Today's Writer's Block is some fuck, speaking of which:
What do you think happens after you die?
Doesn't really matter what I think, does it?
Well you're dying anyway so I guess you'll find out regardless.
How can you even begin to have confidence in your response? Even if you did know the answer, how would it affect your life right now?
Ultimately, you can't and it probably wouldn't.
I know how I'd like for it to go
first stop - purgatory
not a good nor bad place, just a stopover as your current expired life is reviewed by higher authority
Nope don't care.
Also I'd like to point out in a cosmological model that involves purgatory usually the people who were neither good nor bad (or good for impure reasons) end up in purgatory. It's not really a holding tank because an omnipotent deity doesn't really need time to sort you. Here's another question:
If you were given the chance, what one thing would you tell the entire world?
and his response:
Fuck off and die
So edgy, man.
What is your ultimate dream job? Do you think you'll ever live the dream?
dream job = Salma Hayek's personal body waxer and shower loofah
... Why in the fuck would you want to wax someone's genitals? What has to be the matter with you to think of that?
Of all the things you could do to her why does your mind immediately go to body waxing?
will it happen = sadly, no, unless the universe really decides to smile upon me
If there is any justice at all the universe will swallow you whole for that nonsense.
Why do people care so much about the private lives of celebrities? Is it idol worship, schadenfreude, or something entirely different?
So check this out, right: I hit rank 21 armorer and I can finally make bronze haubergeons reliably. I don't understand how I'm selling these things as fast as I am because by my calculations everyone on the server has 10 of them.
I know I have one in every color now.
I'll go with something entirely different
it is because people are too goddam dumb for words ... the politicians regularly rape us, school systems are failing,
>calls other people dumb
holy shit.
Look who commented:
victorgreywolf wrote:
Aug. 17th, 2010 01:16 pm (UTC)Lindsay is a real creepy person, right?it probably would be, but then we'd never know it happened, right? Celebrities suck.
Remember Victorgreywolf?
Wow that's so weird that I found a totally unrelated blog and they're actually friends. What are the odds?
Also Lindsey Lohan may be a creepy person but she isn't half as creepy as you, man.
long long ago, in a land far away, I used to be a regular at Wolf Trap ... haven't been in a while
Huh, he lives kind of close to where I used to live. It's like stuff in real life is affecting Edie Finds a Corpse now.
Husband's note on refrigerator for wife:
Someone from the Guyna Colleges called.
They said the Pabst beer is normal.
I didn't know you liked beer.
Better pick up some extra.
I had to read this three times before I got it.
Woooooooooooooooooooow also fuck you I have trouble hearing people sometimes.
Goddamn this idiot keeps posting pictures of his cat but they're THE SAME FUCKING PICTURES. How fucking dumb do you have to be to do this shit?
May is the official Zombie Awareness Month of the Zombie Research Society.
Shouldn't October be the official Zombie Awareness Month, all xD randum bullshit aside?
Why Not October?
Despite common misconceptions, Zombies - and the threat they represent - are not connected with the late October pagan tradition of Halloween.
people are really taking this whole thing way too seriously
like the folks that are claiming the movie 'Avatar' is racist, going off on some tangent about how it depicts white people wanting to destroy things just for money and having no care about people they may hurt ...
Well I can't say I'm surprised people missed a self-righteous allegory when it was right in front of them but I'm pretty sure (without having seen the movie) Avatar is supposed to represent a small period of American history.
Also the point in time where I go to see a 3D movie about blue furries is officially the day I return my testicles.
Tiger Tiger Tiger ... ~sigh~ ... as Bugs Bunny would say, "what a maroon"
it isn't just the cheating, it is the base level dishonesty and the whole celebrities are better than the little people bullshit that gnaws at me ... celebrity worship is the real core reason for the collapse of our society ...
Yeah, all that economic shit? Doesn't matter. People magazine is our undoing.
Also you may notice I'm dealing with ancient history now. It was really hard to find an entry not pertaining to the weather for a solid 3 month period there. I know you guys had like seventeen feet of snow in Old Country last year but come on.
So here's our "Friday Funny" and it's the LONGEST FUCKING JOKE EVER CONSTRUCTED.
I'm not reading this.
and for anyone who has never read it, I recommend "Johnny Got His Gun" by Dalton Trumbo ... written in 1938, published in 1939, it's anti-war message is still clear and relevant today
Spoilers: it turns out he lost his face and all his limbs to German artillery.
There saved you some time.
Still not as good as All Quiet on the Western Front but whatever.
Now here's a political rant that I'm sure will make for informative and entertaining reading.
feel free to just move along
Thanks I might just do that.
I am sick to fucking death of politicians bringing god into the act to explain their inept vile actions.
Sarah Palin is yet another in a long line of ignorant assed bible thumping clueless degenerate whores, unable to keep her own house in order, but thanks to god, feels qualified to tell you how to handle yours ... she is a religious zealot, probably because she is simply too fucking stupid to have any real reasons for her actions in life.
Anyone know a high level blacksmith on Lindblum, incidentally? I need iron nuggets.
Oh they're only blacksmith rank 13 if I'm making them from limonite, which I incidentally have the most of, I can swing that--
Religious zealots are evil and dangerous, regardless of which god is allegedly talking to them. Whether it is some narrow minded shithead Christian,
Iron nuggets and iron ingots take fire crystals, though. then iron wire takes 12 fucking fire shards and 12 wind shards.
preaching evil from the pulpit and having his minions protest at funerals of military members killed in action or the narrow minded shithead Muslim, preaching evil from the pulpit and having his minions fly planes into buildings, both shitheads are cut from the same defective zealot cloth
Then iron rings take 12 earth shards and 6 wind shards, and iron chain takes a whopping 20 earth shards-- I don't have this kind of material.
One no better than the other, just merely a different level of evil, but evil nonetheless .
What does an iron haubergeon even require otherwise?
iron chain vest and sleeves which come from iron chain undoubtedly, brass buckles which I can make--
another sheet of iron chain--
dodo leather strap, hmm. I can make those myself--
Undyed canvas. I wonder how much that costs?
That's pretty much the only thing I can't make myself.
And as history has shown, there have been many vile hateful murderous things all done in the name of god, so maybe this god thing is where the problem is.
20k, about.
Iron haubs only sell f0r 200k--
Given bronze haubergeons sell for 100k and I can get the cloth made or, if worse comes to worst, buy it for 6k, that doesn't seem like a great deal given the incredible increase in consumables it takes not to mention the premium I'd have to pay on canvas--
If only I knew a high level weaver.
Oh well I don't have the 7000 earth shards required to mass produce these so I guess it's kind of a pointless argument.
So fuck you with a crowbar Sarah Palin, you stupid Barbie Doll cunt .
Although I have tons of earth crystals and I know a high level alchemist, maybe I could get him to split my crystals into shards.
Or, shit, I have alchemy at rank 10 maybe I can do it myself.
I wish you every evil and pain ever discussed and described in the bible to be inflicted upon you and your entire family,
Alchemist rank 11. Better get my bro to do it instead.
Don't trust succeeding at something when I have the requisite ranks, let alone being one below.
If I had a radiant earth moraine I could split 1 crystal into 32-64 shards.
so you may go to your grave knowing it wasn't god speaking to you, but merely the wind whistling through your empty ignorant skull
Two being sold on my server RIGHT NOW.
Oh right, you. What are you talking about?
Oh you stopped.
Well I guess that's about it for me, then. I might have to hunt down radiant earth moraines or perhaps I'll just stick to bronze. I'll have to look at my inventory when I get in game.