Thursday, October 30, 2008

Better Update

I was thinking about updating today but I decided to play Fallout 3 instead so the update is a little delayed.
So here we are.
Today's blog is entitled community of socially unappreciated otherkin types.
What must one do to be appreciated by society? I'd say having some sort of benefit on society. So, holding a job (or being independently wealthy) and paying taxes pretty much covers your bases. Or you could be in school, or do some sort of humanitarian work.
Then there's these people. Otherkin. What's an Otherkin? An Otherkin is to furries what furries are to normal people. Furries cut dickholes in their mascot costume and fuck each other in any open orifice. I get that. Otherkin, on the other hand, think they're elves and vampires and possibly even ogres and fairies.
Where do I go from here? It's like a group of socially maladjusted 16 year olds all came to the same independent conclusion that they're going to watch Queen of the Damned 15 times in a row while high on meth.
While that's certainly how I enjoy my Saturdays (although I prefer to substitute Queen of the Damned with Fist of the North Star or maybe Road Warrior) I can appreciate the concept.
Like several anorexic blogs (and furry blogs) this is actually several people posting on the same journal so don't expect any continuity.

I just joined this group. I am a vampyre, or at least a vampiric entity.

That'd be an awkward conversation with your parents. "Mom, dad, I'm a vampire"
Then they stare at you blankly for a few seconds, then a moment of silence, then fifteen seconds of awkward laughter followed by silence until you retreat to your fucking vampire lair bedroom to play Marylin Manson (or whatever the fuck I don't know) at three quarters volume while making yet another frivilous post on your Livejournal about how no one understands how special you are and how much you hurt.
Am I right?
Also I like how he says "or at least a vampiric entity" like he doesn't know. Here's a simple test: do you have a reflection? If yes I have some bad news. You're just a nerd who wears too much black.

I have found lately that ideas of myself held since early adolescence may be wrong.

You know, like when they told me I was human. BECAUSE I'M NOT I'M A VAMPIRE.
Oddly, I didn't join this group for insight about myself, but for a person I care to understand better. We have been friends a short time, but we've grown very close. He is demonkin.

Odd Couple: Bat Edition.
I've read that they tend to be rather chaotic and that they also vary greatly, so I guess getting any infomation that would relate back to my friend would be unlikely.

Ha, ha, ha, ha
Then there's an event (complete with real guest speakers!) convering such fascinating topics as:

The Vampire Archetype in Media, Culture, & the Real Vampire Community

Oh, the vampire archetype in media versus REAL vampires. The first part might be vaguely interesting if it was told by someone with actual insight and education.
Attendance is restricted to members of TWILIGHT only.

Oh shit wonder if I can still get tickets? I'm clearly a huge fan.
Hey guys. Any polmorphs out there? I feel so lost. I havent been able to meet any shape shifters like my self.

Yet the only thing I seem to be able to turn into is a fat nerd in his mom's basement.
i guess I just started realizing that there was a scary number of similarities between me and vampires... not the fictional vampires... but the real-life ones...

Yeah, you know, like Dracula and Twilight and other real vampires. Because I've totally met them before. In the mall. They shop at Hot Topic like me.
My name is Lucian. I am part Noble Vampire part Noble Seelie, or part Nobe Seelie and part Noble Un-Seelie.

Again I'm reminded of the furry paradox. If all this was true (it's not but for argument's sake) wouldn't you occassionally find someone who wasn't a vampire? Wouldn't you occassionally find someone claiming to be like a satyr or something stupid?
I know I may be biased, having played with the idea of being Drow before giving it up in favor of possibly being some other kind of dark elf from mythology,

Yeah because mythology (real mythology, not fucking Forgotten Realms shit you fuck) is just brimming with dark elves. Idiot.
They have a retractable, prehensile penis that resembles a very long, green tapered worm and can lift up to 15 pounds.

That's how all the ladies describe me. Prehensile penis that can lift 15 pounds.
To top it off, I fit a lot of demon characteristics...

Oh, like goat hooves and horns and a pitch fork?
I'm a loner
I can be brutally honest at times
I have a very strong sense of pride
I have strong sense of honor, but I'll ignore that for my even stronger sense of freedom.
I'd rather observe something than take part, not out of fear...but out of interest.

A couple of months ago I had a dream that I suddenly transformed into a dragon, in the medieval era - I asked one of my friends, she said that it might have been a past-life memory.

I remember all those historical records of dragon attacks in the dark ages.
But I also know that I have unnatural pains in my upper back and sometimes in my lower back as if I support wings.

Sounds like anxiety. If your wings hurt that would imply you... Had wings.
I have a theory regarding people who are psychic or have somewhat adept psychic tendencies.

I'm ready for your thesis, doctor.

My theory is that these people use both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.

Mmm I'm fairly certain all people, contrary to how they might seem, do that. I think there's something in the brain called a Corpus Callosum that facilitates this.
I might be totally wrong, though. I mean I'm not a psychic vampire like you, but I have had biology and psychology so I think that might be the case.
i just wanna say a few things. YOU ARE ALL FREAKS! ok heres an idea: live in the real world. yah see, thats what normal people do. shit if u have to make up "otherkin" just too feel socially accepted then you deserve a severe ass kicking. wow, so funny.

Best post ever.

I identify with many pieces of anime,

Yeah I'll bet.
I'm 12 hundred billion years old, and I know Exactly what I am and where I came from. I'm a mixed race of vampire, werewolf, the blood of a thousand demons, pixie, elf, pheonix,and dark faerie.

That's really old.
That's 12,000,000,000,000,000,000 years old. That's roughly ten thousand times older than the entire universe. I guess that answers the "multiverse or endlessly exploding universe" debate those stupid physicists with their math and science have been trying to solve, huh? Also I guess even 12 hundred billion year olds can't spell phoenix.
Hi... My name is Aruel, and I'm a Youma.

Are ya?

That’s a kind of demon, for those who didn't know.

Yeah, thanks. I guessed.

Even the 'freaks' think I'm freaky.

I wasn't kidding about that "furry to a furry" thing.
Ugh. I don't even know what to say after this.
I guess that's it.
Oh by the way I got a response from that guy/girl. He said he was a mitochondrion and reproduces asexually, so that cleared that right up.
So if you see my favorite cell organelle, be sure to tell him to split some good stem cells for me.

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