Monday, September 1, 2008


... That's the title of today's journal. I don't know what to tell you.
Using that oh-so sophisticated linguistic prowess, I know this to say "Lucky Badger".
I would assume this person does not have a command of the Japanese language, though, as also happen to know there was a cartoon show on in Japan called "Lucky Star" with the star in the middle and the Hiragana for lucky (instead of Katakana. It's unusual).
So here it is.
I enjoyed Lucky Star. It was a good show, and that's the first point of difference between the two similarly-named entities: this blog is not good.
This is a bad blog.
What's the lesson today?
Making Marrige Work

Hopefully knowing how to make it work has little to do with spelling it, otherwise you're in trouble.
Maybe it was a typo. Either way, spell check. It's the title of your entry for Christ's sake.
The lessons in Sacrament meeting and Sunday School today were about Eternal Marriage. I thought I'd write down some of the tips they taught for not only my reference, but for any others if they were interested. ^^

Yeah I'd be interested in hearing what those heretics have to say about marriage.
I call everyone heretics, by the way, so don't think of it as an insult.
Keys to a successful Marriage
1. Communicate.
Communication between husband and wife is essential to keeping a marriage on track. Arguments can arise from misunderstandings or impressions that would have been easily cleared up if clear communication was given. Women tend to brood, and think the man should read her every emotion, and if he doesn't, she may get offended, while the man all this time was unaware completely that the woman was upset. Something like this could easily turn into an argument that, if left unsolved, could drive a wedge in the relationship.

I like the emphasis in this tip. It makes it seem like it's completely the woman's fault, and the guy couldn't possibly be a blind idiot.
Personally, I see all and know all. No emotion can hide from my sight.
2. Never go to bed angry.
If you have a fight, or feel ill will towards your spouse, don't go to bed if you feel things have been left unsolved. Stay up all night and into the next day if needed to sort things out. If you don't work it out then, you won't have time the next day, or you'll be to tired, and so the problem will be left to fester.

... I think you missed the point of that tip. Don't go to bed angry, but don't pick at the problem.
Think of marriage disagreements as scabs. Even though it hurts you can't pick at it until you're sure it's healed under there. Then when you do pick at it, it'll still hurt a little bit and sometimes you get that drop of blood at the edge of the scab and you think, "oh shit maybe it wasn't ready" but then you keep picking at it and it turns out to be okay but then that little section that hasn't healed completely really hurts for the next few days and-- whoa sorry got off track there.
3. Pray together.
Taking turns to pray will help each of you grow closer, and as you communicate with the Lord, and listen to each other as you do, your heart will be opened to see things in your spouse's light. You will grow closer, and gain better understanding of each other, as well as include God in your relationship, and as you ask for his help and guidance, you both will be blessed.

I don't know if you read a book I understand to be called "The Bible" (it's somewhat of a bestseller I think), but God really puts strains on marriages. Ever read the story of Lot? His chick got turned into a pillar of salt by that psychopath.
Asking God to mediate a marriage is like-- well asking nothing to mediate a marriage, but assuming you need an actual person there, the BTK Killer.
4. Make God a part of the Marriage.
Your marriage is like a triangle. You, your spouse on the bottom corners, and the Lord at the top. Keeping the Lord as the essential part of your marriage and relationship will help you stay firmly rooted, in not only the gospel, but with each other. Dedicating your lives to the Lord together, as you strive for a common goal, it will help you as you both seek His path, and to be with him, and each other, forever. Your Marriage is sanctioned by God, and he can bless it, even when times are dire. If you and your spouse argue, you can turn to the lord for guidance, and he will help you solve any and all your needs.

God has the backdoor, huh? I'm not making a judgment call here, but that seems a little gay to me. Two dudes on one chick, nyaa.
A video she promises is "hilarious" but the last time I fell for this trick I ended up watching a Will Ferrell movie.
My feet huuurrrt.... >.< style="font-weight: bold;">genki in the world, I must complain first.

Excuse me? What was wrong with the word "good"? Here's a handy rule for you weeaboo types. When you're about to say an English sentence peppered with bad Japanese ask yourself: "can this sentence be expressed in complete English and still retain its same meaning?" If the answer is yes, NO JAPANESE.
Also look up the words you're using, too. Genki, rendered thus: 元気
means "vigorous" or "healthy".
Don't think my grammar and vocabulary faggotry extends only to English.
Ever heard those myths about Mormons?

I hear you sacrifice babies to Baphomet to gain earthly knowledge beyond the reckoning of goodly, God-fearing men.
Oh another Youtube video. I'm going to watch this one, since it promises to be DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS and is therefore more conductive of my humor lightning bolts or something.

Manga Studio Debut status: 1/4'th through the manual.
Total Comprehension: 25%
Mental status: Stupid...panel...maker...

Ho ho using fancy programs you bought at the Target won't make you good at drawing. Give up.
So now I can scan and submit art again!

I must see. Oh how handy. A link right at the top, so now I don't have to do some internet sleuthing Points for that.

I think instead of learning complicated programs like Photoshop and whatever else you might want to get a basic grasp of anatomy first.
A study in perspective might do you good too, because I'm looking at a picture of an angel hugging (or being hugged, it's hard to tell whose wings those are) and if the wings are coming out of the girl the boy behind her is being impaled by one, which really gives it a new meaning.
Unless they both have one wing, which makes me wonder why they'd have one vestigial wing in the first place.
Although oddly enough your little doodles on Photoshop are a lot better. It belies the hack job you do with a pencil. I'd stick to that.
Also a lot of furry art.
So all together now, you're a: furry-weeaboo-Christfag.
I'd assume you'd be the only one like that, but there's probably a "Japanese anime furries for Christ" community that's having to divide into subgroups to keep up with the demand, so what the fuck.
I guess that's it. This makes up for Wednesday and no update, although according to my clock it's already Monday, so goddamn.

1 comment:

NygaardBrian said...

I like that the only 'real' person that she has on her deviant gallery is Joseph Smith, one of the least real people in history.

Way to get excited about your high-school sketches, honey.