Monday, September 13, 2010

I Ain't Even Mad

When you have a name like "Flirting with Pretension" you're not allowed to be angry at them when they do indeed turn out to be pretentious. What'd you expect?
Also, the elephant in the room: yes, you have to agree at the start and at every post that you're 14 years or older. Because, you know, posts about how pretentious you are and how delicious noodles are is really shit for the mature audience.

I'm going to write a paragraph now. I'm keenly aware how pretentious and presumptuous this paragraph will be, and it is somewhat embarrassing.

"I am already aware how bad this paragraph will be and yet I will continue to write it and post it for all to see."

Like three-fourths of middle class America, I want to be a writer. That is to say I AM a writer--as the tens of thousands of written pages will attest to--but I would love to be published and paid for my work.

I write a lot : I am a writer :: I own a roll of stamps : I am a stamp collector.
See what I mean when you sound like an idiot?

I am a senior in a Creative Writing/English major, and I'm planning on grad school.

Yes, because truly creative, marketable ideas come from the creative vortex that is college. If ever there was a place where good ideas go to die, it is college. It's like a black hole. Sucks all the mass right out of whatever you have going in.

If I've added you to my friend-list, it means I enjoy reading what you write, find you interesting, want to subscribe to your newsletter, whatever.

I see we've come to understand how the friend list works. Also why mine is empty.
I maintain several filters, but I manage most of them. If and when I trust someone enough that they could be on a sensitive filter, I will ask them if they want to be.

A highly complex system of filters ensures your reading experience is tailored to your skill level. Is this like Oblivion where I use magic and blunt weaponry in the tutorial so the guy at the end says "by the looks of you, you must be a skilled witch hunter, am I right?" and it's really cool to see the AI is that advanced.
Then you realize it's literally only advanced for that one little section of the game and the rest of the game is clones talking about how much they enjoy buying items from the shop owned by their clone.
Anyway, back to the system of filters.

Sometimes (though less and less lately) I post something that might be controversial. I WELCOME debate in these matters,

And this was posted in 2025, so I guess we have some time before this happens.
... I feel like I've written that before.
Now we have the writer's block of the day question. Are you excited yet?
Well you better get that way:

How do you think personal relationships would change if people could read minds?

I think absolutely nothing would be different.
>Implying most people are paying attention to anyone but themselves
>implying implications

Yeah, I don't have writers block. I haven't had writer's block in ten years thanks to Dorthea Brande. However one of my friends puts these up regularly and today's struck me. Not the question really, but her answer made me think about other things.

Great. So?

Because I think this touches on something that actually isn't totally speculative and IS changing within our culture. As the internet and social media sites basically erode our ability to compartmentalize our lives--a trend that shows acceleration if anything--we face a new lack of privacy between the spheres of our existence.

No one is making you use Twitter, asshole.

When our boss can check out our politics and look through our drunken weekend photos and our grandparents know what we're up to, times are a-changing.

Unless you, you know, don't post those pictures to Facebook.
Am I the only one with common sense anymore?
Am I going insane?
I catch people in lies. Pretty much everyone I know I've caught in a few lies. I have a really good memory--far better than most people realize or give me credit for. (There's a reason I can read the textbook once and ace a test.)

Oh, so what do you call people like me who never read the textbook and ace the test?
I guess we're just psychic is the thing.
The point is, I very quickly adjusted my view of lying as a big bad and adopted a much more world-as-I-actually-experienced-it view of integrity, morality, trustworthiness, etc... My social contract changed.

What does any of this have to do with the question asked? Also: can you believe Pokemon Black and White hasn't been leaked yet?
Here's an in-depth review of Neuromancer, one of the titans of science fiction.
Despite evidence to the contrary in the opening paragraphs, this is a very informal review of Neruomancer.

I don't really-- I think we're in for some shit.
Slowly but surely, against the current of books I must read for school not to mention this horrific development I've discovered where they surround the ENTIRE New Yorker short fiction work with these totally interesting articles like that's why anyone would buy it--I mean seriously they're okay, but they're not great; I'm going to read this one about Afghanistan before I read the short fiction, which is really the only reason I bought it and then I'm.....damn, this is actual quality journalism here.

