Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 I was having a convo about internet culture over on ONTD, and out of curiosity, I checked how long I've had an LJ.
Whoaaaa a conversation about internet culture on ONTD?
Probably went something like
I've been on the internet for like
16 years so fuck your bullshit.
When I'm working, I tend to have something on tv or my laptop-- looking up helps me refocus my eyes, which helps me work longer. And I don't know why, but I don't find things with dialogue and plot as distracting as I do, say, music.
No that's perfectly rational.
You know if I tried that at my job--
I'd probably get in trouble.
So, Amanda Palmer has been asking musicians on her tour stops to volunteer for free, playing several songs in her sets.
1. Who is Amanda Palmer?
2. Why does she hate America?
On the surface, this seems pretty benign. I've seen a lot of people who don't work as professional creatives ask "what's the big deal?" Indeed, these volunteers get to hobnob with someone they like and admire, make a little music, and have a fun experience they can talk about on their blog. I want to make it clear that I'm not upset at the volunteers (I even know one). I get the impulse. Truly, I do. And I am not okay with people who are labeling those who volunteered at Amanda's show "scabs" or any other number of nasty names called.
My ire is reserved for Amanda Palmer, who should fucking well know better, especially after being formerly outspoken about paying artists. Well, when it suited her, I guess.
>formerly outspoken
Yeah now she's raking it in so--
well, you know.
Intelligent people change their stance when new evidence comes to light.
When an established, well-known musician says to lesser-known musicians, "play my gig for free," they are taking advantage, pure and simple. There's an entirely different power dynamic going on. If you ask me, it's not terribly different from the label system where the corporation has the artist working for scraps, for "exposure," and for little to no money. Amanda Palmer is all about fighting against that kind of injustice from labels-- so why is she essentially feeding right back into it by asking for freebies from her fellow musicians?
Because the ends justify the means.
Also apparently Amanda Palmer is established and well-known.
No joke I have no clue who she is.
Her official website is called "The Official Website of Amanda Fucking Palmer".
I dunno, when I say "someone fucking last name" it's usually somebody like "Julius fucking Caesar".
I mean, I get the "fun experiment" angle to asking fans to join her onstage. Why not have jam sessions? Do it for charity gigs where nobody gets paid? If it's about fan interaction, or creative exploration, there are totally ways to accomplish this. When you monetize it, and have unpaid musicians supporting your livelihood, it becomes inherently exploitative.
I think you misunderstood her.
She was against this kind of exploitation when she was getting exploited.
Now that she's doing the exploiting, well--
(And I'm showing my bias here, but this kind of exploitation seems to be more and more common, both in the arts and with Amanda Palmer specifically.) And the "exposure" angle, lemme tell you, is not all it's cracked up to be. Sure some volunteers might have an album to hawk at the gig. Most won't. Nobody's gonna ask who that one sax player was, and where they can buy his band's album.
 Well maybe the sax player should up his ante.

...but she wants seven to eight musicians a night, free of charge (well, for hugs and beer).

She can afford all the bells and whistles and nifty whatsits, but she conveniently "can't afford" a relatively modest fee set aside to pay one-stop guest musicians. This shows pretty clearly what the priorities are, and highlights a trouble in many artistic industries-- people just don't want to pay for artists to work for them.
What, did she hold a gun to their head?
If they want money maybe they shouldn't collectively price themselves for free.
I wouldn't go to my job if they didn't pay me.
I like my job fine but I wouldn't do it for nothing.
 People need to stop acting like making money is selling out.
No, that's getting paid for what you love to do.
We should all be that lucky.
Or they want to pick and choose who is worth payment and who's not, while getting valued services from both. Both equally problematic.
If I played an instrument and Amanda Palmer, whoever that is, told me to play for her for nothing I'd tell her to fuck herself.
How about musicians grow a set and tell this cunt to go screw.
Here's the thing. Fans paid for the album via Kickstarter. They're paying for the tour via Kickstarter. She admitted she asks for fans to "crowdsource" her meals on tour. And now she's asking for free performances. All in the name of "let's hang out and have a fun time, man," which, in and of itself, does not sound like a problem, even though she's not some no-name, trying-to-make-it artist. 
She sounds like a marketing genius to me.
...basically, as a former fan, it sucks to see what she's become. Someone okay with hipster racism, pretend-raping someone onstage for lulz, emotionally abusing a loved one for "art," making fun of legit criticism (of EvelynEvelyn) by a disabled critic on tv, and now "pay the artist except when I 'can't'." It's all pretty vile.
Machiavelli would be proud.
I kinda like her, not going to lie.
I'm not looking at her stupid face, her website or listening to any of her music because I'm sure my favor would quickly turn but based just on this she sounds ok.
That said, since I know this may come up: if you want to discuss Neil Gaiman, go ahead. But stick to his words and actions regarding Amanda's work. I will freeze anything that's "I can't believe my precious Neil Gaiman married her." It's not the point. There's plenty to talk about without going there. Ditto for sexist namecalling, or criticizing her eyebrows. 
Neil Gaiman is an idiot, though. I wouldn't marry that snake.
Gay-man, you can respect her without having to stick it in her, bro.
One day I will bring all people to wisdom.
Man. I wish this were a public entry.
Says one comment.
I'm now left with the perplexing reality that I wield the power to see friends only entries.
This is the lamest super power ever.
But still, that's one more super power than you plebeians have.
Called in sick yesterday. The fever had passed, but my stomach was still in full riot. Overall, my symptoms were high fever, muscle stiffness, stomach ailments (being polite here), headache, confusion. Ariel called to check on me, knowing J was out of town last night. Oh, and hey, they've been spraying my neighborhood for West Nile because a dude passed away from it very nearby. Peachy.
You work in a cubicle and almost die of the bubonic plague.
I work in the canticle of filth and retard germs known as a public school and I'm only now coming down with a cold.
Man I am awesome.
I had a 7th grader almost vomit on me last week.
Nary a scratch.
Last week both emotionally and physically wore me out. I did have a very uplifting day yesterday at the Inappropriate Hafla, spending time among friends who genuinely like and support one another. Every time people are shitty, I just have to remind myself: my dance sisters and the dance community here are amazing. 
Yeah man I had to keep 3rd graders occupied today while kinda sick.
You don't hear me bitching.
First my laptop died (hard drive crash). Then an old laptop I borrowed from my mother died (not sure why, exactly... I think she got a virus before and needs to re-install Windows). Then a tech confirmed for us that our modem isn't updating properly and needs to be replaced (will be tomorrow morning). I'm currently on a laptop of J's known as "the lemon" for its penchant for rebooting itself.
Watching people try to use computers is a frustrating experience.
I saw a kid today click on Internet Explorer 17 times then wonder why it was slow.
There are 17 windows open, kid.
I cut him some slack because he's 8 but when you're still doing that at 21 it's time to LEARN SOME FUCKING PATIENCE.
Okay, first of all-- I'm gonna be talking about rape in comedy here. Fair warning. I don't tend to lj-cut these things unless they get explicit-- but if you feel like I should cut this, please let me know, and I will comply. 
 So, you guys know about the Daniel Tosh thing? 
Oh boy let me summarize.
This woman seems to think this needs 3 links to entire pages of text and a Youtube video to summarize.
Let's see if I can manage it in less.
Comedian Daniel Tosh made a rape joke, some woman got bitchy at him (heckler) so he sort of implied she should be raped.
Don't heckle professional comedians because they'll say horrible things to you.
That's how it goes.
I heckled a comedian once and he called me an asshole.
It's what happens.
Anyway, what I find extremely fucking disheartening is just how many fucking people are using the "he's a comedian! What did you expect? Don't go see comedy! It's your fault if you're offended!" reasoning that's often espoused by people who can barely figure out how opposable thumbs work.
It is your fault if you're offended.
Daniel Tosh is a comedian well known for being offensive but still acting casually.
That's his entire bit.
Don't go to his routine.
His comedy is built around being offensive.
Personally I find unfunny twats who inexplicably make millions for being "SOOO FUNNY xDDDDDD" offensive so I don't listen to Dane Cook.
1. Comedians are not doing God's work. They are not completely untouchable by virtue of being comedians. If they say things that are fucked up, they deserve to get called on it.
Someone called him out on it.
He told her to get raped.
If she couldn't come up with a better response then that's her fucking problem.
2. If you think that a comedian can't do his job without intentionally being offensive, you're lazy and wrong.
This is how 6th graders debate.
I mean, of course, most comedians are going to be offensive at some point-- because most people are offensive at some point. The difference is a) intent and b) how they react, the caliber of their response to criticism. Intent isn't magic, no, but let's be clear-- Tosh wasn't unintentionally offensive here. Joking about how rape is just totally hilarious is part of his schtick.
This is common knowledge. He has joked about rape before.
Why would a person offended by rape go to his show?
3. The focus on "was her response heckling?" is suuuuuuch misogynist, minimizing bullshit.
How is it misogynistic? If a man said the same thing I'd say he deserved the same comment.
The audience paid to hear Daniel Tosh, not some cunt bitch a motherfucker out.
He was doing what any sane person would do.
No matter which account you look at, "rape hurts people" or "rape is not funny," said during a pointedly audience participation-centered bit is not heckling. I mean, that's sooooo tame. And his response was to say she should get raped. Any commentary that places any onus whatsoever on the blogger is missing the fucking point.
He shouldn't interrupt the public speaker
getting paid
by the audience
to speak publicly. 
I can shut a class up in 5 seconds.
That's why they pay me to shut classes up professionally.
If I couldn't do that know where I'd be?
Not doing what I'm doing.
She called people "too sensitive" for reacting this way to Tosh's suggestion that his audience member be raped. But guys! It's okay! Because other people agree with her! (Including, by their recent tweets, Louis CK and Patton Oswalt.)
If they say it's funny I'm inclined to trust their opinion.
I mean, what, would you trust them or this cunt who hasn't said a funny thing in her life?
Can rape be a topic in comedy? In my view: yes. Hal Sparks, Wanda Sykes, and (omg, I cannot believe I am saying this) Dane Cook have all had routines that talked about rape, and were actually funny. You know why they were funny? It's because they took aim at rape culture, and squarely portrayed rape as evil and not something to be minimized.
>Dane Cook
yeah ok.
And if you think that's okay-- if you think I'm being too sensitive or "persecuting" poor poor Daniel Tosh with my criticism, you need to fuck right off right the fuck now. I would rather have fewer people to interact with than interact with shitty human beings. I don't care who you are or how long we've been acquainted. Fuck off with your rape culture supporting bullshit.
White women, am I right?
My exit strategy has always been organ donation, then cremation.

