To me, little in the world has as much raw soul as Warhammer. Sure a lot of it seems kind of silly and over-the-top but one thing you cannot accuse it of is being phony.
Which brings me to today's blog: what a tool.
AWWW YEAH GOTTA AGREE I'M 14+. In this case I suspect it's a wise idea because anyone under 14 is probably getting stalked and maybe raped and buried under this guy's mom's mobile home.
Yeah I get it, you're creepy and you admit to it (lol so edgy) but you are scum and I'm watching you. Scum.
If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be, and where would you go?
Namie Amuro. Or Audrey Hepburn.
What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.
Still can't find my Groucho Marx picture.
I guess I would take either Vincent Price, or Alice Cooper.
Whatever, fag.
They and I have something i common, we're creepy people, ha ha ha. Where would we go? Up your mother's crotch.
Sick, got me. I guess.
Anyway bro you keep trying to be edgy and I'll tell you when you're finally funny.
Okay, it seems Frankford, Texas and Dearborn, Michigan have been adopiting the creepy Sharia Law, according to an artile I read today. Ladies and gentlmen, the creepy Muslim are starting to come into this country and taking over.
Cool spelling, mang.
Also here's me giving a fuck. If people don't want to stand up and defend their way of life then good, it should be superseded by something stronger.
Also before you (as if this idiot will ever find this) jump on my tits about saying "HURRRR ISLAM IS BETTER THAN 'MERICA" that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying you're a lazy asshole and deserve to be thrown into the 13th century for a bit until you can learn how to not be a cunt.
Now, as an open minded person, and as someone who wants nothing to do with them, based on personal experience not stereotypes, I will be the pacifist and say, just avoid one if you see someone of that faith.
>lumping all people of a discreet category together
You even trying, bro?
Better yet, call the FBI or police on them, picket their places of worship, etc.
Call the FBI if I see a Muslim, right.
Hey, guy I've spoken to a few times in pussy sensitivity class? I know, we got along but I gotta call the FBI on you now because "victorgreywolf" told me to.
Also why the fuck would I picket their place of worship? Are you kidding me? OH NO PEOPLE BELIEVE THINGS. If I'm picketing them I'm going to picket the Christfags too and everyone NOT WORSHIPING ZEUS ALL-MIGHTY.
Who cares if this post is hurtful, this is what people should do. It's the right things to do.
"Right thing to do" is somehow objectively stated. I just need to point to that and you're automatically losing any debate.
Some things are objectively the "right thing to do." For instance, taking care of your fucking kids or staying off your cellphone in traffic but many things (this included) are not objective.
(This goes for the cross worshipping bastards known as christians also, so muslims who read this, don't. flatter yourselves thinking you're so important to be singled out. I'm Christian phobic as well, and damn proud of it.)
Wait, what's your point again?
It is true I don't like Muslim people, but I am not going to stoop to their level, and say that they don't have a right to live. All I want to say is that I want nothing to do with them, regardless.
>don't want anything to do with them
>wants to picket their place of worship

Their way of thinking is meesed up, plus the bad experiences I've had with them are more than enough to make me want to avoid them.
Well I've read several well-researched and -crafted critiques of Islam but I must say this is probably the best. YOU HEAR ME, ISLAM? VICTORGREYWOLF SAYS YOUR WAY OF THINKING IS "MEESED (sic)" UP!
In fact I've read several critiques of all major world religions except, oddly, Greek mythology. NONE CAN ARGUE WITH THE MIGHT OF ZEUS.
Also Zen. Speaking of: gotta write a fact sheet about Zen for pussy sensitivity class. Somehow I don't think an entirely blank sheet of paper with the words "if you can put it into words it is not Zen" will get me a 10/10 despite capturing the essence of Zen as much as you possibly can with words.
School, go figure.
FELT THE TOUCH OF THE COSMOS for this assignment and you give me a 1/10. Why aren't you being culturally aware and teaching equity for me? :(
That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my opinion.
Okay, it seems that an imam and his wife are recieing death threats over a mosque in New York.
America, land of the free where you are free to worship whatever you please--
I say to them, good for you. They have people beheaded and blowing themselves up and imposing their ways onto us, and being as creepy as Musilms are
My college (and indeed the high school I intern at now) has a fair number of Muslims and they all seem pretty laid back. I dunno, guy.
and as bullyish and violent hot heads, I am not surprised they are complaining, especially since overseas, they do these horrid things to us.
Here's a real exchange between me and this Muslim guy at my school:
guy: oh hey!
me: hi how are ya?
guy: can't complain, can't complain
So, now we're fighting back, and that's what they don't like. Do you personally care for those scumbags? I sure don't.
No I don't but don't act like we're on the same side, scum.
If this were the Warhammer world I'd be purging you too, heretic.
