me. Three out of his four sentences were aimed at comforting me. But to say that and then immediately disappear negates everything and makes me feel like I'm not cared about at all and not even worth properly closing a conversation with.
I'm not sure what he could have done differently. Waited an additional minute? This isn't the phone. I know when I'm talking to friends online and someone has to go it is a near instantaneous sign-off. I never fault them, though. GOTTA GO BBL and they're gone. Shit, that's how I do it too. In fact I just assumed that's how everyone did it. Further, I always think they're probably off doing something cool. Good for them.
I am happy for them, though. They're seeing a movie or something. I can't imagine actually wishing to hold a friend hostage like that. Hostage to my bizarre tantrum, in the case of this furry.

And once again he proves that he may be unable to do that. This is not a case, as I see it, of active contempt. It's a case of not knowing how much of a fucking cunt you're being with one simple action.

Jesus fuck what was he supposed to do? When the entire situation could have been allayed by him sticking around an additional 30 seconds I think it's time to look at your definition of "contempt". To me, contempt is an open act of willful disobedience. I'm almost positive any decent dictionary would agree. The fact that you expect a friend's actions to be obedient to your will is a huge hint at what a monstrous egotist you really are.
We know cell phones cause cancer. That's because they are physical objects, which have been proven to cause cancer. LIFE CAUSES CANCER. We know. Stop spending money on finding the cause and cure the damn thing.

Thanks for the tip, doctor. Meanwhile, in reality, researchers have to discover the cause of something before they can treat it. It's like-- hmm. How to put this in terms you understand? I know. It's like making a fursuit with a dick hole cut into it so you can fuck people in the ass. You have to know what causes the suit (fabric and labor) before you can acquire one. Understand now?
If John McCain says one more fucking thing about him being tortured in Vietnam, I will chalk him up as having too much PTSD to even be a Senator.

The funny thing here is I bet if he went through a similar ordeal he'd never shut up about it. I didn't hear the speech but I'm sure it was probably tied to the war in Iraq somehow, and not just I WAS TORTURED VOTE FOR ME.
I'm not defending drinking and driving, but come the fuck on. You drink, drive, and hit someone. How many people here would spend the entire month or so it takes to get a judge to sentence you WALLOWING IN SELF PITY?

I'm not really sure his point, here. It seems to be that you can drink and drive, and then hit another person and you shouldn't feel bad about it.

Yeah, you should feel bad. But to the point that it consumes your life? No. These judges think it means these kids have 'bad character" just because they aren't fucking cutting themselves for the rest of their lives over a DUI.

Oh, okay. As long as you feel bad it's okay. But it shouldn't consume your life. Not, you know, hitting a woman hard enough to critically injure her. Go on with your life, because I know she'll be the same after this.
What my purple wolf friend seems to be flirting with is the notion of a bizarre ultra-free society where anyone can do anything they want and are trusted enough to not completely destroy society. While I'm sure a situation like that wouldn't necessarily doom the world, or even cause a huge anarchy (most people don't have fun raping and pillaging, or so I assume) it is probably a good thing that there are consequences for running people over. With a car. While drunk.
More and more, nihilism is appealing to me. It just seems so logical that there isn't shit we can do to change the fact that there is really no point to fucking anything. It's hard to find happiness at the moment when I'm just surrounded by a complete lack of existence. The world is becoming 0, no, off, void, null, negative, and maybe that'll change, but honestly I don't know how long I can last without flipping the fuck out.

I'd call him a threat to other people but I'm sure he's too much of a crybaby to do anything.
I suggest subscribing to a philosophy that doesn't make you look like an emo cunt. While zero may be nothing, it also represents infinite possibilities. While I'm sure you're far too unimaginative and lazy to do something about that, but you could do something with yourself.
Want to see some of his art? This contains MALE NUDITY so if you're easily offended by weird, shriveled animal dick-- I suggest getting out more.
I cannot get over the bizarre head. It looks like his head got crushed in a vice and now he's THE LAUGHING MAN and his dick is out because he has another brilliant plan to foil Marcel Dufarge.
Or maybe his plan is to put Detective Dufarge in a fursuit and fuck him in the bum.
Well at any rate it seemed brilliant on paper.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh. My. God.

So today I came across my first blog that had an age warning. "Only click here if you're 14 or older!" it said. Sweet, PG-13 sex scenes, or so I reckoned.
Needless to say it wasn't anything as great as seeing a dark half second of side boob. In fact, one might argue this is a horror of the internet instead of something fantastic.
Ever read the Cthulhu mythos and wondered what knowledge could be so horrible that it causes madness? Or been playing Warhammer and wondered how the shadow of the warp could be so horrific it causes psyker heads to explode?
Well now I'm starting to get a vision of how that might work, and it has something to do with this:
For those fortunate enough to have remained ignorant to this phenomena so far: allow me to educate you.
I'll tell you the same story I was taught to understand (and hate) the furry:
Billy and Joey have to do a research project on Cheetahs. They both go home and type it into Google. They even find where Cheetahs live!
They both present their projects the next day and get an A. Billy goes home and hangs his paper on the refrigerator, then goes outside.
Joey decides to make an anatomically correct fursuit, complete with dickhole cut out so he can fuck other people in fursuits in the ass.
So that's a furry. While what consenting adults do behind closed doors is really none of my goddamn business (and I could give a shit how many dickholes your fursuit has cut into it) these furries are renowned for causing huge fucking drama for no reason.
Indeed, if they found this post (fat chance) I could easily stir up drama simply because I posted something NEGATIVE ABOUT THEIR PRECIOUS LIFESTYLE.
Oh yeah, that's another problem. They call "fetishes" "lifestyles". Foot fetishists keep that shit to themselves. It's their own private shame, and no one faults them for it. But these furries flaunt this shit all over the place like it somehow makes them a superior human. I had a class with this one guy once who insisted on being called "Fox" and wore a stuffed fox tail on a belt daily.
That's the level of nuttiness that swirls around this fetish, like a tornado of shit.
But on to the actual blog.
First entry is about "clorophyll (sic)". "What, that stuff that gives plants their green color?" I asked to no one in particular. "No. This is furries we're talking about, after all!" replied no one.
Every so often the subject of Chlorophyll comes up in our circles, usually in question to it's effectiveness. I have some observations I think worth sharing/confirming.

Like some cubs I know, we have had a desire to go "full cub" by messing our diapers whenever and wherever we please. I'll admit, I am one of those freakazoids that gets a thrill from such things; but that is an issue for another post. The rest of the community rightfully frowns upon this, because we try and not bring anyone else into our fantasy by offending them with our odiferous britches. Using chlorophyll addresses this issue in a grand fashion.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. By the way, furries, like most things on the internet, have the incredible ability to mutate to the point where you're sure this is one guy in Oklahoma posting. No one could be that freakishly specific about their kink.
I've been taking Clorophyll religiously for about ten days now. I got 30 generic, 60mg capsules from Whole Foods for $5.99 (plus tax). 100 mg capsules were available for $8.99.

I have no idea what Chlorophyll does to a human system, but I can only imagine altering the flora of your gut that much would cause insane problems.

1. The label says "once a day", but I was told a long time ago to take one or two at every meal. The chlorophyll works directly with the food as well as the digestive system. If I have a spicy food like pizza or a burrito, I'll take two capsules.

What pizza is spicy?
2. Chlorophyll seems to make me "retain", at least at the outset. So far I have consumed about 10 times more food than I have evacuated (yes, I keep track of these kinds of things). I must have gained 8 pounds in the last week from retention alone, otherwise I don't know where else it goes, and when (or if) it'll ever come out.

Jeeeeeeeeeesus Christ. I hope it never comes out and you get sepsis.
To keep this post shorter than my recent behemoths I'm going to move on, but I'd like to mention this post is only half over. He goes on about the wonders of chlorophyll for another nine paragraphs.
Going back, I come to this:
Whoever this is paid for that. I can only imagine it cost around thirty dollars. An enterprising person might notice the poor quality of it and decide to make these things for those idiots full time, and let me tell you: others are way ahead of you. That's right: this fetish has grown so much there are leeches who can do this practically full time.
Happy berfday to da most awesome-est husky(except for me, but we can pretend for today) in teh whole wide world, LSH, enjoy it, wherever you are.

(note that I am a day ahead of most of you... it's the 28th here)

Apparently they do type like that. Also I would like to point out, no one involved is actually a dog. They may pretend they are, but they are, in fact, a human.
Many furries claim some sort of spiritualism from this, sort of like animism or totemism (so like how Native Americans might have believed in great animal spirits) but unlike a legitimate spiritual practice they think they actually have animal spirits trapped in them, somehow.
Also if this were true I would think you'd occassionally find a furry claiming to be a sperm whale or a snail or something, but oddly 90% of furries are foxes. Go figure.
Now there's an entire post about bubble baths. What.
The next post was made in 2015. Apparently they can travel through time.
You're a Foxkitty?

My interest in Furry is more casual at this point, but if/when I develop a furry persona she will probably be a polymorph who spends most her time in the shape of a fox or a cat. Either that or as a Fox who acts like a Cat or something.

And I could probably friend a few more babyfurs.

