Friday, October 28, 2011

Furries, Ahoy!

Monday's prediction: a girl whining no one understands her!
Wednesday's prediction: A Christfag!
Friday's prediction: a girl with anorexia! (just kidding those are still banned)
Then we rotate back around and Monday after next is transgendered person.
Might mix it up with philosophical asshole or something but we'll have to see.
Anyway, furries today~

What do you want done with your body after you die?

I don't really care because I'll be dead.
I guess interred, possibly in a sarcophagus.

LOL but seriously, I'm torn between cremation and having the ashes scattered in areas of my choice, being buried with no coffin [the idea of haunting a graveyard is just so cool], and being used FOR SCIENCE *lightning*




You remind me of someone who wanted in my Linkshell. I told them not only no but hell no and demoted the person who suggested they might be a useful addition to the LS.
They should have known better than to recommend someone who uses emotes in common speech.
But coconuts symbolize prosperity in several cultures. Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of well-being and wealth is depicted with a coconut with regularity.

Fascinating, don't you think?

Not at all, in fact.
Wow, so food, especially a staple food, is usually a symbol of prosperity?
Not a good day. It's all stupid little stuff, so I'm not even going to mention it, must suffice to say: blargh.

Just a steady stream of shit that was enough to drive me fucking batshit insane, pardon my language.


I hate days like today.

Gotta get alchemist to rank (level, whatever the term is now) 36.
It's just sooooo uninteresting to level alchemist. Alchemist doesn't even do anything good past level 20 but I gotta get that Hand of the Gods ability.
Not sure the alchemy guild is exercising good judgment by entrusting Edie Hart with an ability called Hand of the Gods but I guess she already has one called Contagion so I'm not sure one more will cause more of a problem.
And the ONE thing I want to do to make it all better, go to a nice little park or something to blow off steam? Oh no, I can't do that, some fucking creeper was hanging around the park. NO.

*bigger sigh*

This little whining entry has 21 comments, I'd like to point out.
I read legitimately interesting things yesterday that didn't garner 21 comments.
Oh, also I did extensive (and I do mean extensive, even by my standards) research on the possibility of muscle enhancement, because there are drugs that can decrease muscle mass, why not increase it?
Of course, they do exist but the major drawback is they all cause enlargement of the heart and brain tumors.
I feel these issues can be ironed out with enough research, though.
I suppose the problem is the number of people who want to be superhuman killing machines aren't as many as the number of men who want to be women.
We gotta start a movement, guys.

Today's subject: People who have no fucking clue that art improvement doesn't happen in a short time, and quit because they don't improve.

You can improve drastically in a short amount of time if you know how to learn (learning how to learn is a skill you can acquire) but it only works to a certain point.
Like learning how to thin your paints shows immediate improvement but then you kind of stop improving until you figure out the next breakthrough. Progress isn't a steady grind like RPGs, you know.
I feel like I say that a lot.

I've been drawing for most of my life. If you cut out the times I stopped drawing for varying reasons, I've probably drawn for about 20 years. I drew pretty much constantly between ages five and ten. I didn't improve but I didn't even know you could at that age.

I barely drew between ages ten and fifteen.

I had trouble painting within the lines when I was 10 but I did show a surprising amount of attention to keeping an even coat.
Didn't quite hit on the notion of thinning paints but my early Warham efforts are pretty smooth.
I didn't improve for years. If you saw art of mine between 1995 and 2003, There's very, very little improvement.

Me neither, then I had one figure that was a huge breakthrough and--
I feel like I explain how progress works a lot, did I mention that?

And still, STILL, my best year has been this one. 2011. How long is that? that's 3 years straight of busting my ass to improve. Outright TRYING. THREE. FUCKING. YEARS.

Did I mention going back and relearning the basics often yields the best results you'll get in terms of improvement?
The basics are basic for a reason.

And when I see someone bitching about how they busted their ass for four months [and claims to have filled two sketchbooks but doesn't provide but four pages for proof] and then quitting because of it, I want to beat them with their sketchbooks.

I kind of want to hit you for thinking 3 years is significant. What are you, 17?
No, I know you're not because you mention being alive for at least 20 years.

