Friday, September 14, 2012


Had to miss Wednesday but unlike usual I have a good reason.
I was busy reinstalling Windows.
You know how those hard drives are, man.
One minute you're sitting there and the next you realize your hard drive could die at any second because the writer head is that worn out--
ha, ha, computers.
I also took the opportunity while I was in there to upgrade my graphics card because it's starting to show its age a little bit. Also I wanted one that ran cooler than the temperature of a small sun.
Currently I have two instances of EVE Online open, Youtube, FFXIV and Guild Wars open just because I can and the hottest thing in there is 51 degrees centigrade.
I am awesome.
Also all of these things are running at at least 30 FPS-- except FFXIV which barely works anyway--
I blame the new event in FFXIV, honestly.
I don't know what they're doing. I guess they figure the game is basically shutting down in a month for 2 months so they better go out with a bang but they're giving away shit I had to really spend a lot of time getting.
Kinda makes me wonder why I bothered in the first place.
At least with EVE Online I know the company that makes this game, CCP Games, hates its players as much as I do so I know they'll never do something like this.
In other news, unexplained phenomena with my new install of Windows:
all music randomly cuts off after about 3 minutes (iTunes skips to the next song without prompting, a problem of the back up itself I suspect) aaaand Youtube likes to buffer endlessly.
I can't add this gay Korean girl band music to my iPod because then I'll look gay so I have to listen to it on Youtube. Come on, help me out here.
I seriously suspect it's a problem with Youtube and this is all just a huge coincidence.
Oh right, blogs.
Ha, ha--
Today I'm doing something a bit different.
We're going to ONTD.
Yes, the shithole that spawned it all--
Amazingly this entire blog is basically pop culture news yet everyone is as whiny and self-important as ONTD_P. It's really kind of breathtaking.
I don't know why but I honestly didn't expect this level of pretention about Carly Rae Jepsen.
... If you don't know who that is you might think you're living under a rock but believe me, it's a rock worth living under.
Rapper Tweets About Driving Drunk Minutes Before His Death
Too bad the world lost this brain trust.
At 1:40 a.m., McKinness died in a crash in Ontario, Calif., at Creekside Drive and Haven Avenue when the 2005 Nissan Sentra ran a red light, skidded out of control and slammed into a wall, according to the San Bernardino County Sun. The car wound up in the backyard of a home. Marquell Bogan, 23, and Dylan George, 20, both of Ontario; Jonathan Watson, 21, of San Bernardino; and JaJuan Bennett, 23, of Rancho Cucamonga were also killed in the crash.
Oh man, come on, now. Fucking up a guy's yard?
That's fucked up.
Sherlock Holmes gets his zillionth update, this time with Jonny Lee Miller (“Eli Stone”) playing Arthur Conan Doyle’s timeless sleuth as a recovering addict whose British tycoon father ships him off to Manhattan for rehab.

Lucy Liu plays Dr. Joan Watson, a disgraced former surgeon who’s been hired to act as Sherlock’s 24-hour sober-living companion after his detox.
Lucy Liu playing Watson--
I'm going to ignore I've never run into an Asian person with the last name "Watson"--
Are you really adding anything to the character by making him a woman?
The point of Watson was he was this smart, cultured dude without much of a personality who could be the reader's everyman in the story.
You know, like when everyone is this autistic super sleuth or master thief--
you kind of need someone who knows what's going on but is more like the person reading it to explain it in a way you'd understand--
changing the character's entire makeup is really distracting and entirely unnecessary.
I can't believe I just implicitly stated "really smart and cultured" means the average reader.
But you get where I was going.
I guess if you're reading Sherlock Holmes in 2012 you're either a dumbass fangirl of this shit show or you are of above average intellect so I guess it almost stands.
No it doesn't.
TBH, (and I say this as a huge BBC Sherlock stan) there are parts of Elementary's interpretation of Holmes that I like better, and feel are closer to the actual ACD canon Holmes.
by "actual ACD canon Holmes" she means "the guy who wrote the actual fucking books and not this hack drama".