Niao! :)

A furry persona. That really does speak volumes about the whole supposed "spiritual" angle of this. A persona is, at least classically, a mask. For theater. That is, a mask you put on to become like someone else, not actually someone else.
In psychiatry it is the personality we put on for others, based on our current social situation.
A cynic might take this choice of words and say this entire "lifestyle" is contrived for the purpose of attention.
So that's it. That's all I have.
My advice for everyone, not just people who run blogs, is to not be a furry. It turns you into a cunt.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Is Today Monday?

Only reason I updated yesterday was because I thought it was Monday. Today actually is Monday, so I'm living in a bizarre Mobius Strip world right now. MONDAY HAS LOOPED BACK ON ITSELF MY GOD.
So I don't really have any idea what I'm going to do. Even though I usually get a rough idea of who I'd like to make fun of and click around until I find an approximation, today I have fuck all.
So I'll just go to LiveJournal and-- fantastic. First click is a likely suspect.
First post I immediately have no idea what he (user name is JovialJoe, that has to be a guy) is talking about. Apparently Antoinette (not Marie) is dead. Died by her own hand-- how tragic.
So on to the previous entry. To get to the previous entry I have to click the back arrow like I'm reading some sort of article. Why couldn't he just have all the entries on the front page like a normal person? Always have to be special, is it?
So this entry is your typical rant on death and being powerless, I suppose. I'll just cut to the good part.
I HATE THIS SO MUCH. I am SICK of watching people die and waiting for them to die or finding that someone's suddenly DEAD, I fucking hate it. I want to break things. Hurt something, whatever, but it's NO FUCKING GOOD because it's not like its going to KEEP them fucking ALIVE. Wishing that a miracle would happen or something doesn't do ANYTHING. They're all fucking DEAD. People will KEEP DYING. Young people, old people, family, friends, they're all going to fucking die at some point and there is NOTHING to do but WAIT.

I'm reminded of words I heard once, but have since forgotten the source:
all life is but a journey to the grave, and the greatest mystery of all is how do we not despair?
I guess that's totally fucking wrong, because look at this crybaby. Good grief.
That's the cycle of life, dude. People die. All kinds of people die, usually for fucking stupid reasons. I don't think the dead would take solace in the fact that you mourn them in this way. Respect the living, honor the dead and move on with your life.
Also you kind of set yourself up as a victim, here. PEOPLE DIE AND I WANT TO HURT SOMEONE TO FIX IT. Easy there, punchy. That sounds like such a dramatic TV show move. Person dies SOMEONE PUNCHES THE WALL SO HARD THEY HURT THEIR HAND. Have some composure.
That whole paragraph came out more serious than I intended. Fuck it, not rewriting it.
So on to the next entry.
What began as a comedic adventure kind of turned into a horror. And it was SOOOOO long. From 9 am (if you caught the tour) to 5:30 pm. I'm going to go for a time, at least, and give it a shot, but I don't really have a good feeling about it.

He's referring, in this case, to freshman orientation at his college. Namely having a nagging suspicion he chose the wrong university. I remember when I had to go through this and it really does put you on edge. By the end of the (what seemed like) nineteen hour extravaganza it is a bit taxing.
It's at this point I'm starting to see a theme emerging through this blog. All blogs I've read seem to have recurring motifs and themes. For instance, mine would have to be cunning wit and hilarious banter mixed with some clever insight. Also wisdom.
This, however, is melodrama. Quick, what captures real life better? Comedy or drama?
Doesn't matter. Whatever does, it isn't this. This reads more like a soap opera than someone's life. PEOPLE ARE DYING AND I'M HAVING TROUBLE ADJUSTING TO MY COLLEGE LIFE AND WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Even if this shit does happen, and it does, I have trouble treating this like it was seriously written by a human.
Also apparently this is a girl, which goes to show I STILL CAN'T TELL GENDER. I guess Joe is short for Josephine. Goddamn.
So she decided to stop talking to her father and blah blah who cares.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Melodrama.
The lower lid of my left eye is having a freak out. Swollen, red, painful, I look like I've contracted some dreadful disease or like I belong on an episode of House...

The "dreadful disease" you have contracted sounds like conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye. Know what treats pink eye? GET SOME ANTIBIOTIC EYE DROPS. Or hell, do nothing. It'll clear itself up eventually.
I've had pink eye a few times in my life. "Pink eye and strep throat" could have been the title of my childhood. I'd say by age nine neither of these things slowed me down.
But this reads like a production. It ends with some sort of babbling about the stages of mourning (which sounds like a cyclic thing for her) and watching Sailor Moon (another recurring theme in these fucking things, oddly) and Road to El Dorado.
I find myself swinging between feeling euphorious, at peace, and then very manic and afraid.

Euphorious, huh? Is that any relation to euphoric? Also feelings of euphoria imply a being at peace, so you really didn't need to add that. Although irrational fear, to me, is a hallmark of a depressive episode instead of a manic episode, depending on the framing of the fear, it could still fit.
In conjunction with what I have to assume is either a tenuous grasp of vocabulary or childlike confusion of emotions, I'd say grief counseling is just the first step in fixing your nutty head.
I'd wager she could be diagnosed as a manic-depressive.
So I've been wandering around all of today, completely freaked out that my senior project presentation is tomorrow. Seriously, my stress level was through the roof today.
But I'm sitting here and it just occured to me that tomorrow, it's going to be done, it's a good project and I feel....
Inexplicably relieved.
This is a good thing :)

I would certainly say she's a creative soul, as she suffers from a frequent delusion of her ilk: the belief that only she has felt emotions this strong, or only she can feel emotions in this exact combination.
Typical college nonsense in the next couple of posts.
I hate it when people say "You're a're supposed to be confused and not know what to do!"
...That may or may not be the case, but I wish my mind would freaking arrive at it's mother effing decision and just I like this or not? Do I want to continue with this or not? You want to get away, you want to stay, you don't want to go to this college, but then tomorrow you really do want to go to this college, one day you think about pursuing this, one day you say you'll never do this again, then the next day you say "Well, that was fun, maybe I WILL do this or that again".....

Mother FUCKER! I GET that it's a day to day thing and not every decision must be black or white, or work in absolutes, but I HATE IT when my brain just functions in the EXTREMES. I wish I could just GET this fucking "let it go, move along," mentality but noooooooooooooo....

graghsoasosadfnmofereffen'....I annoy myself. Alot.

Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine being this confused in life. Even when I had to do all of this shit I wasn't paralyzed with confusion like she was. I think her problem is she cares too much about making the right decision instead of just making a good decision. Coincidentally, it is in a teenager's nature to be that polarizing. Contrary to your stupid high school brain's thinking, there isn't a right college. In fact, they're all practically the same. Unless you want to be a doctor or go to an Ivy league school or something, it's all pretty much the same.
In this case, thinking long term would be advisable. Go to a community college to get the necessary shit that you'll be taking anyway out of the way for cheap, then transfer to an in state school. Trying not to graduate in huge debt would be my primary objective if I were her.
So there's your fucking short term life goal list right there. Maybe it's because I had the benefit of reading it from the outside, but that took like five minutes to solve. Maybe you should go at it with a rational mind geared towards solving your problems instead of being melodramatic about it and you wouldn't encounter these situations.
I'll admit it's hard sometimes, but fucking goddamn you just have to pull through it.
Oddly the school counselors don't tell you this. Well there, life lesson for free.
So whatever that's it. Not the funniest post I've ever written but fuck you this is my third day in a row grappling with these fucking things.
So in conclusion: BE LESS MELODRAMATIC.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!

No, that's not the title of today's blog, unfortunately. I decided it was more interesting than the actual title, though: "All My Lies Give Me Pleasure".
Today's blog is located here:
First thing: I'm skipping the first two entries (July 26 and the one after it).
So immediately I have no idea what's going on. Apparently Sid (must be British, yeah?) had a baby.
Skipping some more posts that don't interest me at all, and we're on to June 6, 2008.
Man I have some good times looking at these jobs. There are posts that make me laugh and posts that are like what the hell....

For example, today I saw one that was like: Are you a hunter? Do you like sales? Work at our waste management company! LAWLS!

Oh, could that I would be so easily amused.
And Im sitting here like ....those things have nothing in common.

I also like the jobs that are completely not descriptive. Its like, WORK HERE =D and youre like....well where is here?...What is it that you want me to do?....And then you click it and theyre like, work here we'er awesome and give benifits =D Be cooooool come here! And youre still wondering what the hell is going on because they havent really told you ANYTHING.

No, indeed, I'm wondering why I'm gibbering like a moron. Let's go over the second person pronoun and its use. Ideally it wouldn't be used at all, but that has a rather academic tone for a blog. How I use it is (I hope) responsibly. The "you" is clearly directed at the person writing the blog (thus setting up what we call a "false dialogue" in the litfag world. Lends itself to comedy: that's why I tell the jokes, people) or framing it somewhere around the word "us", implying a camaraderie involving me and the audience.
So there's that. Then there's the use of "like". I'm sure I've gone over the actual use of "like", but just as a refresher: "like" never, ever prefaces the start of a quote.
My favorite ones though, are the completely misleading ones. The heading is something like, BIOLOGIST! So you click it, not that I have any interest in biology but just for giving you an outrageous example, pretend like I do. So you click and its like, duties: Answering the phone, faxing some shit, getting the mail and shoveling poop.

