Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Record

Usually it takes me about 10 clicks to find a good journal. I got this one in a record three.
This one appears to be unnamed, which is just fine-- not everyone can have an awesome name like "Edie Finds a Corpse" for their blog.
What made me pick this journal was the entry right on the top. Usually I read through it a bit to make sure it continues to be promising, but with an opener like this it just has to be gold.
Well I finished playing Crisis Core and I have to say that though I didn't actully cry at the end it did make me tear up. Square really do know how to play on the heart strings thats for sure. I really enjoyed the game and I even like the new characters that they added to the back story as It was done in such a way that it didn't really mess up the story that was already stated.

I'm now playing through Final Fantasy 7 yet again so that I can see how things messure up in terms of location and story flow as it were.

Bold added for emphasis. If you tear up at a Final Fantasy game then you also tear up at Lifetime Movies. And the news. And puppies wandering down your street. I've played all of the Final Fantasies. I've been playing them since I was... Seven or so. I am a longtime fan, and even I couldn't be bothered with the dreck that is Crisis Core. Also have fun replaying Final Fantasy 7. I'm sure it'll be a tour de force for you, right up there with going to the mall and eating at McDonald's.
I wish it stopped here, but it keeps going.
Watched both The Mist and 1408 last night and I have to say I really enjoyed both of them though I liked The Mist best out of the two.

1408 was a really werid film and things were really werid for most of the film as things in the room got more and more extreme. It was a fun film even so and the second Stephan King based film that John Cusack has been in. The first being Stand By Me which is another excellent movie.

The Mist was a damn creppy movie and very fucked up in places. Espically the part where the go into the pharmacy and get attacked by the spider creatures. Animals that have human teeth always freak me out. The ending was also pretty damn depressing as well and I'm kinda shocked they got away with doing something like that.
I have to say there were a couple of things that reminded me of Silent Hill as well. Mainly the part right at the beginning when the air raid sirens blow and then the fog comes rolling in and the other thing is the crazy religous lady remins me of Dahlia Gillespie the crazy cultist. It was the way she spoke and moved mainly rather then the stuff she was saying.

Also mangered tio finished Devil May Cry 4 today and I have to say I really enjoyed the game. I only wish I'd got to play with Dante a bit more but watching his interactions with both Trish and Lady made up for that.:) The only really annoying bit was the fact that you had to fight all the bosses 3 times, twice with Nero and once with Dante it was really uncalled for.

Crisis Core, Devil May Cry 4, 1408 and The Mist. That sounds like something I'd do to prove I was hardcore. I CAN PLAY AND WATCH ALL THIS SHIT WITHOUT CRACKING. Again, if you find "The Mist" creepy, you also find those little cardboard cutouts of ghosts creepy. And Halloween-themed candy. And puppies walking down the street.
To be fair I haven't seen 1408, so it may be fantastic. Considering it came from the hack mind of Stephen King, I seriously doubt it. But I can't know for certain. The reason I haven't seen it is a vow I took after he released his new book: "I will stab myself in the scrotum before I pay for anything involving Stephen King." And I never break a vow.
The part that gets me about this entire blog so far isn't "this is shit" it's "all of this is fantastic and achieves exactly what it intended to." Good Christ this must be how the Nazis came into power. How can you be so bankrupt of taste that anything Hollywood (or God forbid, Square Enix) shovels your way you consume happily? If you have to watch and play this shit at least complain about it so I know you're a human with hands and senses.
Going to June 25, 2008 (I'll be goddamned if I'm reproducing a 100 item list here) I must say good taste does win out (kind of) as some of these underlined books aren't shit. Watership Down and Dune in particular are great, but Harry Potter is underlined as well so I wonder if he (and this has to be a guy) isn't lumping those into the same category.
Also you might want to read The Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye, because they're, uhh, oh that's right, THE GREATEST EXAMPLES OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. Holy fucking Saint Peter riding a cockcycle there should be a law. How can you read ALL of the Harry Potter books and not those two? Don't they teach these kids anything in school anymore? That's a rhetorical question, see, because I graduated in 2005, and I know the answer. The answer is "no."
Also I wonder who compiled this list, and for what purpose?
I don't even want to know. Fuck it, this is making me crazy.
June 23rd, 2008
oh ha ha ha. Die.
June 15th, 2008
So he found "The Happening" to be a quality cinema. That's the movie where Marky Mark (sans Funky Bunch, unfortunately) outruns the wind. OUTRUNS THE FUCKING GODDAMN WIND. ALSO TREES ARE TRYING TO KILL US BECAUSE THEY SPONTANEOUSLY EVOLVED THE ABILITY TO RELEASE A DEADLY NEUROTOXIN.
Every movie M. Night Shamylan or whatever the fuck his name is makes is absolutely horrendous dog shit. I remember seeing The Village, and right as I started watching it I said "I bet the monster is modern technology" and as this bullshit went on and on and on about nothing I said "no, there's no way it could be that fucking stupid." I still have yet to recover as SURE AS SHIT SOMEONE GETS RUN OVER BY A BUS.
Also apparently this is a girl, which goes to show I can't determine gender anymore.
May 1st, 2008:
My other half drew this for me after I feel in love with the pairing after playing Persona 3. It's a kinda cracky crossover pairing but I think it would be pretty cool anyway. I just wish other people shipped it.

The picture is horrendous but in a bland kind of way that makes it not even worth mentioning. What I'd like to point out, though, is I hate it when people who like Stephen King and The Happening and all that also happen to like something I love, because then it makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. Persona 3 is awesome, and people who like The Happening or 1408 or Crisis Core SHOULDN'T FUCKING GET IT. I mean literally, they shouldn't buy it. Maybe they liked it for all the wrong reasons. Yeah, that has to be it.
April 26, 2008
I fucking hate blog quizzes. If you don't have anything to post, don't fucking post. No one cares what number you are or what anthropomorphized animal you are, each with a bigger dick hole than the last.
April 25's post is entitled "anime ramblings" which is a surefire way to ensure I won't be reading it. They're children's cartoons, for fuck's sake. If you want to watch, keep it to yourself.
April 21st, 2008
I read through this entire post before I realized it tricked me. I READ A POST ABOUT ANIME. To be fair this show sounds awesome, but considering she found it to be quality automatically means I won't watch it and would never admit to its quality, because I'm a petty, vindictive dick.
Clicking on "previous 20 entries" I'm filled with a loss of purpose.
I'm just going to assume it's more of the same, and skimming through these entries, yes. Yes it is.
One thing I'd like to mention is the whole "what are you listening to, what's your mood?" thing. I personally find it a bit tasteless, kind of like this entire blog. No one cares that you're pensive, or magnanimous or just a bit melancholic or whatever big fucking vocab word you can think of. I also like how most of the moods aren't actually moods but states of being. I wasn't aware feeling cold was an emotion. It's that sort of cynical shit that makes me wonder if this entire thing isn't a huge joke that I'm just missing, but it can't be because EVERYONE IS IN ON IT.
I'm losing my goddamn mind.
So in conclusion, to not be like this blog:
Evolve some taste.
There, quite simple, I think.
Also I just came to terms with my "SHE LIKES SOME THINGS I LIKE" it must have been luck. Kind of like how a whale will occassionally get a shrimp instead of some plankton.

1 comment:

NygaardBrian said...

Sir, I must inform you that I, Master Nygaard, enjoy your rantings quite THUROUGHLY. Keep up the good work, metal brother.