Friday, October 5, 2012

You fucking people are ridiculous

45.3% of Livejournal users reported wanting a Pulitzer over an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy or Tony award.
I can't say I'm surprised because you need a personality for the others but you can have 0 personality or talent and hide behind the excuse of being "so deep and complex" and delude yourself into believing you'd claim a Pulitzer.
Personally I wouldn't want any of those shitty awards. I'd rather win the triple crown of scifi awards:
Hugo, Nebula and Philip K. Dick Award.
Only one book in history has managed that and it's Neuromancer.
And here we go for our "Fuck Off" Friday.
I found this tripe through the ONTD_P article "The Kissing Sailor, or 'The Selective Blindness of Rape Culture'".
It's that picture from WW2 of the sailor kissing that nurse and apparently they didn't know each other when he just grabbed her and kissed her.
Prepare for impending buttmad.
It seems pretty clear, then, that what George had committed was sexual assault. Yet, in an amazing feat of willful blindness, none of the articles comment on this, even as they reproduce Greta’s words for us. Without a single acknowledgement of the problematic nature of the photo that her comments reveal, they continue to talk about the picture in a whimsical, reverent manner, “still mesmerized by his timeless kiss.” George’s actions are romanticized and glorified; it is almost as if Greta had never spoken.
Why does anyone give a shit about this? A woman got a surprise kiss (she wasn't actually raped) 70 years ago.
Worse shit happened ten seconds ago.
In a way, I understand this. The end of war is a big deal, and the euphoria felt throughout the nation on that day is an important part of American history.
The end of WW2 is "pretty important".
As far as I know the order of important events goes as follows:
The Fall of Rome
The Third Crusade
I don't even want to ask what registers as "really important" in terms of history.

For so long, this photograph has come to represent that unbridled elation, capturing the hearts of war veterans and their families alike. The fact that this much-loved photo is a depiction of sexual assault, rather than passion, is an uncomfortable truth, and to call it out as such might make one seem to be a priggish wet blanket. After all, this sailor has risked his life for his country. Surely his relief and excitement at the end of the war is justified? Surely these are unique circumstances? The answer to the first question is yes. He is perfectly entitled to be ecstatic. He is perfectly entitled to celebrate. However, this entitlement does not extend to his impinging on someone else’s bodily autonomy.
The guy probably shot like 500 Japs in the Pacific and this is our memory of the guy.
He kissed some woman against her will who probably would have anyway if he asked her.
Listen, bro, you were a drunken idiot and it wasn't cool probably but all right let's pretend it didn't happen.
15 years ago during sex ed class at school my class mates and I were taught that grabbing someone and kissing them is not funny.
This was 70 years ago and black people still weren't allowed in the same schools as white people.
These were different times. Stop pretending like people from then should be as enlightened as you claim to be.
Anyway time to review blogs.
so, ive been thinking about the lords lately, partly due to new stuff, and partly due a book i brought. and ive got a strange surgestion
Motherfucker isn't being cute with his (her, its) spelling. That is how bad it is.
currently, the clammor is for an elected lords. the problem is, people want a lords thats both elected and expert. this is, to put it mildely, unlikely. an elected lords is proberbly going to be filled with PPE people like the commans

its also, of corse, full of old goverment hands who will back the goverment in all chances

i surgest cutting the politcal. currently, cross bench peers are chosen by a commite of said peers for there knowlage and skill.
Jesus Christ, man.
You bought a book?
heres the things. im not gay. im not looking to get married. and so in meny sences im more or less disqulifed.
I'm about to disqualify you from writing with a shovel if you don't fix this bullshit immediately.
then, theres "changing the purpose of marrage". im genunely intriged. what is the purpose of marrage? to ensure a male eire to the family line? its cool, the commenwelth agree, its strait succession now. to have kids? well, lesbian couples have artifical insimantion. gay men are, alas, denied such a direct rout, but adopt, and love children, like meny couples.
Just stop.
I'm not even wasting time explaining the purpose of marriage when you don't even know how to spell the word.
Look, maybe you have a learning disability or you're doing this to piss me off--
I don't know.
Plz go.
then theres all the stuff i cant examin. im in no postion to question the use of words. for starters, im fairly relaxed on such things.
Fairly relaxed on the use of words.
final food for thought. when my friend got her civil partnership, she called it marraed. i call it marrage. her other half is her wife. i ask after her wife, as her wife (ive an awful memmory). if civil partner ship is de facto marrage in public consunes, why not make it de jure?
Civil partnership is neither de facto nor de jure and I really don't know why I'm explaining Latin to someone who thinks "many" has an e in it.
i belive magie thatcher once said, without the Bomb, there would have been no peace in eroupe.