Yeah, that'd be an entry-level position. Someone with a biology degree might apply and work her way into bigger things involving actual biology.
Man, I dont know why it is that all men on the internet are the biggest pigs on the face of the earth but they really are. It seems like all the gentlemen, the few that there are on this earth just avoide the internet like a plague, which leaves room for all the sick pig headed shits that roam the yahoo chat rooms.

Civilized adults don't go to chat rooms. Also, anonymity+internet+opinions=asshole. It's just how it works.
I'm sitting in there tonight and theres these shits in there that are like, oh man, asian girls like to be raped. Rape is so funny, hahaha. You know what else is funny? Suicide, thats funny haha. I dont know why girls are always commiting suicide when bad things happen to them. Like, rape. Or breaking up. But suicide is so cowardly. People who commit suicide are stupid. Theyre wusses. And suck.

People like that really piss me off. But it pisses me off even more to see men doing that. How dare you. Do you honestly think ANY girl likes to be raped? Do you honestly think that suicide is fucking FUNNY? It makes me fucking sick.

Whoa, whoa easy, chief. It's the fucking internet. Stop taking it so seriously.
I always see those men in there. Acting like fucking pigs. Hey any sluts in here? Hey some bitch show me her tits on webcam? Why wont any girls fuck with me? How dare they say they have ANY pride at all. They shouldnt even be allowed balls. They should all be made eunuchs, every last fucking one of them.

So you show them how grown up you are by threatening castration. Veeeeeeeeeery mature.
Maybe I should just become a fucking nun. Either that or a full blown lesbian. So I can ignore all the men in the world who are fucking little shits. Im going to become a super femininist. And be like, fuck men. Youre all PIGS. HUGE DISGUSTING PIGS. You think youre so fucking funny, so fucking full of yourself. I hope a lot of mean things on them right now. I'd make a shitty Jesus because I want more than an eye for an eye.

What. I like the use of "full blown lesbian", as opposed to a regular lesbian, I suppose. This type of phrasing almost implies it's possible to be a woman fucking other women and not a lesbian. At all. Or if you do it really hard you're a SUPER LESBIAN. I guess what she's doing there is implying she's bisexual, which I'm pretty sure all girls on the internet claim to be. Either way, not fucking impressed. She seems rather confused, too, at who exactly she's supposed to be channeling these emotions. At first it's all men, then all men who are also shits, then all men again. I guess it's angry high schooler logic that I never understood.
The next two posts are major too long, didn't read, but she implies she's graduating college, not high school, which makes me wonder what the fuck she learned in college.
Yay no more finals. I am offically done with college classes.

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus Christ. Maybe she had a bullshit major that doesn't require work or thought or growth, but in the never-ending hell that is the education curriculum, she wouldn't have passed even an entry level class.
And I'm playing the 'My thesis is not due thursday' game. Yay for me.

I would pay whatever is in my wallet to read that. Thesis, to me, implies a major fucking paper. Either a masters thesis or doctoral thesis. Let's assume the best, in this case, and say it's a masters thesis. Even so, it's not something you just shit together a week before. It requires some time, research, and planning. Apparently whatever she cranked out passed through peer review, which is fucking incredible. Apparently American education standards have sunk that low.
Unless, and this would assume the impossible, she only types like a complete idiot on the internet, and off the internet can maintain the cantor of a civilized adult.
So I laugh, at the stupidity that is american children. Its sad and unfortunate that he did die, Im not trying to belittle the fact that a child died. Im merely pointing out how little intellegence children have these days.

I-- hey, that's what I just got through saying about you! Also nice cop-out on the "I'M LAUGHING BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE I STILL FEEL BAD HE DIED." Way to be a cunt. If you're going to be an internet tough guy, here's how you do it: fuck him and fuck his family. I'm glad the shit's dead: one less asshole polluting my planet.
There. That's how you fucking do it.
I dont know why I was possessed to be a double major XD it seemed like a good idea at the time, but Im worried I am not good enough to get an A on this paper, which is what I really want. Its like, Im writing and writing on it and Im to this point and Im all, what the hell am I writing, I dont even know what point Im trying to make by telling you this?

Double. Fuck. Major. The college I attend, that is, one with a tenured faculty and a rigorous curriculum that isn't a diploma mill, you have to be approved for a double major. Based off the standard of writing I've seen thus far, she wouldn't have been accepted, let alone for a double major.
I have no idea how long the thesis statement is suppose to be Im turning in tomorrow. On the sheet it says a paragraph, but Katie said Metraux said a page. Whoo for having no idea whats going on =D! Mine is like...1/4 a page, maybe half a page if I double space my name XD Plus I havent really done enough research to support what Im saying. So it should be fun. (I dont even know why professors would want to read thesis papers anyway, I could imagin if I had to read them all. I would be like, in the crazy house)

It's a page. Come on. I could have written it in five minutes. I understand you're not exactly smart, or even of menial intelligence, but Jesus fuck show some guts.
So to keep this one short: punctuation. Use some.
Try to sound like someone who just graduated college, please. I understand it isn't school and you are on the internet, but that's no excuse.
That would sum it up, I guess. For the record, I have literally read the thoughts of 8th graders that are more mature than some of the paradigms you've set up. Whatever you spent (or whatever your parents, or the government spent) for you to go to college would have better served building a road. Or a bridge. Or fuck, just throwing it off said bridge. I know people who never had the chance to attend college at all, so I consider it a privilege.
Maybe that sort of thinking is why I don't type like that.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Shabby Princess Boutique

I fear this may be a rehash of earlier themes, but they happen with such a normalcy that they may be worth reiterating. Besides it's a free update anyway, so fuck you.
So today's entry is here:
The Shabby Princess Boutique is named for my grandbaby; Jewell Ann, who was born on 5/16/08

All right. Let's go over some things, first. How might a store be named for something (or someone) when the store's name bears none of the words from which it is supposedly taking its name? In the literary world we would call something that is named for something else "eponymous." This is not eponymous. The Shabby Princess Boutique cannot be named after "Jewell Ann" because those words appear nowhere in the title of the store.
Perhaps a more apt description would have been "inspired by" but I am, after all, talking about someone with no sense.
Also "Jewell"? Seriously? With two "L"s? Jewell Ann. Her friends in high school will invariably call her "Jah" in an attempt to sound clever.
You might as well strap her to a stripper pole right the fuck now, because I know where this is headed.
She is my little 'Princess Jewell' and already has a whole wardrobe of clothes with roses and lace.

Oh, I GET IT. Har har har no one is going to get the inside reference to your store you cunt.
Also roses and lace, huh? Wow. Sounds fancy-like.
Hmm. This blog happens to link to another blog. I'm going to do something I've never done before and follow this one in a bit.
So for everyone keeping track, I'm now here:
Jesus Christ again with the music. What is this? Natasha Bedingfield? Who is that? All right ALL MY MUSIC OFF. WE HAVE TO LISTEN TO NATASHA BEDINGFIELD SING NOW. Sounds like archetypal cunt singing. She's undefined. She's just beginning. PEN'S IN HER FUCKING HAND, SHE'S GOING TO DO IT. Holy shit isn't this the theme to a shampoo commercial? Who seriously listens to this nonsense?
Good Christ I didn't know you could be this devoid of taste. All right off this goes. I'm getting a migraine.
So there's this major too long, didn't read story about cops and smoke detectors and shit. I didn't know you could make a story about a police chase boring. How she did it was make the entire focus of the entry on her and not about the incredibly awesome fist fight going on in her front yard, followed by police. That, I think, is a writer's faux pas.
It's been a very busy Sunday! I babysat Jewell from 9 am until 2 pm. We went to the flea market for about an hour; waste of time. Thankfully, she slept the whole time as it got hot way too quickly outside!

Wouldn't that just be watching your fucking grand child? "Baby sitting" is something you hire a 16 year old girl with no sense to do. That last sentence is a mess.
We had a wonderful evening! Rose, Michelle & baby Jewell came over for pizza and movies. We watched "Fools Gold", "Over Her Dead Body" and "Mad Money". Oh, we also pigged out on Coconut Cream Pie, Ice Cream Sandwiches and Crunch Bars.

You watched ALL of those movies? My friends and I used to make sport out of watching bad movies and even we never tried anything as brazen as watching a Queen Latifah movie. Also pizza, coconut cream pie (proper noun for some reason) ice cream sandwiches (again) and Crunch bars (half credit) sounds like a week's worth of food. Are you sure you shouldn't be posting on the EGL blog?
Once it got dark, Michelle, Jewell and I walked around the block a few times and watched fireworks. It was so much fun! This is my first time living in a house and having a "neighbor-hood". Apartment living meant no fireworks on 4th of July.
This is the neighborhood that not one week later there's a running fist fight so bad the cops have to break it up. Sounds like a place I want to take my child and grand child around at night.
So then there's a long sob story about her father dying that's really sad I'm sure (if I read it). Wow it really is filled with nonstop cliches. It reads exactly like a very special episode of "Touched by an Angel".
So then scrolling past some pictures that I'm not going to look at I come across her top ten list of the week. I feel some kind of connection here because I keep similar lists (to myself, of course). While my lists usually contain cool things like "tits" and "space marines" her list is stuff about mascara and tampons or whatever it is girls talk about when they go off to the bathroom together.
Then I came across this one:
The freedom from the scale, as I never weigh during *that* week of the month!