That said, I sort of hope I get a tombstone anyway.

"Here lies Christina. She had Very Strong Opinions."

Thoughts? Edits?

What would your epitaph be?
 Chaplain Grimaldus' is "we are judged in life for the evil we destroy".
Just saying.
Oh there's you.
White woman to the max.
I think my skin tone is neutral enough that I could pull it off, if I don't go too cool-toned.  
"Neutral tone"
AKA not brown.
In a world where so many gay and lesbian and other non-straight couples are denied basic civil rights, if you have the fucking balls to say that this issue is "trivial" or "minor" or play the "we should care more about X" game, go fuck yourself. 
Do what you want. I don't give a shit.
I have an economy to fix.
People to subjugate
and an empire to forge.
Full stop. Seriously. I will not be polite or equivocate on this. I do not give the teeniest, tiniest of shits if my telling you to go fuck yourself hurts your wee tiny little fee fees.
Gee wonder why gays are having problems.
Could it be because of people going IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE THEN GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU SHOULD DIE IN A FIRE you know it's really not my fight.
I have 0 vested interest in this bullshit so you better make me care.
The fucked up thing about all this is I rarely see gay people acting like this. It's just retarded straight "allies".
You gay guys really need a PR guy to tell you how to deal with this shit.
I nominate myself.
I have no claim in this battle but I'll help either side if, of course, the price is right.
First thing my fine gay friends: gotta cut and run. the GLBTQQR27539YJK7 alliance is a detriment.
If it were me I'd even suggest cutting from lesbians and focus exclusively on your own interests but I'm guessing that's unlikely so you and lesbians can stay together. Cut everything else from your lineup.
A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting. - Christian Dior
 I'm surprised you'd quote this.
I mean I don't even buy into any of your bullshit but I can easily see where you could twist this into IT'S SAYING A WOMAN ONLY HAS TO BE PRETTY AND ISN'T JUDGED ON HER THOUGHTS which is mostly true, actually. If I said 1/4th of what I've heard women spew I'd be in prison.
Anyway time for bed.
After getting coughed on by 3rd graders today I think it's time to spread Nurgle's Rot to a high school.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Chick-fil-A is now apologizing for its comments about gay marriage and backed off on the stance. Saying, and I quote:
"The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect —regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender," the statement reads. "Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena."
AKA we cleaned up on retards buying our shitty food to show their support of traditional marriage and now we're backing off to take everyone's money again.
-- yeah, because we somehow managed supporting traditional marriage = buy food at Chick-fil-A.
AKA $$$
Some people are questioning Chick-fil-A's motives.
I don't know why. The motive of any company shouldn't be a mystery.
Even if it's true...well, I'll quote my husband here: "I can't eat it without tasting hatred."
What a dipshit.
Personally I can't eat there without tasting how distinctly bland their chicken is.
Those waffle fries are awesome though.
Oh right. The blog I linked.
I was first commenting on the ONTD_Retard article I found this from.
Making this real quick before I head out to breakfast with my social therapist.
Social therapist--
Someone needs to update the definition in the dictionary for 'irritated' to include: "When a person has a Tactile Defensive Disorder (the hypersensitive touch kind)- and has 4-5 mosquito bites on one foot, and 2-3 on the other."

I wish I could find out where the hell the itch relief cream is because I'd really like to stop feeling like I want to tear my own feet off- so that I can stop feeling so itchy.
 I'm starting to wonder if I'm closer to having Autism instead of Aspergers sometimes just because of the one symptoms that talks about how with Aspergers- there's virtually no speech delay, but with Autism there is one.
I know actual autistic people and I haven't asked them but I wonder if they take exception to all these special internet snowflakes self-diagnosing to excuse their shitty behavior and lack of social skills.
It looks like my first job, as an aspiring writer, is going to be to test my skills at being like Spock, and in so many polite (and professional) words- effectively be saying, "The state test is shit, and one of you fuckers needs to just let my youngest sister get her damn high school diploma even if she didn't pass the math portion*."
Lower the standards more, fuck it.
I can barely add 2 and 2 and I passed the math portion of the state test.
What the fuck did your sister do wrong?
Ohhhh it's so much ~fun~ (read: not fun) having to lie about being a Straight Ally to my mom just so that I can possibly get a car ride into Houston for a pride event (on Saturday), and help at a booth. Though I'm just a bit nervous of if her or dad ask any questions.
wow, a lesbian with ADD and Assburgers.
You're getting, like, maximum label points.
To quote Ten: "It's not pretty when they blow."

