Also yes my character is the girl on the right looking horrified. Somehow playing a petite girl is less gay than playing a burly man character.
Final Fantasy, go figure.
That guy seriously stopped my entire adventure for that day for a minute. OH LOOK AT THIS COCKSUCKER WITH HIS BULGE IN HIS BIKINI BRIEFS NOW I HAVE TO KNOW YOU EXIST
Anyway keep this trainwreck image in your mind while we discover today's blog.
Also note my character is named Edie too. Definitely not named after the blog which is named after a character from a TV show or anything.
Today's WB question:
Should there be limits on how much money a political candidate can spend on an election campaign, and why?
Asking the Livejournal think tank confirms the answer should be yes.
Yes, I think a reasonable spending limit in today's dollars is 1,000,000.
Oh thanks for limiting it to today's dollars.
Don't be spending 1,000,000 in electrum on today's election because that would be unreasonable.
Also no one answered why they thought spending should be limited, just that it should. Half credit for not fully following directions but on the other hand it isn't school so I don't know.
Do you think your parents made any major mistakes in how they raised you? If so, how did it affect you?
I really like this question because it shows how self-absorbed Livejournal users are. Not because they think their parents suck but because it's an excuse to talk about their 10,000 real or imagined mental illnesses they have.
It is the perfect WB question because if you want Livejournal users to talk ask them a personal question.
I became a Foster Child. Now I live with BPD, (Borderline Personalty Disorder)
My mothers main mistake was her alcoholism. She was very selfish too. Starting at age 12 I had to run my own life. She was also mentally ill in the same way that I am. And that made life with her a problem I wanted to escape from. At age 15 she cut the strings to me and let me go.
At first I was a little dubious about her diagnosis of BPD. On one hand it isn't the typical "I have autism XP" self-diagnosis but on the other hand-- I don't know.
Incidentally people with BPD (almost always female, further proof bitches be crazy) cannot be easily treated even with medication so the only clear treatment is of the 10mm persuasion.
What is the worst insult you've ever received from someone? Were you able to forgive them?
Someone called me a coward on Xbox Live once so I shot him in the fucking head (in the game not in real life obviously).
No one calls me a coward.
What is the biggest mistake of your life so far? What did you learn from it?
Hold on to your asses because here comes a motherfucking answer:
My biggest mistake was touching my daughter inappropriately on two occasions.
I was sentenced to 20 years and spent 4 years in prison. What leg me to make that mistake in judgment? Methamphetamine, speed, meth, crystal, I will never use a again.
>what leg

And I may never see my daughter or my grand-kids. Is there a high judgment awaiting me? I am ready for it if and when it comes!
By "high judgment" I assume you're talking about some kind of god and by "some kind of god" I mean the Christian God.
Oddly the Bible is eerily silent on the subject of pedophilia and at one point appears to condone it (between father and daughter at least) or, if not condone it, at least permit it. I mean God was handing out judgment left and right and turning people to pillars of salt all up inside that book but suddenly Lot is fucking his own daughters and God turns a blind eye.
Makes you think.
Oh Christ what's wrong with me? I see you have a website called "Chrissy Photos" and I click on it. Gee, what kind of images could a ped take?
Well fortunately it was all landscapes but still, I wasn't thinking.
Anyway that's the end of today's blog.
Well let's go for a Two play Wednesday, why not?
i know i havent updated much.
Life's been so busy and I'm very happy these days.
Now there's a picture of his knife collection and words that I'm sure amount to something about how much he wants to murder people or something.
To be fair I am ignoring the title of this blog: "either love me or leave me alone".
Definitely not following directions, nosir.
Now here's a post accusing me of being an asshole.
Hey, guilty as charged, what can I say?
You didn't get mad...
You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.
You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy.
You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.
You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
Define "legal invasion". According to whose laws? Do I need the permission of the country I'm invading before it's legal?
If so I have some news.
You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war.
You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.
Well it is a huge waste of money, but--
You didn't get mad when you saw the Abu Grahib photos.
You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.
You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.
Hey, hey, hey. The ends justify the means.
You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.
Logical error. If I didn't get mad at the "illegal" war that is Afghanistan shouldn't I be upset that the primary objective of "stopping terrorism" which would be achieved via capturing bin Laden was failed?
If I did get angry at the "illegal" war shouldn't I be glad they didn't capture bin Laden because he's just a freedom fighter?
Can't I logically call both parties assholes?
You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.
Yes I did.
You didn't get mad when we let a major US city drown.
To be fair they were told a hurricane was coming and to get out while they still could.
You didn't get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark.
Are you fucking kidding? I bitch about that at least once a post.
I don't know about this policy bullshit but I do know simple economics and how infrastructure works.
You finally got mad when.. when... wait for it... when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all ok with you but helping other Americans... well fuck that. That about right? You know it is.
Don't put words in my mouth. I sat back and let both sides discuss it reasonably before I ultimately concluded that while it was a good idea it would mean less healthcare for a higher cost because the government cannot possibly implement anything, let alone something as sweeping as healthcare reform, in a timely and costly manner.
I have no moral objections against war, either. Evidently man has always fought war and evidently creatures not human (chimpanzees, for instance) fight organized wars too, so what the fuck? It's a natural thing.
Outside of the sheer horror of war I'd like to hear one rational objection against it.
I can wait.
It gets you what you want, people, face it.
From the bananas on your table to the gold in the computer you use to type this nonsense conflict keeps your prices low and your quality of life up.
Well he just admitted he's a fan of Berserk, the second manliest animu ever so I think we can part ways here.
You're all right, you fruit.
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