Monday, October 3, 2011

The Unholy Trifecta

When scouting for blogs I seldom read the actual words (who has the time, patience or constitution to consciously monitor for this?) instead, I look for a few hallmarks that I have dubbed "The Unholy Trifecta". There are actually more than three (which proves I suck at naming things) but I usually stop at three to start writing.
Today's unholy trifecta is:
  • pretentious answers to a writer's block
  • ridiculous recurring themes, and
  • CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR MINORS and what's hiding underneath is ridiculous
Oh boy, I can feel the excitement.
Incidentally for those keeping score at home, the ridiculous recurring themes of this blog are fences, working outside and shoes.
Today's writer's block-- well, the cunt didn't include the question and I'm too lazy to get the exact wording but it was something like "who is the greatest bully in your life?"
The Corporate State.

"Not a single executive from Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citibank or Goldman Sachs has gone to jail. Take three seconds and search any of their names with the term “fraud” and you’ll find article after article packed with information about how these companies knowingly cost investors (this country) billions.

Oh, this is a quote from someone else. The greatest bully in your life and you can't even muster up your own thoughts on the matter?

They cooked books, packaged knowingly toxic loans then sold them as top-shelf product, inflated commodity prices through manipulation and awarded themselves millions in bonuses even after we (taxpayers) bailed them out." ~ Kevin Pereira

Wow. We, "the taxpayers", are pretty stupid.
The government has shut down twice this year while trying to cope with debt that was partly incurred bailing out Wall Street after the thieves gutted our economy and congratulated each other. Another portion of the debt was incurred when Bush gave the rich a "temporary" tax break that still survives, depriving the government of regular income and giving the rich unheard of priveledge.

You know, shit like that might seem small but when I see that I begin to question your competence on this subject.

People like myself who are entirely dependent on government retirement and disability checks sweat every time the government shuts down because the economy has been gutted and we are basically without other means and nobody can hire us if they wanted to.

"Disability checks", eh? I'm going to assume you really are disabled and not just claiming bullshit but one has to wonder reading that.

I doubt you will ever find a greater bully that that.

But it's okay for you to bleed tax dollars because you're disabled.

I planted some grape hyacinths today

Don't care.

D took me to a liquidation warehouse a few days ago. Among other things, I found shoes that usually go for $75 for $4 a pair. I got 7 pairs. Shoes don't go bad sitting around waiting to be worn and the fact that they had shoes that actually fit me was astounding. I have funny feet. I have trouble getting shoes to actually fit.

Are you excited for the post about fences?
Because I sure am~

I had my regular physical Tuesday and they said it was a mild case of strain and tendonitis and could happen to anyone who was out of shape. Other than that, I'm fine. I imagine people with hand and wrist problems should cut way back on the computer and so I have.

Want to bet her disability stems from what bullshit artists have coined "repetitive strain injury"?
Oh, there's a picture of your mighty backyard.
That's what you're having trouble wrangling? It's the size of the room I'm in currently. It looks mostly concrete, even.
Matt and I did the new improved 3 feet high garden fence today. If River can jump that one I'm selling her to the circus.

Ew you named your dog River?

Pics someday later. Do I know how to make a fence? Absolutely not.

I'm no carpenter but I imagine you measure a straight line on the ground, hammer some posts in the ground then nail some boards running parallel to the post line and then you can nail your fence slats of whatever design you like in place.
Then you have a fence.
I'm not underestimating the labor involved but the actual thought behind it doesn't seem that complex. Somehow her last four entries are reposted twice.
I don't even know how that works but whatever.
Now she's mad at some politician who says he understands the working man's plight because he only has 400,000 after paying the bills.
People are surprised politicians don't live in the same reality as the rest of humanity still?
Because this here house? You could buy 5 of them for the $200K he says it costs to feed his family.

40k house, hell yeah motherfucker.
Jesus Christ I'll start out making more than 40k a year.
So I guess I'm officially not a working class man, how about that shit?
I really hope this guy's insensitivity to poor people is not typical of our government, but I'm afraid it must be.

