Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I spent over a half hour hunting for this and you better goddamn appreciate it.
Nope you do.
Meanwhile guess who has a 4.888888888888888888888888888888888888/5.0 rating on the substitute teacher website!
Thanks for that one 4/5, asshole!
Oh also let's back up real quick and comment on the entry I found this shit through.
Study claims women change who they vote for based on whether they're ovulating or not
Needless to say the buttsore was intense.
You can middle mouse click to open a link in a new tab.

C'mon, am I the only one who didn't know that?
I learned this when my mouse first acquired a middle button.
That was what, 2004 or 5 or something?
So yeah, welcome to the stone age, retard.
So smart comments on Reddit exist and I'm saving this one because I want to marry it.

"A big problem here in the US is the combination of drug prohibition, poverty and racism creating fear in the population by creating criminals where there really aren't. A lot of police (and large parts of the population) develop a disdain for suspected criminals to the point they are dehumanized. Even here, you'll see tons of people who are more interested in revenge than justice and don't see criminals or suspected criminals as humans - allowing very extreme forms of retribution to be rationalized.
... Don't do the crime?
I mean fuck off, if you break the law then prepare for retribution.
I'll agree most drug laws are fucking stupid and if it were me I'd sell drugs to the people and tax it heavily but then again not everyone has my incredible insight and wisdom.
I really think birth control pills need to be available without a prescription. That is all.
I really think birth control should be SHOVED UP YOUR ASS :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
My boyfriend remarked to me without any hint of negativity last night that he didn't know skinny people could have cankles in regards to my legs last night. I'm sure it makes me kind of a shitty feminist that I cried over that. The internet tells me that Jennifer Aniston and Miley Cyrus also have this horrible affliction. I just can't believe that 1. I cried over something so stupid (oh no, I don't have well defined ankles!) and 2. no one has ever pointed this out to me before, which kind of contradicts 1, why would someone point out something so stupid and insignificant? But then from what I can tell I'm suppose to be very insecure over this.
Also caring about your appearance doesn't make you a shitty feminist.
You're probably a shitty human being but that's pretty incidental to this current discussion.
Like what does that even say? If you're a feminist you automatically can't care about your appearance?
Can you care about your appearance if you're doing it to please other women?
I mean what the fuck?
I'd be at Comic Con right now if that shit hadn't happened with Eddie and I guess if I was a bigger person, or even a decent person, or just not a big giant baby about everything. That really sucks. :(

Yes I know there's a big lack of context here.
Why bother adding context?
My readers can eat shit.
What is your opinion of the death penalty? How important is this issue in deciding which political candidates you support?
I think it's ace fucking pro and should be applied consistently and swiftly.
Only three first world countries apply the death penalty regularly:
South Korea
and coincidentally those are the only three countries I'd consider living in.
I think it's completely barbaric. The justice system should be about removing people who can't follow the rules of society by imprisoning them, but the death penalty makes it about revenge.
Then there's this asshole.
Sometimes it is about revenge.
So a guy rapes and kills some woman.
I know you're a feminist so this has to get you extra angry (even though I consider all murder equally heinous but that's just me).
Can't bring the woman back from the dead so the only thing you can do is AVENGE THE DEAD.
To take that additional step once someone is already behind bars? I don't get that. I understand that some criminals are particularly heinous and will never regret what they've done. But the point of imprisoning them isn't so they can repent, it's to keep society safe or at least it should be, primarily. 
So you admit the purpose of prison isn't to rehabilitate so why keep them around?
It's not like they'll live meaningful lives behind bars or contribute to society--
you might as well execute them.
Saves everyone resources.
Seeing people actually clamor for the death penalty just disturbs me, especially when innocent people have been killed. It's an issue I consider when supporting political candidates but I'm not an one issue voter. That said, I don't think it's likely that someone who supports the death penalty would feel the same way that I do on a lot of other issues I care about (ex. as far as politicians go supporting the death penalty and not supporting abortion rights seem to go together) so it's highly unlikely I'd ever vote for someone who supported the death penalty. 
For the death penalty
for abortion
And I've made it to the start of this blog, too.
Why are they all so shitty?
So many shitty blogs to review--
So many shitty fucking blogs--
Why are they here? What's their purpose?
I can't imagine the cunts that write them are entertained by doing so--
Can they be?
What a disturbing thought.
Anyway fuck all this shit.

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