Wednesday, January 30, 2013


My advanced statistical study of my own blog has determined most of you don't check update days but the day after.
I don't know why this is a stunning revelation considering how late I post these but whatever.
I found this blog on ONTD_Glee.
Because that's a thing.
I will never leave LJ.


They can take away my layout. They can fuck around with the friends page. They can do away with paid accounts. Everyone can leave.


I will not move to Dreamwidth.

LJ has been my home for 11 years. I have been here through EVERY major LJ kerfluffle.
Can you fucking imagine being on Livejournal for 11 years and being proud of this fact?
That would be something I wouldn't tell under torture.

Planned Parenthood went well! I was briefly terrified in the waiting room. "What am I getting into, I'm a VIRGIN, I have no right to be here, this is all so overwhelming and terrifying HALP."
 Why are you posting about this?
This is officially more than I wanted to know. Your trip to Planned Parenthood and the lack of a pounding your tuna is getting.
I mean honest to fuck.
But at least being there made me feel like it was POSSIBLE. You know. Me having a relationship and sex and stuff. 
Oh good. Now my period is here, and I'm so fucking sick. OH GOD was all of that PMS?! How the fuck do you induce your period. I really need to know. PMS is ruining my life I'm fucking serious. 
Alright tho. Re-bought Sims 3 (didn't have to, but didn't realize that until too late).

Runs on Octane like a dream, and memories came flooding back. I MISSED this game so much!! ;_; 
After 10 minutes of sitting here wondering what Octane was (I seem to recall there was a CD image mounter called Octane) I realized she's a twat and probably named her computer that.
And calls it that.
I hate it when people do that shit. I mean internally my computer is named Grimaldus but I don't call it that.
And Grimaldus is an awesome name. Naming your computer Octane is just overtly stupid.
So now the question is, why the hell will Sims 3 run beautifully, while Sims Social, a damn FACEBOOK game, lags like crazy and forces me to reload the page every 5 minutes?! 
>good coding
Pick zero and SUCK COCKS IN HELL.
MyBrowserCash turned out to be legit (and how!).

Now, CashGopher follows suit~! They paid me $12.92 yesterday!

Both are browser add-ons that make you look at scammy webpages for money, but both turn out to be quite profitable! 
Until the Ukranians steal all your money with the backdoor they installed--
but never mind.
CashGopher surprised me. The internet is full of emphatic rejections. "They never paid me, I only made 1 cent, they put trojans on my computer" and so forth. But apparently when you're like me, with 2 computers you leave on pretty much 24/7, you can rack up the change quite quickly. And not get a goddamn trojan.
Of course I doubt you could spot a Trojan when you got one.
The point is you kind of don't know because they're disguised as shit you let through.
Like the Trojan horse, you know?
Because Odysseus--
he made the Trojan horse as a gift for the Trojans but hid dudes in it that popped out and opened the gates, right
so you're not supposed to know when you get one.
So, in one of my live action improvised PR episodes when I was 13, Kimberly (yes, Kimberly Ann Hart) wanted to swear herself to celibacy because she was mad at Tommy and didn't want to be tempted to take him back.
You're almost named what my EVE Online character is named.
That's kinda spooky.
I don't know how you turned out to be such a twat, though.
Oh apparently that's not her name.
I have no idea what the fuck is happening
Who is Kimberly Ann Hart?
So I had her go to a priest, who had her swear on a bible that she would not attempt to engage anyone of the opposite sex in sexual intercourse, or engage in any sexual activity.

I remember going into my mom's room and grabbing an actual BIBLE (method acting) for this scene. And since I played all the characters, I put my hand on the bible and swore to this shit myself! (METHOD ACTING)

Of course, it only says "opposite sex". But even so. It's hilarious that that actually happened. That I, in character as (a blatantly ooc) Kim swore myself to celibacy on a real Bible. 
Really that's hilarious.
Meanwhile Anna Hart the EVE Online character forges an entire galactic weapons cartel. 
Not saying my story is better or I play better games than you
but you know.
I'm sure she'd swear on a Bible if she thought it'd get her somewhere, though.
That person in the last blog was gender fluid.
Anna Hart is ethics fluid.
IDK, Glee... you're not even worth vitriol. I'm so done.

I mean, I'm not, but goddammit, what the.

No, let's just. 
I acknowledge the kind of genius-y move of putting Karofsky's suicide attempt to Blaine's song, with Kurt present. Because Blaine also dealt with SERIOUS gay bashing and got the shit kicked out of him. So this was decent continuity.

Um. Karofsky's attempt. The whole thing was also surprisingly not-triggery, but SHOW YOU ARE NOT. NOT. NOT. NOT GOOD AT HANDLING DEPRESSION/SUICIDE SO STOP DOING THAT RIGHT NOW because just because I was not triggered, that doesn't mean others weren't GODDAMMIT TO FUCKING SHIT

If you need a trigger warning for Glee you're in luck because there's a solution for that.
It's called GROW THE FUCK UP.
Yeah, so... I think I've finally figured out my "type". 
Single White Female seeks Evil Alien Robot. 

So... Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple and tech god, passed away today, after stepping down barely a month ago. Shockingly sad news. I didn't even realize all the stuff he did until I read his Wikipedia page, but uh yeah. Pretty much went and changed EVERYTHING. Multiple times. He made technology amazing and exciting and revolutionary on an ongoing basis.

And he was only 56 years old! 
Didn't do shit.
Good businessman, though.
Anyway sorry to make this short but I just spent about 20 minutes with the worst dry eye ever and was basically just trying to read between having to slam my eyes shut.
That was very peculiar.
Anyway zzzzzzz

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

And other times you're a gender fluid trans woman otherkin.
This is the first tumblr I've ever reviewed.
Frankly I try to avoid tumblr as much as I can because digging through tumblr is like digging through a dog park.
Of course all you're going to find is dog shit. Don't be so surprised when that's what you unearth.
Since They changed Philosopher’s Stone to Sorcerer’s Stone for America, I decided to change the rest since us American’s are too dumb to understand the word philosopher:
Is it 1999?
Oh I also forgot heeeeeeeeeee (sheeeeeeeeee) whatever posts a lot of fat chicks.
A map of "every fantasy world ever" even though I can think of at least 15 fantasy worlds off the top of my head that don't conform to this stereotype.
True gender equality is actually perceived as inequality. A group that is made up of 50% women is perceived as being mostly women.
Also the study where they had women and men talking in a discussion and when women spoke around 30% of the time, men perceived them as dominating the discussion. They didn’t consider it “equal” until something like 5-10% of women talking.
That's because in pussy sensitivity classes women tended to shift the conversation away from whatever brand of bullshit we were talking about and make it about them.
That was always my one attempt at being sensitive.
You really don't understand how a give and take works, do you?
Well if you have a fucking problem but you're going to be a little cunt about it then fuck your problems.
Try asking like a grown up.
Well here are some tits.
This blog is better than 90% of all blogs I've reviewed.

