Friday, October 24, 2008

Thanks bud

Today's entry is a typical pussy cunt douchebag FAGGOT.
I used all these words because she specifically listed them as things she hates, and I live to please. How do I know this one is worth typing about? Well, just look at the title. What's the mark of a good title? Well I might suggest humbly that Edie Finds a Corpse is a fantastic title. Something like that will most likely be passed over by me as an unlikely target regardless of its actual content but when I see "I often repeat myself" with a subtitle "and the second time's a lie" well, think of me as a wolf (not in a furfag way don't get excited) and I just picked out the limping, small deer in a pack of huge fucking... Bison.
I don't know this analogy is getting a bit tangential.
I decided a couple months ago that once I told my parents about the whole gay thing, I would have a Coming Out Party!

Any excuse to throw a party, huh?

I told some girls on the rugby team about it, and they were totally supportive and excited.

You're on the rugby team? Your parents already know.
Man, mornings suck balls.

Not that you would know, oh ho.

I am posting twice in one day. That makes me either a badass or a lameass. I pick bad.

Really? That's funny because I picked "lame".
I'm obsessed with "Living Room" by Tegan and Sara lately. Such a good song. If you haven't heard it, you should give it a listen... just once.

Is that a challenge?
I can weather any song.
Wow. Wow.
No, no I can do this brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I MUST ENDURE. That was the longest three minutes of my life, and I listened to Celine Dion cover Shook Me All Night Long.
Dedication is something you can't fake. It is frustrating when new girls join the team and then a month (or a day) later think that they know everything and try to teach other players how to do things... badly. Realize your place.

Ah ha, one of the smartest things I've read on a blog that wasn't mine.

If you have any interest in the LGBT community, I say you should check it out.

I don't. Wishing no offense to any gay people, I couldn't care less.
I've spent the last 15 minutes staring into space and reading other people's journals--mainly people I have never met and have no connection to. It is amazing how easy I am to judge anyone, and not even know a thing about them. From what little I gather about a person, I am able to fabricate their whole being in my mind.

I don't know what you mean.

Last night, ten of the girls from the team went out dancing, which was rediculous.

Here's her list of "ten things she could live without".
I find top ten lists the ideal place to judge a person, because nothing shows how shallow they are than their top ten or bottom ten of goddamn near anything.
  1. (most) men
  2. student loans
  3. Cosmopolitan magazine
  4. characterization of patriarchy-questioning, unshaven, vegan feminism as a bad thing, or as a necessary "I'm not that kind of feminist" disclaimer
  5. men calling each other pussies, douchebags, fags, gay, etc. and not understanding the problem with it
  6. bacon
  7. those "Marriage is Better" ad campaigns
  8. female anti-feminists who buy that male sexism shit
  9. women on the prowl for a new man all the time
  10. Sarah Palin (see #8)
The most perplexing one, to me, is number 3. What did Cosmopolitan do to you?
Also my intro is explain by number 5. She shouldn't have a problem with me because I understand the problem with it and do it anyway. That's why I tell the jokes, people.
Yesterday, they all participated in a Gonzaga hate-fest, which was fine.

No, you're butthurt. Lay it on me.
But to make fun of our decent basketball team when you school has no sport even close to its level is really ridiculous.

No it isn't. Sports are dumb and I'll make fun of anything I goddamn well please. That's the beauty of living in America-- I think there's a document that guarantees my right to say it. I think it's called... What was it... The Constitution.
Could they even think that everyone within hearing distance might not be a giant Whitworth fan or would that be too much brain power?

Good Christ it's not like they were making fun of your sexual orientation or race or anything actually offensive. Just a goddamn school don't be so pretentious.
Obviously it was just about a silly sport, but they still need to be careful.

But by your own admission it was just a silly sport, so what's the problem?

The things they said were degrading against the university and over-stepped the sports line.

So? I say mean things about basically everything, even my own school.
I like my school, though. It's a fine institution. Still, I make fun of it because it's my nature.
Making fun of a Catholic institute and religion is not cool—not matter what you believe.

No, no matter what you believe, holding anything as sacred is stupid. Why can't I make fun of religion? Why is religion afforded more respect than, say, a political affiliation or any other club or group of people?
Besides, if you, personally, are Catholic and derive some sort of comfort or self worth it shouldn't matter what anyone else says about it, now should it?

Earlier this morning they made fun of men who wear kilts.

Kilts are ridiculous and if you think they're cool you're just as ridiculous. The entire ensemble (with that dumb beanie) is silly and the Irish are silly for still wearing it.
It's 2008, dress accordingly.

Why would you judge people because they wear a skirt?!

Why are you judging me for judging them you stupid bint? Street goes both ways.
What issue is that of yours? Why must you judge every opinion on the planet?

Ever heard the myth of the scorpion and the cow? No?
Well go look it up I'm not here to educate you goddamn.
Only disgusting and uneducated people are so close-minded to make fun of other groups. I really wish I could just tell them where they can stick their goddamn Whitworth College diploma…

Oh you're so educated and so much better than them.
You know what's fucked up?

Ugh. No, what?
That women are so some expected to take their husband's last name, if/when they get married.

... It must be so nice having nothing to worry about.
That wasn't rhetorical, either. I'm saying it is. I know because she worries about irrelevant, stupid shit.
Like me.
Personally I think there should be an official council that decides the hierarchy of last names, and whoever has the lamer last name has to take the better name. Shit, then everyone will eventually end up with the same last name as weaker names are replaced by superior ones. It'd be like Highlander.
And for women to be like "oh, well that's the way it is" is so fucking ridiculous. Enjoy your life of pathetic, man-filled grossness. I'll keep my last name, and my brain entacted.

Good Christ it's just a name. Statistically speaking she'd just be replacing Smith with Brown anyway, so what's the big deal? It's not like there's a law forcing her to do it, or anything.
So many straight people don't even fucking know what it's like to have to make a way for yourself in this world.

Not even sure what that means. Maybe my stupid heterosexual brain can't comprehend her superior homo ways.
Oh! And the library only has, like, two lesbian novels. Fucking stupid and fucking sad. Open up for your fucking eyes, pricks.

Why don't you just read normal books like a normal person? This may sound cold and uncaring (because it is) but maybe you should try fitting in more if you want to, I don't know, fit in. Which seems to be the crux of the issue-- you go on and on about how gay people are discriminated against (which is true I'm not saying it isn't) but then you need your own section at the fucking library? Seems a tad hypocritical, doesn't it?
In all ways that are important you're just as bad as the deeply religious. Not everything has to revolve around your sexuality, for Christ's sake. I've met plenty of gay people and most of them have normal concerns just like any other person, contrary to everything you just described. In fact, save for the fact that they boned their own gender (unlike most other people) they were basically identical in every way to ANYONE ELSE. So get over yourself, would you please?

Middlesex is the story of an intersex coming out, yet so much more. Greek mythology,

Hmm. Shit might be so cash for that last bit.
I've been getting these headaches lately. They're getting worse and more intense. I don't like it.

I know what you mean. I seem to get them every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Think it means something?
I feel like my chest is about to explode, like everything in my heart isn't real and I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.
I can't focus.

My brain is somewhere else, having its own eyes and focusing on something else.

Holy shit, did a man named Kenshiro just punch you? If so, you're already dead.
Well that's it everyone go home.

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