I'm insensitive to all issues not specific to fixing the country.
As I've said many times, I have a simple and elegant solution to bring us towards the future but it won't be pretty for a number of years until we get there.
Five posts about that fence--
seriously, is there more involved in making a fence than I thought?
I guess a gate might complicate matters but I'm pretty sure you can get those already made and it should be a simple issue of hanging some hinges and attaching the gate to it.
I discovered there will be no getting away with touch up paint of the stairwell. There's nothing like painting one little dab to show how dirty a wall really is. Lucky for me, I'm the proud owner of my grandpa's scaffolding. He was a general contractor. And I have everything I need to paint a stairwell top to bottom, as soon as I am well enough to drag it out, assemble it and perch up there like some death defying high wire act.

>death defying
we have very different definitions of "death", I see.
Did I mention my balance is still off as is common with feet operations? Matt's not climbing that rickety old 1940s thing, he gets dizzy spells. Also he's excused from painting because his hands shake.

What, is this the fucking pussy family?
Christ, I'll climb up there and do it.
Hand shakes, huh.
I didn't know painting a goddamn wall was precision work.
And I figure if I'm not strong enough to put it together with help, I have no business getting up on it.

Are you 90? Because that's the only way I'm excusing this.
What is going on with your stairwell that you need scaffolding to paint? I'd understand if your ceilings were literally a cathedral in France but you know they make paint rollers on sticks, don't you?

I think I have a new angle for that.

Cheap 7 inch netbooks can be had for $99. I see this on TV sometimes. If I had one of those and simply did not sign up for the interweb plan, I should be able to read doc.s and pdf.s on it. Which is exactly what I want it to do, full stop. I have more than a few ebooks from places like Baen.

>reading ebooks off a Netbook monitor
Have fun with that blindness.

I have a fabulous desktop computer and a pretty cool cell phone, so I don't care what else it does. Dh and I have generally bought desktop computer because they are cheaper and easier to alter.

"Easier to alter".
I am so out of shape, I am afraid to try to get in shape. All the attempts to work out I have ever had were the kind where they attempt to hurt you until you throw up or pass out, like aerobics or spinning classes.

Brutal Spartan workout?
Are you fucking kidding?
After reading several methods of exercise I've determined there is only one manly method of modern exercise: the Muay Thai method.
Running, running, running, punching, standing in awkward positions for long periods of time and then punching and kicking a banana tree until you're either bleeding or the banana tree no longer stands.
Repeat until you're hardcore.
That is exactly what I do not want to do. I am stiff and sore and old and fat. The kind of crap I used to do would kill me dead. I've had 3 operations on my feet in the last 5 years and a metric ton of random therapy on my knees.

I am considering yoga. Don't know a thing about it, never done any, I don't even know anyone who goes. But it seems like a good idea.

Also acceptable is Krav Maga, a fighting method developed by the Israelis who were apparently unimpressed with other fighting methods' crowd control and narrow corridors fighting potential.
We are talking about going to the ren faire with my brother John and his wife B and their kid the 4 year old niece who could ride my dog for a pony. No, we won't be taking him for a pony, he hates crowds and they don't allow pets.

Oh I went to a Renaissance Festival and was prepared to laugh at the mutants but wound up witnessing one of the manliest spectacles I've ever seen: historical reenactment jousting.
Guy got dismounted so hard he coughed up blood and an ambulance had to be called.
There is a sport.
Guard up, boss.

John worked at the Maryland fest for several months the year he got out of the Army, slept in a garden shed and had a wonderful time. He told me last week that they had Henry VIII for the king and the people that worked there would run around saying "God save the Queen because she's going to need it." which did not thrill those in charge.