    She had skin the color of driftwood.
    She's white.
    She had skin the color of fine bronze.
    She's white.
    She had skin the color of a brown crayola crayon.
    She's white.
    She had skin that was black because she was black.
    She's white.
    She had skin.
    She's white. 
>Wasting time on such useless details
Picture of Cowboy Bebop inexplicably--
AKA "if more anime were like this anime wouldn't suck and be for lonely nerds"
This is Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. 
No fuck you I already did a post about her.
Ok, it’s time for an education.  It’s not entirely your fault you’re utterly ignorant since the medical industrial complex AND the hatefilled society in which we all live both actively seek to reinforce the binary at any and all costs and purposefully keep people ill-informed and misinformed about the realities of biology.
... O-okay. 
The post is entitled "biological sex is socially constructed", incidentally.
Because, you know, if the media didn't lie to you men would drop babies out of their asses all the time.
But after I take valuable time out of my evening to educate you on how utterly biased and flawed the modern concept of “biological sex” is you no longer have an excuse and choosing to continue to cleave to your bullshit will officially become proof that you are nothing more than a bigotted asshole.  
Yes, please take time out of your busy evening doing fuck all to educate me.
Maybe that's how I should start class tomorrow
So let’s take a look at some true facts courtesy of Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling who is a biologist and geneticist with a PhD, you know, a doctorate, in science, that thing you seem to be so obsessed with, that thing you seem to think is absolutely “objective” and always right all the time.  There are 5 specific measures of biological sex according to modern medical science.  
  • Chromosomes (men = XY, women = XX)
  • Genitalia (men = penis, women = vulva and vagina)
  • Gonads (men = testes, women = ovaries)
  • Hormones (men = high testosterone, low estrogen, low progesterone; women = high estrogen, high progesterone, low testosterone)
  • Secondary Sex Characteristics (men = large amounts of dark, thick, coarse body hair, noticeable facial hair, low waist:hip ratio, no noticeable breast development, rough skin; women = fine, light colored body hair, no noticeable facial hair, high waist:hip ratio, noticeable breast development, smooth skin)
But it's totally made up. All that shit was invented by society.
The thing is, in real life, very few people actually match up with all five categories.  
They match up enough to reproduce.
In fact enough people match up close enough that you can easily identify without thinking about it.
In fact the only one of these things that is arguably socially constructed is secondary sex characteristics.
Even so most women don't have five o'clock shadows.
The fact that some do doesn't mean it's not a masculine trait.
There are, of course, genetic differences that account for a decent percentage of human births like XXY, XXX, XO, and XYY (apx 1:500 births though it could easily be more than that since we don’t do genetic testing for all people and even at that ratio if there are over 6 billion people in the world 1:500 means there are a whole lot of genetically intersex people out there)
I'm sure the ratio isn't 1:500 and even if it were that's still rare.
That is less than one half of one percent.
I'm pretty sure occurrences of XO syndrome are described something like 16 times in the entirety of medical literature.
Granted the evil cisgender medical complex could just choose to ignore this pandemic but I'm taking the more likely explanation that it just doesn't occur that often.
Humanity wouldn't be especially fit if chromosomal disorders were allowed to run rampant.
 And since there are millions of people out there who’s very existence defies the biological concept of a two sex system we have legitimate proof that the concept of biological sex is a social construct. 
"Millions" out of billions of people.
Have you ever heard of "pleading the case"?
Because that's what this is.
I can show you three good Nazis and therefore conclude that all Nazis are necessarily good.
That's not really how it works, you know.
Biological sex is a social construct.  BIOLOGICAL SEX IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. Seriously, biological sex is a social construct.  It’s not real.  It’s NOT something that is objective or unbiased or “natural.” 
Creatures with secondary sex characteristics?
Fuck you only humans have that shit.
Totally unnatural shit we made up.
What's that?
Oh, female dogs tend to have neutral colors compared to male dogs?
Oh, uhhh, shit?
Can we blame cissexism on that too?
I don't get why special snowflakes like this hinge their entire argument on what's natural.
I don't consider much of what humanity does as especially natural.
Who gives a shit?
Driving cars?
Yeah that shit's totally natural.
Here's a video about how to tie a bow tie and I'm supposed to be impressed because you can't see the hands tying it (the "white hands" as the special snowflake says)
I like twine games and other interactive fiction and point and click games because my fingers and hands fall apart when I play normal games, lots of games don’t work for cripples.
And she's crippled.
Not buying it but whatever.
Shooting games and fighting games and racing games require not letting go of the controller for a relatively long time and I can’t handle it. Controllers are heavy. I have a DS and a 3DS and they’re heavy. Holding onto a controller is hard for me. High action games don’t let me pace myself, they force me to go on their fast pace or I’ll lose or die or mess up and have to start over.
You're not crippled, idiot.
It's you're not good at video games.
This is why I like games where you can stop to think/rest/look at the surroundings and details. Games like Professor Layton or Pokemon or old point and click adventure games or casual flash games with simple mechanics. Games that don’t have enemies, games that don’t have tricky moving platforms or rolling boulders you have to run away from. Games that require fast reaction and long periods of playtime are unplayable.
Unless you're doing competitive battling (you're not) or RNG abusing then no.
Then she posts this unnatural creature.
It looks like its legs are going to unfold into some sort of spider legs.
That's disturbing me.
Light them all on fire.
Anyway time for bed.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Ordinarily I'd be out and about at this time failing with women but the deadliest of man's enemies has reared its ugly head where I live:
there is a thin sheen of ice on the street.
Usually North Carolina drivers are whiny and anemic when it comes to the weather and driving but for once I feel their fear is rightly placed.
So here I sit and so shall I review another blog: ONTD_P, my old friend.
Where white women go to whine and feel self righteous on the internet.
"Larry Seabrook diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public till into the pockets of his favored cronies. Today, he is a convicted felon, stripped of his City Council position, who must serve prison time. His sentence punctuates a powerful message that abusing government power to steal has serious consequences.."
Less powerful than the message I would have sent.
Ever heard of damnatio memoriae, Larry?
Check it out on Wikipedia and be thankful I'm not in charge.
U.S. Military Lauded For Creating Gender-Neutral Killing Field
My weapons in vidya gayms only seldom discriminate based on gender.
Yeah some weapons in Skyrim are more effective against the opposite sex if you have certain perks or whatever.
No I don't understand it either.
I think the Fallout series has similar perks in place, hmmm.
I remember particularly in New Vegas being a girl character could potentially behoove you since most of the enemies in the game were men and that 10% extra damage was often nice.
“The U.S. Armed Forces have been gender-neutral in their victims for years, and now they’re finally leveling the killing field for female combatants as well,” said Nadine Hynes, a retired Marine Corps Lance Corporal who was unable to add to the carnage of Iraq’s blood-soaked, limb-strewn slaughterscapes due to the Pentagon’s 1994 rule barring women from infantry and artillery roles.
This article seems like it might be a bit biased.
Props for the term "slaughterscapes" though.
I genuinely do like that coinage. 
You'd think they'd be thrilled. Finally men and women in an equal opportunity situation.
But nope, white women whinging yet again.
They want everything and nothing.
“Now, women will have the same opportunity to accidentally gun down innocent civilians or be ripped apart by insurgent rocket fire as men.”
I think they already had a chance of getting ripped apart by an RPG. 
... Weapons, especially projectiles and explosions, tend not to discriminate.
Also women are often employed by the army to drive trucks.
So they run people over regularly.
A Wisconsin high school is under fire after parents discovered that the 'American Diversity' class taught students that minorities had historically been oppressed by white people.
Don't major in education if that offends you, then.
Because all your education classes will be thus.
Here let me save everyone a ton of time wondering what an education education (har) is like:
There we go.
Oh forgot one:
"They were told to go and count the number of dolls that were representative of blacks as opposed to whites," the parent said. "It’s meant to divide and victimize non-whites and condition whites to feel guilty and to be more passive."
Fun way to throw a spanner in the works:
"you know there are more than two races. Isn't reducing race to a binary inherently racist as well? What about Asians or Hispanics? Why are we reducing all white and all black people to two groups? Surely ethnic Africans face different challenges than African Americans or Aborigines. Surely there are different African cultures. Why are we calling Finnish people racist when most Finns haven't seen a black person before? What about all the other, similar European (white) cultures with a 100% homogeneous population?"
Usually they'll just stammer and skip over your questions but occasionally they'll level the ol' "well they're not multicultural so therefore they're racist." to which you can quickly respond with "and neither are countries like Korea or Japan or most of Africa, for that matter, and yet I don't hear similar sweeping claims about their culture's character."
The simple fact is you want to be in places like Europe or America (well maybe not Europe so much anymore and probably not America in 5-10 years) so everyone is mad fucking jelly.
Comments are, as expected, great:
fucking... white people LOL