What. How does this even begin to make any goddamn sense? So you don't weigh yourself when you're on the rag? Why might that be? You gain weight then? You lose weight? You just don't do it out of some sort of superstitious obligation or fear?
9. Armani Mania Perfume

"Armani Mania". Sounds treatable.

So skipping past all this nonsense to something more interesting.
July 1, 2008's post entitled "positive thinking" (something I make sure never to do).
I've been posting with such negativity lately. So, I've deleted all those posts and will do my best to look on the bright side of things from now on. I've got to remember that there is so much to be grateful for, every single day.

I love my horoscope. It gives me hope.

fffffffffffffffffffffff I read my horoscope daily and at the end of it I always announce aloud "WHO BELIEVES IN THIS TRASH?" Now I fucking know. I'm going to analyze this horoscope.
Pisces thrives through creative transportation and unique social experiences.

Who doesn't? "I, uhh, thrive through mechanical repetition and the same boring daily grind."
There will be changes in the way you develop your inner-self, this year. Your ability to multitask will continue, as you become involved in more humanitarian projects.

None of that means anything.
I'm going to stop reading that here, but this goes on for TWO PARAGRAPHS.
She linked something guaranteeing I was going to laugh. It was so horrific (it involved Will Ferrel) that I don't even want to talk about it.
Fantastic another top ten list.
Putting on pajama's and crawling in bed exhausted; popping in a Sex and The City DVD and falling asleep thinking of New York and love.

I didn't know people like this existed. Seriously, I thought they were a fictional character everyone made fun of as if they were real.
My large 32 oz diet coke from McDonald's, every single morning. (which replaced my regular coke and/or Starbucks, thank you very much.)

Thirty-two ounces of coke when you wake up. Also she says she's replacing regular coke (or Starbucks) like I'm supposed to be impressed. So here would be my response (not going to censor myself): "you're welcome. Enjoy your coke."

Stepping on the scale and seeing I lost a pound, or two in overnight.

How much must you weigh to have that much weight fall off over the course of one evening?
Ah, the answer:
I woke up this morning and realized that it may be time to pack away my size 14[...]

So size 12 now, I guess?
I am so happy to have discovered the Dr. Atkins diet, as it is the only diet that works for me. I survive on Grilled Chicken Salads and Diet Coke. (Dare I mention the gazillion bruises I have all over my body? Maybe I'm vitamin deficient?)

Yes. Surprisingly, grilled chicken salads and diet coke (both from McDonald's, I'm guessing) do not constitute a balanced diet.
Thyroid problems for one, don't roll you eyes at me, I really have an under active thyroid, I swear!

I didn't roll my eyes, I put my hand over my face like I'm disappointed in being part of the same species as you.
Now there's a really long rant about what I can only describe as "working man's plight" about how disappointed she is in her children for not knowing the same hardships she has. Maybe it's my own privileged view of the world but wouldn't you want your children to have a better life than you?
But, the struggles are what made me into the person I am. One who is determined to always be strong and make it on my own. I want my girls to be independent and try their damndest to make due with what they have. Yes, I know I'm still going to hear how difficult it is to walk 1/2 mile to the store, or pay $2.50 for a load of laundry to be washed. But, I want them to know how fortunate they are. A lot of people live paycheck to paycheck and never ever get to eat out, or go to the theatre. Some people will never own a car.

Ah, that old rhetoric. "Other people have it harder than you so don't feel bad." Somehow that's deeply unconvincing when it costs you $2.50 to do one load of laundry and the economy is in the shitter to begin with.
Personally I'd shoulder any burden like that with silence that borders on stoic but then again not everyone can be as badass as I am. Actually I'd probably never stop bitching. Whichever.
I think maybe she started with a good point but it was lost in a sea of piss-poor writing.
So, after searching on ebay for weeks, I bought the entire 6 season DVD set for $75.00, which seems outrageous, but it is $190 at Target. Mine is from China and has a few minor problems, but overall, I got a great deal.

Seventy-five dollars for a bootleg? No wonder you have money issues. Or maybe you don't. Wait-- no I don't know. It just seems like you might. Next post (surprisingly) addresses this issue. She has a credit score somewhere between 750-799, which is good I think.
Either way Jesus Christ way too much personal information. If you read through all of my entries carefully the only thing you could glean was my first name and my rough geographical location.
All right so it is a rehash, but in conclusion:
develop taste.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Big Time

Before today I was content on hit and run tactics against small blogs. Guerrilla tactics are the only thing that works when one is so drastically outnumbered.
But today I'm taking a Rambo approach. I'm marching right into an enemy base with machine gun in hand. Yes indeed, today I am hitting an entire LiveJournal community.
What is a community? Well apparently it's like a public forum disguised as a blog. Only instead of threads and shit organized in a way that makes sense, it's organized like a blog.
The similarities between the two goes deeper than that. Typically they're both organized around an interest, and like all things internet, blog communities have a freakish ability to specialize to the point where one might be shocked they could thrive at all. SURELY ONLY A FEW PEOPLE COULD FIND THIS INTERESTING.
The group in question today is here:
EGL. I clicked on it for the rather cryptic acronym. I couldn't imagine what EGL was.
I found, upon clicking on it, that it was for "Elegant, Gothic & Lolita". Sure.
Already my shitty blog sense was tingling.
Gothic Lolita. That would typically refer to the more specific "Lolita Fashion" popular in Harajuku, Shibuya, Tokyo.
I am in the business of knowing things, so I happened to know this.
Being in the business of knowing things I could also extend this knowledge to other things, like knowing that the entire fashion trend was based on the earlier Victorian/Edwardian sensibilities.
That is what I mean.
Notice the black lace and large shoes. There, you know everything about Gothic Lolita. That's literally about all there is to know. There's also some arbitrary rules you have to follow like how to sit properly. That's it. Really.
So how an entire blog can exist around this is beyond me. Maybe there is more to it than I thought. Who knows? Let's find out.
I have a question.

What is "Nekomimi Organdie"?

Oh if only there was a magic search engine on the internet where you could type words in and get related websites based on what was entered.
Again, being in the business of knowing things, I happen to know "nekomimi" means "cat ears" and "organdie" is a stiff material, usually cotton or silk. Let's use that magical search engine now--
Goddamn no such thing exists.
Hmm. But that's okay, sometimes you're still not out of luck. Searching "nekomimi" and sure enough, there's your answer.
I'll just cut to the chase and go to Webster to search for organdie-- yes. It is a material.
See, people? The internet is a fantastic tool for searching.
So apparently furries are crossbreeding with the Gothic Lolita crowd to create something I don't even want to think about.
I actually have more of a purpose in quoting what I just did than showing off my Google searching skills.

I recently purchased the summer Gothic & Lolita Bible

See what happened there? It's subtle.
I can speak from experience, in this case. Importing something from anywhere that isn't on the same continent as you is typically expensive. I also know that anything related to this Gothic Lolita stuff is usually 200+ dollars on the side of uncomfortable. Even that book that she evidently can't read (good buy) probably ran 50-75 bucks, before shipping.
So that was more of a covert "look at what I got" post than an actual inquiry. Any weeaboo knows what cat ears are, even in Japanese.

I'm not exactly slender, and I don't want to make a skirt, only for it not to fit later. Thanks.

Now I'm not going to make any fat jokes (yet) but keep this sentence in your mind, as it proves prophetic.
Scrolling down two posts and I'm greeted by this image:

Oooooooooooookay. When I saved this image from their blog (I always like to reupload shit from Photobucket because shit from there tends to vanish eventually) the image was named "cute.jpg". The post wasn't written by any of the people in the picture, as indeed the whole blog takes almost an editorial approach to posting. Curious as to the sad creature behind this blog, I studied the photobucket link some more. The full address of this image is as follows:
All of these photos were saved into a folder entitled "fatty photo shoot".
This raises so many questions. The entire post seemed polite, and the immediate name of the image was positive. Why such a mean name for the folder? Does the person behind this entire blog secretly make fun of everyone posting, sort of like I'm doing now? If not, was "fatty photo shoot" supposed to be a term of endearment?
This information wasn't hard to find, either. I literally stumbled on it by accident. Surely if this community is as active as it seems to be eventually someone would find this. Was it purposefully planted to create drama, since indeed nothing attracts readers like drama? Was this a subtle political ploy to attract all the other Gothic Lolita sects under one super Gothic Lolita umbrella?
How exciting!
Unfortunately, after a quick scan of the comments, no one seems to have noticed or cared.
Hmm. Someone linked a parasol that costs 2800 Yen, which is around 30 US dollars, I think. That's a lot for a fucking umbrella.
This next post had me saying to myself: "I'm so going to post this out of context."
Calling all Thai lolis!

