Monday, August 29, 2011

Spin me a tale of fanfic, o muse

Let me tell you people about Dragon Age. Dragon Age is a video game released by Bioware and according to everyone that plays it it's the greatest RPG of the generation with a TOOOOTALLY DEEEEEEEEEEEP story and totally realistic characters.
I played it-- don't really get it. I mean it was okay but I definitely wouldn't call a plot that's basically "so there's this bad guy--" the deepest thing I've ever experienced in my life. The game play was refined-ish but I definitely wouldn't call it deeper than Baldur's Gate, and that shit came out like 10 years ago.
So then they released Dragon Age 2 which apparently (I haven't played it) reads like Twilight fanfiction. It was basically confirmed to have been written to attract women to the genre.
Because, you know, grimdark fantasy about demonic possession and blood magic is a natural choice for most women.
Anyway, welcome to the woman who was sold on DA2.

Shit. My private student loan isn't eligible for deferrment even though I'm a full-time student again and on federal loans. Where am I going to come up with $100 a month for that?

Is this a trick question?
If you rake in 7.50 a month you'd have to work about 15 hours a month (I adjusted for up to 12% of the payment in taxes) which even if you're double majoring in medicine and law you should be able to swing.
It's either that or die, so it seems like a small price to pay.

Have you or a friend ever been bullied? How did you get through it?

Today's writer's ('s's's) block. Guess how long it took me to find this blog thanks to this question?
Not very long.

I was bullied every single day in elementary and middle school from 3rd grade on, when my family moved to Woburn and we were the outsiders. My excessively frizzy hair has always been a target. I'm still the quiet kid in large group settings, but it was even worse when I was younger before I made myself join the drama club to break out of my shell.

I just noticed in her tag cloud thing the largest tag (which means the one she uses most often) is "bitching". This is promising.

And then in middle school I started building a shell, that has unfortunately caused a lot of emotional problems for me even into adulthood. I built myself up to be a "tough bitch." I'd snap back, I'd start snark and attacks first. I was so terrified of people being mad at me, I caused problems to bring things out to light so they couldn't sneak up and surprise me.

I'm sorry my delicate snowflake is expressing such self-destructive tendencies.
I'm sure is what she wants everyone to think.
The best part is I had a choice of about five blogs that read exactly like this. I just picked the one that was the best written and the least wordy.
I'll let that sink in for a moment.
By high school I went from being bullied to just being ignored. I became completely invisible. But at that point all the damage had been done. I was lonely, depressed, anxious, and suicidal because of bullying.

And you started writing fanfiction.
The true damage wrought by bullying.
So please, prevent fanfiction. Don't bully.

I may not be able to prevent my children from getting bullied, since they're likely to be huge nerds, and since Bill and I both credit martial arts with or discipline, we're hoping to put our kids in that as soon as they can, so hopefully they'll be respectful to their teachers.

I'm raising my kid to be an assassin.

Spent all day in bed with the flu. Not good when there is so much cleaning and organizing for me to do in the next two weeks. It's all happening pretty fast.

I did play the Me!Hawke for a little bit today, and it's really fun saying exactly what I would say.

"Hawke" after digging through my various reaction images to Dragon Age 2, is apparently the main character's last name in Dragon Age 2, so sort of like Mass Effect and "Shepard" that way you're allowed to give them a first name while the script can read their last name so they're not left with the uncomfortable voice acting option of skipping any time a name is read.
This apparently caused a lot of butthurt originally because--
anyway Me!Hawke is an uncomfortable grammatic construct that says she's playing her character the way she would act in real life.
We call this "lazy roleplaying" where I'm from but whatever.
Of course in real life I'm guessing she'd run away terrified at the first sight of blood and you're frequently covered in gore in Dragon Age (because gore = grimdark according to Bioware's 13 year old writing staff).
Up to this point I've done characters that almost entirely one personality type and that's all they respond with, and then I've done Bill which has been mostly Snark/Aggressive and there was my first Hawke who was Snark/Diplomatic.

Then there's how I usually play characters in video games: violent/proactive.
No 10 minute diplomacy for me~
I'm primarily diplomatic with people I don't know, but really snarky with people I'm friendly with, if the friendship warrents it. Varric and Isabela? All holds off, flirting/joking every possible moment.

Shut up.

Aveline is a little more stern, so I don't joke with her... often. Carver's a little shithead who I try to be nice to, and no matter how hard I try to get his friendship up, it barely budges and he whines so I want to knee him in the crotch.

I don't remember any characters from Dragon Age except Sten who seemed to hate his companions as much as I did so we were pretty bro.
I remember there was some slut with a French accent who was trying to jump my bones then another sorceress slut who vaguely looked like a man (who everyone loved for some reason I don't fully understand) who also wanted to ride my purple python. I think I banged the French slut (slim pickings, really) because I felt that would piss off the witch more than the French slut would be pissed off if I banged the sorceress.
I prefer The Witcher, incidentally.

Ending on a random note to my DA friends: if *you* were Hawke, which LI would you have the most attraction to and pursue? I'm curious because my current playthrough is Bill as Hawke, and next I thought it'd be fun to play me.

