Monday, September 17, 2012

Ottowa Politicos

Let's do that thing where I just comment on ONTD_Political because I'm too lazy and impatient to find a blog plus there's a story I want to comment on.
An armada of U.S. and British naval power is amassing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons program.
Can't wait to see how America and Israel are evil in the comments.
I mean they are but that doesn't make Iran the good guys.
Basically what I'm trying to say is by the time you're talking large organizations everyone involved is basically evil.
Big groups of people are evil. It's just the way it goes.
Ohhhhhh no. No no no no no no. I have a bad feeling about this.
Yeah thanks for that one, Yoda.
Large naval blockades give you a bad feeling. Let me just inform the Jedi Council--


This is bad. This is very very very very very very bad.

Iran, US, Israel-- a bunch of dumb sluts on the internet have determined your actions are bad and are using cute words spelled wrong to underscore how bad you are.
I think you should think carefully before you continue your power plays.
This is ridiculously irresponsible and could drag the whole region into war.
Yes, the relatively stable and peaceful Middle East could be dragged into conflict over this.
Hey wait--
.... really? Really?

What on God's green earth would make anyone think this is a good idea? Jesus fucking Christ.
Iran threatening the West's only stable and friendly foothold into the Middle East (AKA oil) with nuclear weapons?
That's probably why.
Because the threat of retribution--
in theory--
will prevent Iran from pulling the trigger.
It's like in EVE Online when a neutral guy goes through my corporation's territory. You don't immediately shoot him but suddenly there are 50 dudes in dreadnoughts surrounding him and it really deters him from taking hostile action and then shit's really tense for like 3 minutes and then it's over and we all go about our industry.
will today begin an annual 12-day exercise
this is probably a stupid question, bue is this sort of exercise some done routinely or really something out of the ordinary? I mean, is it a recent decision taken due to the current situation or something that has been planned a while ago?
God you're fucking stupid.
It's not a real exercise. 
"Military exercise" sounds a lot better to idiots like you than "navy blockade" because "navy blockade" sounds like a military action but an exercise is like training.
Also it's another way to show to Iran that the West doesn't mean actual harm but they have to remind them who has the bigger dick.
Here's a story where some gay guy got kicked off the football team because he kissed his boyfriend in front of everyone--
then it turns out the boyfriend is 65 and this guy is 18 and ONTD_Political isn't sure what to do because they have a butt fucking love (literally and figuratively) for gays but they're also a bit grossed at the considerable age difference.
That's why the coach is saying he was kicked off because he lied about it.

If you say your partner is your grandfather then maybe that's a hint he might be too old for you?
I dunno.
Good luck convincing the special snowflakes on ONTD of this.
Or maybe that's a hint to mind your own fucking business over other people's choices of partners?
And one pretentious twat adds:
And another:
When I introduce people to my girlfriend I say she's my daughter.
Anything wrong with that arrangement, ONTD?
I wonder how ONTD would handle my troll-fu.
And if he hadn't lied, I bet the coach would have been super understanding and would never have kicked him off.

Also, maybe he said that because people are fucking homophobes.
I know. That's why I have to introduce her as my daughter.
No one except Oingo Boingo.
I don't know about this. The age difference really bothers me.
The fuck does it matter, though
??? 65 year old dates 18 year old.
Ok let me make this less appealing for you snowflakes:
65 year old white man dates 18 year old Thai girl.
Evil white man dominates innocent PoC girl!
I'm not down with pedophilia?
No one gets it, bro. Literally me and you are the only ones that wonder when this relationship actually started.
Ok, but both of them are adults, so what does pedophilia have to do with this?
Because I doubt seriously this relationship just formed.
So because of his age he's more likely to have dated this teenager before he was legal?

Receipts pls.
Sometimes the members of this community can be so self-righteous that they refuse to read. Stop trying to pick a fight when there isn't one.
Sean Smith, 'Vile Rat' Of 'EVE Online' Remembered By Online Gamers
Bro got podded irl by terrorists.
Should have brought the cloning vats.
Sorry is this insensitive? 
Ohhhhh goodness.
Time for bed~
good night.

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