I will most likely be moving to Thailand in about a month or two.
So I was wondering if there are any lolis over there?
I will live in Pattaya so I would love to meet anybody close by or in Bangkok!
Hope to hear from you <3>

Yeah there are a lot of lolis in Thailand. I saw a special about it on Dateline NBC. Seriously do people think about what they're typing at all? That's the post in context. Maybe she should have qualified the word "loli" with another word, like "Gothic" or expressedly stated "and by loli I don't mean little girls, as I have heard that is what wealthy Westerners might do in Thailand."
Hello, I was wondering, to those lolitas who have visited japan is it possible to get around japan just knowing a few phrases in japanese?

Fortunately the Japanese, like all people, speak the universal language of money. So yes, you should do fine, you baby-doll-clothes-wearing freak.
Also you most likely don't know a few phrases of Japanese. Whatever you learned from anime doesn't count, as real people don't talk like that. Do you talk like Bugs Bunny? So why did you think learning from a cartoon was a wise decision?
Goddamn these people.
This next post has me really confused.
Uhm~~ My dad is visiting my uncle and aunt in London and I was wondering if there happened to be any lolita stores in London.

Didn't the British invent this style 150 years ago? Couldn't you just stop by an antique mall and buy the real deal?
That's what I find so confusing about this whole thing. Is it the Japanese factor that they're attracted to? Or is this just a tragic lack of imagination?
Apparently one of the Japanese retailers shut their online shop down to non-Japanese shoppers and recently reopened it in what I can only describe as marketing brilliance (now everyone is rabid about it reopening).
Also apparently I misspoke when I said "arbitrary rules". There are so many rules this shit borderlines on a cult.
I sort of have ugly knees and legs, and don't really feel like exposing them. Can I wear tights without breaking all the rules lol? (Would you wear bloomers with tights btw?) I have thought of aristocratish styles but I still want to wear jumpers/skirts.

Nevermind the fact that when I think of an aristocratic lady from the Victorian era I can't imagine her wearing a skirt at all, THIS IS MAGIC GOTHIC LOLITA LAND, PEOPLE. I would say "fuck the rules do what you want" but then I remembered this is modeled off Victorian England where all they had were crazy strict fashion police. Take that away and you're left with silly people in silly clothes. Oh wait, it's already like that, just with silly rules.
I am thinking of doing a Guro Loli outfit, BUT I can't bring myself to do blood spatter on one of my dresses... Sooo is it possible to do a proper guro without the bloodstained dress?

This is like one of those Zen questions. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound? "Guro" means literally "gore" so can you create gore without blood? Depends on how squeamish you are I guess.
So apparently it's not enough to pretend to be a Japanese girl (pretending to be an English girl) you have to further this one step by pretending to be a Japanese girl (pretending to be a murdered English girl). At this point I'd say "stay home and watch TV" but dressing up and being seen by other people seems to be the fun part.
Some more pictures, claiming to be "twin friends"-- whatever that is. Yeah, twins, huh? I'll bet. The butterface twins.
See after thinking about the best way to be mean to these people, I figured it out. Call them ugly. No one wants to hear that, and since they seem to devote tons of time to dressing cute it'd hurt twice.
Working smart, not hard.
Would any English lolis (or lolis visiting England) be up for a meet?

So you're an English girl pretending to be a Japanese girl pretending to be an English girl?
That's where I say fuck it. Good God you people. Although it might be amusing to attend one of their tea parties dressed as Darth Vader or Freddy Kruegar or something. Or show up dressed as a crusader. 19th century England? TWELFTH CENTURY ENGLAND YOU ARE TRUMPED! FORM UP RIGHT FLANK! WE HAVE TO TAKE ACRE BACK FROM THE INFIDELS! POPE EUGENE III DEMANDS IT!
In conclusion:
I ridicule guys who wear cowboy hats for "not dressing their era" and I'm going to have to extend that statement to this as well.
Actually, come to think of it, that has nothing to do with the blog at all.
I guess pick a better subject matter? Be less of a freak? All right, I'll admit it. This has nothing to do with blogging. I just wanted to make fun of the funnily-dressed people.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Simple Needs

As I've said before, I consider myself a reasonable man.
I was ready to pass on this one. As I read it, I said "ehh this is too boring. It is shitty, but not in a spectacular way." What made me stop dead in my tracks was when the southern "belle" (trying to stop using "cunt" as a punctuation mark) started croaking over my headphones. "What the fuck is this?" I yelled.
Well whatever it was didn't stay on long enough for me to find out, as I clicked the stop button 50 times, threw my headphones across the room, stood up, turned my monitor off and did everything in my power to tear my senses from what I can only describe as the voice of Amon, Marquis of Hell.
I decided this needed further scrutiny.
I will entrust any reader with the link, but steel your senses and check your resolve before venturing forth:
Sorry, I am late in posting. I have been busy all day. I am preparing for a yard sale Saturday and a family reunion on Sunday. This family reunion is on my mom's side. We have a craft auction to help pay for paper supplies, facility, etc. It is really alot of fun! I am working on a planter chair. I am going to paint it white( well, off white). not sure what to plant in it. Should I go with annuals, mums( since fall is approaching), herbs or what?? hmmmm.............
What is your opinion??

Be back tomorrow for show and tell, I have a few things to post. :)

This has to be the first blog after Tim Buckley's blog that actively asks for reader input. Quite frankly this is a foreign concept to me, as I can't imagine having to check with your readers like that.
No I don't do that.
What are you doing today??
I have laundry going, need to run the sweeper and decide on something for supper.
What are you fixing?

Well today I primed some Swooping Hawks then went to the grocery stor-- hey wait, who are you and why do you want to know the details of my life? Fuck you.
Also I like the 19th century talk of "supper" and "what are you fixing?" Nothing. I'm making dinner because it's 2008.
Remember me telling you about the cream colored curtains I bought over the weekend? Well, I am thinking of tea staining them. Have any of you tea stained large items like this? How would I do it? I am used to tea staining small projects and dolls so am wondering which is the best way for larger things.

Well I've certainly never tea stained anything, but I imagine you boil it in a huge pot with enough tea bags proportional to the thing you're staining. Further, if it doesn't fit, you might put one side in first then the other.
Doesn't seem like rocket science to me.
Don't forget that tomorrow is "whatcha working on Wednesday", so get those projects out. ;)
Yeah I bet.

Oh, before I go. check out this soap by Rustic Cottage( tell her Kim @ simple needs sent ya).
I think I may have to splurge and get me some of the sugared lime. It sounds wonderful!!!

It must be nice to be excited over things like that. It's just some soap, come on. The next post has some pictures, including a picture of one of her walls. For someone who gives off such an aura of "I'M CRAFTY AND DECORATE WITH SHIT I MADE" I'm rather surprised at the panelling on the wall. She should at least paint that.
... Wait how do I know this

I hate faux-old spelling because no one ever gets it right. Thyme has and always will be a spice.
WHAT IS THIS? A singer called "Buck Owen" is interrupting what I'm playing on my own music player, Pink Floyd.
This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. No one wants your shitty taste in music inflicted on them. Even though "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd is an awesome tour de force and anyone who doesn't think so is devoid of taste I would never presume by uploading it here for all to hear.
Also, it's spelled "yeah." "yea" is something you say in affirmation to something (as in "yea or nay?").
Apparently she named her daughter Storm. Why, why, why? Why would you call your daughter that? On that soap opera I watch there's a series of characters (not all of them are related, but two have been married to each other like 50,000 times) named the following: Ridge, Brooke and Storm. I'm waiting for the twins "Thunder and Lightning" to show up.
People, for the sake of your future children, don't name them nouns. That includes months, days of the week (Wednesday from Addam's Family is okay) weather patterns and geological formations. Exceptions to this rule are some state names, as states like Virginia were names before they were states, so that's-- well a clusterfuck, but still.
Name your kids something nice. Something with a history to it. You know what's a nice name? Elizabeth. That's your daughter's new name. Something that sounds nice, has a long history to it and doesn't sound weird. Perfect.
So I'm having trouble deciding if she's what we call in my house a "Carolina Cunny" or a pretentious cunt. I think a freakish mix of the two. By the by, if you can't envision a "Carolina Cunny" from the title alone, you haven't lived in a Southern State.
But I digress, and believe me that's easy when you're reading something this boring. It's like one of those textbooks college forced on me. The kind that you promise yourself you're going to read to get the "enriching experience" that was promised at Freshman seminar but two months in Mass Effect comes out on the Xbox and you just can't bring yourself to read it when you know there's Geth that need killing and PG-13 sex scenes to watch, and besides you have the Iliad and the Odyssey next to your bed like some people might keep a religious text so you don't really need to read some other guy's opinion on it.
GODDAMN-- oh, well this is okay. Johnny Cash is awesome.
This goes on and on. I've never been this far back into a blog before. It's like I'm watching a child grow. Literally. In real time.
So in conclusion:
try to be more interesting. Perhaps show instead of tell? Instead of saying "I'm going to a family reunion" maybe describe that event or why you're excited-- or something--
Ehh. This whole entry has been kind of silly I'm sorry for this whole thing.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Second Star to the Right
I frequently have a debate with myself, since starting this project. What's worse? LiveJournal, or DeadJournal? After two weeks of ruminating on this issue, I've come to a conclusion: they're both equally bad, but in different ways.
While DeadJournal is filled to the brim with melodramatic emo-goth cunts who think they're deep, LiveJournal is filled to the brim with melodramatic maybe-n0t-emo-goth cunts who think they're deep.
Subtle distinction to be sure.
The first post I see, July 20, 2008 confirms that she is in Austria. What does one do when traveling abroad? Why, watch three+ year old movies, of course!
In this three paragraph rant she (and this has to be a girl, because every guy I know who has seen "Sin City" confirms it's the greatest artistic achievement of the 2000s) questions the movie's quality.
But not for the reason one might expect. Not for the brutal violence, the copious (three that I can recall) castration scenes, or the blatant sexism. Instead, the reason is this:
The acting was horrible the story was horrible and suprisingly boring, and confusing, their were like eight story lines and none of them connected and none of them made sense in the long run so what was the point?

