Thursday, August 21, 2008


If you're around my age you probably remember all the Lifetime movies you had to watch in high school health class (because they'd be goddamned if an entire day would pass without a movie) about anorexia. The one my class had to watch starred an aging Wonder Woman and some bimbo. I have a sneaking suspicion there's an entire closet filled with similar-but-slightly-different movies.
While Wonder Woman went on to voice all of the women in Morrowind and Oblivion (fine video games, a bit of an acquired taste) and the bimbo went of to do... Whatever it is she did, time moved on.
I think Lifetime should revisit the anorexia theme, though. It would be an easy story. Newly-divorced mother takes daughter to new town (San Francisco, that way you wouldn't have to pay extra for not filming on location) and she has trouble adjusting until she finds a website just like this.
Seriously this website reads like every Lifetime movie watchers' nightmare. Apparently these girls, when they're told that perhaps taking in large quantities of food then sticking a feather down their throat and purging it all back up might not be the healthiest decision ever take to the internet to share their woes.
Also purging secrets.
A recurring theme here is beautiful women as their avatars. I guess if you purge enough you, too, can look like Audrey Hepburn. Not likely, but hey whatever.
So here we go:
on another note...

jello = 10
Yogurt =25
Chocolate = 35
OTHer shit = 50
Broth =10


outtake =
6k biking = -200

total = 230.
i was gonna binge cuz of my hair
but then the scale said 141
so i was grateful.

141? You're doing it wrong.
I'm sorry I'm posting so much. I was just wondering how everyone else's parents react to their eating habits. My mom is so proud that I've lost so much weight and recently she seems to be looking disappointed whenever she sees me eating. It could just be all in my mind but I feel like she wants me to be even thinner. My step-dad gets upset when I don't eat but my mom always defends me. Does anyone else have similar parents or are mine weird?

You're projecting. You personally are disappointed in your weight, but since the world MUST REVOLVE AROUND YOU you project that onto your poor mother.
One more thing. I generally don't let myself have more than 300 calories on a normal day. Sometimes I let myself have 500 but not usually. I've read that only eating that much can actually stop weight loss. Is that true? How much do you guys usually take in? I don't think I could eat more than 500 calories without slipping into a binge or making myself sick (like just sick, not purging) but I just want to know the facts about it.

Well, you see, when you're starving to death your body converts anything it gets into fat to prevent, uhh what was it... Oh that's right. Death.
Every now and then I try to be normal. I try to forget my E.D. and just eat like everyone else. As soon as the food reaches my stomach I feel sick. I had my first real meal in weeks a few hours ago and now I'm so bloated that I look 4 months pregnant. It hurts so badly. I never want to eat again, it's just not for me. I want to be clean and simple and thin. I can't stand this. I hate the way I think and act and am. I'm trying so hard to be positive. I'm trying not to take laxatives but I feel like I need them. Tomorrow I'm starting a 3 day fast. I'm not weighing myself until I'm done.

Yeah damn the eating elite.
Also the reason that happened is because your gut flora and fauna are so fucked up from the flood of laxatives and purging your body doesn't know what the fuck. It should go without saying but only eating 200 calories a day and not even letting those digest properly isn't healthy.
Also I like the line "I never want to eat again, it's just not for me." Like it's a hobby or something. WELL I TRIED THAT KICK BOXING CLASS, BUT IT WASN'T FOR ME.
One thing that my blog layout may render not-obvious is the color choice of this blog. It's a white background and all food is in white, making it appear as if it's invisible. You have to highlight to see the food.
I guess they're trying to make the food "go away" because they don't want to eat it. Or eating isn't for them.
One thing I've noticed is while most people might plan their day around some sort of events or set of events, like going to school or work, these stable ladies plan their days exclusively around food.
Even normally enjoyable events are often overshadowed by food, like this one girl who mentions in passing going to her boyfriend's house. What she focused on was not what should have been an enjoyable (albeit boring for me thanks for not droning on about it) event, but instead the fact that she had to eat pizza.
Maybe that's why they have to binge. They're like Pacman: any food they encounter THEY MUST EAT.
Next is a multicolor resolve to not eat all day.
Which isn't hard. Shit I could do that standing on my head.
i really really hope i can do it!! i have the willpower to control it, but i am going out tonight and tomorrow night so i hope nobody forces me to eat.

