Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Litfags are curious creatures. Always going on about some... Thing.
There are a few garden varieties of litfag, as well as a few that occur only in the wilds and haven't yet taken to domestication. Many scientists theorize this is due to the common pesticides employed by local farmers.
Here is today's specimen.
There are those who are almost fanatically devoted to literature, those who can't do anything else so they do that, and those who do it because it makes their balls feel big.
Then there's this guy. This guy, I think, is one of those who haven't yet been domesticated. This is the writing litfag. HE HAS A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF LITERATURE AND HE MAKES MONEY SELLING STORIES. Also he'll remind you constantly that he's selling shit.
Of course when he posts how much he gets for it you no longer feel envious because it's something like two pence on the word (yeah he's British).
well today it suddenly clicked in my head, that people who dislike me (or are jealous of me (wink wink)) refer to me as 'weird', and people who like me call me 'eccentric', and I've never been called 'normal.'

I'd call you an asshole. How do I think of you?
So I didn't spend my weekend planning my dissertation as planned. I drank a bottle of wine the night before, tried to go to salsa which wasn't open, and woke up late today as a result. The Writers Guild this evening was good, although only three of us turned up this time.
On the contrary, many of the greatest dissertations were written after missing salsa after a bottle of wine.

Also it's worth noting I'd never join any guild ever unless the words "World of Warcraft" appear before it. Seriously people, it's 2008. Guilds are an outdated, dark age institution. Time to get a new word.
I don't even play World of Warcraft anymore. Time to update that gag.
Wednesday, August 13 has a post about a scary dream. It's as long as all of my entires put together, though. For a writer he certainly doesn't know how to edit his thoughts.
(This is the second time I've had a dream about someone eating dead birds.)

Wonder what that means.
Anyway this goes on and on, but there seems to be an oedopian motif running through the whole thing that's kind of creepy.
I am finding this environment absolutely impossible to work in. This evening I set myself the task of proof reading my whole novella so that I can begin the research for my commentary tomorrow.

Maybe he actually doesn't have everything turn out perfectly the first time he writer something, but I never proofread. Fuck it. It takes me fifteen seconds to proofread something. It goes like this:
That's it.
He spends aproximately three paragraphs bitching about the "noise" pollution and how he couldn't finish proofreading because of it. One might wonder how he found enough mental clarity to post that instead of just, I don't know, skimming a few pages?
But whatever. Also he lists his current music choice as "(I'm Always Touched By Your) Presence Dear - Blondie". I'm not too familiar with Blondie music, mostly because I have ears located somewhere on my head, but it seems to me if you're going to bitch about "rubbish college rock at full blast" you should make damn sure you're listening to something good.
Like right now I'm listening to George Harrison. IS ANYONE HERE GOING TO ARGUE WITH A BEATLE?
This may have been very well avoided by saying "but I have a bizarre taste in music so my opinion doesn't really apply to anything on earth because I am driven by a cold, alien logic unknown to your species."
That's my usual excuse, anyway. I have to use it when I explain how I can have George Harrison next to Kajagoogoo on my playlist.

when I received a message on deadjournal concerning my ex. I won't post it here, because it contains information of a private and delicate nature, but from what I can gather, it was written by a jaded lover.

Don't worry, reader, as long as you are here you can be assured I will saying nothing interesting and instead post about the Writers "Guild" meeting number 79.
Many people may think that contradicts what I said yesterday about having class and not posting about shit like that, but he didn't really not post about it, did he (double negative)? He mentioned it, almost as if to rub it in our faces that he is interesting but when and how he is interesting is none of our business.
As for myself, I'm perfectly content to pass my days peacefully on my own, with a book (not Don Quixote) and a good period drama, with social drinking on weekends.

What's wrong with Don Quixote? Sure it does tend to drag a bit but at least it's not fucking MOBY DICK.
and then if it's not too late, read some of the detestable 'Don Quixote.'

Maybe he read a different version than I did, but I thought it was all right.
Tomorrow a man is coming round to buy my PS2 for £50

You're losing out. Although you are in England, so enjoy playing Soccer (football, whatever you people call it) simulator MXVI and still no Persona 3: FES. I think it's coming out in October for you. At any rate enjoy the extra arbitrary six months tacked onto the development time.
Also Persona 3 is better than most books I've ever read.
That's right, I said it. The very medium that prides itself on literary achievement (books) fails to a video game, designed for entertainment. HOW DELICIOUSLY TRAGIC.
That's what you should be doing with your PS2 instead of getting drunk on that money (as cited later). If you were a real litfag you'd play that game.
I would read, but 'Don Quixote' is as boring as ever. I can't wait until I finish it and start my next book, 'The Odyssey.'

I'd get through Don Quixote as fast as possible, then. If there was a list of "greatest literary achievements in no particular order" it would read like this:
  • The Odyssey/The Iliad
  • Persona 3
But then again, my tastes rarely run alongside those of the masses.

Yeah you're so smart you can't enjoy that Dark Knight movie because it's for the peasantry.
I haven't seen it but it seems like no one can have a blog and not mention that movie at least twice. So here are my two references: The Joker, Batman.
There we go.
Some hours ago I wrote an extremely vile and disgusting DJ entry which I have since banished to the privacy vault for all eternity. Those unfortunate enough to have already read it will no doubt have formed a very negative opinion of myself by now. What I wrote was completely out of character, and I can not account for the reasons behind writing it in the first place.

Some people may read that and say "well that's good of him" but wait a minute. Instead of saying "I POSTED LIKE A HUMAN. I WAS ANGRY AND FUCK YOU." He said he fell "out of character".
Surely everyone plays a variety of characters in their personal lives. However, on the internet you should probably just post what you fucking think (sort of like how I do) instead of "playing a character".
If he is playing a character, as he suggests, that means he's TRYING TO BE THIS FUCKING BORING.
I hate to make a bid for people to be "more realistic" in their posting since people can only post how they think, but at least try to be more interesting.
Hell, lie of you have to. Lying, contrary to what they tell you in school, is a great way to keep social situations moving.


NygaardBrian said...


goldones said...

Ringo is my favorite living Beatle, though.

Anonymous said...

In the alternate universe where Buddy Holly ended up the day the music died, the Crickets were better than the Beatles.

I'm not sorry.