I know action movies can be really confusing in the story department. Except for Jessica Alba's pathetic performance (although she had a PG-13 strip scene so she might be forgiven for thinking she could act) the acting was really pretty decent. See, it was supposed to be an homage to film noir, something I doubt you'd know about because you are, after all, an idiot. Also all that other shit that didn't make sense would have been cleared up if you had bothered to, I don't know, fucking google search it. It's based on a multi-volume comic series and reproduced the first one faithfully, so therefore there's going to be sequels in theory maybe.
I can't be bothered to check the dates anymore so anyone reading this is on their own. This is rapidly turning into migraine territory.
So I kno I should have waited to watch the second doctor who but omg it was so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i mean donna and the thing on her back so freaky

and well....ahh....cannot wait for season finale

although since we don't get a new season until 2010 i don't really want this one to end

One exclamation point will suffice, thanks. I get it. You're an excitable lady. Also "know" has a w on the end. Also you don't need to start every line of dialog with "like" as indeed like should only be used when structuring a simile. You remember similes, don't you? That thing your sixth grade English teacher went on and on about in an aborted attempt to make you sound intelligent?
Thank Christ on to the very last post.

by the way what does jubilant mean?

It's this kind of shit that makes me fear for humanity. The first dictionary was compiled in the 1300s and some people still insist on acting like they don't exist.
Here, I'll give you a lesson on how to work one of these fangled books. First, since this is the internet age and indeed both of us are on the internet we'll use an internet dictionary.
We'll go to because I'm an American and could frankly give a shit if the other civilized countries use Oxford-- okay it isn't loading. Great.
So Oxford dictionary. Their website does work.
Fucking goddamn.
and we type in "jubilant" and click the first entry that comes up.


adjective happy and triumphant.

— DERIVATIVES jubilance noun jubilantly adverb.

You'd be quickly excused because you don't speak English as a native language, but you confirm in your opening entry that you're only there for a visit, so fuck you get an education. Also for the record I'm disappointed in her for not know what to do about her lack of knowledge more than the actual lack of knowledge itself. I'm not really sure what advice to give, quite frankly. I guess "be less of an idiot" but that's not really advice.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Church of Truth Without Christ

Sorry I forgot to update Friday. Totally slipped my mind, and by the time I remembered it was Sunday.
So double updates today, I suppose. That should make up for the indiscretion. Today's first specimen is The Church of Truth Without Christ (good grief). The first thing immediately noticeable is the length of the posts. Hardly any over a paragraph. Points for that. Oh, and it's located here:
So after skipping through some posts I don't care about (Dark Knight was good, was it?) I come to this:
i had another strange dream, 'acourse.
i was in a mall supposedly at some 'goth" event with voltaire, and i was scrambling to get my clothes/outfit together-i had some success, but i couldn't find my hat. somehow along my travels, i found a consignment/antiques store, and in it was my hat. when i tried to get it back, the old woman who ran it made me pay her 5 bucks, but she gave me an aventurine hatpin wich se told me was cursed...and that somehow i could have it because i was immune or something. as i was leaving, i saw a teeny owl, which was lost inside the shop, and i picked it up and took it home.
woke up at 5:01 pm today, and still feel kinda _bleh_

What. Voltaire? The philosopher? I have to assume no because this does, after all, involve goths. Probably something my normal mind cannot be privy too, lest I make fun of them and hurt their feelings.
WOKE UP AT 5:01? I thought I should feel like shit for waking up at 12:30 today. I guess that lends to the whole "I'M A VAMPIRE" aspect of goth subculture.
Moving on to July 1, 2008. This was the deciding entry. Before I wasn't convinced this was worthy of my attention, but this did it.
so i went today for an interview with this environmental job. it's door to door, from 2-10:30 5 days a week. i know it's a lot of hours, but it's $375/wk. however, i've been super sick, and i called and said i'd need an alternate date. i figure this is reasonable, since being super sick and tired with a screaming headache for 8 hours will make for an *awesome day*. so i tell my dad that i might want to stop at my friend's gallery opening (from 4-6) and he says that since i can't go to the observation day, i can't go do this. WTF? it's not like i'm playing hookie, and popping into an art glallery opening is a lot different than pounding pavement from 4-9 in the heat.
goddammit. and my mono spot came out negative. so i guess i get to stay sick.

This sounds like the exact same paradigm I'd try to set up with my mom in middle school: no mom, I am sick, but I'm well enough to play Sonic Adventure. On my new Dreamcast. And that's totally why I don't want to stay home. It's really because I'm sick. Really.
But he seems like a big boy now. Getting a job in a lab, no less. Isn't it time to, oh, I don't know, grow the fuck up and either tough it out or stay at home in bed? Apparently he isn't "super sick". I remember the one and only time I was "super" sick, and the only thing I wanted to do was die.
June 25, 2008:
i think i might have mono- i'm going to the doctor's tomorrow, so hopefully that doesn't fuck up my going to see sophia this weekend :( i'm just soo worn out and painful, and i magically got a sore throat this morning. FECK.
hopefully he can tell me wtf to do about this pinched nerve though, it's driving me insane.

A pinched nerve too? My goodness, you are just a hotbed of suffering and misery. I like your girlfriend's (?) name, though. Don't hear many people named Sophia anymore. Sore throat is a symptom of mono, though. It wasn't magic (although you might be inclined to believe so).
This medical nonsense continues into June 19, 2008:
well for starts, i feel like shit. vertigo and shit. dizzy, confused, shitty. from meds withdrawal. the pinched nerve is still there too.
but what's more, FIT apparently will only take 15 of my fucking credits, so i'm basically starting school all over again, and 2 whole years of my life-2 of the worst-have been completely fucking wasted.
i don't know how i could be more miserable...oh wait, my mother and her cunt buddy are here. JOY.

I think the problem here is that he's a hypochondriac. While feeling shitty, dizzy and having a sore throat are symptoms of mononucleosis, vertigo isn't. Vertigo is rarely the sign of any medical condition unless it's a serious parasite. Of the brain. Since I have to assume he wasn't drinking the water from the Nile, I doubt it's that.
Also welcome to college. That's what they do. At least they didn't Mickey Mouse half your credits around so you got to keep them all but simultaneously didn't count for anything you needed. You seem to be under the false assumption that they exist to educate you. Colleges, like any business, are there to make money. They make money by selling the product of education. Took me a year to learn that lesson at a big university.
Skipping another entry about dreams. He seems to dream every day and remember them, which makes me think he's lying.

i've been suuper lax. but then again, nothing has been going on. LITERALLY.
i've been SOOOOOO bored. it's just been hot and icky and everyone is busy. that and i ran out of guanficine, so i'm a very sore nerve tic machine right now.
had a dream from my nap that involved a tranny convention (wtf?), meeting bruce dickinson and giving him a big hug, swimming in a river, a barn owl and lions, and the entire town shop carpeted with astroturf.

Guanfacine? Isn't that used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and hypertension? Why would you be on that? Also that might explain the vivid dreaming. I don't think that's a symptom but since it also reduces nightmares and flashbacks it would make sense I suppose.
This continues for essentially the duration of the blog, but one post in particular caught my attention:
so my finals are FINALLY done... i got a c on austin's project, which sucked b/c i put so much work into it, but it could have used some work blah blah oh and i wish i hadn't FAINTED in front of austin, that fucking sucked. how embarassing! O.O
jesus, stress + sick+insomnia+nofood=SUCK.