also they don't get options being raised by their dumbass parents... so way to be dicks

mad because they giving kids REAL TALK
Fucking... Black people LOL.
The fact that this kind of class exists is a really good thing, I think. These are subjects that need to be discussed. Oppression of all types NEEDS to be acknowledged and discussed so it's not repeated.
Ironically the avatar this person has is a character from Shin Megami Tensei.
The series of video games that basically teaches oppression is inescapable and part of the natural order of the universe.
And if anyone reading this disagrees with that assessment of the series fuck you you're thrown into a world of gods and demigods as a mortal and force to pick one of three arbitrarily alignments and work for complete assholes towards goals you don't fully understand and probably wouldn't choose if you had free agency in your decision making in the first place.
Even the decidedly more humanist Persona series teaches you that whatever is going to happen to you will happen regardless of your decisions and the only thing you can do is control how you think about it.
Although Persona 3 does raise interesting (in my opinion) questions on the nature of fate and exactly how much agency an individual has in struggling against it.
But that was a common theme in Greek mythology anyway which was basically the entire underpinning to Persona 3.
Persona 4 picked Japanese mythology and consequently wasn't as good.
Something about a culture having to analyze its own values I suspect.
That or there is something very alien about Japanese mythology that even the Japanese acknowledge and seem to take some kind of pride in.
I personally like it for those characteristics but an interesting study in character it does not make.
Sorry I started talking about something almost totally unrelated.
This is really boring.
Arkansas schools could soon have an easier way to teach a Bible course as part of its public curriculum.

Republican state Rep. Denny Altes has proposed a bill that would allow the state's public school districts to adopt an elective curriculum for academic study of the Bible. The course would "consist of a nonsectarian, nonreligious academic study of the Bible and its influence on literature, art, music, culture and politics" and would "be taught in an objective and non devotional manner with no attempt made to indoctrinate students as to either the truth or falsity of the biblical materials or texts from other religions or cultural traditions."
And yet every public school
secular or deeply Christian
teaches the one true religion.
Waiter who refused service to customer becomes Web hero

Usually, when a waiter refuses to serve someone at a restaurant, customers complain. In this case, customers cheered.

The waiter in question, Michael Garcia, has been receiving goodwill and friend requests on the restaurant’s Facebook page since word spread that he stood up for a child with special needs.

Garcia, who works at the Houston restaurant Laurenzo's, was waiting on a family, regulars with a 5-year-old child, Milo, who has Down syndrome. The server said that another family at the restaurant commented on Milo’s behavior, which Garcia described as “talking and making little noises." Garcia moved the complaining family to another table, but they were still unhappy. "Special needs children need to be special somewhere else," the father reportedly said.

The waiter then took a stand. He told that such talk is ignorant and is due to  people's fear of the unknown. "My personal feelings took over," he said, leading him to tell the father, "Sir, I won't be able to serve you.” The family left the restaurant.
So that's it, huh.
That's what it takes to be a hero nowadays.
You have to not do something.
Hercules strangled an invincible lion with his bear hands.
Perseus killed Medusa.
Theseus slayed the Minotaur.
Michael Garcia didn't do his job because someone was being an asshole.
Back in the day you had to have been part deity or done something actually impressive to warrant the title of hero.
Now you just have to have some class.
One bioethicist's modest proposal to combat obesity through socially motivated self-hatred

People don't hate being fat enough, basically, according to Hastings Center bioethicist Daniel Callahan. In an editorial published in the Hastings Center Report, he argues that nothing -- not diets, drugs, sugeries, nor appeals to our health -- is working, and goes on to make the case for fat-shaming people until they start eating more salad. 
When I become caesar and assume my dark throne I will make you minister of propaganda. 
Oh wow.
I don't know what this article is yet but the person posting it has as their avatar Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Hope you guys realize what's next.
Why might a woman swallow lye? Gunpowder? Why would a woman hit herself about the abdomen with a meat pulverizer? A brickbat? Throw herself down the stairs?
Because she wanted to end a pregnancy. Historically, women have chosen all those methods to induce abortion. The first known descriptions appeared around 1500 B.C. in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical text that mentioned an abortion engineered by a plant-fiber tampon coated with honey and crushed dates.
She never asked for this.
What is most striking about this history of probes and poisons is that throughout all recorded time, there have been women so desperate to end a pregnancy that they were willing to endure excruciating pain and considerable risk, including infection, sterility, permanent injury, puncture and hemorrhage, to say nothing of shame and ostracism. Where abortion was illegal, they risked prosecution and imprisonment. And death, of course.
Her neck was snapped and her body was burned beyond recognition by a high tech compound.
Many of the cures for these “ailments” were nothing but sugar and dust. But some of them were nonetheless quite effective. Those were the dangerous ones, containing as they commonly did, turpentine, opium, pennyroyal, aloes, snakeroot, myrrh or oil of rue. One of the most common ingredients was ergot, or claviceps purpurea, a fungus found on the stalks of grain. Women as early as the 16th century had observed that cows that consumed ergot miscarried their calves. The fungus, however, had disastrous side effects, called ergotism, also known as St. Anthony’s fire. Symptoms included a burning sensation in the limbs because of blood constriction, which led to gangrene. The poison could also cause seizures, itching, psychosis, vomiting, contractions, diarrhea and death.
Yeah, RIP. 
If the Supreme Court were ever to overturn Roe v. Wade, or if anti-abortion forces continue to successfully chisel away at a woman’s access to safe abortion, many women will still choose abortion — by their own hands. Leeches, lye and Spanish fly are still among the many tools available to the self-abortionist. So are knitting needles, with predictable, disastrous consequences. There is no law that will end the practice of abortion, only laws that can protect a woman’s right to choose it, or not, and to keep it the safe and private procedure still available to us in 2013, 40 years after the Supreme Court made it legal.
Both treat torture at secret CIA prisons as if it were a thing of the past, masking the reality of an enduring practice.

