What is the scariest horror flick you’ve seen?
Haxan, I guess.
Gotta pick a silent movie, I think.
Real life.
HAAAAA except real life isn't a movie you stupid cunt.
The thing about doing routine housekeeping on the "Manage Message Settings" page is that, speaking as a philosopher with a particular interest in the nature of the relationship of logical to metaphysical possibility, I actually really do want to be notified if "someone comments on a deleted entry in [info]some_community".
As a philosopher completely disinterested in everything I usually have all those "notification" settings turned off.
I don't even know what "relationship of logical to metaphysical possibility" even means.
All joking aside I'm not a philosopher but I have to assume she's applying "logical" as an extension of things that exist rationally (as in you can prove them through mathematics or theorize they exist through science or whatever) versus "metaphysical" which is typically the attempt to explain how things are or what they're like--
I guess I'm not smart enough to understand this phrase, really, because it still doesn't make a ton of sense to me. I guess she's attempting to use metaphysics as a soft philosophy and logic as a hard philosophy (the idea of "hard and soft" philosophy is ridiculous to me) but that's apparently how this is going.
Because that would change everything forever and my place in history would be secured once and for all.
Your place in history-- what?
Someone deleted a Livejournal comment-- let's not go fucking crazy, here.
I know I don't typically do this but I have to draw your attention to a comment on this entry from "anasognosia" which is Greek for "I'm a massive twat":
Maybe logic is an essentially linguistic phenomenon and coheres with metaphysical possibility in the mediated sense that the logically impossible is nonsense. :/
Am I dying?
Incidentally you will never find someone more anti-this-kind-of-bullshit than me. I'm sure a lot of people will call this ant-intellectual but I fail to see how this will ever produce anything meaningful or relevant.
Philosophy is for shit that can't be proven through math or science like "what's the best method of government?" or "why are people such enormous twats?" or "why does this blog exist?"
It has its place and this isn't it.
Oh God this debate goes on in the comments section and they're pulling something called "Hampel's Dilemma" into it-- I don't know what that means but it sounds amazing.
Oh, Wikipedia says it should be spelled "Hempel", my mistake.
Hempel's Dilemma is a question first asked (at least on record) by the philosopher Carl Hempel. It has relevance to naturalism and physicalism in philosophy, and to philosophy of mind.
Naturalism, in at least one rough sense, is the claim that the entire world may be described and explained using the laws of nature, in other words, that all phenomena are natural phenomena. This leaves open the question of what is 'natural', but one common understanding of the claim is that everything in the world is ultimately explicable in the terms of physics. This is known as physicalism.
Hey I have a dilemma for you Hempel: what's it like knowing you'll die alone for this shit?
Think about it. Girls want a successful guy but he's successful for this shit, something that's sure to scare most sane people away.
So if he stops doing this shit he'll be a loser, but he's a loser because he does this shit.
Here's a post entitled "you can't win" which oddly, despite my personal code and philosophy not containing the words "physicalism", "logic" or such douchey phrases as "metaphysical possibility" it is somehow equipped to handle the "no win" situation.
In fact, the page isn't even loading at this point. I consider this a sign of Zeus.
Have you ever had trouble loading my blog?
Oh it's a joke (I think) that went way over (or under) my head.
My brain and balls are starting to hurt.
Do you believe in the concept of a soulmate? Do you think you've met him or her? Do you ever worry that "the one" got away?
This is a writer's block and I can't wait for the response.
I'm sure it'll be excellent.
There's a quiz on quizfarm.com titled "If you were toast, what would you be?" Well, that's obvious, isn't it? Toast.
No. Not applicable. No. Next!
You know what's a great answer? "Not applicable".
Hang on a second. The question is "do you believe in the concept of a soulmate?" so a response of "not applicable" would intrinsically imply such a thing does exist because it's possible to apply it to a situation but it's just not applicable to you which is pretty much as I suspected: you are unlovable.
One of her tags is "Chaos is tasty" which I'm pretty sure qualifies as heresy.
The expression O(OA -> A) of deontic logic can be stated in English as "It ought to be that what ought to be, is".
I have a new expression. It's a middle finger and it means "fuck you".