Annnnd I think my (recently) prescribed anti-anxiety medication is counter-acting my ADD medication.


I'm going to have fun explaining to the life coach, on Thursday, that I really do know the importance of deadlines, but it's damn near impossible to pull off completing drawn plans for the next shot AND polishing the previous shot to high-quality in only around 48 hours.
Anyway tons of bitching and moaning later from this woman and I'm going to bed.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ottowa Politicos

Let's do that thing where I just comment on ONTD_Political because I'm too lazy and impatient to find a blog plus there's a story I want to comment on.
An armada of U.S. and British naval power is amassing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons program.
Can't wait to see how America and Israel are evil in the comments.
I mean they are but that doesn't make Iran the good guys.
Basically what I'm trying to say is by the time you're talking large organizations everyone involved is basically evil.
Big groups of people are evil. It's just the way it goes.
Ohhhhhh no. No no no no no no. I have a bad feeling about this.
Yeah thanks for that one, Yoda.
Large naval blockades give you a bad feeling. Let me just inform the Jedi Council--


This is bad. This is very very very very very very bad.

Iran, US, Israel-- a bunch of dumb sluts on the internet have determined your actions are bad and are using cute words spelled wrong to underscore how bad you are.
I think you should think carefully before you continue your power plays.
This is ridiculously irresponsible and could drag the whole region into war.
Yes, the relatively stable and peaceful Middle East could be dragged into conflict over this.
Hey wait--
.... really? Really?

What on God's green earth would make anyone think this is a good idea? Jesus fucking Christ.
Iran threatening the West's only stable and friendly foothold into the Middle East (AKA oil) with nuclear weapons?
That's probably why.
Because the threat of retribution--
in theory--
will prevent Iran from pulling the trigger.
It's like in EVE Online when a neutral guy goes through my corporation's territory. You don't immediately shoot him but suddenly there are 50 dudes in dreadnoughts surrounding him and it really deters him from taking hostile action and then shit's really tense for like 3 minutes and then it's over and we all go about our industry.
will today begin an annual 12-day exercise
this is probably a stupid question, bue is this sort of exercise some done routinely or really something out of the ordinary? I mean, is it a recent decision taken due to the current situation or something that has been planned a while ago?
God you're fucking stupid.
It's not a real exercise. 
"Military exercise" sounds a lot better to idiots like you than "navy blockade" because "navy blockade" sounds like a military action but an exercise is like training.
Also it's another way to show to Iran that the West doesn't mean actual harm but they have to remind them who has the bigger dick.
Here's a story where some gay guy got kicked off the football team because he kissed his boyfriend in front of everyone--
then it turns out the boyfriend is 65 and this guy is 18 and ONTD_Political isn't sure what to do because they have a butt fucking love (literally and figuratively) for gays but they're also a bit grossed at the considerable age difference.
That's why the coach is saying he was kicked off because he lied about it.

If you say your partner is your grandfather then maybe that's a hint he might be too old for you?
I dunno.
Good luck convincing the special snowflakes on ONTD of this.
Or maybe that's a hint to mind your own fucking business over other people's choices of partners?
And one pretentious twat adds:
And another:
When I introduce people to my girlfriend I say she's my daughter.
Anything wrong with that arrangement, ONTD?
I wonder how ONTD would handle my troll-fu.
And if he hadn't lied, I bet the coach would have been super understanding and would never have kicked him off.

Also, maybe he said that because people are fucking homophobes.
I know. That's why I have to introduce her as my daughter.
No one except Oingo Boingo.
I don't know about this. The age difference really bothers me.
The fuck does it matter, though
??? 65 year old dates 18 year old.
Ok let me make this less appealing for you snowflakes:
65 year old white man dates 18 year old Thai girl.
Evil white man dominates innocent PoC girl!
I'm not down with pedophilia?
No one gets it, bro. Literally me and you are the only ones that wonder when this relationship actually started.
Ok, but both of them are adults, so what does pedophilia have to do with this?
Because I doubt seriously this relationship just formed.
So because of his age he's more likely to have dated this teenager before he was legal?

Receipts pls.
Sometimes the members of this community can be so self-righteous that they refuse to read. Stop trying to pick a fight when there isn't one.
Sean Smith, 'Vile Rat' Of 'EVE Online' Remembered By Online Gamers
Bro got podded irl by terrorists.
Should have brought the cloning vats.
Sorry is this insensitive? 
Ohhhhh goodness.
Time for bed~
good night.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Had to miss Wednesday but unlike usual I have a good reason.
I was busy reinstalling Windows.
You know how those hard drives are, man.
One minute you're sitting there and the next you realize your hard drive could die at any second because the writer head is that worn out--
ha, ha, computers.
I also took the opportunity while I was in there to upgrade my graphics card because it's starting to show its age a little bit. Also I wanted one that ran cooler than the temperature of a small sun.
Currently I have two instances of EVE Online open, Youtube, FFXIV and Guild Wars open just because I can and the hottest thing in there is 51 degrees centigrade.
I am awesome.
Also all of these things are running at at least 30 FPS-- except FFXIV which barely works anyway--
I blame the new event in FFXIV, honestly.
I don't know what they're doing. I guess they figure the game is basically shutting down in a month for 2 months so they better go out with a bang but they're giving away shit I had to really spend a lot of time getting.
Kinda makes me wonder why I bothered in the first place.
At least with EVE Online I know the company that makes this game, CCP Games, hates its players as much as I do so I know they'll never do something like this.
In other news, unexplained phenomena with my new install of Windows:
all music randomly cuts off after about 3 minutes (iTunes skips to the next song without prompting, a problem of the back up itself I suspect) aaaand Youtube likes to buffer endlessly.
I can't add this gay Korean girl band music to my iPod because then I'll look gay so I have to listen to it on Youtube. Come on, help me out here.
I seriously suspect it's a problem with Youtube and this is all just a huge coincidence.
Oh right, blogs.
Ha, ha--
Today I'm doing something a bit different.
We're going to ONTD.
Yes, the shithole that spawned it all--
Amazingly this entire blog is basically pop culture news yet everyone is as whiny and self-important as ONTD_P. It's really kind of breathtaking.
I don't know why but I honestly didn't expect this level of pretention about Carly Rae Jepsen.
... If you don't know who that is you might think you're living under a rock but believe me, it's a rock worth living under.
Rapper Tweets About Driving Drunk Minutes Before His Death
Too bad the world lost this brain trust.
At 1:40 a.m., McKinness died in a crash in Ontario, Calif., at Creekside Drive and Haven Avenue when the 2005 Nissan Sentra ran a red light, skidded out of control and slammed into a wall, according to the San Bernardino County Sun. The car wound up in the backyard of a home. Marquell Bogan, 23, and Dylan George, 20, both of Ontario; Jonathan Watson, 21, of San Bernardino; and JaJuan Bennett, 23, of Rancho Cucamonga were also killed in the crash.
Oh man, come on, now. Fucking up a guy's yard?
That's fucked up.
Sherlock Holmes gets his zillionth update, this time with Jonny Lee Miller (“Eli Stone”) playing Arthur Conan Doyle’s timeless sleuth as a recovering addict whose British tycoon father ships him off to Manhattan for rehab.