Which is more than I can say for whatever you call this word-diarrhea-on-a-page.
And other than having a real highbrow, prescriptive tack on grammar, they're pretty cool. Seriously though, you really CAN use myriad as a noun these days; I promise....

Oh um....where was I...?

Doesn't the phrase "where was I" imply you were somewhere to begin with? You just start vomiting words out at me and no one knows what's happening. Maybe you should start again?
What I'm getting at is that I can see the relevance of what Gibson creates. I actually did post-structuralist homework, and I know a bit about the work and why it is considered so important.

I guess this is why we're different, you and I, Dice_Dork (great). You see "post-structuralist" and roll with it and use it in your writings, meanwhile I try to do everything to forget the term exists.
Somehow, in trying to avoid filling my brain of fuck my brain is filled with even more fuck.
What he writes after here I have no idea about but I certainly wouldn't call this a "review" of a book entitled "Neuromancer" by a man named "William Gibson".

There's a bit of my friendslist doing the take-a-picture-of-yourself-right-now meme. I sort of wish I knew how to work my camera and upload photos and stuff.

Yeah the Livejournal interface is so hopelessly complex. Why, you might even have to Google something!

By the by, peeps, I'm not even going to TRY to catch up on LJ, so if there's something you want me to see from the last five days, please let me know specifically.

Too much shit going on in the vast world of Livejournal? That'd be the first time in ever.
The pains taken to make her look soft and supple though she was actually hard as steel struck me as a metaphorical chiasmus to femininity.

What? I actually had to stop and reread what you wrote. I am in awe at how much of a cunt you are, currently. If ever there was an anti-cool equation, you just discovered it.
A lot could be said about how the gender roles of women expect them to be be soft in their exterior and hide any hardness, but I'll save my amateur artistic critiquing for things at least tangentially related to writing--studying humanities doesn't mean I'm fit to speak intellectually about any artistic discipline without sounding like a pretentious fop.

He even knows how much of a complete fag he is and yet he persists in writing anyway. I'd say he's an asshole but I can only dream of having this much self-confidence. If I wrote like this I'd be looking to bore nails into my brain so I could forget how to write entirely.
It's like playing an MMORPG. If you play one of those games for long enough, you start to overlay game priorities onto your life as if they're real priorities.

Well it's not like you have any friends and school is such a clusterfuck of nonsense you just transpose whatever nonsense in a game you can into your real life because at least it's something you understand and can see the end result of.

You wake up and you think "what do I have to do today?" And if your "list" is "Level fishing. Get gear. Grind faction," those feel REAL to you.

Well they are real goals. Just because they aren't good goals doesn't make them any less valid as goals.

MMORPG's aren't the only things that can create a false sense of importance, and project an entire reality worth of goals and objectives that require your attention but aren't real.

Well you'd certainly know about a false sense of importance, wouldn't you?

They want to be happy, and make themselves miserable in that pursuit.

Deeeeeeep. Tool.
Dear Scott,

Ur a n00b.

Dear Scott,

Fuck you.
Fucking hell, man. It's like you're trying to piss me (specifically me) off and you're succeeding.
Oh wait, you're not Scott. You're Chris.
Well fuck you too, Chris.

She's smart, well-educated, has an epic smile, is fun, likes video games, is homygod hawt,

She's also probably stone cold fuck nuts, what're you gonna do? If you like her so much why don't you date her?
Your pal who totally pwned you in finishing Zelda 2nd quest without using Nintendo Power as a guide,


My goal in life is to punch you right in the fucking mouth, Chris.
It'll be one of those punches where "personal safety" doesn't even register. I don't care how much it fucks up my own knuckles, your mouth is destroyed.

There's so much going on that no matter how much I want it, routine is just impossible. I'm trying to get settled into classes I'm taking, classes I'm teaching, buy books,

Sorry I'm off topic, proceed.

I really just hate this time of year.

Well, Chris, I must say: you are a cunt.
You are everything wrong and fucked up about not only writing but the internet. And life.
Anyway I gotta go.

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