Bill is her boyfriend.
There's something very Freudian about creating your own boyfriend and controlling him in a video game where he has sex with women not you.
In fact some might call that downright creepy but I think it's just a criminal lack of imagination. This is a game where you can be anything from a dude with a sword to an elf with a bow-- wait.
No you're right. This game doesn't really give you many options.
At least, options that weren't around with THE LORD OF THE FUCKING RINGS.
Actually I think DA2 forces you to be human so you can be a dude with a sword or a dude who shoots magic out of his butthole.
I know I'd most likely be a Spirit Healer Mage, I just don't know if I'd romance Fenris or Anders. Bill thinks Anders, and I'm leaning a bit towards him too because of my own personal interest in revolutions, but guh, Fenris!

No idea what's going on.
Let's Google this.
Oh apparently they're both men.
You're made your own boyfriend in a video game where you're controlling him and having him engage in homosexual relationships--

It's funny how when all the world goes wrong for me, I got back to FF6. I was replaying DA2 for the 5th time, and was going to go through all the Final Fantasies start to finish, but I think I'm going to pop in my PS version of FFVI and play again.

>PS version

And right now I'm trying to challange myself by writing Sabin/Terra with a level of sexual tension between them, something I think I've never been able to tackle because I fell in love and started writing this couple before I was a teenager. (The fact I've been reading romance novels to see if I could write that genre maaaaaaay be influencing me... maybe.)

>FF6 fanfiction
Oooooooooh goodness.

I think I need a new scale. According to this one, I've gained nearly ten pounds in a week, when measuring at the same time of day. I, what? There's no way I've been consuming enough calories to have that much weight gain!

There's no way.
No really, I believe you. Why would I have reason to doubt you on this?
Yeah my metabolism has probably slowed down a little bit because I've cut the number of meals I eat a day by accident from this heat, and I haven't been walking because of the heat and humidity, but really, ten fucking pounds?

And I did eat an entire lunch buffet but really, ten fucking pounds?
Plus, it's depressing when I think I'm doing well with what I'm eating and the scale goes up that much. I think I have an overeating or addiction to food issue, but I don't have health insurance to be able to get medicine or therapy for it.

Awww, poor baby!
There's this wonderful new invention. In fact, your Dragon Age character has it as one of their stats: it's called willpower. Check into it sometime.
I just have no idea what to do. I feel like I could stop eating all together and I'd still be fucking gaining weight. I'm about to cut down to just fruits, veggies, hummus, and a little cheese. And I keep wanting to work out more, but since coming off of the antidepressants cold turkey, the fibromyalgia's been bothering me to the point I'm having trouble sleeping I'm in so much pain. There aren't enough words for my frustration.

Let's contrast this with her previous statement of "I have a shell built up so I don't have to interact with people and I'm basically a turbo bitch."
I'm really seeing that in effect right now.

Yeah, that's Isabela jacking my F!Hawke/Sebastian fanfic and making sure it becomes a f!Hawke/Sebastian AND Isabela/Fenris fanfic. (And I can't help it because pregnant!Isabela is giving me great, great joy. Especially when she's pissy Varric won't buy her a drink.)

Pregnant-- fanfiction--
I don't think I need to say anything more about this, really.
Pregnant fanfiction.
You know what isn't fair? Sigmund Freud died before someone even conceived of the internet. How many hours-- no, days-- did he spend unlocking this fucked up shit? All he'd have to do now is sit on Livejournal for five minutes.

So what was going to be a smut fic is now becoming a double smut fic. I hope it goes over well.

Maybe it's best he didn't encounter fanfiction, though. I can see where this might become overwhelming. He might have given up. Who could blame him for that?

Oh my God! Downloaded the Legacy DLC for Dragon Age 2 tonight and finished it tonight. AWESOME. If anyone's on the fence about buying it DO IT YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.

The two times I bought DLC the word "regret" was probably foremost in my mind.
"It is AWESOME!" responds the internet.
Fuck the police.
Oh God her LJ avatar is a character from Final Fantasy Tactics.
Whatever happens from here on in I promise not to get angry.

Tonight I had a very unhappy moment. I got on the scale and am now the heaviest I've ever been, which okay, what the hell, I'll share. Pretty much everyone who reads is female and can likely understand or at least appreciate how frustrating it is. I'm about 195, meaning I've gaine about 15 pounds just this year. Yuck, how the hell did that happen??

I know I'm fighting genetics. My mother has always been a large woman, and she looks heavy, but she doesn't look obnoxiously obese even though her BMI classifies her as that. She's just a full-figured, large boned woman.

A slave rolls over and accepts the easy excuse of fate.
A man accepts that which the very stars themselves proscribe.
So ideally I'm looking to lose about 70-75 pounds. Though, to be honest, I'll be thrilled over losing 50, and very pleased if I manage to lose anything at all. The biggest hurdle I have to overcome is that I don't know how to eat healthy.

Okay here's a simple solution: whatever you are eating, eat a quarter of it.
Day 03 – Your favourite Final Fantasy theme/song.

This is hard. Unbelievable difficult.

Delita's Theme from Final Fantasy Tactics.
If you didn't pick that you don't know shit about anything.
Final Fantasy music over the years as done everything from motivating me during a workout, to calming me after a bad day, to being the inspiration for a scene and making me write it. I could do a 30 day meme on ust my favorite music from Final Fantasy. Eyes on Me was one of my favorite,

Somehow I'm not surprised the pop abortion from Final Fantasy VIII is your favorite.
Remember like a year ago when I said only girls like Final Fantasy VIII?
All too true.
Oh God all her favorites are from Final Fantasy XIII. It's like she's doing everything in her power to make me angry.
Ohhhh fuck.
Well I think I'm going to go because from here on out it's incessant whining and I'm starting to get a headache.

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