Lucy Liu plays Dr. Joan Watson, a disgraced former surgeon who’s been hired to act as Sherlock’s 24-hour sober-living companion after his detox.
Lucy Liu playing Watson--
I'm going to ignore I've never run into an Asian person with the last name "Watson"--
Are you really adding anything to the character by making him a woman?
The point of Watson was he was this smart, cultured dude without much of a personality who could be the reader's everyman in the story.
You know, like when everyone is this autistic super sleuth or master thief--
you kind of need someone who knows what's going on but is more like the person reading it to explain it in a way you'd understand--
changing the character's entire makeup is really distracting and entirely unnecessary.
I can't believe I just implicitly stated "really smart and cultured" means the average reader.
But you get where I was going.
I guess if you're reading Sherlock Holmes in 2012 you're either a dumbass fangirl of this shit show or you are of above average intellect so I guess it almost stands.
No it doesn't.
TBH, (and I say this as a huge BBC Sherlock stan) there are parts of Elementary's interpretation of Holmes that I like better, and feel are closer to the actual ACD canon Holmes.
by "actual ACD canon Holmes" she means "the guy who wrote the actual fucking books and not this hack drama".
If you're going to get an Asian chick to play Watson (and believe me I can see the logic in replacing some aging British dude with an Asian chick) why not get a hot one?
Wishing no offense to Lucy Liu (like she's reading this) she's kind of the safe white person option for an Asian best friend.
I have a list of way hotter women you could have easily picked from.
I even have some older ladies if you (for whatever reason) have to cast an older woman.
And before any of you chucklefucks argue "they wouldn't draw viewers like Lucy Liu" I doubt seriously she's drawing much of a crowd in the first place so shut up don't even do it.
Cops are alarmed by the pics we posted today showing Amanda Bynes behind the wheel and smoking what appears to be pot -- and several patrol officers tell us they're now on alert because they fear her driving habits have turned deadly.
... But I see no reason to prevent her from driving.
The officers we spoke with -- who don't want to be named -- say the pics explain a lot about Amanda's alleged hit-and-runs. One cop with many years of experience as a patrol officer tells TMZ, "She's on the same road as my wife and kids and I'm scared about getting a call in the middle of the night that my little one is dead."
Carly Rae Jepsen is not a one-hit wonder; "Good Time," her happy-go-lucky duet with Owl City, has already washed that fear away, and new single "This Kiss" has a great chance of finding the same success.
Color me surprised.
Not that "Call Me Maybe" wasn't as brilliant as it sounds but come the fuck on.
With Sylvester Stallone's laughable take on the 2000 AD lawman still fresh in the memory, Karl Urban's Dredd strode purposefully into UK cinemas last week – and wouldn't you know it, he punted Stallone's Judge helmet-first into oblivion. Could Dredd be the form guide that shows how you really pull off a reboot? Let's break it down, step by step.
All right, look, ONTD. So far you're being far less insufferable than ONTD_P (because I'm avoiding the comments) but don't underestimate your ability to get on my tits. I still don't want to hear your evaluation of the grim darkness of the far future.
Sylvester Stallone's drokking awful Judge Dredd movie took everything about the 2000 AD character that was great and ignored it; in other words, it was the perfect example of what not to do when it came to giving Dredd another run around Mega-City One. If Stallone had never squared up against Armand "LAWWWW!" Assante back in 1995, we wouldn't realise how great the 2012 Dredd movie is in comparison.
Oh boy, there's a statement that just fills me with confidence.
"If the 1995 Judge Dredd movie wasn't such shit we'd have no way of knowing the 2012 one is good!"
A reboot should be your chance to put right what once went wrong, not just another excuse to milk a popular franchise. Most studios will ignore this point in favour of cashing in on brand recognition – that's the cheap and nasty way to make a reboot. If you're serious about wanting to make a proper fist of it, read on...
... Yes, because the "cyberpunk and dystopia nerd culture" is positively bristling with popularity these days.
It was a thing that was vaguely popular in the 80s and is more known for its influence than popularity.
Because, you know, I'm sure everyone is plenty familiar with 2000 AD magazine.
And Warhammer?
Ask anyone and they'll tell you all about what's up in the year 40,000.
Or fuck, name drop William Gibson and see where that gets you.
Blade Runner?
Tons of people have seen this CLASSIC MOVIE.
I'm not making fun if it, either. People should be familiar with these things.
William Gibson is as influential to scifi as Wells, Asimov and Herbert but still this is hardly the type of thing, as marketing executive, that I'd say "oh yeah here's something I can sell to the average idiot."

