Monday, September 12, 2011

A waste of mankind's potential

Expert on economic affairs right here.
Why she hasn't been hired to bail out the economy I'll never know.
What music lifts you up when you’re feeling down?

Today's writer's block.
Ready for an insightful answer?
I'm not entirely sure.

Yesterday's writer's block was interesting:
Where were you?

It took me a solid five minutes to figure out what they were talking about. Then I remembered it was 9/11 and I had to act all silent and deferential to my computer like someone was watching.
I must say everyone's "spiritual" and "insightful" answers about INNOCENCE LOST are about as tacky as expected.

Our grandparents were visiting and we were just about to leave to go to Pikes Peak, I mean the top of the Peak. But we waited to leave the house till we saw everything happen on the news. We still went though and it was still fun. It was nice to have a reminder of how big God is.

We have no fear, because God knows all and he has all ready defeated our enemies.

Yeah, remember how God told the Navy SEALS right where bin Laden was and then on 9/12 al Qaeda fell?
Me neither.


So I was reading something about the movie "Horrible bossess" and in one post I read that Jennifer Aniston's character calls her assistant a Faggot. Well - he should report her to HR or something - sue her for sexual harassment. I won't, however, denounce the use of the word. As most people have pointed out, her character is supposed to be a horrible person.

Okay calm down, he's a fucking character in a movie. He's not real.
So weird shit happens in fandom. Not that I mind. I don't read mpreg or that switching a male character into a female character because I think it's kinda lame. If you're gonna write a slash fic about Harry/Draco or Apollo/Starbuck - turning one character into a female to make it het - to me - is a cop out. It means the Author can't stand homosexual relationships and insists on changing an aspect to suit their morals.

Truly this is the only problem with fanfiction.
What the fuck kind of bizarro world are you living in where that's the one flaw of fanfiction?

So I am a very weird person and this really has nothing to do with politics even though I'm gonna put it under that tag.


Okay, first, politican's can't make jobs. They never could and they never will. They can all say they can, but that's just a load of shit.

OKAY GUYS GET READY OKAY OKAY OKAY this is like the fifth "okay" in this blog and I've gone through three entries. Also no politician has ever created a job by starting a federal program. That has never happened in the history of civilization-- oh wait the Mesopotamians were doing that shit. My mistake.
Seriously, the economy is something that changes on a whim. It took a long time for the world to get out of the Great Depression

Actually it didn't take that long due to a little something you might have read about called WORLD WAR II.

and seeing as how America isn't in food lines - and I mean that for everyone not just the homeless - I don't see it as a very difficult "depression".

You know how I'm reading this? "I don't really know what a recession or a depression is."
The Economy has to right itself. I know it sucks. But it will get better.

Fucking magically it has to right itself. It magically got into trouble so it has to magically correct itself. Despite it being a construct of human endeavor, no human endeavor can possibly hope to fix it. I'm pretty sure this is how we got into this problem in the first place.

and, seeing as how I'm a conservative, I never did believe Obam's dumb arsed promises.

I mean seriously, I never trust anyone who can make speaches that get a bunch of other people into some weird hive-mind mentality (is that a double negative or a double positive?)

So you've never trusted any politician ever.
A good idea to be sure but don't pretend like Obama invented this notion.

to start shouting "we can change" or whatever the hell they were chanting. Sorry - but when some dude can do that...I'm gonna be on guard because the last guy was German, didn't have a telepromter and killed a bunch of Innocent people. *cough HITLERcough*

Pretty sure the last guy to do that was George W. Bush and Clinton before him and Bush Senior before him and Reagan before him but whatever. I'm not the expert on politics and economics that you clearly are.

Am I wrong to suspect this of someone who can give a good speach?

I mean a little. Obama is an inept leader for sure but I definitely wouldn't call him the next Hitler.
Ah,t he joys of America - where we can believe whatever we want as long as we don't go around blowing people up. :)

Ah the joys of America-- where we can say whatever we want wherever we want no matter how uneducated we may be or how uninformed our opinion is.
Have I talked about this before? I'm sure I've ranted about it. But...Seeing as how I am a writer, I take this very, very seriously.

Okay, I will start with this.

Okay. The title is "Post on Plagiarism" and before I even read it I'm guessing she did something wrong and it's somehow not her fault.