i have little doubt she was right

mankind faught a war so white hot with rage and fury in the second world war that it exausted the arsnales and manpower of most of the world. it was ended with the atom bomb.
... You seem to think the Pacific Theater and the European Theater were somehow married at the hip.
You do realize Hitler lost the war well before the Japanese gave up, right?
but if there were no atom bomb, what then? i have little doubt that the cold war would have turned white hot.
... There wouldn't have been a Cold War in the first place without the nuke because the only reason the war was cold in the first place was to avoid a nuclear apocalypse.
hey live journal! i'm looking for someone who might be willing to give me honaste opions about my poetry, so i can pick lives and what dies. anyone up for this kind of thing? there are some bits that exist atm, but this would mostly be on an going then whenever i achuly spat something out.

thanks :)
Kill it all.
tomorrow (today, ed) im going to hang around from 7 AM for applinces to arive. i picked carpet, and payed for half of it, and ive got the boiler saga contuning (it dosent work, no ones done anything to it, its got no crttificate)
This guy is British.
I thought British people were supposed to be good at spelling.
ive been watching ghost in the shell: stand alown complex, and along with a resent entry im reading about plagruem from the net and peoples views of it, it made me wonder...
cybernetics is a field witch is alot borader then most people give it credit for. 
Oh yes.
You, semi-literate idiot, tell me about cybernetics.
a friend and i were talking in a car discuesing cyberntics and implants. he complained that we havent gotten that far yet. but i think we have. we are already a million times more advansed then 1910. in writing this, i have, or will have visisted wikipedia, google, yahoo, the way back machine, and meny other things. cybernetic relships are a part of out lives, a highly visble, and yet invisible part. the artical about pagrism is one example. the information is out there, and so easy to find that its literly childs play
Unrelated to cybernetics, I'm afraid.
Are you sure you know what cybernetics is?
further more, comptuers intrude in to every part of our lives. we have a highly symbotic relship with smart phones, for example.
Highly symbiotic.
So without the phone we'll die?
Some people might act like it but no, I'm sure that's not the case.
we were looking for a pizza express, so i go off, find out where we are, and then we put the post code in to the smart phone. hey presto there we go. not far off cyborgs when you think about it.
No I'm pretty sure installing that technology directly into your brain so you can control it with thoughts is a pretty huge hurdle we won't see the technology to achieve or the end of the ethical debates of doing so in our lifetime.
Nice try though, idiot.
 of course, some others have gone further. a number of people have implaned RFID tags under there skin, like finger prints, only elctronic. my friend surgested that this could revloutinise commerce. all i could see, saddly, was the screaming as "OMG WTF MARK OF THE BEAST" was screamed by fundies in the us. but there we go. im a synic. 
Not sure you're allowed to make fun of anyone after reading this blog, dude.
Also I'm not sure if a subcutaneous chip counts as a cybernetic augmentation.
I can't read this.
Jesus Christ, dude. Pick up a spelling book.
Also learn what a cybernetic augmentation is you fucking dipshit.
Jesus Christ.
Using Google on your smart phone doesn't qualify.
If you can't see the difference between this and this fucking kill yourself.
im not a very good writer,
If you had me alone, locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you have me do? 
Get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops.
All comments will be permanently screened because it's a secret. Then repost this in your LJ. You might be surprised with the responses you get.
And no one posted a comment.
For once Livejournal shows some discretion.
recently, ive been thinking about free speach and censorship

free speach is a consept enshrined in a great meny pleaces, including the US constion (first amadment)
The first amadment.
My favorite part of the constion.
Learned all about it in histre class.
govermunt class, pacifecly.
now, a while ago, i was in a debate about free speach. i argued for speach without harm (the majority postion), witch is to say, provided the words "lets go kill some people" never left your mouth, your alowed to say it. the edges of this are up for debate, but the prinsble is simple. 
I've adjusted my stance on free speech. Excuse me, FREE SPEACH.
Everyone has the freedom to say whatever they wish except this guy.
hello internet

thought you ourght to know

passed my degree (With a third, not great, but...)

so, i now damand i am adressed at all times as red pill, phil BA hons! :D XD

all things consdered, im very pleased :)
BA honors.
Guess a Bachelor of Arts isn't worth anything.
Anyway fuck this I'm going to do something else.
P.S. I still quit.

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