The controversy surrounding Zero Dark Thirty has been as misguided as the film itself, which opened nationwide on Friday. Much of the debate has centred on whether Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow's latest opus leaves viewers with the false impression that torture led to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
All I know is that movie was fucking sweet.
Except when that one guy said bro way too much.
I wouldn't tell that jack off anything either.
The first third of Zero Dark Thirty is unadulterated torture porn, a display of medieval cruelty at various CIA and affiliated prisons. Strappado, drowning, sexual abuse, beatings, stress positions, loud music, stuffing people into boxes, sleep deprivation, but also
>loud music
I was advocating taking a ball-peen hammer to his fingers in the theater myself.
I think people really over think torture.
Holy shit can you imagine how these snowflakes would react to my administration?
Jesus Christ.
Look I'm not saying the CIA was right.
I'm also not saying they're wrong.
I'm just saying if you want results a ball-peen hammer is often an effective information extractor. 
How do I know this?
Stands to reason.
and this is not acknowledged enough as torture - threats to send prisoners to countries where they would face further abuse (in the film, Israel).
Always an effective strategy. Threaten a kid with sending them to the classroom next door and they fold like playing cards.
It doesn't glorify anything, though. There's not an ounce of FUCK YEAH in it.
First sensible comment on ONTD_P I think.
It doesn't glorify anything.
It's a spy movie. It's pretty grounded.
I feel the same way. The movie made me super uncomfortable by the sound of it (I'd never watch any film depicting torture, especially torture that, you know, actually happened and is happening) and reading this strengthened my distaste.
>I haven't seen it but it's still awful
Oh my God what's happened?
ONTD_P is being reasonable about this.
No I don't understand.
Anyway I kind of lost my focus on this for an hour and now I've lost my mojo.
Goodbye I guess.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


My brilliant colleague, Adrianne Wadewitz, was featured on Wikipedia last month. In this two-minute video, she talks about how she’s incorporated writing for Wikipedia into her classes and why it’s such a powerful teaching tool.
Wow no wonder Wikipedia is shit.
 Peer reviewed literature by professionals?
This article in The New York Times, by Choe Sang-Hun, fascinates me:

    [Jasmine] Lee, 35, who was born Jasmine Bacurnay in the Philippines, made history in April when she became the first naturalized citizen — and the first nonethnic Korean — to win a seat in South Korea’s National Assembly. Her election reflected one of the most significant demographic shifts in the country’s modern history, a change Ms. Lee says “Koreans understand with their brain, but have yet to embrace with their heart.”

    Only a decade ago, school textbooks still urged South Koreans to take pride in being of “one blood” and ethnically homogeneous. Now, the country is facing the prospect of becoming a multiethnic society. While the foreign-born population is still small compared with that of countries with a tradition of immigration, it is enough to challenge how South Koreans see themselves.
Guess Korea is going to go to shit now.
Once you bow to the hydra that is pussy sensitivity and multiculturalism you're doomed.
Not that foreigners shouldn't be welcome but you know.
If you're in Korea you should learn Korean and do things the Korean way.
I don't see anything inherently wrong with that.
People say multiculturalism and I say a lack of respect for your host country.
In 1988-89, when I was teaching English in Seoul to the very privileged men and women who came to study at the hagwon where I worked, my students often used the phrase “one blood” when explaining to me why it was so important for Koreans to marry other Koreans–traditionally, as someone quoted in Choe’s article puts it, “someone born to Korean parents in Korea, who speaks Korean and has Korean looks and nationality. Their reasoning, I remember thinking at the time, i.e., that ethnic and cultural unity was the only way successfully to maintain Korean cultural identity and pass their traditions on from one generation to the next, sounded an awful lot like the arguments against interfaith dating and intermarriage that were part of my Jewish education in the United States. 
That's why I never fully understood the Nazi concept of the Jews being impure.
If there are a more puritanical people on earth than the Jewish people I'd like to see them.
It's a guy writing this entry.
Holy shit bro come on.
You'd think the story of a wise man would be interesting but it really isn't.
Come on man step it up.
I never thought I'd see a story of a wise man this lacking in glory.
And posted on a feminist blog.
Guess it just goes to show that you can still travel all the way to Korea, fuck a Korean chick and still not be a wise man.
There's some other inherent quality.
Incidentally this is one of those blogs where multiple people post and as far as I can see it's the last we see from this bro.
I think his main problem was he went for a married chick.
Check yourself.
He's a wise man. It doesn't mean he's very smart.
It seems to me that the purpose of the psychological concept of "the feminine" (--I am always wondering what that is--) is to create a definite gestalt (foreground-background outline) for feminine figures. 
Oh yeah that shit takes me back to pussy sensitivity.
This motherfuck is going to need a soundtrack.
The conceptual characteristics of "the feminine" are initially sought for, in the preliminary wandering of the eye over the field. Finally, once they are alighted upon, the outline of a "feminine" character comes into view. This is reassuring, since one has found what one was looking for.
If I'm playing Skyrim I don't care if it's feminine or masculine.
I don't want to see it in my field of vision or I might hit it with a crossbow bolt.
Supposing, however, one sets out in anticipation of discovering a feminine object. One perceives, in the field of vision, certain characteristics that roughly align with denotations of "the feminine". 
If it's a red dot on my compass I'm taking it down.
Yet, ultimately, the outline is not firm, the characteristics keep wavering, the object of vision seems to continue to shift. Would not the failure of the potential "feminine object" to stay within the lines of conceptual demarcation of femininity produce the sense of a "part object" rather than a whole object?
Then it's time to loot the bodies.
3 lockpicks and 5 gold THANKS A LOT BANDIT SCUM.
Is it possible that the inherent structural failure of the concept of "femininity" to return to the perceiver a pure enough feminine object, leading in turn to perscutory anxiety as one is left with only a "part object" (the parts of the object that remain feminine), is the cause of misogyny? The failure of the object to appear consistently with the characteristics expected of it produces a shattering of perception, which is threatening to the would-be perceiver of the complete feminine object. This is starting to sound a lot like castration anxiety, but I believe it is only partly related to that -- since here the mechanism of "castration" is in the faulty conceptualisation of "the feminine" as well as in the faulty anticipation of it.