Step 2: Listen To The Criticism
This shouldn't need to be said, really. If you've followed Step 1 and are rebooting something in desperate need of a new paint job, then you're going to want to make sure you figure out what was wrong the first time around so you don't make the same mistakes. For example, in Danny Cannon's Judge Dredd movie, Stallone was accompanied throughout by 'comic relief' Rob Schneider – a man so unfunny his profession has to be listed in 'sarcastic quote marks' at all times. 17 years later, and you can count the number of jokes in Karl Urban's Dredd on one hand. You live, you learn.
... You should be able to count the number of lines of Karl Urban's Dredd on one hand.
Or fuck it, let's simplify: if the helmet comes off they missed the point.
I'm going to this shit and the second I see that helmet coming off I'm walking the fuck out.
I expect to be in the theater for fewer minutes than dollars I spent on the ticket.
Similarly, Stallone's Dredd spent more than half the movie with his helmet off – sacrilege for fans who'd grown up with the character since 1977. Fast-forward to today's Dredd, and all you can see under that helmet is Karl Urban's chin – which manages to out-act Stallone all by itself. This time around, the filmmakers knew how to treat the material because they'd listened to the criticism of the first movie and started their version off on the right foot. You've got no excuse for not listening to disgruntled fans in today's online world – Lord knows they have enough channels through which to vent their frustration.
Part of the reason Karl Urban got the role of Dredd was because he understood the necessities of the character (the helmet MUST stay on); part of the reason Alex Garland wrote the script was because he's been a fan of the comics since he was a boy. These are people who care if the source material is mishandled – no one here is taking the money because they want their names and faces plastered on the sides of buses. Trust in talent and, hopefully, you'll be rewarded with a movie that sells itself. And hey, interesting actors are usually much cheaper than popular ones. Speaking of the budget...
Still not sold.
Words cannot express how deeply skeptical of this movie's quality I am.
The temptation when rebooting a movie is to flex your muscles – to go bigger, brassier and bolder than what's gone before. However, throwing money at your movie is not always the right way to do that. Danny Cannon's Judge Dredd had a budget of $70 million (pretty pricey in '95) and saw Stallone flying through CG cityscapes on his bike, dodging exploding buildings and fighting giant, animatronic robots. All of that for a 15% rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Fancy special effects and pyrotechnics count for nought when your entire movie is a punchline.
Because nothing summarizes cyberpunk or dystopia more than "big, brassy and bold".
So what I'm getting from this review is "it didn't miss the point of Judge Dredd as hard as the Stallone movie" but that still doesn't tell me if it's any good or not.
Oddly for a visual medium like comic books Judge Dredd never struck me as a comic that could handle the transition to the big screen well.
A lot of the symbolic value in Judge Dredd is lost by having it in motion and in color (and no, not even black and white film would have helped) and I know I sound like a huge nerd talking about the symbolism of Judge Dredd but fuck off if you care about this movie in the first place you're a huge nerd faggot.
... Apparently Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 91%.
91% from critics, 95% from the idiot audience--
the greatest movie of all time got a 94% and a 92%, respectively, so that means by this logic it's one of THE BEST MOVIES EVER.
No, not buying it.
What kind of fucking guy gave "For A Few Dollars More" a rotten rating?
What kind of immense dipshit hates that movie?
The fact that this film is constructed to endorse the exercise of murderers, to emphasize killer bravado and generate glee in frantic manifestations of death is, to my mind, a sharp indictment of it as so-called entertainment in this day.
Holy shit.
I guess that's the kind of immense dipshit. 
Oh right, off track. Comments about the Judge Dredd movie:
well, i think the point is that it stayed true to its comic bookiness. like... comic books are pretty ridic at their core. i think the recent batman movies have led to a trend towards self-seriousness in comic book movies, and that's a pretty bad trend.
Did you just compare Judge Dredd to the Chronicles of Riddick you vapid twat?
Also I just noticed the full name of this movie:
Dredd 3D.
Here's a thought for cinema in 2012:
How about instead of making the movie 3D you make the characters fucking 3D?
I saw this movie when it was called "The Raid". it was p awesome
Oh no way, man. The makers of this shit wish they could make a movie half as awesome as The Raid.
I saw that movie based entirely on "I didn't know Indonesia had electricity, let alone a camera" and I was pleasantly surprised.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Trigger warning: bullying :(
This is a copy of something I posted to ontd_political not long ago, but it was rejected for posting. Not entirely sure why- maybe there's a requirement that posts be linked to an actual news article. But... whatevs, man. Whatevs. Anyway, here it is again- a mathematical and somewhat researched analysis of wealth in the U.S.
>somewhat researched
>the numbers I made up add up the way I expected them to!
I was curious to see just exactly what incomes across several economic demographics looked like in practicality. I wanted to see- both mathematically and graphically- what income looks like. My goal: to prove or disprove some observations I have made about the wealthy, and the perception of 'wealth'.
I semi-researched this and I found out 100% of wealthy WASPs spend upwards of 50%  of their income on virgin blood but the glorious impoverished PoC spent 0% of their income on this.
I can safely conclude, therefore, that 100% WASPs are evil.
And what she concludes, and get ready to be shocked and horrified, is that people who make more money spend more money.
Earlier today a friend of mine who is playing the Real World MMO on a harder difficulty than I am posted a link to a blog by author John Scalzi on her Facebook page, entitled, "Straight White Male: the Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is" 
No I just got done watching a bro stream Dark Souls and I'm pretty sure straight white sorcerer is the easiest difficulty there is.
There might as well not have even been enemies in that game because holy fuck.
Also if someone explained a woman or a black person as "playing Real World: The MMO on a harder difficulty setting" I'd punch them in the solar plexus.
Also I'm playing delicious brown necromancer setting on Guild Wars 2 and that shit is pretty much easy mode too.
"Oh this boss needs like 15 people to beat it let me just make 15 spots on the ground that make this weird howling noise and the boss is now dead let me revive all the idiots who didn't pick necromancer and there we go you owe me your life you stupid cunt" and that's my GW2 experience.
 It was engaging enough for me to seek out the author's contact information and send him an e-mail about it.  I hope he responds- I think I would enjoy a civil, rational discussion about it, and I think this gentleman is quite able to do that. Below the cut is what I sent him.
╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

I recently read your blog article entitled, "Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is". I imagine that you've taken plenty of flak from it already, so rest assured I will not be adding fuel to that flaming.  But the article interested me enough to share a few thoughts with you about it.

First, the quote, "It’s not that the word “privilege” is incorrect, it’s that it’s not their word."

I disagree with why us Easymode players tend to dislike the word 'privilege'. It is simply this: no one likes being told they are not as awesome as they think they are. 
Necromancer might be easy mode but you still didn't have enough foresight to pick it at the start so you still owe me your life you stupid cunt.
Oh here I am hanging out with the fucking salad elves no cool starting area it's a ton of gay sparkling trees point me in the direction of the murder and I'll straighten whatever problem you girls are having.
Someone actually asked this cock 7 questions.
It must have been him on an alt account because I can't imagine anyone giving enough of a shit but let's check it out.
1. What's the story behind your username? (And your userpic, for that matter?)
Episode of the TV show Peter Gunn.
Also it's a picture of Haunter from Pokemon.

2. What was the first anime you got into, and do you still like it now?
Hell yeah Voltron is top pro.
3. Apart from the Christianity community, where else do you hang out online?
4. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
 I'd go back and stop myself from buying Spore.
5. Why the shift to Keynesian economics?
I don't even know what that bullshit means.
6. You've developed an interest in economic equality, was this entirely through your job or through some other means?