To me, "willpower" would be the power to control these obsessive thoughts plaguing every waking minute of your day, but maybe that's why I'm not crazy.

I met this guy and he's super hot and I'm totally into him, but he's so skinny! Honestly. I weigh 123 and he weighs 130.
Apparently, she wants to "get" skinny for him. Which, honestly, depending on her height she could stand to lose a couple pounds.
What? It might be true.
I fast and only eat low amounts of calories. My legs are HUGE and MUSCULAR because of soccer.

Anyway, I wanna be skinny for him (please don't tell me it's wrong I just wanna do it)


Ha, ha, ha you have fat legs. EASY ON THE CUPCAKES.
Sorry. Isn't that good therapy for anorexics? Give them conflicting signals about their weight constantly?
I'm pioneering a new form of therapy.
i won't let this get me down,
i will be beautiful.

Time to root yourself in reality. Even if you waste away to nothing it still wouldn't make the unfortunate structure of your face better.
Me: 1
girls with no self esteem: 0
They just got DESTROYED.
Quickest way to loose 20 pounds in less than 2 month possiblee right?? how?

Take an English class.
What? It's not like you'd know. It's true. Trust me.
Today has been okay so far, but I can never tell how it will end. I tried to stay in bed as long as possible so it's about 1:30PM now and I've only had water.

So you don't eat, and to ignore the hunger pains, or to avoid trying to eat or whatever you stay in bed forever.
Seeeeeeeeeeeeems healthy.
I'm suddenly worried my mom might say she thinks I have an eating disorder. I don't know why I'm suddenly worried about it since I never was before, but I'm really, really nervous now.

Because it's the truth?
Well this is shocking. A MAN, ON THE ANOREXIA BOARD? Every 1 in 1000 cases of breast cancer affect men, so I'm sure it happens here as well.
I don't lose weight so I get people's attention.

You're lying. You're just upset everyone isn't showering you with praise.

I do it to make myself feel happy and accomplished.

What a pointless accomplishment. So you wasted away to nothing. What did that gain you? With all that wasted effort and torment you could actually have something to show for it by now.
Let's say it isn't even the most useful skill you put it towards. Let's compare it to something I do, for sake of fairness: let's say you put the same amount of effort into painting these little Warhammer figures.
not excited to start college?

The only thing I like about school is that I don't have time to eat.

Maybe you're taking harder classes than I, or maybe your schedule is filled with enriching activities (doubt it) while I spend my evenings saying mean things about strangers on the internet, but I have never been so busy with college that I had no time to eat.
Even at my absolute busiest with college, and that involved a math class, calculus no less, I still ate at least twice a day.
stiiiill hungey, 2 hours ti i lveave for work, 9 til bed, 6 til the gir goes to bed,i can just lay onthe couch with headphone on after she goes to bed, i will stay strong,beenon edge for 4 hours

I bet I could roll my face around the keyboard and come up with more coherent sentences than this.
To prove this wasn't just an off post either, here's one of her comments:
my calroie counter ,com, its amazing, u can put ur nimimun daily intake as low as you want!!

"nimimun"? What are you, two? I bet even I didn't bungle words that hard when I was a toddler.
Seriously with all this wasted thought on food you could have at least been coherent at English by now.
My roommate, Ana moved in today. She's so petite. And she's got great collarbones.

Hmm maybe I have odd taste in women, but one thing I certainly wouldn't think to look for is "great collarbones". Unless I turn into a vampire or something, then that is relatively close to the neck so that may be a pleasing feature.
All right that's all I have. It goes back and back forever, but it's starting to repeat itself a lot so whatever.


Anonymous said...

this is almost hypocritical. I remember seriously thinking that you might have an eating disorder what with how little you ate, what the range of your diet was, and how you talked about eating as a "chore."

also I win the game here because I eat junk all the time and I still weigh ~130

goldones said...

I eat junk food all the time too and I only weigh like 132. Also I don't eat when I don't feel like it. Do what I want.