Doesn't logic kind of escape the argument when you say shit like "welp, it ought to be"?
It occurs to me that logical notation and poetry both exist to say a certain kind of thing more precisely than prose can...
Because when I think poetry, oh yeah, I think of the grammatical nightmare that is "it ought to be that what ought to be, is".
Seriously I just said that phrase aloud and my hands involuntarily tried to strangle me.
Also I can't think of anything less precise than that syntactical abortion. To what does "it" refer? Isn't that just ultimately a statement that something is the thing it is? Isn't that a redundant statement to begin with?
Fuck it.
Seriously this blog is taking forever to load when I click on each new entry. It's like my browser is asking me "are you sure about this? I'm gonna give you a lot of time to change your mind--" which is thoughtful of my browser, honestly.
This is the meme that goes...
1. Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
2. Turn to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Oh boy.
Let's see who has the cooler sentence.
"The different weapon types are: blast, flame, rapid fire, pistol, heavy, barrage and linked."
-The Warhammer 40,000 3rd edition rulebook
Why was the 3rd closer than the current one?
I don't know.
But in my case we'll have to be more specific than "me" to have a meaningful metric for "closest".
I can be more specific. The stupid cunt that keeps this fucking abortion of a blog.
The problem, you see, is that the books closest to me at the moment are the ones in the crate bookcase under the desk, which are closer to my left knee than any book is to, for example, my hand, or my eyeball. Yet, for any arbitrary point on my left knee there's at least one book in the top crate that's n centimeters from that point, so if my left knee is to be the focal point, then "closest" isn't uniquely determined. I'd have to call it a 14-way tie. That's a lot of typing.
How about this: you get the one that is most convenient.
However, the books close to my left big toe are at least as close to my toe as the ones close to my knee are to my knee, perhaps actually closer, and if the locus of "me" is my left big toe then it's only a 4-way tie. That's a lot less typing.
I believe the locus of you is your face because that's the part I'd most like to hit.
So, for simplicity, let's say that "closest" is defined by proximity to my left big toe. In which case...So after all that, that's your fucking sentence.
- "Still others, perhaps a quarter of the total population, waited passively, ready -- almost happy -- to expiate the sins of the human race." — The Best of Jack Vance
Not even a single mention of the possibility of blast weaponry.
Huh, well, can't say I'm surprised in the least.
I think the trouble I have with [thing] is that... feeling stupid is an integral and inescapable part of learning. It usually means you're doing something right. Too much fear of feeling stupid can be a serious obstacle to one's intellectual development, not to mention depriving you of the thrill of finally getting it.
I feel eternally intelligent because I avoid complete douchebaggery like this.
I don't give a shit if I don't understand math because at the very least I've avoided this sinkhole.
Also I was thinking about the earlier statement of "poetry and logic" and I found some real poetry for you assholes:
Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram;
multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum,
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
It's The Aeneid, you cunts.
It is in Latin, though. Sometimes you have to go to great lengths to divorce yourself from douchebaggery and I currently feel that because the blog I'm reviewing is in English English is now tainted. But I agree to battle the blog on its own terms so I must endure.
Susceptibility to the occasional fit of feeling hopelessly lost also isn't something that ever really goes away, unless, like an exclusive restaurant, an hour comes when your mind is Full To Capacity and any new ideas will be turned away at the door.
Pain is an illusion of the senses but despair is an illusion of the mind.
Also from the Warhammer rulebook.
It's a philosophical text and a board game.
Were I blessed with infinite free time, I'd do some digging to find the first documented use of the word fiasco in reference to the Debian PRNG debacle.
Obviously you are blessed with near unlimited free time.
I use this entry as my evidence.
Before I end this (because I'm not getting into this bullshit): PRNG is a "pseudo random number generator" because computers are unable to generate truly random numbers and so rely on complex mathematical formulas to generate numbers that are to a casual observer truly random.
The most famous of which is probably the Mersenne Twister. I include that because I think it sounds cool.
The only reason I disagree with the term "fiasco", though, is that in my idiolect a fiasco is a disaster so awful it's funny.
Idiolect is right. Idiot.
Jeeeeeeeesus Christ, what a waste.
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