If you're going to get an Asian chick to play Watson (and believe me I can see the logic in replacing some aging British dude with an Asian chick) why not get a hot one?
Wishing no offense to Lucy Liu (like she's reading this) she's kind of the safe white person option for an Asian best friend.
I have a list of way hotter women you could have easily picked from.
I even have some older ladies if you (for whatever reason) have to cast an older woman.
And before any of you chucklefucks argue "they wouldn't draw viewers like Lucy Liu" I doubt seriously she's drawing much of a crowd in the first place so shut up don't even do it.
Cops are alarmed by the pics we posted today showing Amanda Bynes behind the wheel and smoking what appears to be pot -- and several patrol officers tell us they're now on alert because they fear her driving habits have turned deadly.
... But I see no reason to prevent her from driving.
The officers we spoke with -- who don't want to be named -- say the pics explain a lot about Amanda's alleged hit-and-runs. One cop with many years of experience as a patrol officer tells TMZ, "She's on the same road as my wife and kids and I'm scared about getting a call in the middle of the night that my little one is dead."
Carly Rae Jepsen is not a one-hit wonder; "Good Time," her happy-go-lucky duet with Owl City, has already washed that fear away, and new single "This Kiss" has a great chance of finding the same success.
Color me surprised.
Not that "Call Me Maybe" wasn't as brilliant as it sounds but come the fuck on.
With Sylvester Stallone's laughable take on the 2000 AD lawman still fresh in the memory, Karl Urban's Dredd strode purposefully into UK cinemas last week – and wouldn't you know it, he punted Stallone's Judge helmet-first into oblivion. Could Dredd be the form guide that shows how you really pull off a reboot? Let's break it down, step by step.
All right, look, ONTD. So far you're being far less insufferable than ONTD_P (because I'm avoiding the comments) but don't underestimate your ability to get on my tits. I still don't want to hear your evaluation of the grim darkness of the far future.
Sylvester Stallone's drokking awful Judge Dredd movie took everything about the 2000 AD character that was great and ignored it; in other words, it was the perfect example of what not to do when it came to giving Dredd another run around Mega-City One. If Stallone had never squared up against Armand "LAWWWW!" Assante back in 1995, we wouldn't realise how great the 2012 Dredd movie is in comparison.
Oh boy, there's a statement that just fills me with confidence.
"If the 1995 Judge Dredd movie wasn't such shit we'd have no way of knowing the 2012 one is good!"
A reboot should be your chance to put right what once went wrong, not just another excuse to milk a popular franchise. Most studios will ignore this point in favour of cashing in on brand recognition – that's the cheap and nasty way to make a reboot. If you're serious about wanting to make a proper fist of it, read on...
... Yes, because the "cyberpunk and dystopia nerd culture" is positively bristling with popularity these days.
It was a thing that was vaguely popular in the 80s and is more known for its influence than popularity.
Because, you know, I'm sure everyone is plenty familiar with 2000 AD magazine.
And Warhammer?
Ask anyone and they'll tell you all about what's up in the year 40,000.
Or fuck, name drop William Gibson and see where that gets you.
Blade Runner?
Tons of people have seen this CLASSIC MOVIE.
I'm not making fun if it, either. People should be familiar with these things.
William Gibson is as influential to scifi as Wells, Asimov and Herbert but still this is hardly the type of thing, as marketing executive, that I'd say "oh yeah here's something I can sell to the average idiot."

Step 2: Listen To The Criticism
This shouldn't need to be said, really. If you've followed Step 1 and are rebooting something in desperate need of a new paint job, then you're going to want to make sure you figure out what was wrong the first time around so you don't make the same mistakes. For example, in Danny Cannon's Judge Dredd movie, Stallone was accompanied throughout by 'comic relief' Rob Schneider – a man so unfunny his profession has to be listed in 'sarcastic quote marks' at all times. 17 years later, and you can count the number of jokes in Karl Urban's Dredd on one hand. You live, you learn.