Anyway, my experiences tell me that I'm onto something here. 
My experience tells me you're a twat that has no clue what the fuck you're even talking about.
Get fucked.
People have an insatiable appetite for violence. They will sit through films that depict murder, rape and torture with vile accuracy. In fact, the percentage of the film going public viewing and gorging on this shit is increasing which means that human beings are dangerously close to losing their sense of the gravity of cruelty as it is dished out to innocent people. How like human beings to sit through  gore and suffering on film, then discuss it for days via social networking sites: “Oh, did you see the new Tarantino movie? It was awesome!” 
Holy shit yeah it was.
Anyway, whining--
To put it simply, dating while feminist, black, queer, polyamorous, broke, and loud means not dating, kind of. I find that people who compliment any one of those traits too well completely fail in regards to the others. Thinking about feminism specifically, I’ve found that it’s cute and sexy to my partners when I’m abstractly theorizing about gender inequities.
Sorry, what?
Alex Williams at the Times is concerned. Very. Concerned. Alex is concerned that courtship may be over — young ladies don’t get asked on dates any more, they just receive 5am texts from nightclub bouncers saying, “sup.” 
Unsurprisingly, the announcement of the relaunched title has already drawn protest from the sorts of people who think “fake geek girls” are destroying nerdom.
Well they are.
Being a huge faggot nerd is now reduced to watching  Big Bang Theory and having played a video game one time maybe but you were kinda drunk so you don't remember it too well.
Imagine if I wandered into your feminist whining session and said
What would you say?
You'd say I wasn't a feminist.
There you go.
Same logic.
It's okay. You don't have to be a nerd.
Nerds don't have a monopoly on intelligence. You can be a non-nerd and still be smart.
You don't have to self identify as being a nerd to seem smart.
In fact anymore you'd probably look smarter if you didn't.
The first day of class in my literature course didn’t go well, and that’s putting it mildly. Students looked uncomfortable and terrified, refused to answer even the simplest questions, offered no reaction to my jokes, and stayed on the edge of their seats prepared to take off at any moment.
My first day went phenomenally.
Charmed the little bastards then one started giving me shit so I just looked him square in the eye and I said "you will learn by example or I will make you an example."
End of problems the rest of the day.
I find  "I'm going to throw the rules at you" works far better when framed as a threat.
We, the professors, are to blame for this sorry state of affairs. We are so scared of our own area of expertise, so embarrassed by it, so apologetic about having chosen it, that this attitude always contaminates our own students. We are on our way to becoming a glorified language school and all we do brings this prospect closer to us. Like a person who believes s/he is ugly or stupid and communicates this belief to others, we transmit our doubts over whether learning literature is a worthy pursuit to our students.
Not me. If you have a problem with stories the ancients thought were important enough to invent writing to tell your stupid ass then you can kindly remove yourself from my fucking class.
They didn't have computers to type this shit, either. Some guy had to chop a tree down and grind it into paper then squeeze ink out of an oyster or something and then he had to kill a bird to turn its feathers into a pen so he could tell you this.
It probably took half his life to assemble this shit.
Oh, the language is too confusing for you to figure it out?
Tough shit. The same guy that wrote this shit down considers a rock the latest invention of his day. There's no way he's more sophisticated than you are.
You're just fucking lazy.
I am done with this, people. I spent my childhood being embarrassed about loving books and hating athletics. I did not get 5 degrees in literary studies and publish 11 scholarly articles in respected, peer-reviewed literary journals only to find myself feeling embarrassed about loving to read once again. I am now declaring a battle against the belief that literature has no place at a university. I was part of the problem and now I will be part of the solution. If nobody wants to join me, I will be the solution.
I think your problem is you have five degrees.
Seriously what the fuck?
Do you need that much education to read a book?
You know I've had a lot of success with explaining to people that books are really just a stand in for the spoken word.
Which is what they are.
And don’t think I’m just saying this. I have a top-secret plan that I have already started to put into effect whose goal is simply to teach literature and vindicate this pursuit. The plan is top secret because I don’t have the energy for yet another round of discussions (in person, by email, on Skype, on the phone) about how the students are not prepared and they will hate literature anyway so why undermine my career and spoil my life trying. My career is fine, my life is fine. Stop being so worried about the imaginary horrors that await me if I actually practice my profession.
I can't tell you how often this conversation has occurred in my life:
"this is boring?"
"how can you say it's boring? It has a guy putting a cyclopes' eye out with a fiery poker."
"I don't get it."
"Well no I gave up."
I can't tell you how powerful a tool "you're being lazy and learn some patience" is.
Kids can handle not knowing something.
They'll be fine never learning anything again.
For some reason a lot can't seem to abide the notion that they're lazy.
To my colleagues everywhere I want to say this: stop feeling apologetic for what you do. Do whatever you need to convince yourself that you are not selfishly practicing a self-indulgent hobby but are doing something important. Do it now before you have apologized us all out of a field of learning and a career. You don’t need to prettify the teaching of literature or convince anybody it is useful. Just convince yourself already.
Next time I apologize for teaching these ungrateful bastards something will be a first.
A beautiful defense of idealism: “Idealism is the only mindset which produces change. Without the determination to achieve a higher goal, and the courage to affirm that goal in the face of what exists, no one has ever achieved anything of value. The wet noodle mindset of “good enough” has never produced any value for anyone except exploiters and rulers. The willful acceptance and tolerance of evil generates more evil, and has never generated anything but more evil.” People keep accusing me of being an idealist as if it were something bad. This is a great response to them.
Fucking stupid idea filled with non sequiturs.
Implying what, change is inherently good?
That the concept of "good enough" is what allows the ruling class to rule?
Having courage or goals isn't inherent to being an idealist, either.
I'm possibly the most cynical person alive and I still have both things.
As my imaginary boyfriend Neil Degrasse Tyson said, “Boy, I wonder what profession all of these senators and congressmen have? Law, law, law, law, businessman, law, law. And I said, you know, where are the scientists? Where are the engineers? Where’s the rest of life represented here?”
Neil Degrasse Tyson is pretty much one of the best Americans alive now.
Thank goddess it’s Friday. 
God of time is Chronos.
He's not a woman.
Prepare to be purged, heretic.
Anyway time for SOMETHING ELSE.