I took a college class once and I turned in an essay. I know for a fact that my essay was on the bottom of the stack and our professor had a dickens of a time grading and getting them back to the class on time. Also, because I'm anal. I asked if I had to have a citations page at the end? you know the page that lists all the sources you researched for your essay? right, anyway, she said it was optional and since I hate doing that page, I opted not to do it.

Not in any class I've ever taken, no.
She probably interpreted that as "a separate page for citations" and you probably interpreted it as "no citations needed" in which case you are provably an idiot.


When one quotes a person there are TWO ways to give credit to that person. A) Say so-and-so said once...and then use the quote within quotation marks, or B) Quote and then the person's name. As LONG as you have the name to the quote, it's not plagiarism.

No, actually. To avoid plagiarism you'd have to prove in a court of law that you could trace where you got the quote. I know in classes I've taken that includes in text citation (author's name plus page number) and then at the end you have to include such information as the author's name, the book/article/whatever you got the idea from and then you have to list the publisher and other details. In fact you have to cite it even if you just borrow an idea from it and don't quote it. I've cited things and there were no quotations involved.
My teacher told me I had plagiarised, and when I obviously pointed out I had the guys name, she still said I'd plagiarised.

Two things universities take seriously: accusations of cheating and accusations of plagiarism. Don't joke or fuck around with either of those. Cover your ass. I used to print out two citation pages in case the page got ripped off. It has happened to me.
So, I told her to show me EXACTLY where I'd done it. and she didn't. She gave me a bunch of lame, non-commital answers whcih just made me realized she probably didn't remember me nor did she remember my essay. She was just done with me. Anyway, to say the least I despised that teacher after that day.

"That's really odd because I had a citation page-- maybe it got ripped off? Is there any way I can hand it into you again, or send you my essay via email? I'm really sorry this happened and I'd like to correct it if at all possible."
Professors are humans too, and I'm sure if you tried to charm her a little she'd look the other way this once.
Instead you probably took the defensive and she has more to deal with than your bullshit so she began to resent you.

First. I never plagarised in that essay. I wish I knew where it was now so I could review it. But, I probably got rid of it out of anger.

So what happened? I know at the university I went to plagiarism means you get expelled and your entire record wiped and you can't go back to that university. It's basically total annihilation at that institution.

I've brought this up as an example that any alligations of Plagiarism is horrible. To an honest writer like myself it makes me feel like a heel. Just because other students do this. It doesn't mean that I do it. I've never done it because I feel very confident in my abilities to write something original and awesome.

Sounds like hubris to me.
Like there's no way this precious snowflake could make a mistake.
There are a few things I do want to point out though -

You can't steal ideas.
If Idea's could be copy writed,

>If ideas (brotip: an apostrophe doesn't mean "look out, here come's an s!") could be copyrighted
>IF ideas could be copyrighted

Here's your problem: not only are you completely uneducated (not a bad thing or character flaw) your ignorance and hubris completely magnifies the former quality to the point where no one can stand you.

no one could write a story about an orphan kid that goes to a magical school or even, some how learns how to use his/her magical abilites.

You can but when you start calling it Harry Potter then you might run into a few problems.
There's a pretty big difference between plagiarism and inspiration.

Also, no one could write a Space Opera involving battle stars and capes. Nor could any one write about a human girl falling in love with a Pervy Vampire.

But these are just general outlines of ideas. They don't constitute the whole idea.
Are you fucking with me or are you really this stupid?

The idea is to take these plots and put your own original spin onto them. It wouldn't be enough to change the magical kid into a girl and call her Harriette, unles it was a parody, in which case its all rather fuzzy. Anyway, you have to do more to make the story original.

>parody is fuzzy
Not really. Parody laws are pretty explicit, in fact.
I've taken steps to turn my own fan fics into original stories while yet keeping the same theme. I've changed name and place names but that's not enough. I have to re-write the character's to not resemble the fan ficced ones in any way shape or form. Even if I do keep a few small details - the point is pretty simple.

Does Plagiarism happen? indeed it does and if anyone does it knowingly and non-accidentally - I want to see them be called on that.

You really have no idea how the world works, do you?

However, I'm afraid that some acusations of Plagiarism are accidental. as in my case there wasn't any proof and my teacher just assumed it - I know it's hard to proove that, but seeing as how I haven't any history of such a despicable habit - meh, what do I care what a dumb teacher says!