Me and a friend had plans to go the next year dressed as Darth Vader but it never really worked out.
In fact, the Maryland one was the one we attended.
Fun place if you can handle live action role players.
Here's a post called "Big dog, teensy girl" which sounds like a file you might not want to click on on a torrent site.
Oh my God another one: "70 lb dog meets 25 lb girl"
I think I see why this blog is 14+-- no I'm just kidding. There is nothing remotely offensive about this blog and having to click to view each entry is absolutely ridiculous.
... It just occurred to me I might have implied being 18+ makes it okay to watch a dog fuck a young girl.
As far as I'm aware that specific brand of pornography is outlawed in most countries, therefore making it unacceptable for all ages.
Doesn't mean I haven't seen .exes masquerading as that kind of pornography on dodgy torrent sites, though. Ah, those were good times, back before torrents had acceptable outlets and they were all contained on one website that looked like it was made by a 12 year old in Dreamweaver.
And your virus scan would stop you five times and demand three forms of picture ID before it'd let you in-- aww, nostalgia.
Listen to me, McAfee: I know what I'm doing.
Never ask this. Really. I get Norton's anti virus thing. Its not too expensive. I used to work for people who had it. I liked it You can buy it any where. So when I was paying for that update last night the computer started bugging me about upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 instead of using 7.

>Using Norton
>Using Internet Explorer
>Actually upgrading when your computer asks you
This is all kinds of wrong.
... I don't still use McAfee, incidentally. I'm currently flying without a virus scan, in fact.
I'm such a sucker. I did this. I then lost about 200 bookmarks. Yay, me. Microsoft would not tell me where they were. Since I skipped over 8 and went straight to 9, I could not get 7 back without reloading everything that came with my computer. I floundered around computer land for about an hour and got more tired and more mad and finally went to bed convinced they were gone forever.

Five seconds of Googling later--

One thing I hate about Microsoft is if you don't use their industry terms, they will not help you and I am clueless and happy to be there.

"One thing about Microsoft is the require me to be something more than a dullard and I find this unacceptable so I will instead expect others to think for me."
I never used a computer until I was about 25 and it was a horrible thing and ate most of what everyone put into it. We had no way to save anything locally. Everything went to a big server in the sky that dumped constantly and we spent all kinds of time that we should have spent working on the jets, reloading and re-reloading the same fool information about the jets again and again and again.

Sounds like user error to me.

So I am right back to wondering why computers are fun at all. They change things for no real reason, spy on you and now I'm so dependent on it, if the guy did come to take it away, I'd kill him. A hundred years ago, they were called bookmarks. Now they are favorites for no reason at all. But because I still call them bookmarks, it took me forever to find them again.

... Google actually corrected me on the bookmarks vs. favorites thing.
But that's not even the point. You seem aware Microsoft calls them favorites so you could have searched for that instead of, you know, writing a fifteen paragraph essay on why computers are shit because they use a different word for something than you do.
Also a hundred years ago computers didn't exist so your magical smiles machine would have been a complete mystery to them.

Because dad doesn't answer the mail anymore, they decided Jr. is Sr. and found Matt Jr., my DH, living in the state next door and have decided to send him hate mail demanding mega bucks which they believe are owed to them by his Dad.

God, why--
All right, it's "Dear Husband".
Fuck the internet.
So after reading horror stories on this blog for the better part of an hour and a half I've determined Ohio is the closest thing in the US to a post-apocalyptic hellzone.
Why would you want to live there?

Many years ago when I was in the USAF, I was a jet mechanic and so were all my friends.

Wait, you were a jet mechanic in the air force and you have problems with Internet Explorer and building fences?
I know one doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other but if me, an untrained idiot on the subject of technology can figure out Internet Explorer by a simple Google search I'd expect one trained in the technolore of flight to noodle IE through a bit.
I dunno maybe it's because I'm so tied to my one redeeming talent (litfaggotry) that I use that to accomplish things in other fields but I'd think a general knowledge of machinery would let you figure a lot of shit out.
Anyway this is getting pretty damn boring so I'm going to do something else now.

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