Friday, January 18, 2013


This blog is so FUCKING AMERICA.
It's funny that this comes up because I was just talking to my mom about these insane conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook that basically read like the worst 24 fanfiction you've ever read: Sandy Hook didn't happen and is in fact just a government conspiracy to TAKE OUR GUUUUNS AWAY!
Because, you know, our guns are the only thing shielding us from a police state.
Ignoring for the moment that if the US government were really bent on declaring martial law I don't think a bunch of hillbillies with rifles would be able to stop the military equipped with unmanned attack drones.
They also have planes that fire guns so fast it doesn't sound like shooting. It just sounds like something slipped a belt or something.
On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 – President Obama announced 23 Executive orders moving toward a more responsible environment surrounding Gun Control for Military Assault Weapons. Finally, recognizing that comprehensive background checks are necessary to REDUCE the availability of firearms in the hands of people who could or would misuse those firearms. The NRA has taken their opportunity to exercise it’s 1st Amendment rights to condemn ANY responsibility applied to their sponsors.
Also I'm not sure where this blogger is going to land on this issue.
I haven't read much of this blog, all told.
I just kind of noticed the nausea-inducing layout and color scheme and decided to roll with it.
It is, after all, in the four colors of the American flag: red, white, blue and black.
NRA is sponsored by a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry that profits from purchases of Military Weapons and profits from armed conflict and from Drug Cartels.  These weapons manufacturers supply the ordinary citizen PLUS Armed Militias, Drug Cartels and Terrorists (by proxy … of course).  This industry really has no interest in any reasons for  conflicts or consequences, they just know that’s where the money is! It’s always about the money.
In America, the weapons industry is funding NRA attacks on President Obama.
Oh all right so the NRA hates Obama because he is a terrorist Muslim.
I get it.
I wonder how many more terror watch list words I have to hit before the government hits my house with a drone.
government conspiracy
fuck the police
that should do it.
NRA resents applying the word RESPONSIBILITY applied to gun ownership.  President acknowledges the rights of responsible gun owners, hunters, sports and collectors. 
There are currently 114 Gun Manufacturers in America according to WIKI: Firearms manufacturers in the United States
It's the only industry the US still has.
Obama hates industry.
Also the first one on the list makes airsoft guns.
That is, guns that shoot harmless plastic pellets that are basically toys for grown ups.
Dr. David Healy, author of The Antidepressant Era, Let Them Eat Prozac, and ‘Pharmageddon,  did a lot of research to create a comprehensive chart of cause and effect of antidepressants and violence in America. Even though this chart list is very incomplete, it does illustrate the predominant connection to a greater formula for disaster, here in America. It is a formula that cannot be stopped easily. Endangering society to reap financial profit is criminal!  Among those profiting from the combination of Drugs, Weapons and Disinformation is Doctors, Lawyers, Gun Manufacturers, Drug Manufacturers, Hollywood, Anarchists and Armageddon Advocates.
The most insane thing I've ever quoted in a blog.
Also where does one get a job as an Armageddon Advocate (proper noun) and how do I become one?
OMG the Sunday Morning talk shows got to me again! America’s politics is nothing but a script written by bitter old men! Who are these bitter old men?
Why is this blog now reading like the opening from Deus Ex?
Are they the Republicans who have been in politics for a very long time? Unlike younger Republicans, they have not updated their political stances in the last couple of decades and are less willing to compromise than their more youthful and practical  counterparts.  The problem with the “Old Guard” is that they are entrenched and are “owned” by special interests.  Old Guard on both sides are polar opposites and operational governance is at a standstill!
That's it.
It's FEMA, the Illuminati and the Majestic 12.
The West Bend Republican calls for an end to Kwanzaa, which he describes as a fake holiday aimed at dividing blacks and whites.
Well it's provably invented by white people.
WIKI: Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration held in the United States (and, more recently, Canada) but also celebrated in the WesternAfrican Diaspora. The celebration honors African heritage in African-American culture, and is observed from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a feast and gift-giving. Kwanzaa has seven core principles (Nguzo Saba): Unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. It was created by Maulana Karenga, and was first celebrated in 1966–67.
Oh let me try my hand at this insane theorizing.
Uhhh okay.
So Kwanzaa was invented by white people to keep the black man down.
How can you have self-determination if you have collective responsibility and cooperative economics?
You don't see "collective responsibility and cooperative economics" as a major theme in white culture, do you?
Keepin' the successful blacks down by combining them wholesale with the less successful blacks.
You don't see me culturally taking responsibility for white trash.
The Mayans and many civilizations that preceded us have lessons that we have ignored. Each of those crumbled civilizations missed something crucial to their survival through arrogance and distraction.  Political and Religious head games replaced common sense necessary for survival.
The Mayans were overwhelmed by the vastly superior technological base of the Spaniards.
They were a remarkably sophisticated society for an area not rich in iron.
If you want to see how important iron is to empire building and technology just cross reference historical iron and steel production with the wealth and spread of an empire.
The modern world, and Western Civilization especially, has hurt itself by distracting it’s children from the common sense and understanding of the world around them, and how it works.  Western Education has replaced common sense, and the rules of cause and effect, with political and religious head games, with emphasis on technology.
Because religions are well known for their full embrace of technological innovation.
See also: the European Dark Ages (emergence of Christianity) and the Islamic world today.
Seriously what the fuck does that even mean?
Outside of some interpretations of the god Hephaestus in ancient Greece who the fuck literally worships technology?
Are you talking about like the Adeptus Mechanicus from Warhammer?
Worship of the Omnissiah?
Because if that's what you think happens I have some news for you:
unfortunately that shit isn't real.
Have you ever actually been in a school before?
The technical world has blinded the human symbiotic relationship with planet earth.  Our urban children have no clue where their Big Mac comes from.  Rural children cannot relate to how crowded and fragile communities exist in large metropolitan cities.   
We have a symbiotic relationship with the earth.
What does symbiosis mean?
I don't know. I just put these words on my crazy blog without looking them up.
Symbiosis in a literal sense just means we live together with it.
We are living with the earth so I'd say we've maintained that relationship.
How you meant it is mutualism which we provably don't have with the earth.
The earth doesn't need us to survive.
 This disconnect between urban and rural, with the dependence on high technological devices and systems, has driven a huge wedge between parts of western culture.
I have so many questions about this one sentence.
Haven't we always depended on "high technology"?
Protip: people in the dark age didn't consider themselves as living in a dark age. They just thought they were the latest, greatest thing.
We've depended on interaction between urban and rural centers for thousands of years. That's what a trade economy is.
Driven a huge wedge between parts of the western culture?
Which parts, where?
Western civilization has had a long and remarkably peaceful existence for much of its recent and even recent past history (a few cataclysmic events notwithstanding) history.
Compare that to the middle ages or the ancient times?
Holy shit you have it so easy you don't even know.
We have no idea how stuff works or where it comes from, we just know we must have it …. 
Throughout much of history people haven't manufactured most of what they use.
That's the point of specialization.
If everyone generalized in everything you needed to survive you'd HAVE A HUNTER GATHERER SOCIETY YOU DIPSHIT.
I feel like I spend a lot of time saying this when I update lately.
All I can say is women and politics don't mix.
What is it with sick white boys? Their mental health is dominated with macho, bullying and revenge for real or perceived insults to their manhood.  They feel it necessary to be violent to get respect. They will challenge anyone who suggests they need help.
The problem is they marry white women.
Seriously fuck you.
The glory of violence is in our face every day and is the accepted option offered to our children daily. Look at all the heroes we offer up to our children.  Before WWII it was cowboys and Indians and frontier wars with well-defined good and bad guys. After WWII it was the GI Joe mentality.
Yes, so let's just continue to emasculate them like we've been doing.
Thank you modern society.
No wonder I have problems when a class is mostly boys. You just funnel fast food and soda down their throats and put them in front of the TV-- you don't talk, you don't listen to them and then you send them to me with the emphatic order that if they act like boys there will be fucking trouble.
Case in point, last week I had a math class (oh God please help me)
actually I can end that thought there. The problem was me teaching math.
Anyway these two kids (boys) were picking at each other endlessly.
Finally one hit the other in the arm (fairly hard) and the kid runs up to me and tells on him.
"So hit him back?" is what I said.
He did.
Jesus Christ, people.
This isn't some grand mystery.
Now if there were actually a fight that would have been different but Jesus Christ let kids act like kids.
Then she linked me to this and I think we've officially gone off the deep end.
All we need to complete this image is a Matriarch butterfly and we're in.
Here's a post where she's whining about how our poison water is killing us--
ignoring conveniently for most of human history (including the majority of the world today) water quality is absolutely appalling and yet somehow we carry through--
Nope, don't get it.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency – FEMA – became an object of derision as it appeared to sit by helplessly as thousands suffered and died  
That's because years of scifi dystopia has programmed me to consider FEMA as literally the devil.
Anyway fuck blogs.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Someone commented that's not too happy with my blog.
She's not mad, though.
I guess thoughtful?
I dunno.
Also 1/11 there's a comment.
So many fucking comments holy fuck.
Anyway the woman is glad that the blogger I commented on had an outlet.
I agree.
Just don't put it on the internet and not expect people like me to find it.
Commenting on their outlet is my outlet.
What the fuck is a Type Pad?
I don't know but here's one.
There is a STEM crisis in the United States. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. The U.S. ranks 25th in math and 17th in science among the 65 countries participating in PISA, the Program for International Student Assessment. 
Is it a crisis when you're still in the top half?
I assume the 65 countries tested where the top 65 economic powers.
25 and 17 would put you in the top 10 percentile.
Is that a crisis?
The STEM crisis is exacerbated by the shifting demographics. Whites make up 73 percent of the STEM workforce. Blacks and Latinos, who represent 28 percent of the U.S. population, make up only seven percent of STEM workers. 
Blacks and Latinos are 28% of the population.
100-28 = 72%.
72% of the population commands 73% of a given category of jobs.
Is that a crisis?
Fast forward to today. The shifting demographics and minority underrepresentation in STEM fields threaten our global competitiveness and national security. To borrow a phrase from President Obama’s election night speech, “We have to fix that.” To do so, we should go back to the future and give STEM a makeover. 
"We have to fix that"-- first uttered by Obama.
Also how is that in any way affecting global competitiveness?
By my reckoning 100% of Chinese jobs are controlled by the Chinese.
Is that a crisis for the Chinese?
I am trying to encourage kids to do something that isn’t yet on their mind because it is not in popular culture. Popular culture tells you “music, music, sports, sports.” It neglects the importance of a STEM education.
An innovator, is rebranding STEM and making space history. For the first time, a recorded song was transmitted to Earth from another planet. His song, “Reach for the Stars,” was beamed down from the Mars Curiosity rover to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. How cool is that? 
I really hope there aren't Martians now.
That's their first taste of Terran culture.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know the current approaches to STEM education are not working. According to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress, only four percent of African American 12th graders were proficient in science. By contrast, 27 percent of white seniors and 36 percent of Asian American seniors performed at or above the proficient level. 
By contrast whites and Asians were less shitty.
That sounds like a problem in general, not just for black people.
I plan a fresh start in 2013 with Philly Phresh Start, a project to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) among African American youth. I will apply the lessons learned from my year as a civic innovator to connect STEM to students’ day-to-day realities and interests.
Civic innovator.
That's a career path.
That is a job you can have.
I’m a policy wonk and doer. This time last year, I didn’t have a clue what happened at a hackathon. I associated hackers with bad guys who stole identities and broke into websites. So you can imagine my delight to be introduced to a community of civic-minded hackers. Hackathons provide a platform for problem-solvers and do-gooders to collaborate and create interesting things. 
That doesn't sound like hacking.
Hacking has a fairly narrow definition.
My first hackathon was Random Hacks of Kindness in December 2011 at Drexel University. There, my team developed a prototype for the Cost of Freedom App to help users navigate their state’s voter ID application process. The app was reengineered by a hacker who works for Google at the Voting Information Project (VIP) Hackathon. 
Sounds like software engineering to me.
A lot of awesome prototypes are developed at hackathons. But to have an impact, the project must be sustained beyond the weekend. Like romance, a prototype without finance doesn’t stand a chance. 
All bitches care about is money.
This is coming from a PC liberal hippie woman.
1000000 posts about the election--
Wonder if I count as a civil innovator since I post about this bullshit on my blog no one reads too--
Last week, President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage. Newsweek has since labeled Obama “The First Gay President.”
... I don't think that's how that works.
Well he did get a Nobel Peace Prize for using unmanned drones to kill people so I guess it is how that works when you're Obama.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the unemployment rate “changed little” in April. The jobless rate fell from 8.2 percent to 8.1 percent.