I'm not a communist if that's what you're saying.
7. Texas, in your eyes.
State full of abhumans begging for the cleansing flame.
Also: not a question.
A friend of mine is, like me, a pretty big politico. Before gaming each week we usually end up talking about U.S. politics, world events, or history while the GM gets ready.  Earlier this week, I gave a classmate of mine from India who I am working on a project with a 45 minute crash course on U.S. government, because she didn't understand how the area we were studying could be such a hodgepodge of suburban sprawl, industrial complexes, and scattered retail and office space (welcome to Houston, baby). 
1. Was she hot?
2. I don't care.
Point One: Our entire system of government depends on and references the Constitution in some way. Period.
To which I have this to say:
If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.
-- Julius "The Boss" Caesar
Not to disparage the Founding Fathers or anything but if you disagree with Caesar or Machiavelli politically you are probably wrong.
Point Two: our entire political system was designed to ensure that no one in government has too much power.
I had rather be first in a village than second at Rome. 
-- Julius "Iron Dong" Caesar
Point Three: the difficulty of amending the Constitution is intentional, to protect the overall integrity of the document.
I don't really have a related quote but:
Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.
Julius "Motherfuckin'" Caesar
I'd vote Julius Caesar for president.
I mean one that wandered into modern day America somehow and didn't speak any English at all.
I bet he'd do way better than Obama or Mittens.
Point Five:  In the U.S., there is an ingrained, cultural distrust of the government that dates back to the American Revolution; this distrust of government is largely absent in European nations.  Or, to put it a bit more controversially, in Europe the government lends power to its citizens.  In the U.S. the citizens lend power to the government.  We are, quite possibly, the only nation on earth with the tacit, implicit permission to overthrow our own government if it becomes necessary. 
I pre-ordered SW:tOR the week that pre-orders were offered. Normally, I don't jump into a new MMO until at least six months after release, but this time I took a chance. After following the developer notes for months, I saw a lot of potential. And, quite frankly, I was Jonesing for a sci-fi MMO anyway, and I was absolutely done with World of Warcraft and getting a bit burned out from Lord of the Rings Online. And, miracle of miracles, I actually had money set aside for a pre-order.
I know when I started penning my review.
Somewhere around the time I was getting a warning for being a meanie head from a GM because I soloed a dungeon for 4 level 15 people as a level 9.
 And my review went something like: "you should play this game while it still exists and is still this hilariously awful."
Best 2 months I even spent playing a game that was objectively terrible.
I would do that again in a second.
But don't play now because it's a ghost town.
III. Quests
Here's where SW:tOR differs from most MMOs. First, Bioware brags about how this MMO will be fully voice-acted. And, damn if it isn't. Every quest has a short, fully-animated cinematic when you start the quest and when you turn it in. Even random NPCs chat in the background when you get near them. The best thing about these cinematics are that your character gets to participate. Each cinematic has three dialogue choices; generally, it is a dutiful/humble/patriotic choice, an arrogant/mercenary/cocky choice, or a neutral/questioning/general agreement choice.
Yeah if you picked the boring class.
If you picked a fun class the choices were:
Also that's literally the only way SWTOR differed from WoW because the quests still boiled down to "collect 10 bear asses".
About the crew quests: these are side quests completed off-screen by whichever crewmember you choose to send that yield some kind of reward if successful. Your character isn't involved, but early crew quests at least only take 6 minutes, so you can go on to do other things while they're away. Anyone who ever played Final Fantasy Tactics should find this concept familiar- remember the taverns you could visit to look for jobs?
Did you just compare the second greatest game of all time to SWTOR?
Wow, man.
There's another important distinction that SW:tOR makes over other MMOs. Bioware took a page from Bethesda's Fallout play book- some quests give you Light Side or Dark Side points depending on your answers. 
And they made the same hideous misstep of logic Bethesda made where ultimately your means are more important than the end.
And this isn't some Machiavellian philosophical point I'm making. Often times in SWTOR and Fallout 3 the game would consider you being mean to someone before you LIT THEM ON FIRE more significant than LIGHTING THEM ON FIRE.
Hell I remember a choice that basically boiled down to "nothing personal but I have to light you on fire now" that got me good karma.
Usually this happens in important story quests, but other random quests may also do this. Do you follow orders and kill people who might commit a terrible crime in the future, or do you release them and suffer a serious dressing-down from your CO? Do you turn a blind eye to a gambling ring run by corrupt soldiers that preys on refugees, or do you report them?
I didn't have any choice nearly that gay.
If I had I'd have quit well before I did.
All if my choices were DO YOU MURDER THIS GUY NOW OR LATER?
And it depended if he'd outlived his use.
Most of the quests are very objective-oriented. You will still see the 'kill x number of y mob' type quests, but generally these are optional requirements that just yield more xp. You are rarely if ever required to do this to complete the quest, and usually you'll end up killing x number of y mobs in the course of the quest anyway. Main quests update on the fly- you might start out by meeting with an undercover agent, then upon completing that quest you may be instructed to go to a safe house and recover certain contraband based on what the contact tells you. These can be considered individual quests in a chain, but the way that additional steps are revealed as you complete objectives make it seem a bit more natural and organic (as opposed to returning to the same quest giver again and again).
This is total horseshit. All of the quests, no matter how they dress it up, were go to X and kill Y amount of Z.
IV. Gameplay
For some reason this gets a separate heading than quests even though quests are what you do in the game-- whatever.
One big concern I had about tOR was combat. How do you make melee and ranged combat work in a sci-fi game? While tOR's system isn't perfect, it really isn't bad.  
It's generic as fuck but I guess it's not bad.
It's just so mediocre and soulless.
I'd rather settle for a wonky combat system that tried than this by the book, safe bullshit.
The fact that there's no auto-attack helps, actually: in absence of an auto-attack you have to pay more attention to the cooldowns while deciding which abilities to use.
I guess we played a different game because the SWTOR I played had an auto attack but no auto attack button so you had to trigger it through an ability.
V. The Setting
There's not much to be said here: you would expect Bioware and LucasArts to do a great job with a Star Wars setting. They can't afford not to. And, they did. But the best part about the way the setting presents itself is in the details. 
Oh yeah. The details were incredible.
Like the fact that none of Tatooine's 3 suns ever set?
Awesome attention to detail.
In fact, the weather never changes. If it's snowing on a planet, guess what?
Hoth never, ever stops snowing.

If it's night?
Perpetual darkness.
VI. Conclusion
Is Star Wars: the Old Republic the much-anticipated WoW-killer? No. Does it have the potential to be? Maybe. It's only moderately innovative and cutting-edge gameplay-wise, but it is light years ahead of WoW when it comes to the little things that make the experience more immersive.
No combat log, no server merger option which is really important when your servers are a ghost town--
It is an overall enjoyable game that manages to stand out in the MMO market, through not only genre and setting but also through the experience. If you love MMOs and you are a big Star Wars fan, then you will probably enjoy it. So far, I am enjoying it immensely.

Rating: 8.5 of 10
2/10 as a game
10/10 for the laugh factor
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
I'm against human trafficking.
Particularly that cunt who was driving really slow in my lane like last Saturday--
What was that kinda bullshit?
I caught every light red thanks to that cock juggling thundercunt.
Anyway, time for bed.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Shut up

Even though Kristen Stewart cheated you're not allowed to call her a slut, guys.
It's mean.
Isn't that kinda what she is, though?
Slut, by definition, is a woman with loose sexual morals.
Cheating, if I may be so bold, is the action of someone with loose sexual morals.
That's today's nugget of wisdom from ONTD_P.
I have no further commentary on this because the level of fuck I do not give about Kristen Stewart, her sparkly boyfriend or that schlock movie has reached a level few others have ever achieved.
Naomi starts kindergarden the 15th. I am very nervous. And excited. And sad.

You know something that annoys me about movies that are set in like Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece? Is why they have fucking white statues all over the place. We know those statues used to have paint, but due to being extremely fuckin' old, the paint has worn off (DUR) just like you have to repaint a fucking old house or shit. Jesus Christ film directors, get it together.
Have you seen the pictures of the recreations of the painted statutes?
The Greeks, Romans and Egyptians didn't really have a clue about how to paint statues.
Apparently she was aware of this because she then shows a picture of the painted statues and how much better those are.
I guess if you're mentally ill, maybe.
I'm on vacationnnn. We drove to Pensacola, FL. We're swimming at the beach today. It's been raining and we ran out onto the beach during a storm and it was sooo cooool. Hopefully it will be sunny later so we can parasail.

I also managed to get a B in chemistry! Bs drag down my GPA but fuck it. I tried.
pretty stressed out, my chem final is tomorrow morning and I AM NOT PREPARED.
She then shows the "you are not prepared" comic that's a parody of a World of Warcraft cutscene.
I should point out this is from like 3 expansions ago and is probably 4 or 5 years old so great job being timely there.
After the Batman shooting, I see all these anti-gun control people saying things like, "if only someone in the theater had a gun to take out the shooter" and "criminals don't follow laws."

Okay sure. But it was a dark theater and everyone was panicking... I can barely find my friends in their seats if they don't yell "WE'RE OVER HERE" at me. If someone tried to shoot him, they'd probably either miss or hit someone else, and even if they did shoot him somewhere on his body, he was WEARING BODY ARMOR so it would do no good. 
Wow, really?
That's your argument?
Also: wearing body armor = invincible to bullets.
Definitely can't hit a limb or the head or anything.
Shit, can't even use a high powered gun to punch through body armor.
You do realize modern body armor really only stops debris and small arms fire from killing you, right?
Like even a strong handgun will punch right through that shit and if it doesn't it'll at least give you pause for thought.
I'm not one to advocate arming the citizenry because, as George Carlin said best, "think about how stupid the average person is-- and half of them are dumber than that!" but that's a seriously lame argument.
My second point about gun control is that NO CIVILIAN NEEDS AN ASSAULT RIFLE. Period. Ever. The point of the weapon is to kill and maim as many people as possible, not self defense. There is no reason for any hunter or self defender to have that sort of thing. America gets mad when countries like Iran have possible nuclear weapons, right? Where are the anti-gun control people then? Where are the chants of "nukes don't kill people, people kill people"? I like my liberties as much as the next person, but I don't develop a paranoid fear of the guvment coming to storm my house and not having an assault rifle JUST IN CASE that happens. That doesn't happen to anyone except poor brown people anyway. You probably haven't even heard this news story of police shooting unarmed Latinos:

No civilian needs an iPhone either but I don't hear you whining about that.
Also if you want to get technical the point of any weapon is to maim or kill as many people as possible so why not ban all weapons?
Also shut up.
So what are white conservatives so angry about anyway? The government is pretty much on your side... What are we all paranoid about? Like a Zombie apocalypse will really happen? 
Someone breaking into my house and stealing my shit?
That does happen.
In fact just yesterday I read about a 95 year old man who put a bullet in a guy's chest because he was breaking in.
That's exactly why people own guns.
All I'm saying is that the less violent weapons available to anyone on the mass market, the less violence there is going to be. A resourceful killer can stab you with a pencil, but if a sociopath has free access to machine guns, he will use the machine guns. 
... Isn't that a reason to be armed?
Your argument really is all over the fucking place.
I was recently reading a article about 5 Ways Modern Men are Trained to Hate Women.

It's odd how cracked has gone a bit social justice warrior lately, or at least a little more bold faced about anti-sexism. Still 100% male perspective though.
And coincidentally no longer funny.
I mean I'm not blaming Cracked or anything because you gotta make bank but being an internet warrior for social causes = bane of humor.

I was recently reading a article about 5 Ways Modern Men are Trained to Hate Women.

It's odd how cracked has gone a bit social justice warrior lately, or at least a little more bold faced about anti-sexism. Still 100% male perspective though.
Anyway,#5. We Were Told That Society Owed Us a Hot Girl. This really resonated with me, and the amount of superficial self professed "Nice Guys" who cry all over the internet from facebook to 9gag about being friendzoned by the hot girl in their lives, and how come they can't get a sane, pretty, smart girl?
Because 99% of guys are dumb fucks who try to leech onto the first pretty girl that walks by when she's a huge cunt spoiled by the decadence of a postmodern, 1st world nation?
I found this prevalent with guys who were on the surface "nice guys," and beloved by friends and seemed selfless great catches. But scratch the surface, and it's entitlement-ville. "How come a nice guy like me is single?"
I'm not really a nice guy but my reason is good: it's self-imposed.
I mean really, read my blog.
This is the shit floating around an average American girl's brain.
Good luck.
1) They aren't actually nice. See this youtube. In their heads and in public they are, but in their own homes they're skeevy and have some sort of hero complex. Just because they don't beat/rape women and aren't the "bad boy" dangerous type who will ride a motorcycle and do crack or whatever, doesn't mean they are morally supreme. They are probably not above lying to women, but in the more subtle way.
And women never fucking lie ever.
Don't expect moral perfection because it doesn't exist in anyone.
I'm getting real sick of this double standard, too.
It's okay when women lie because it's cute but when a man lies he's abusive.
2)A They only want hot girls. And god forbid if she isn't thin with a pair of perky boobs. They want the GIRL to lower her standards to meet their level, while simultaneously refusing to give plain/fat girls a chance. "But I have such a big heart," the dudes will say. If that's not enough for a girl, why is it enough for a guy?
I find women, on average, have unreasonable standards compared to men but I find both groups about as equally unreasonable so I'm giving you this one.
2)B They do not want an intelligent girl. They claim they want someone beautiful/sane/smart, but the smart part? They ignore that. "Nice guys" feel threatened by nerdy and brainy girls with an actual opinion and voice. 
I have yet to meet a "nerd girl" who was legitimately interested in things deemed nerdy and not just doing it for attention so I feel this is a non-point but if you can dredge up that purple cow I'll be glad to redact my statement.
3) They friendzone themselves. I know it is the 21st century, but most girls still feel social pressure to be the one who is asked out, not the one who initiates a relationship. That sucks and perhaps the new generation of girls will feel more comfortable asking guys out. HOWEVER. Many guys harbor super-secret crushes in the deepest reaches of their soul and never even attempt to flirt or act like they are interested in a girl, then lament being the "shoulder to cry on." They feign interest in her problems and pretend to be the supportive friend; meanwhile they are only doing this to get into her pants later.
"I'm sorry it's that way", really?
If something is shit for women and a man says "well that sucks but that's the way it is" it's sexism and this and that and it's the fucking Armageddon.
Also I know you said most nice guys aren't really that nice but based on the way you've set this up even a nice guy is an asshole so I'm guessing no one is winning period.
Even being interested in her dumbass problems is just "feigning interest so you can fuck her" so I guess you're fucked either way so you might as well be an asshole.
See what I mean when I say dating girls from the 1st world is a sucker's game?
So that's what I think "nice guys" are. Guys who don't treat women like real people and feel superior to others just because they aren't wife beaters.
So there we have it. Even nice guys are just petty manipulators who are only one step above wife beaters.
Good luck with that shit, people.
I'd feel sympathy for someone in this but frankly I think everyone involved kinda sucks so I'm only on one side:
my side.
Diet food is stupid. I don't understand the "healthy option" snacks like Special K and the 100 calorie packs.

They are far worse than actually having a hand full of granola. And if I wanted a fuckin' candy bar, I wouldn't eat a Special K. Come on. Pick one. Yummy granola and fruit or a fudge brownie. Don't try to combine the two in a processed bland clusterfuck and expect me to be like, "wow, I'm gonna save 15 calories by eating this shit!"
I know I spend a lot of time on this blog bitching about stupid shit so I'm one to talk but I really want to show this post to someone in Africa right now.
That's how decadent a society we are. There is so much fucking food in this country and the average citizen has gorged himself to the point where an entire industry has to exist to keep us from being fat because we, as a people, will exercise 0 willpower to lose weight we have to be tricked into doing it through health food if we can even be bothered
and then
and then the killer part is your average person has the gall to complain about it.
"Hey this girl is complaining her granola bar is too small and doesn't taste very good."
"Oh really? I haven't had a glass of water without shit particles floating in it for 30 years."
Look at how small this shit is. (found this image on google) And see how they try to cleverly stick chocolate chips all over it to disguise the fact that it tastes like a cardboard poop brick.
At least it doesn't literally have shit on it because--
you know--
a large part of the world that's a risk you run.