Art talent is not magical. You have to earn it. You earn it by doing it.

I think you need to look up the definition of talent, because I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean what you think it means. A talent by definition is a natural endowment. You can start with very little and still wind up better than someone who has talent, but the point is a talent is something innate.
There was an entire Bible story about it?
Never mind.
Art is not something that falls in your lap. You will not wake up one day with magical skills. I spent years wishing I would, and you know what that got me? Nothing. I started busting my ass with my art, and now I'm proud of it. Now I can look over a year of art and go "I am actually pleased with this."

Except you draw furry bullshit, soooooo--
"Art should be fun, art should not be work. Art should not make you hate yourself or want to throw your sketchbook out your window."

Actually, yes, art should be work. Art will make you hate yourself for choosing THAT pose and THAT angle, and THAT perspective. Art will make you want to heave your computer out of the window. And yet.


Art IS fun.

You're really annoying. I've never seen a choice of capslock that has pissed me off before.
Something about the "and yet, AND YET" thing really got to me. If you talk like that in real life someone should really punch you in the face.
At the end, you look at what you produced, and you say to yourself "All that hell gave me this. It's beautiful. LETS DRAW MORE."

It's a love-hate relationship, and to become a "true" artist, you must come to understand and accept that, or you will never achieve what you want.

Sorry I refuse to acknowledge furry artists as real artists.
I have a pretty loose definition of artist, too, because I'm willing to call people who freehand shit on their Warhams artists.

number 1- no matter what, a glaive is still just a piece of metal on a stick. It's a polearm.

Actually there was a fair period of time where the word "glaive" was used synonymously with "gladius" which is a sword, but all right it typically is a polearm.
This is how this entry starts, incidentally.
Unless it's made of lead and twenty feet long, a muscular human could wield it no problem, once they had practice.
I don't think a 20 foot glaive would be advisable.
number 3- show me a time when wood is heavier than metal when it comes to weapons. No, go on.

Oh, what's this?

And what do you fucking know?

Ain't made of titanium, and even so, unless it's alloyed with aluminum or plastic, it's not going to be lighter than wood.

Except copper is lighter than ironwood God you suck.
You talk as if wood is light. It isn't.
number 4- A person can misjudge how well they can use a weapon, especially if they're not familiar with polearms. An extremely well balanced weapon can fool you into believing you can wield it even when it's heavy.

A well balanced weapon kind of offsets the weight--
If it isn't balanced you're going to have to compensate for a lot, no matter how light it is.
I'm not even an expert on this shit but you're making so many mistakes in three paragraphs. I really think you should stop talking about this.

number 5- I'm not terribly strong in the upper body, but I can flail around a 40lb sword with no training and not strain myself too badly. This should give you an idea, as I'm untrained and fat [honesty here, not low self-esteem], and have little trained muscle.

40 pound sword--
because swords should weigh that much.
For comparison, the earlier mentioned Roman gladius weighed about a pound and a half and is widely considered one of the most successful swords used by any army.
number 6- why are we arguing about this? It's clear you don't know jack about weaponry. If you want to make it realistic, remember that no matter who's wielding it and how big and strong they are, unless they're 12+ feet tall and 500+ lbs, they're not going to wield a 100lb polearm. Sorry.

Even a 500+ pound man is going to wear himself out pretty quick swinging a 40 pound sword around.

RPGs. The one time when people who don't know shit think they know everything.

I know, man.
Also you do know most RPGs prominently feature mythical creatures and magic.
My Final Fantasy character punched a demon to death. I don't really question how she can haul 15 tons of sharks around or where she keeps them because she just punched a demon to death.
Things are a lot more fun when you don't really think too hard about how they don't make sense.
Here's a post entitled "RIP Steve Jobs" and the only thing in it is "you magnificent bastard".
Look I know the guy died and people love Apple products but can we stop going on like we lost a Christ figure? He had a questionable personal life and did relatively little with his personal fortune, unlike the often maligned Bill Gates.
I really don't mean to speak ill of the dead in this case but cool it, people.
"Why don't you get a REAL job?"