FAINTED? Again with the sick. What you need, and I really want you to look into this, is lithium. This hypochondria, vertigo and fainting nonsense strikes me as a manic episode. There may be some heavy metal toxicity to worry about but otherwise I think you'll see an overall increase in your quality of life. I know this is the second time I've perscribed a major mood altering drug to someone but I can't really work through years and years of apparent trauma with just a blog post, so hardcore drugs will have to suffice.
Also I'm not really qualified to do either of those things. I just read medicine like they did in the old days. Back when the barber was also the dentist, doctor, vet and surgeon simply by virtue that he owned a pair of scissors?
Those were good times.
Towards the bottom of the post he bitches that he can barely walk because his blood sugar is so low. When was the last time you ate? Last week?
So in conclusion, to not be like this jibbering twat:
Don't be an old woman
Man the fuck up
I remember one time, trying to find one of these things I came across one where the guy said "broke my arm, no big deal." That's how all blogs should be.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Invincible Livejournal

LiveJournal, unlike DeadJournal has proved a difficult nut to crack. No random button to shovel crap my way. Indeed, LiveJournal seemed almost like a benefit to the internet. Fortunately I have eyes located somewhere in my head so I saw that this could not be the case.
The secret, for those curious, is to click the "culture" button. A clever subterfuge, as the culture section is bereft of culture.
A record one click after discovering this secret turned this up:
thedrgngrl. The Dragon Girl? I usually don't think of dragons has having a gender. Aren't knights supposed to kill them and rescue the damsel in a metaphoric conquering of earthly sin? I don't usually think of them as possessing reproductive organs.
Well whatever.
So I immediately skip the first entry (July 16, 2008) because I'll be goddamned if I link an entry in a blog that links a blog in my blog.
Moving back an entire month (sparse updates, points for that) to June 16, 2008. It's a wishlist of very, very odd things. I belt used to store shotgun shells, flasks, some kind of hat one of the three musketeers might wear (not a chapeau as that requires a feather, if I recall) a fencer's glove, and the classical dictionary of vulgar tongue.
It's like a crazy's checklist. Why would you need all of this shit? Or more importantly, what kind of crazy Tom and Jerry situation are you going to create that could possibly warrant the use of all of these things at the same time?
Scrolling past some blurry photographs to April 12, 2008.
The United States Government is trying to take away our copyright

Awesome. I can't wait for relaxed copyright laws like Hong Kong.
Since I'm devout enough to read this entire article in the off chance I can make fun of it, I shall do so.
Jesus Christ this goes on for three pages. Nevermind fuck the whole thing. If you had such a great idea in the first place you'd probably copyright it. No one wants to print your "totally awesome" fanfic involving Harry Potter and Naruto anyway. Even if they did it'd still be illegal because the legal owners of those things probably did copyright them.
Then something about how she's going to start writing again and to see it I have to reply. I'd love nothing more than to critique that no-doubt bombshell, but it looks like I can't.
Instead I'll have to settle for a rant on how she CANNOT CREATE WOE IS HER.
I hate this

My head is brimming with pictures that beg to be made.. and I cannot.. get them down, not just commissions, but the things that inspire -me-, they refuse to be put to table or tablet, and I get pain for my efforts

some rare days I'm somehow able to work through it and .. oh god its good to draw, I want to cry when I actually manage, and not from what it does to my hand either..

I want to -draw- I want to create, I want to give life to these things in my head. I find myself wanting to commission other artists just so I can -See- the pictures my mind is filled with..

I'm not depressed by any means, frustrated and yearning perhaps..

Just more random thoughts on my part.. and thanks anyone who replies to my journals, I -am- reading them, I just.. don't generally know what to say, I want you to know you're appreciated.

So that's what it's like to be a no-talent loser. I always had a suspicion that it was like that, but I never knew because instead of feeling sorry for myself I continued to work at it. Now look at me, I'm a huge success. ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY READ THIS. THAT'S LIKE SEVEN PEOPLE.
Also it sounds like it stopped being fun for you. Unless you have a real passion (look up passion in the dictionary because I doubt it means what you think it means) then you probably don't possess the patience to turn it into a real skill, and you should just keep it as a fun hobby.
December 7th, 2007 applies directly to me so I better address this.
random thoughts for the night:

What makes people think its 'okay' to get their jollies by degrading others? I'm just curious, really, this hasn't happened to me lately. I want to know how these people justify 'Mine is the one and only True point of veiw and anyone who disagrees with me is a moron'. Then someone calls them on this stuff and they're like 'You can't hate on me for this! free speach!' .. I wonder if it occurs to people that freedom of speach might mean the -right- to say whatever you wish to, but it does not mean that its a -good idea- to do this. If you're an asshole.. people are going to react to you appropriately.

Eh, My POV : If what someone is doing isn't hurting anyone in any way physically, emotionally, or somehow I have missed in that definition.. theres no need to attempt to ruin it for them.

I mean who the hell cares -why- something is fun or enjoyable long as it is, and everyone is enjoying themselves?

This has been my random thoughts for the night

Bold added for emphasis. Also I know "moron" is spelled right. I just found it kind of funny, given the context. Yes it has happened to you, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about it. Unless you're bringing up an old hurt, in which case fuuuuuuuuuuuuck get over it. Anyway, to the point: seems to me you're applying a double standard. It's okay for someone to have fun with something but not okay for me to have fun making fun of them for liking something? By your own admission "who the hell cares -why- something is fun or enjoyable (...) (A)s long as it is, and everyone is enjoying themselves?" Exactly. If it's so much fun why do you care what anyone says about it, since apparently what is fun is totally subjective?
Unless it isn't as completely subjective as you think it is. Maybe you can't just be happy with having fun, maybe you have to seek the approval of others around you as well. Maybe the approval of others is more important than having fun in the first place, since if everyone loves you and showers you with gifts and affection you'll be having fun no matter what.
I'm trying very hard to ignore her example of this in the first paragraph because it's so contrary to anyone I've ever heard speak before. I think this may be less about "PEOPLE ARE MAKING FUN OF ME" and more about people who get offended by people having differing opinions. I don't know because it's so poorly worded.
Either way the double standard kicks in because she's offended by people being offended. It might be easier just to say "you're a moron."
December 4th, 2007:

In further news:
EEeeeee~! I got a job! I start on the 26th, training later this week, I'm so excited..

And if anyones still watching this because I'm an artist who owes them something, yes this means a refund will be coming to you in January as long as you let me know who wants one. Every time I try to draw anything now I end up in agony.

The term "artist" is like writer or actor. Everyone would be one, given the opportunity, but few possess the talent, skills and intelligence to actually be successful at it. In fact, making any money at all in any of those three professions is pretty unusual.
You apparently tricked some blind kids into giving you their lunch money or actually had a modest store of skill to get people to actually pay you for your efforts, and you blew it. Also how do you end up in agony? Back in high school I used to watch this soap opera called "The Bold and the Beautiful" because it was absolute shit and so easy to make fun of (also I used to leave school around noon because apparently no one gave a shit) and in it there was this fashion designer who seriously fucked up his hand in a car crash and every time he tried to design something new the pain in his hand would bring him to new plateaus of pain. Is it like that? Was your main hand disfigured in a car accident?
Apparently something similar is true:
I wonder if its human nature not not believe something you don't want to until you've no other choice.

Its been obvious for a while..I'm sure who ever's reading this could see it coming.

But it didnt really hit me till I did a loose sketch and sat there and cried because it hurt my hands so much just to do that little bit..

I can't be a professional artist, I'll never illustrate any gaming books like I've always wanted.

Also no, that isn't human nature. To make a rather long whine session short, she has hypoglycemia. She then goes on to say "there's no magic pill or shot" which is true. Tough break, kid.
By this point I was rather curious as to the nature of this artwork. It must be impressive to warrant this much drama. Well I found a link to her deviant art account.
I'm amazed she got commissions. That's not to say she's completely terrible at drawing, but it's certainly not something I'd pay money for.
Also "furry" is listed as one of her interests, so that'd explain all the drama.
Yes, this bit of internet sleuthing has explained much.
After exploring more of her entries, she is completely terrible at drawing. I could do better, and I don't draw. She has absolutely no sense of perspective or anatomy.
This winged rabbit appears to have a thorax.
Absolutely atrocious.
one, two, three, four, five, six? Six limbs? Has she seen a rabbit before?
Wait a minute... Six limbs, front set with massive fingers for grasping, enormous maw for ripping through thickly-armored foes? I have a prediction that in 38,000 years that improbable creature begging for the release of death will resemble this:

Shit. To fight the Tyranids through conventional means is to foolishly move a beach one grain at a time. Also I didn't draw that picture blah blah. I shamelessly ripped it off from website I can't find now.
So in conclusion, to not be like this person:
don't be so whiny all the time.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I watch Fox News daily. Not because I agree with its nonpartisan views (har har) but mostly so I can make fun of every image that passes by my stupid face.
Tonight Leah Beano reminded me she, along with the other Fox 8 news cast, has a blog. Well that's a mighty coincidence-- I happen to have a blog myself. Where I critique other blogs.
We'll start with her blog, since it's only fair.
I feel worse about making fun of cute girls than of ugly girls because-- well life isn't fair that way, is it? But really I feel bad about neither, I just said that as a throw away bit. That's why I tell the jokes, people.
First post from July 14th (yeah I'm writing this in advance) 2008: To Drill or Not to Drill?
I make it a point to avoid writing about politics because I find it uncouth, but I do find the framing for this question unique. Very much like Othello's monologue, this question. And very much like Othello's monologue, I couldn't care less.
June 26, 2008.
Just like the weather..... wait a minute and the news will change.
Probably should have read something more like "just like the weather... I turn this shit off right after it."
So some people are getting laid off from their jobs because it's cheaper to take them to China and now people who have worked in the same place for 50 years have to find work elsewhere. These people obviously are having to make major life changes and Leah Beno finds time to insult these hard working people.

So what now? Brenda is looking for a job. So if you need good sewer, let me know.

Why would I need a good sewer? And are you offering yourself as a sewer? Or this Brenda? Either way: lady, whatever kinky shit you're into is your business. Leave me out of it.