... You should be able to count the number of lines of Karl Urban's Dredd on one hand.
Or fuck it, let's simplify: if the helmet comes off they missed the point.
I'm going to this shit and the second I see that helmet coming off I'm walking the fuck out.
I expect to be in the theater for fewer minutes than dollars I spent on the ticket.
Similarly, Stallone's Dredd spent more than half the movie with his helmet off – sacrilege for fans who'd grown up with the character since 1977. Fast-forward to today's Dredd, and all you can see under that helmet is Karl Urban's chin – which manages to out-act Stallone all by itself. This time around, the filmmakers knew how to treat the material because they'd listened to the criticism of the first movie and started their version off on the right foot. You've got no excuse for not listening to disgruntled fans in today's online world – Lord knows they have enough channels through which to vent their frustration.
Part of the reason Karl Urban got the role of Dredd was because he understood the necessities of the character (the helmet MUST stay on); part of the reason Alex Garland wrote the script was because he's been a fan of the comics since he was a boy. These are people who care if the source material is mishandled – no one here is taking the money because they want their names and faces plastered on the sides of buses. Trust in talent and, hopefully, you'll be rewarded with a movie that sells itself. And hey, interesting actors are usually much cheaper than popular ones. Speaking of the budget...
Still not sold.
Words cannot express how deeply skeptical of this movie's quality I am.
The temptation when rebooting a movie is to flex your muscles – to go bigger, brassier and bolder than what's gone before. However, throwing money at your movie is not always the right way to do that. Danny Cannon's Judge Dredd had a budget of $70 million (pretty pricey in '95) and saw Stallone flying through CG cityscapes on his bike, dodging exploding buildings and fighting giant, animatronic robots. All of that for a 15% rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Fancy special effects and pyrotechnics count for nought when your entire movie is a punchline.
Because nothing summarizes cyberpunk or dystopia more than "big, brassy and bold".
So what I'm getting from this review is "it didn't miss the point of Judge Dredd as hard as the Stallone movie" but that still doesn't tell me if it's any good or not.
Oddly for a visual medium like comic books Judge Dredd never struck me as a comic that could handle the transition to the big screen well.
A lot of the symbolic value in Judge Dredd is lost by having it in motion and in color (and no, not even black and white film would have helped) and I know I sound like a huge nerd talking about the symbolism of Judge Dredd but fuck off if you care about this movie in the first place you're a huge nerd faggot.
... Apparently Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 91%.
91% from critics, 95% from the idiot audience--
the greatest movie of all time got a 94% and a 92%, respectively, so that means by this logic it's one of THE BEST MOVIES EVER.
No, not buying it.
What kind of fucking guy gave "For A Few Dollars More" a rotten rating?
What kind of immense dipshit hates that movie?
The fact that this film is constructed to endorse the exercise of murderers, to emphasize killer bravado and generate glee in frantic manifestations of death is, to my mind, a sharp indictment of it as so-called entertainment in this day.
Holy shit.
I guess that's the kind of immense dipshit. 
Oh right, off track. Comments about the Judge Dredd movie:
well, i think the point is that it stayed true to its comic bookiness. like... comic books are pretty ridic at their core. i think the recent batman movies have led to a trend towards self-seriousness in comic book movies, and that's a pretty bad trend.
Did you just compare Judge Dredd to the Chronicles of Riddick you vapid twat?
Also I just noticed the full name of this movie:
Dredd 3D.
Here's a thought for cinema in 2012:
How about instead of making the movie 3D you make the characters fucking 3D?
I saw this movie when it was called "The Raid". it was p awesome
Oh no way, man. The makers of this shit wish they could make a movie half as awesome as The Raid.
I saw that movie based entirely on "I didn't know Indonesia had electricity, let alone a camera" and I was pleasantly surprised.

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