The black unemployment rate was 13 percent in April, down from 14 percent in March.
This is terrible.
I wish there was something more I could say.
The jobs report don't tell the whole story. While private sector added 130,000 jobs in April, state and local governments shed 15,000 employees. A recent study by the Economic Policy Institute found that African Americans and women are hit hardest by downsizing in the public sector
... Blacks and women can't cut it in the private sector, what?
Women are almost half of the workforce. They are the equal, if not main, breadwinner in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women continue to earn considerably less than men.
Let's apply some PC logic and say that it's fair men make more because they're underprivileged in the degree category.
Here's a post saying technology is racist (really)--
I am a doer or in the jargon of programmers, a problem-solver.

So it is an honor to be named one of the “Top Ten Race & Civil Liberties Bloggers on Twitter.” After all, in the age of Obama, race still matters.
Yeah me too but unlike you I actually solve real problems people have.
Anyway fuck blogs.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Migraine ahoy

Let's make this quick because I can't look at while screen too long.
This is Engaged Intellectuals.
If you can figure out how to read this shit please tell me because I don't understand it.
Usually you read left to right and up to down but we seem to be subscribing to some sort of high bronze age reading logic.
Words fail me when I hear of violence in schools, and the unspeakable events that unfolded yesterday in Connecticut seem like a horrible nightmare – a dream gone terribly wrong. 
Dream gone wrong?
When I think "Dream gone wrong" I think "I was about to bang every member of Girls' Generation but then my alarm got me up" not "30 1st graders getting shot"
Children and adults – likely trying to protect the children – victims of the most horrific kind of events we can’t even imagine. My cousin’s 4th grade child was in a nearby school under lockdown. Some of you may have connections to this devastating event too, but even those who have no concrete ties find themselves weeping or staring silently – some things we do when our language fails us.
Yeah I was standing in a class when it happened.
Had no idea it had happened until well after the fact though.
This morning I received an Open Letter to the President of the United States (see below). The letter might hit home for some of you like it did me. How can we make school about creating “winners” of all children and youth?
The shooter was a 30 year old grown ass man. What the fuck are you talking about?
What follows is a whining post about school achievement that I'll just summarize with this:
Once they have destroyed children’s intrinsic motivation and trust in school sufficiently, albeit unintentionally, educational leaders have only extrinsic motivators — ironically, more competition, reward programs, motivational speakers, role models, school reform, high expectations, zero tolerance, accountability, etc. — to address the problem.
You know you can undo all that shit by talking to them for five goddamn seconds like a human being and not some brainwashed PC robot.
Like just today
"look guys you were really misbehaved I need you to do better tomorrow because I know you're capable of better" and that's really all it takes.
If you act like an asshole
I'll treat you like an asshole.
Tomorrow they'll do better.
I could have written their names on a list and gotten them in trouble when their real teacher got back but what the fuck good is that?
That's another thing you can do to motivate them.
I'm not keeping some goddamn naughty list like Santa Claus. If you fuck up the penalty will be immediate.
Heavy reliance upon extrinsic motivation reflects a failure to understand that children were born motivated to learn.
Shut the fuck up you PC robot.
Kids don't give a fuck about learning.
Think back to school for a second. Did you care about learning?
No you fucking didn't. If the teacher seemed cool you were interested in what he had to tell you.
You learned without him having to beat you over the head with it.
School is like a popularity contest that you have to win.
Kids aren't these magical snowflakes that come wanting their heads filled with knowledge.
I know that doesn't sound very teacher of me to say but it's the fucking truth.
Have you seen the average person?
You can convince them, though, to learn basic shit so they won't wind up mixing concrete.
I'd love it if these punks would come to appreciate The Odyssey the way I do but then again I also recognize there are probably about five people alive today that appreciate it like I do.
I'm unlikely to run into another so instead I'll have to settle for some critical thinking related to The Odyssey.
Hence, high on educational leaders’ list of obnoxious utterances should be “every child can learn” and such.  Of course, every child can learn. That should never be an issue.
They can learn.
Never mind the host of lies we indoctrinate into them.
To be literate is to live a wide-awake life in this world – wide-awake to the tiny details that come together to create the predictable and unpredictable. To be literate is to know you are a meaning-maker and a world-maker, and you use all the creative tools at your disposal to make life more humane for yourself and with others.
Jesus Christ.
I remember having to read bullshit like this in pussy sensitivity.
I remember the looks of almost terror I got when I said "being literate is to be a meaning-maker? What the fuck does that mean? Don't you know writing is just a stand in for the spoken word?"
It is. Writing is an unnatural action meant to be an abstract representation of what comes naturally to us.
Nothing about writing is elegant or sensible.
Why are we pretending it is?
To expand our literacies, then, we need time and space, we need to dwell with others cultivating their artistic/literate lives, and we need to tend to – and deconstruct and reconstruct – the literacies we’ve learned that use us to perpetuate injustice (classism, racism, sexism, homophobia, elitism, judgment, hatred, and the list goes on).
Here's a fucking comma
this is how it works
I don't give a shit if you're a special snowflake this is how a comma works.
You can write your special snowflake thoughts in proper English.
There's my gift to you. You can form a coherent thought.
What is inquiry? This question has haunted me for quite awhile as I hear folks talk about inquiry-based education, inquiry-focused curriculum, and what is and is not inquiry.
If only you had a dictionary.
Protip: inquest, inquiry, inquisition all have the same root word.
Wonder if there's a connection holy shit there is it's amazing.
Can silence be inquiry?
God I remember the rhetorical questions with answers in pussy sensitivity.
Yes, silence can be inquiry because an inquiry just means an investigation.
You can investigate silently.
As I sit in a large unfamiliar room right now at the National Council of Teachers of English, I am silent, and I am wondering. How does a room like this get built? Why is it that so many people have arrived early for this session? 
Bunch of pretentious fucks like you have to get together and jerk each other off.
Why is it that something like “inquiry” is linked to a particular way of using our body and our language? Couldn’t it be a way of living in the world? That we can inquire into the topic or issue at hand, that we can inquire into our own imagination and thoughts, that we can inquire into the words and actions of someone else?
I am an inquirer. Whether or not that fits within the educational term inquiry is left unknown.
I'm an inquisitor.
Be judged.
Find power where you are, learn to deconstruct power and privilege based on economic resources that were determined long before you were born, and be savvy and smart about navigating the social and political terrain where you are and where you want to go.
don't care how poor or rich you are
that's how a comma works.
If you're poor it would behoove you to learn this shit so you don't stay that way.