Oh, oh, SEWer. Ah ha, ha, I get it. Perhaps "seamstress" may have been a more appropriate word choice.
Skipping to... Ah, May 15, 2008.
More importantly, the comments. I'd call this an embarrassment, but it is Fox News, and I would expect no less.
Good idea, Farmtruk! But, I agree with Sea, they aren't smart enough to pull off a plan like that! Plus, it would require having to do some REAL WORK!! LOL!!

Wow you are a wit! If someone named "Farmtruk" approached me with an idea, I'd have to say conversation over.
On to Buck Buckley's (that's his name. I'm serious.) Blog. Only one post. Something about English being the mandatory language of America. Hmm. Well, it is a great language.

I'm sensing a theme running through the whole of Fox 8's News Blogs: xenophobia. It can be a beneficial mindset, though, xenophobia. It keeps people afraid of new things, leading to-- oh that's right, the dark ages.
I think what everyone at Fox News needs to do, and what often fortifies me against such backwards and superstitious thoughts is this: remember what other countries produce in terms of women.
That's what I do. Just recently I became aware Argentina had a reasonably hot woman as a pop sensation: Chenoa. I wasn't even aware Argentina was a country before this. I thought it was a fruit. Now that I'm aware of her, I welcome Latin America into my heart.
And that's what I'd like to suggest to Fox News to be a better website: just post pictures of Chenoa. Why not?
Hell, why stop there? Post pictures of all the pop sensations from other nations no one was aware of. Koda Kumi, that Korean chick I saw in a magazine at the Korean grocery store... I'm sure if you devoted even a quarter of the resources you do to the latest breaking story "new speed bump in front of the mall?" your website would be my new homepage. Think of it as a philanthropic venture. You're spreading multinational awareness and suppressing the fears of the backward and stupid.
And that's my suggestion to everyone as well. More pictures. I'm not saying turn into a porn site, because God knows there's more of that than any human could consume in a lifetime, but something tasteful. Small in the corner, even, but noticeable enough so that when I get done with whatever nonsense your brain just vomited out I can look over and say "well that was a huge waste of time but she is fantastic."
Also welcome to my new updating strategy. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. That's how the pros do it.

A New Record

Usually it takes me about 10 clicks to find a good journal. I got this one in a record three.
This one appears to be unnamed, which is just fine-- not everyone can have an awesome name like "Edie Finds a Corpse" for their blog.
What made me pick this journal was the entry right on the top. Usually I read through it a bit to make sure it continues to be promising, but with an opener like this it just has to be gold.
Well I finished playing Crisis Core and I have to say that though I didn't actully cry at the end it did make me tear up. Square really do know how to play on the heart strings thats for sure. I really enjoyed the game and I even like the new characters that they added to the back story as It was done in such a way that it didn't really mess up the story that was already stated.

I'm now playing through Final Fantasy 7 yet again so that I can see how things messure up in terms of location and story flow as it were.

Bold added for emphasis. If you tear up at a Final Fantasy game then you also tear up at Lifetime Movies. And the news. And puppies wandering down your street. I've played all of the Final Fantasies. I've been playing them since I was... Seven or so. I am a longtime fan, and even I couldn't be bothered with the dreck that is Crisis Core. Also have fun replaying Final Fantasy 7. I'm sure it'll be a tour de force for you, right up there with going to the mall and eating at McDonald's.
I wish it stopped here, but it keeps going.
Watched both The Mist and 1408 last night and I have to say I really enjoyed both of them though I liked The Mist best out of the two.

1408 was a really werid film and things were really werid for most of the film as things in the room got more and more extreme. It was a fun film even so and the second Stephan King based film that John Cusack has been in. The first being Stand By Me which is another excellent movie.

The Mist was a damn creppy movie and very fucked up in places. Espically the part where the go into the pharmacy and get attacked by the spider creatures. Animals that have human teeth always freak me out. The ending was also pretty damn depressing as well and I'm kinda shocked they got away with doing something like that.
I have to say there were a couple of things that reminded me of Silent Hill as well. Mainly the part right at the beginning when the air raid sirens blow and then the fog comes rolling in and the other thing is the crazy religous lady remins me of Dahlia Gillespie the crazy cultist. It was the way she spoke and moved mainly rather then the stuff she was saying.

Also mangered tio finished Devil May Cry 4 today and I have to say I really enjoyed the game. I only wish I'd got to play with Dante a bit more but watching his interactions with both Trish and Lady made up for that.:) The only really annoying bit was the fact that you had to fight all the bosses 3 times, twice with Nero and once with Dante it was really uncalled for.

Crisis Core, Devil May Cry 4, 1408 and The Mist. That sounds like something I'd do to prove I was hardcore. I CAN PLAY AND WATCH ALL THIS SHIT WITHOUT CRACKING. Again, if you find "The Mist" creepy, you also find those little cardboard cutouts of ghosts creepy. And Halloween-themed candy. And puppies walking down the street.
To be fair I haven't seen 1408, so it may be fantastic. Considering it came from the hack mind of Stephen King, I seriously doubt it. But I can't know for certain. The reason I haven't seen it is a vow I took after he released his new book: "I will stab myself in the scrotum before I pay for anything involving Stephen King." And I never break a vow.
The part that gets me about this entire blog so far isn't "this is shit" it's "all of this is fantastic and achieves exactly what it intended to." Good Christ this must be how the Nazis came into power. How can you be so bankrupt of taste that anything Hollywood (or God forbid, Square Enix) shovels your way you consume happily? If you have to watch and play this shit at least complain about it so I know you're a human with hands and senses.
Going to June 25, 2008 (I'll be goddamned if I'm reproducing a 100 item list here) I must say good taste does win out (kind of) as some of these underlined books aren't shit. Watership Down and Dune in particular are great, but Harry Potter is underlined as well so I wonder if he (and this has to be a guy) isn't lumping those into the same category.
Also you might want to read The Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye, because they're, uhh, oh that's right, THE GREATEST EXAMPLES OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. Holy fucking Saint Peter riding a cockcycle there should be a law. How can you read ALL of the Harry Potter books and not those two? Don't they teach these kids anything in school anymore? That's a rhetorical question, see, because I graduated in 2005, and I know the answer. The answer is "no."
Also I wonder who compiled this list, and for what purpose?
I don't even want to know. Fuck it, this is making me crazy.
June 23rd, 2008
oh ha ha ha. Die.
June 15th, 2008
So he found "The Happening" to be a quality cinema. That's the movie where Marky Mark (sans Funky Bunch, unfortunately) outruns the wind. OUTRUNS THE FUCKING GODDAMN WIND. ALSO TREES ARE TRYING TO KILL US BECAUSE THEY SPONTANEOUSLY EVOLVED THE ABILITY TO RELEASE A DEADLY NEUROTOXIN.
Every movie M. Night Shamylan or whatever the fuck his name is makes is absolutely horrendous dog shit. I remember seeing The Village, and right as I started watching it I said "I bet the monster is modern technology" and as this bullshit went on and on and on about nothing I said "no, there's no way it could be that fucking stupid." I still have yet to recover as SURE AS SHIT SOMEONE GETS RUN OVER BY A BUS.
Also apparently this is a girl, which goes to show I can't determine gender anymore.
May 1st, 2008:
My other half drew this for me after I feel in love with the pairing after playing Persona 3. It's a kinda cracky crossover pairing but I think it would be pretty cool anyway. I just wish other people shipped it.

The picture is horrendous but in a bland kind of way that makes it not even worth mentioning. What I'd like to point out, though, is I hate it when people who like Stephen King and The Happening and all that also happen to like something I love, because then it makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. Persona 3 is awesome, and people who like The Happening or 1408 or Crisis Core SHOULDN'T FUCKING GET IT. I mean literally, they shouldn't buy it. Maybe they liked it for all the wrong reasons. Yeah, that has to be it.
April 26, 2008
I fucking hate blog quizzes. If you don't have anything to post, don't fucking post. No one cares what number you are or what anthropomorphized animal you are, each with a bigger dick hole than the last.
April 25's post is entitled "anime ramblings" which is a surefire way to ensure I won't be reading it. They're children's cartoons, for fuck's sake. If you want to watch, keep it to yourself.
April 21st, 2008
I read through this entire post before I realized it tricked me. I READ A POST ABOUT ANIME. To be fair this show sounds awesome, but considering she found it to be quality automatically means I won't watch it and would never admit to its quality, because I'm a petty, vindictive dick.
Clicking on "previous 20 entries" I'm filled with a loss of purpose.
I'm just going to assume it's more of the same, and skimming through these entries, yes. Yes it is.
One thing I'd like to mention is the whole "what are you listening to, what's your mood?" thing. I personally find it a bit tasteless, kind of like this entire blog. No one cares that you're pensive, or magnanimous or just a bit melancholic or whatever big fucking vocab word you can think of. I also like how most of the moods aren't actually moods but states of being. I wasn't aware feeling cold was an emotion. It's that sort of cynical shit that makes me wonder if this entire thing isn't a huge joke that I'm just missing, but it can't be because EVERYONE IS IN ON IT.
I'm losing my goddamn mind.
So in conclusion, to not be like this blog:
Evolve some taste.
There, quite simple, I think.
Also I just came to terms with my "SHE LIKES SOME THINGS I LIKE" it must have been luck. Kind of like how a whale will occassionally get a shrimp instead of some plankton.