Yeah my life has been a bit strange lately. Anyway I'm sure you're not here to listen to me drone on about boring shit like how idiots don't know what a comma is: you're here to listen to me blather on about how idiots don't know what a comma is on the internet.
Here we have Faithful_Summer (hurrrrr) and I can discern from what I've read of her post (critical analysis yo) that she's a hipster bitch.
Based on the books on your bookshelf, what conclusions would people draw about you?
He was probably born sometime around the year 1450. He owns more than three books with a Maltese cross emblazoned on the side or front so he's probably some sort of Nazi.
No you plebs the Maltese cross is different than the Iron cross. I keep telling you this shit.
Here, compare:
Iron cross
Maltese cross
See? Completely different. Could not be more dissimilar-- all right they're virtually identical.
I like teen fiction, vampires, scifi and classic Lit.
Ever notice that when talking to girls? They'll ask some bullshit leading question that I'm not going to answer because you'll think I'm weird so I just reroute it back at you and your response to "what kind of books do you like?" is "I LIKE ALL BOOKS." HURRR THEN YOU WON'T MIND ME TALKING ABOUT DANTE'S INFERNO FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES. "Tee-hee I don't know what that is!" HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU LIKE ALL BOOKS IF YOU HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE INFERNO GOD YOU SUCK.
Or, even better: "what kind of music do you like?"
"I like all music!"
"Oh yeah? Like Pink Floyd?"
"Dire Straits?"
"Otis Redding?"
This is why I don't talk to people. You trying to be cute and agreeable is very disagreeable to me.
Oh but I'm sure if I had trotted PITBOOOOOOOOOOOOL out she'd have been all over that. Goddamn, you don't have to listen to every shitty song popular radio feeds you. You're allowed to form your own opinion.
My doc is out of town and this certainly doesn't seem like anything I need to rush to get checked out, but it sure is annoying. Since the last weekend of our vacation (starting Sat., Aug. 28th), I have had this bad smell/taste lingering and popping up at the most random times.
Sinus infection shut up it'll go away on its own you don't need to be on everything for every little sniffle you have.
That reminds me of what we were covering today in honors English: run-on sentences. I use run-ons strategically for momentum. Don't cover that shit in 9th grade English. Gotta learn on your own, kids, or they'll ruin you forever.
No one else smells it.No they wouldn't. That's because your nose is rotting.
Now here's a three paragraph essay about a pair of shoes I'm not reading.
I've been home for less than 5 hours. My feet are swelling back up and fast.
EDEMA. Be less of a hambeast~
I'm going to see my doc next week after he gets back from vacation, but I'm honestly getting kind of freaked out. Should I be heading to the ER?
I'm sensing a theme.
What is your favorite weird food combination?
I don't eat weird food combinations There's this thing called "taste coherency" and I think I made the term up but just because shit tastes good does not mean it'll taste good together.
When I was in highschool, we used to eat vanilla ice cream on Doritos.
See this is exactly what I mean.
Oh here's this old gem from a few weeks ago:
Do you think a marriage license should have a renewal or expiration date, just like a driver's license?
and her response is equally brilliant:
Sorry, this seems like a dumb question to me. It's not like you have to take a test to get a marriage license. And once you're married, it's not like your marriage can expire (and they sure shouldn't change it to be that way b/c then people like Zac would continually forget to renew it and things would be chaotic). So why on earth should you need to renew your marriage license?
Now she's talking about a nose piercing and quite frankly

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My back is in bad shape. Has been for ages. I'm sure at least 50% of it has to do with my weight.
Where's my picture of Groucho Marx making a troll face?
It's somewhere--
Ah fuck it.
Now here's 5000000 posts that compromise her Twitter posts. So I'm reading Twatter on Livejournal. I wish there was a single word for the feeling you get right before you cock the trigger and blow your brains out, because I'd be using it right now.
I know, I'll coin the phrase: Faithful_Summering.
How is it that until just recently, I had never heard of the terms "fluid" or "pan-sexual"?
You never heard the term "fluid"? Like a liquid? "Pansexual" is an okay term to have never heard because they made that the fuck up but fluid, really?
What scientific or medical breakthrough do you most want to happen in your lifetime?
Bionics. If you say anything else you're provably stupid.
Easy. A cure for cancer.
PICK BIONICS. STOMACH CANCER? BOOM, BIONIC STOMACH. Also known as "biomechatronics" if you're a fan of words that are impossible to pronounce.
Stem cell research is so nearsighted. So, what, you grow a replacement organ WITH ALL THE SAME FLAWS AS THE HUMAN ONE THAT FAILED.
No, you need enhanced organs.
My ideas are ranging anywhere from Greece/Santorini to Holocaust sites.
I could go to the CRADLE OF ALL WESTERN CULTURE or where some atrocious shit happened. WHAT A DECISION.
I spilled a soda on my phone. Now it is dead. At least, it seems that way. Currently letting it dry out to see if that changes anything. *cries*
You spilled a liquid on your phone, then to see if it was ruined you turned it on? Well guess what ruined your phone, dumbass. Here's a brotip: submerging something electronic doesn't ruin it automatically. Gotta have some sort of current in there.
Way to go, Va. Epic fail.
Oh right, this. I ended up doing my rank 10 Guildleves in FFXIV instead.
Anyway entry over because I don't feel like reading posts about Obama from 2 years ago.
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