Now he's weighing in on that issue where some guy killed himself over a Twitter post (evidently he was outed by his friends who were secretly encountering a homosexual encounter in a shower, which tells me only have sex in private if you don't want it on the internet but I always get the wrong lesson from things) and I'm sure this'll be good.
Okay, so it seems that a student in New Jersey killed himself when an encounter between him and a man showed upo on twitter. Zounds, right?
Not really. I mean if gay sex evokes a "zounds" from you I'd love to show you some of the shit I've seen on the internet in my time.
What exactly happened is a mystery to me, sicne I didn't see the video,
I saw it and let me tell you: you're not missing much.
Of course I've also seen several graphic suicides, a guy cutting another guy's head off with a hatchet and some other shit so you know maybe I'm a little desensitized.
but it could've made him famous, right? Who knows, me might've had a career as a porn star,
Well maybe but I'm sure he killed himself over being outed over the internet and the accompanying shame he felt, not over his lack of porn skills.
Hey, he might've had guys coming to him, and wanting a bj from him, but unfortunately, he's dead. How did he die?
I don't know about you people, but I think he could've cashed in on his skills.
If it were a girl, I know she would have guys coming up left and right for somerthing like that. I know I would love a girlfriend like that.
Also, yeah: you want a girlfriend "like that" meaning a girlfriend with a cock.
Deal with it.
Okay, the topic of discussion to date is the cyberbullying. I mean, you can't really control it, especially since the bullies are on a computer, un-monitored, so they can pretty much do whatever they want, right? And as far as sexting goes, well, kids will have to learn about it sooner or later, right?
You're right. Time to lock down the internet. You freaks are too free and easy. You need some adversity to make better people out of you.
I mean, possible solutions to sexting is to remove the text features from cellular phones, or not to allow kids to have them, right? I mean, if kids don't have those things, then they can't be targets of it.
As far as kids being bullied, there is one full proof solution to prevent that:
Well sure, but now that you've had the kid now what?
As I've stated in the unplugged writers block, I've never known an atheist that has molested a kid,
I'm sure it has happened. Surely the Papacy doesn't have a monopoly on pedophilia.
Hey, as far as the shooting at say Columbine, and Virginia tech, I have mixed feelings about it, especially since I was bullied also, so I feel the bullies got what they deserved.
And the other people killed in these massacres?
I know I'm supposed to be shocked and horrified (or laugh "ironically") at this but man, this is pretty weak. Gotta up your game, bro.
The victims are fighting back, and to the parents of the bullies who were killed, I am laughing at you, and your kids, because they brought that killing upon themselves.
Goddamn it you pussies you're going to get picked on in school. Everyone does. Live with it.
They don't even need a reason to pick on you.
Now he's weighing in on Lady Gaga. This is good, I think the world and especially Lady Gaga need this idiot to share his opinion.
Okay, first talking about the guy who killed Lennon, and now, this Lady Gaga is it?
... What?
"Okay, first talking about the guy who killed Lennon"-- what?
Nope, reading it for the seventh time and it's still not making sense. WHAT DO I DO NOW, 9th GRADE REMEDIAL ENGLISH THAT DRILLED THE "IF YOU DON'T GET SOMETHING, READ, READ AGAIN" MANTRA INTO MY BRAIN?
Who the fucking hell cares, so she has problems, right? Does it affect my life? Fuck no.
For someone who says "it doesn't affect my life" a lot you sure seem bothered by a lot of shit. At least pretend it's tangentially related to your life for sake of reader interest, Christ.
See that's why my "here's me giving a shit" joke works because you're all worked up about nonsense and suddenly there's a guy not giving a fuck about the thing you think is so important you need to devote at least three poorly written paragraphs.
I mean who cares about that whore cunt, right?
Also a quick search on Wikipedia unearths this page so I'm guessing quite a few people care about her. Note this page is separate from the Lady Gaga main page. This is just her page of awards and nominations.
I mean, I don't know what is more shallow, her or religion of any kind.
I dunno if you've ever read a religious text before but most of them contain at least one relatively profound thought. That's one more than I've seen from your blog, anyway.
Why do people worry about a celebrity. Shouldn't we be more concerned with other things?
Yes we should. Why don't you start?
Imagine your first chart-topping album has just been released. What sort of music is on it? What does the cover art look like?
Well I couldn't carry a tune even if I had a handle so I'm going to assume this is a hypothetical alternate reality where I can sing. In which case I'd probably record this album.
I would say the kind of music strippers dance to, or the kind that gets the mojo in bed going.
Bro I'm looking at the mugshot that is your avatar and you're not making music that women will be doing anything to besides macing you.
Also I have a slight problem with the title of this Writer's Block ("Sultans of Swing"): Sultans of Swing was not an album by Dire Straits, it was a single. The album was the eponymous "Dire Straits" and was not an immediate commercial success.
Anyway I think that's it. Feel like doing something better with my time.
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