Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh boy.

What's astrology? Well, it's the belief that the movement of the constellations can somehow predict the future, or determine gross personality types.
In reality this is bullshit, but very much like Tarot there is at least some commentary on the human condition underneath the mysticism tacked on later by hustlers to confuse young people and stupids.
Today's blog, besides being named one of the dumbest fuck things I've ever heard. Tell the truth, but tell it slant?
Tell the slanted truth. Isn't that lying? So a better quote would be "lie constantly" which is life advice for everyone.
Two signs which naturally attract and complement each other. Tactful Libra tones down the Ram's fury, and redirects his or her individualism towards a partnership whose logical conclusion is the marriage which matters so much to Libra. The Libran harvests the Ram's vigor, but is sometimes rebuffed by blunt language. Aries must be careful to give Libra time to express him or herself. Otherwise, the magnetism which attracts them may turn into mutual repulsion.

(The ram's fury? Dang.)

So what'd we learn? Apparently Aries is a goddamn asshole.
What is the libra? It's the scales of justice.
What do the ram and the scales of justice have in common?
If you think balls of burning gas and debris in space arranged in arbitrary patterns based on the vantage point of Earth, you might as well throw sticks on the ground and let those divine what you should do with yourself.
Jesus Christ people, think for yourselves for once.
Cool, huh? That John Donne was a smart guy. I wish I could write clever poetry like him.

Funny, whenever I read John Donne the first thing that never came to my mind was "clever" but whatever. I really don't get poetry.
Pictures from her sister's wedding.
I hate looking at this shit. It makes me feel like a stalker, and I didn't even do anything. I just clicked on her stupid blog and started writing about it. Who are these people and why are they all over the internet?
I'm a whimsical, artsy sort of person who can find special meaning in the second comma inserted in a sentence--the wedding photographs should reflect that!

"second comma inserted in a sentence". What does that mean? Is the comma supposed to be there? I remember a grammar lesson as a kid where you had to move a comma to change the meaning of a sentence, is it like that? Do you move the comma in "Lightning struck, Billy Joe jumped" and suddenly lightning struck Billy? Is that the kind of shit we're talking about or are you just a twat?
I guess my confusion stems from the fact she seems to think this is a unique, special, or otherwise creative ability, when in reality it just shows a grasp of English.
I hate to break it to you, but you're really not a special snowflake.
About ten minutes ago, I got an e-mail from my summer class professor, telling me that I wasn't officially registered for his class. I was, in fact, registered for a class in the first summer session, he told me. After reading his e-mail several things flashed through my mind: the long hours, the workload, the early mornings reading, the late nights driving home and everything else, too. So, he was telling me that on the first day of class, the day when I wasn't on the class roster, the day when the he said "he'd look into it,"--YEAH THAT DAY, DOUCHEBAG--he actually sat back on his ass and twiddled his thumbs.

I've been through much of college. I'm familiar with the registration process. Never in my time at college have I confused semesters. I've done other dumb shit like register two classes for the same time (amazing they let you do that) but I never signed up for a class I intended to take in Spring in the Fall.
What I do know is this: if your name isn't called on the first day, alarm bells should go off. That isn't the time to sit back and let the teacher "look into it," and you certainly shouldn't blame someone else for your own foolish mistake.
I guess this reinforces my "you're not a special snowflake" statement, but he doesn't really care if you attend or not. He gets paid either way, so whether or not you did what you were supposed to do is really not his problem.
This isn't a "tough shit kid, no one cares" lesson, though. It's just the way it is.
Next entry is entitled this:

i'm covered in bees

That should be the title of your blog. If mine wasn't "Edie Finds a Corpse" I fucking guarantee it'd be "I'M COVERED IN BEES" then the tagline would be "just kidding. They're hornets, actually." That'd be awesome.
She got a tattoo. Right in the tramp stamp region, too.
"Wise poets that wrapp'd
Truth in tales,
Knew her themselves,
through all her veils."

Wow. Thomas Carew, I think. I'm sure you'd show that to whoever it is at the fucking club and impress them with your fresh book-read intellect, but I'm not fucking impressed.
If I recall correctly that poem was about his girlfriend (or wife, whatever) being a total cunt and he was telling her what's going down if she keeps that shit up.
Yeah really what you should have tattooed onto your back.
Those lines pretty much summarize my feelings on literature, my career and writing in general. I think it'd be cool to get those two lines tattooed in a pretty, flow-y sort of script just below the inside of my left ankle. I'd love to get it tattooed on the inside of my right wrist--appropriate for a right-handed English major, right?--, but I'm worried about it being too showy.

You totally missed the point of that poem.
Jesus Christ English 211 here, adjust your face before it's rocked off:
she was (apparently) made famous by his gr8 (yeah that's right, great with an eight) poems about her, and she got all uppity about her new fame, and he was just reminding her that really her depiction in his poems was just "truth in tales", meaning she wasn't really that fabulous. As I recall I think he calls her something like "common beauty" or something to that effect, meaning yes, she is beautiful, but she isn't some sort of rare pedigree.
Also I'm not an expert on goddamn Cavalier poets so I might be completely wrong about this.
I seriously doubt it, but sure.
AH SON OF A FUCK she copied the poem into her blog now I don't look so smart because I recalled all this shit from memory.
Well let's see if I was right.
Yeah I was.
Also it was addressed to "Celia". This may have been his chick who knows, but usually when someone has an allusion to mythology for a name, the meaning of the name is important.
My brain is a regular Rolodex of useless knowledge, so I happen to know "Celia" comes from "Cecilia" which means "blind". Saint Cecilia, by the by, was the saint of the blind.
Fuck for all I know she may know all this in which case this is review time, but it seems to me this isn't the kind of thing you'd want on your back in permanent ink forever until the day you die.
Christ not this shit again.
I'm making up a MEME right now.

What is a meme? Not a word in most peoples' daily vocabulary I should think.
It's an idea or behavior that spreads from one person to another. The smiley face is a perfect example of this.
It's not something you "make" and say "LOL MEME NOW."
Many websites where users may post in an anonymous or near anonymous manner use this to promote uniformity in thought and the appearance of a cohesive mass.
Indeed there is an entire field of study devoted to this (people will make a job of anything) called memetology, and memes are often compared to viruses in the way they spread.
So I guess that's it unless you enjoy hearing about her wedding plans, in which case I think you're in the wrong place and would be better suited going here.

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