 Now that the Common Core Standards includes writing, people all over the country are scurrying around to knock down the cobwebs of good writing instruction from years past in an effort to be in compliance with new requirements. Of course we should have been focusing on writing in schools all along during the torturous decade when phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension (sponsored by The National Reading Panel and No Child Left Behind) high-jacked literacy in every school across America.
>hijacking literacy
That proves you live in either a parallel dimension or you really do have your head that far up your own ass.
If only these punks knew some phonics.
I still remember that argument.
"Phonics are fundamentally unfair to students."
"What's unfair?"
"It doesn't support all learners."
"What doesn't? How the English language works?'
"The English language isn't built on phonics."
If we make the desires of “future employers” the focus of our work rather than the students in front of us, we will fail from the beginning.
Look I don't care what you do with this knowledge.
More to the point I have no say what you do with it after you leave.
 But I worked at Harris Teeter. If you have any goddamn sense you'll use what you've learned to avoid working there.
Anyway fuck blogs.
Fuck pussy sensitivity.
Fuck migraines.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Wow this blog looks like a mess.
This woman is some sort of health speaker or something--
that's a job you can have, incidentally--
and I guess we're going to be educated about healthy living or something.
One of the fastest-growing segments at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week is digital health. And within that segment, there’s a battle brewing for what technology companies seem to think is the most valuable part of real estate on the human body: the wrist.
It is the most valuable place to put something that you need quick and easy access to that also isn't a major pain in the ass to have something strapped to it.
I counted at least fifty products as I cruised aisles 26000-27000 in the South Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center that had wristbands, usually black, plastic or rubbery, and often able to click in and out of the band for use in-hand, in pocket, or in a few cases, on a lanyard or pendant device.
Pendant device reminds me of the early 90s when everyone was trying to copyright every computer term imaginable and Microsoft tried to claim they owned the concept of the mouse so on a lot of games in the early 90s the phrase "mouse or Microsoft compatible pointing device" would appear.
Microsoft compatible pointing device.
But it’s the wrist that is the body-part favorite for the category. And this trend falls into the category of a herd mentality that Michael Yang of Comcast Ventures spoke about in a session on Tuesday when he discussed the investment climate for digital health. 
Comcast is watching my back when it comes to health.
That reminds me of that Exon commercial where they said they were looking out for teachers.
Comcast watching out for my health, Exon watching out for my job and OJ trying to find the real killer.
I feel so safe.
This woman has no point outside of "things you can attach to your wrist exist!"
Thanks for wasting my fucking time.
No I would have turned that job down anyway I'm just kidding.
Over one-third of U.S. consumers plan to buy a new fitness technology in the next year, especially women. They’ll buy these at mass merchants (females in particular, shopping at Target and Walmart), sporting goods retailers (more male buyers here), online and at electronics stores like Best Buy.
Women buy treadmills.
Men buy weights.
Let's just cut the bullshit.
And 90% won't do shit with them.
What Americans Want in 2013: Money, Health, and Family Time, in that order
Wow what a fucking surprise.
Someone spent money to find this out?
I could have told you that for nothing.
Man this blog is really fucking stupid. She's just linking news stories.
Imagine if this blog were just me linking other blogs and then telling you to read it and make your own jokes.
That's now how this works.
One in two doctors is burned out. Physicians are seeing more patients in a day and spend less time with each of them. This leads to job burnout, and greater probability for medical errors and eventual liability challenges, along with feeling pushed toward early retirement.
I don't see a problem with pushing highly trained people into early retirement.
Is there a solitary thing this country does in 2013 that isn't stupid?
While a severe personal problem for each of these physicians, the bird’s eye view over this finding reveals a problem with and for the U.S. health system. Greater administrative burdens, higher proportions of patient bad-debt, health plan scrutiny over clinical decisions, and more demanding patients challenging physician hegemony converge to drive doctors toward exhaustion.
all right.
Monday while I'm teaching a subject I'm not qualified to teach I'll fix this issue, too.
Christ all mighty, people. Can't you solve your own problems for once?
Reducing health care costs far outranks improving quality and safety, improving the public’s health, and upping the customer experience as Americans’ top priority for President Obama’s health care agenda, according to a post-election poll conducted by PwC’s Health Research Institute. 
>reducing cost
yeah not gonna happen.
You know I have my own problems in life now.
I can't solve everyone's problems, too.
I just noticed this is this woman's bio:
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn is a health economist and management consultant that serves clients at the intersection of health and technology. 
Maybe part of the problem is you can make money as a health economist and management consultant.
The patent cliff represents about $290 billion worth of sales losses to the pharmaceutical industry between 2012 and 2018. 
Oh no.
Pharmaceutical companies losing money.
This is terrible.
Holy shit this blog is boring as fuck.
Why did I pick this one?
It's about nothing but how much money people don't have to spend on healthcare.
Here's what'll happen: slowly doctors will go out of business because they can't afford how much money the government takes in taxes and how much insurance companies rob from them (not to mention their own greed) and they'll go under and then medicine will be cheap because it'll be back to "goat piss is the cure for everything".
Kraft Foods is reinventing itself as a health brand,
Do I have to trot out that image that demonstrates that all of the food you eat and all of your healthcare products are made by like 5 companies?
Am I the only person that sees the problem with that?
These retail food entities are an integral and growing part of the retail health segment and larger health ecosystem.
Trusting Kraft to keep you healthy seems like a misstep of logic to me but what the fuck can you do?
 It's either Kraft or Nestle so pick your poison, idiots.
Americans find health insurance decisions the second most difficult major life decision only behind saving for retirement (36%) and slightly more difficult than purchasing a car (23%), via Aetna’s Empowered Health Index Survey. 
Also where Zeus had his lightning bolts made in mythology.
“There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,” wrote Robert Heinlein, science fiction writer of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, in 1966.
Ah yes.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
Definitely the first writing one thinks of when the name "Robert Heinlein" is thrown around.
Starship Troopers?
Stephen King author of THE RUNNING MAN.
Isaac Asimov, author of THE CAVES OF STEEL.
Jesus Christ this blog. I'm really sorry about this.
I just saw the bitchy picture and figured this'd be some bitch whining about granola. Not like a serious survey on the state of medicine in the US.
all right I'm padding this with shit that's unrelated.
Started playing TERA since that shit is going free to play and FFXIV is in limbo until summer or some shit.
goddamn it.
Gotta get my PVP on.