Hahaha seriously? I mean, really? You must be jealous because last time I checked, I provide a service AND goods.... and get paid for it. Sounds like a real job to me.

Jelly of making furry costumes for a living.
Unless you're raking in six figures for the fucking gayest job ever then no, I'm not jealous.
Oh that's right, being a professional furry costume designer is gayer than being in gay porn.
Maybe what you should have said was "Why don't you get a STABLE job?" Because that is far more understandable of a statement to make. Getting a "stable" regular job is hard in this economy, places that are hiring won't hire everybody,

I really hope I get to become president of anime just so I can say "I only applied to two places and got hired and I'm pretty much the epitome of a slacker."

and many of them make you jump through a billion hoops

I did have to jump through a few hoops, not gonna lie.
But don't start talking to me about whether or not my job is "real". At least you're not the jerks who sit there treating me like I'm a moneygrubbing scumbag just because I'm a homemaker.

A housewife is a job.
Excuse me, "homemaker" forgot my gender neutral words.
But no that's a hard job. Just because you don't get paid for it doesn't instantly qualify it as not a job.

The person I live with and I made that decision eight years ago. So knock it off and grow up.

I'd say you are fortunate to be in a situation where both of you don't have to work to live but that doesn't make it any less difficult.

Routers routers routers. We purchased a second router to try to get a better signal so I don't have to have my receiver hanging from a chair.

Several hours and a lot of nonsense later, and it completely died, I can't connect to it even though it's right there in the network list. It's not the key or anything, it just says "Cannot connect to router through the network" which is dumb because five minutes before, it connected. >_>

Check your NAT type, dipshit.
Christ all mighty. in Firefox, click connections (or similarly headed tab) and switch NAT from 3 to 2.
Am I an expert or what's going on here?
Okay, we all know tragedies suck. And I mean the stories. They do! They're sad, they're painful, they're an emotional rollercoaster, and people are suffering.


What did I tell you about that caps thing?
Cool it, Shatner. You don't write with the same voice you speak.
As stories they're some of the best material out there. They're more beautiful than any other type of story. /opinion


Oh man did you just do it twice in a row?
Also I like how you're trying to make a coherent argument with no proof outside of "it's my opinion." Yeah, well my opinion is most tragedies are melodramatic nonsense.
Fuck off.

Don't get your panties in a twist if I say I prefer happy endings. I'm not saying tragedies are bad. I just hate seeing people suffer.

They're fictional characters. They're not really suffering.
You know what though? I am probably most guilty for running my characters [haha when they're around of course] into the ground with suffering and tragedy and guilt and emotional rollercoasters... because giving them something to be happy about after that... it gives me that bit of joy because there's no suffering anymore.

Wow you just discovered a term so old it's still in Greek: catharsis.
Aristotle was figuring this shit out in the B.C.s. Good job, you just have about 2500 years of storytelling to catch up on now.


Okay I'm not that bad. XD

Seriously though? Preferring something does not automatically make the other thing bad.

I bet your stories are complete and utter garbage.
I bet, after reading your stories, I'd be a little more sympathetic to Stephen King. I'd want to see what he's been working on, in fact.
A half hour ago now I went to bed. I laid comfortably for a while, and then suddenly I felt this hard pinching sensation in my left leg. As if someone had grabbed two spots with their hands and pinched fingers against palms. I jumped and slapped at my leg, muttering at my leg to stop it. (Figuring on it being the precursor of a charlie horse.) It stopped, but as soon as I laid down again, it happened again. This time I had a funny feeling about it. I point blank said "Leave me alone, and if you mean me harm, get out, this is my home."

Deciding to be safe, I turned the light on, got a red marker, and drew a pentagram on my ankle. then switched the light off and laid down.


Looks like whatever that was must have latched onto me in order to get inside past the salt barrier. Might have to get a pentagram tattoo, because I don't dare wear a necklace to bed.

Wouldn't want to dare that--
because you might strangle yourself accidentally in your sleep I guess.
Here's a post entitled "what is it with me and weird dreams?" and from the sounds of it, it's the supposed demonic possession.
Wow this is really boring.
Anyway I'll see you guys Monday for "misunderstood whining girl" I guess.

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