Well, not to contradict an expert on all affairs but this would be a civil case in which case you would actually have to prove you didn't plagiarize. The law does work that way, yes.
In the comic world it is a normal occurance for people to take pictures of sky lines, put them on a white board, and then copy over. However, this isn't plagiarism if you use your own photo's for this purpose. The funny thing about this practice is that I was told in one of my how to draw manga pics to trace other works.

... Tracing is legal, you do realize.
Now when you trace Goku and rename him Boku and then try to sell it as Dragon Crystal Z then I think you might run into a few issues.
I understand that in this book they don't mean for me to claim it as my own. Even a tracing can't be all that accurate. After all, we never sign our names the same way twice. Therefore, even a drawing of Edward Elric can be concidered fan art and even if I didn't give credit to the original Mangaka, people would know it's fan art.

What is happening?
Am I dying?

Sometimes, I've seen the absence of a disclaimer on fan fic, and I know it's fan fiction and for some reason I think the author believes we should know it's fan fiction. Still, different practices and all that. I prefer to use a disclaimer. But that's how I leant to do it in the first place.

So we've gone from school essays to drawing to fanfiction--

So, after all this random, random rambling...
Plagiarism is a horrible thing and no is allowed to do it. :)

That's your conclusion?
Because you seemed to be arguing for plagiarism in a few instances.
There are six comments. I hope they've called her a stupid cunt for me.
No they haven't.

It is a sad sight when a paragraph is bunched into a block without mercy. When all actions are put into a single sentance and thought does not matter. Much. I implore all writer's to try and be more kind to their story. The scenery around the characters and action is a blur that no one notices. How can one not notice what is around them at one single time?

Wow. That is really funny that you are telling me to watch how I write when there is not a solitary sentence in this paragraph that doesn't contain at least one error.
The plagiarist who can't spell simple words and doesn't know how possessives work is telling me to watch my writing.
I can't get over it.
Details matter. I do not care who implores you to be rid of Adjectives. Those sorts of people must be livid with hatred towards highly thought out, and colourful words that writer's have implored for ages. In today's age, we speak in sub-par language, gone are the days were writing was an art that was vastly appreciated.

Now it is all simplyfy your writing. Say what you mean in two words or less.

Please, take your time, add your details, and do not - I say - do not become a racist against "ly" words.

... Adjectives-- racism--
Adjectives-- adjectives aren't a race, you do realize. They aren't human. While I suppose you can technically be prejudiced against them most people would consider prejudice as only applied to humans. I suppose you can be biased against them but that's really a scholarly debate rather than an actual injustice.
I can't believe how fucking stupid you are. It almost has me sitting in awe.
I'm a writer.
My goal in life is to explore the world however I can, any way I can.
I mainly do this through slash fiction. It works for me. I can write female character's but I prefer a male/male love romance. What does that say about me? either I am sexually screwed up - or...well...I'm a writer.

It says you're creatively bankrupt, I know that.

I always have a hard time seperating out my work from my religion. Technically, I'm Christian.
Yeah, you wouldn't know it from what I write, would you? and I am faced with this question each and every time I go to write a love scene between two men...

Is this a one way ticket to Hell?

On one hand I'd say no. It's fantasy. I'm not doing it. But the bible say's that if you look at another person with lust in your heart, you have commited a sin.

There you have it.

Only....the people I'm writing about don't exist. They're fiction. Even when I had a boy-friend I didn't think about having sex with him. I thought about the life we could spend together. Really, the sex part is second hand to the friendship you share with the special person in your life.

I'm pretty sure there's a passage in the Bible about twisting the word of God to suit your own needs. But whatever, you are the expert on all affairs.
I don't know if what I write is a sin. The Bible isn't very clear on it. I don't honsetly think I'll go to hell for writing - what sort of punishment would I recieve? everyone has fantasies. How is it the a straight fantasy isn't bad while a homosexual and lesbian one is? or why is it that two girls kissing is acceptable but not two guys?

You just quoted the part of the Bible where it says if you've committed sin in your heart then it's as bad as actually doing that thing. You admit to having sexual fantasies so by the Bible's logic (if you want to call it that) you are living with lust and lust is a mortal sin.
Oh God, no.
I think I'm out.

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