4) I've been in a pretty pissy mood about Christmas in general though. I can celebrate with Naomi because I love her, but seriously some of this irritates the shit out of me. How come in cartoons, Santa delivers toys all around the world? Shouldn't he be dropping some hazmat suits in Chinese industrial centers, and hardtack rations for the Republic of Congo? Children in Bangladesh are probably making their shit for them for the holidays and not receiving anything except for bronchitis and rickets. 
But your granola bar tastes bad :(((((
wait you're not allowed to pull this card with the level of whining you did.
Also in an attempt not to seem racist, douche bags will lump Kwanza and Hanukkah in with the "season." 
Maybe someone out there celebrates Kwanzaa.
Fuck you there might be someone.
Dear white people: Nobody gives a fuck about Kwanza. Name one fucking black person you know who celebrates it. Also Hanukkah is not an important Jewish holiday. Yom Kippur is important, but nobody knows about it because it's not during winter, and it is a rather solemn event instead of being festive enough to compare to Christmas.
I know actual Jewish people who are pretty big on Hanukkah.
It's mostly for children (like Christmas) but you know it's their version of letting their kids have fun during a shitty time of the year.
You don't have to get all PC on people.
You don't have to ruin everyone's good time.
I know it seems like that's what I was doing but I was really just trying to pick on her pettiness. I don't hate rich people having fun.
I'm just saying we're a decadent, whiny society with 0 appreciation for the amazing shit in our lives.
Americans can't even fathom a Greek Myth adaptation that doesn't have Zeus = God and Hades = Satan. In their dumbed down views, good and evil are a dichotomy and Santa delivers presents to all the children, and all religions are just pretty much like their own but with different races of Jesus.
I mean yeah it's a simplified view of the religion for uneducated, heathen masses but it's not as far off as you seem to be implying.
I mean let's just look at the Wikipedia description of the two:
In the ancient Greek religion, Zeus (Ancient Greek: Ζεύς, Zeús; Modern Greek: Δίας, Días) is the "Father of Gods and men" (πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε, patḕr andrōn te theōn te) who rules the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father rules the family. He is the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology.
Father of the Gods and men.
of all men.
And he lives in the sky and he's like this fatherly figure with a beard--
Christians were likely inspired by images of Zeus in their depictions of their god.
Now let's contrast that:
Hades (play /ˈheɪdiːz/; from Greek ᾍδης (older form Ἀϝίδης), Hadēs, originally Ἅιδης, Haidēs or Άΐδης, Aidēs (Doric Ἀΐδας Aidas), meaning "the unseen") was the ancient Greek god of the underworld.
so he's like god of where ghosts and shit hang out and his titles are shit like "the unseen" and he has something called the helm of darkness--
Admittedly in the actual myth cycle he was fairly altruistic and passive instead of like this devil kind of dude but we are talking about a primarily uneducated mass of people who are, as previously stated, heathens. Expecting this level of sophistication from them is asking a bit much.
ok forget all that bullshit I said about true love. I just want a boyfriend that won't fucking cheat on me. Or like me better than some random skanks. I'm so fucking depressed.
All right let me be frank with you
I saw your picture
you're a fairly attractive Asian chick
you just said you weighed 111 pounds and were upset you were up from 105
there's no physical reason for me to not like you
and yet all this shit
all this shit you put me through
this is why we can't be friends.
I used to be a little indie shit bag that had disdain for anything playing on the radio. But that is because the shit that was popular circa 2004-2008 wasn't very good.

I think pop music has reached a zenith, actually. 
... In 1982, you mean.
It hit is zenith in 1982.
People complain about how repetitive and autotuned it is, but I think they've finally reached a peak of what pop music can be. It's still fluff, yeah, but it's DAMN CATCHY now. Instead of just overproduced garbage, it's now overproduced garbage that you can shake your rump to. 
Can't dance to this song, no.
What, are you out of your fucking mind?
All of a sudden we've got these great beats and good use of sampling... Formulaic as the hits are, they have become better at making them. And look at Lady Gaga. Like or dislike her, someone like her would never have been accepted in the N'sync era of pop.
I mean not to defend Madonna here but you know without her Lady Gaga would still be a stripper.
Day 04 ⇝ Your views on religion

I am not religious. I do not believe in God or any other cosmic forces in the world, including spirits, dianetics, and karma.
That's funny because you sure were pitching a bitch about it a second ago.
You know, I appreciate it. I like being angry at bullshit sometimes too but you should at least call it is.
You're just grinding an axe to be grinding. Don't act like this is some great social cause you're standing for.
I am very interested in the history of religions and how each reflects the culture it came from. I have a little collection of religious texts (some are in storage at Tim's...).
Yeah, stop on by and pick those up--
I guess--
Every person in the entire fucking class failed the test.

So he curved it... THANK YOU KRISHNA. I got a B.
Ha, ha, yeah I saw that happen once--
except I got a 92% on the test in the first place.
So on the curve I got a 100% and everyone else dropped 8%. I think that's how that works.
Anyway everyone failed even harder thanks to me.
Oh apparently she has a kid.
Great job mentioning her in these other posts--
All right, I'm off to pay some Guild Wars 2.
Man vs. Gate: An Ancient Struggle as I call it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


ONTD_Political is actually up in arms for a good reason for once.
There actually is someone on earth so disgusting me and ONTD_Political can agree on it.
It's the richest woman in the world and she inherited all of her money from her father who is some kind of mining mogul who died whatever anyway she said to compete with Africa (what) Australia should start paying its workers 2 dollars a day too because they can't hope to compete with that shit.
Ignoring for the moment that's not really how an economy works, I say take all of the money she didn't earn herself from her and see what she says then. It's not like your country goes broke having to pay wages-- it goes broke because the economy prices itself out of the market and then the jobs leave. Suddenly dropping Australia's wages wouldn't have the effect of bringing the jobs back, it would have the effect of ruining what industry is remaining.
Anyway, here we go.
Personally I'd implement a sliding minimum wage where if the CEO of the company makes X you have to pay the workers at least Y but that's just me.
First post I'm skipping because I don't care how misbehaved your cat is--
The blood bank called to tell me it's time to donate again, and while I was on the phone with them anyway I asked them if I even could donate because was in South America for several months. I was switched to another person who took some details, but they couldn't answer tonight so they've said they will call tomorrow.
I don't donate blood because if my space marine blood is injected into a normal human the superior antibodies will kill them.
Or it'll make them immune to radiation. Depends on what book you're reading.
Clarification, Games Workshop.
Also if the crashed Dark Eldar ship is leaking radiation like that how do the Dark Eldar hang out in it? Isn't their metabolism faster than a human's so therefore it'd kill them faster?
I basically slept my entire weekend away. I'm okay with this, since I already had most of my assignments done.

It's not a habit I want to keep because I'm hoping my GPA can remain above 3.75 in the future.
>not keeping your GPA over 3.75 without trying
And don't give me the "I'm going to be a doctor" line because you have a Livejournal in 2012. Clearly you're not that busy.
This weird problem where I can barely convince myself to eat anything? Still here. (Though to be fair, it's just been one day.)

Not sure at what point I should see a doctor, since I'm still eating enough most of the time and relatively healthy foods.
I don't know you and I haven't read anything to indicate it but I'm guessing you can safely skip a few meals.
I haven't checked my weight at home yet, but my cousins' scale says I'm 173LBS now. I was 205LBS before I left. Hope I can keep a downward trend going if that's true, the other question being how the fuck can I lose 30LBS and still function in all the same sized clothes? Really? Pfffft. I swear, if I get down to 115-125LBS I'm going to maybe go down to size 12. But I mean, no one will ever notice I've lost weight. That's just how I look.
How can you lose almost half of your body weight and not look different?
I was excited to be grossed out by the sweetness of US foods and HFCS when I got back but really it all tastes the same to me.
I've heard many pretentious cunts and Europeans (not that I mean to imply they're the same) imply that US foods taste too sweet but every time I've had the mythical Mexican Coke made with real cane sugar it tastes way, way sweeter.
So I'm going to just have to tell myself 'no' to soda except in very small quantities and preferably without HFCS - not that I know where to buy myself some other than Costco, which isn't an option.
Isn't an option why?
Outside of the obvious "I don't need 57 cases" I don't see what's so offensive about Costco.
A post bitching about passive aggressive notes--
If you want passive aggressive notes you should go to my old job, holy Christ.
Aaaaand I'm to the beginning of this blog.
I think this was a man, incidentally, because he was whining about homophobia briefly in a post--
but maybe it's a broad. Who can tell.
Anyway bye.