Friday, October 21, 2011

In every man's heart, a spark of evil

So I'm sitting here in my hotel room waiting for my interview tomorrow and what else is there to do except review shitty blogs?
Nothing, as far as I can see.
Are you ready for a pathetic journey into some faggot's life?
I hope you are, because it's coming.
Oh lordy, is it coming.

Tell us a ghost or supernatural encounter you’ve experienced.

It's almost supernatural how shitty Livejournal is but I don't think that's quite what you meant.

When I was 20, my cat DC died.

To this day, I sometimes see flashes of movement out of the corner of my eye, or feel a sudden, soft weight on my cot when I'm lying down.

I know rationally that it's just a trick of the brain. But part of me wants to believe there's more to it.

It's grief, dipshit.

I'm a brony, as I've mentioned before.

Yeah, brony. Let's talk about that briefly.
So there's this cartoon for little girls called My Little Pony and sometimes guys in their 20s like to watch it.
But no, it can't just be a show for children that you enjoy, oh no, it has be this bullshit secret club for the eternal virgins of the world. I can't imagine seriously liking a show for little girls (and I mean little girls, like five) but to admit to it, even on the internet, is something beyond pathetic.
They get really defensive about it, too. Like furries.
In fact, this is how bad they are: furries look down on them.
When you are beneath furries socially it's time to reexamine your choices in life.

I don't normally participate in the (occasionally laughable) arguments over plotholes that take place in certain sectors of the fandom. But this doesn't mean I don't have opinions.

I have a simple solution to shore up any plotholes: it's a cartoon for little girls. I mean little girls. Five years old, even.
Today we'll discuss one such example.

About a third of the way through "The Return of Harmony, Pt. 1", Discord makes his first appearance in the stained-glass windows. As he moves around, he greets Princess Celestia with a line that has caused much debate:

"Do you have any idea how boring it is? Oh, wait, of course you don't - because I don't go around turning people into stone!"

Cartoon for little girls--
can't emphasize this enough.
What, are you expecting deep, complex characterization on a show for five year old children?
Because I hate to disappoint but it isn't happening.

And that brings us to the real reason he said it - not because he has any moral objections to it, but because it's not his style. Discord is a very active monster. What he does involves warping personalities to force ponies to do what they wouldn't normally do. Turning people to stone is a passive-based punishment - it's thus the worst thing you could do to him, and the opposite of what he would do to you given the chance.

So it isn't about morals. It's him being snippy about professional standards.

Discord doesn't have a leg to stand on here, and fans don't seem to get it.

I skipped some shit because, uhh, I don't care and it's a show for children.
The reason fans didn't get it is because they're six and don't know what discord means.
I know what it means because I've been to high school.
Now there's Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction (not making this up)
Oh he went to Vegas. Let's see how that went for him--
- Lost my virginity for $160.

Ha, ha, ohh--
goodness. Let it all air out, I say.

- Visited a pinball museum.

The implication is he visited a prostitute but maybe he just wooed some lady with visits to the pinball museum.
Hey, man, if the bitch won't go down on you after a visit to the pinball museum she is an ice princess.

For reasons that I don't really want to get into, I don't have a driver's license. I've had a learner's permit for seven years, which has served as a handy means of identification, but it doesn't let you do much.


I was a PS1 user when I was a kid. It gave me the Third Triad of Final Fantasy, FFT, Medievil, Vagrant Story, Breath of Fire 3... It gave me a lot.

Boy, did it.

But in retrospect, I rather regret having let the Sega Saturn pass me by. So when I saw it for sale for $60 at a local retro-games kiosk, I considered it.

Then I looked at the games.

Sega Saturn games run around $70.

So much for that.

Can't emulate a Saturn so that's out.
hey wait.

Recently, I began to take up emulation. zSNES and Nestopia have served me well. MAME, not so much. Virtual GBA is finicky but workable. So I looked into Saturn emulation.

Turns out that the Saturn is notoriously hard to emulate, to the point that early Saturn emulators were considered to be successes if they could read CD data, play or not.

The first emulator I tried, Satourne... doesn't seem to have any ability to LOAD games.

So I tried to download another one. The computer was hit with a virus.

You are no good at computer, give up.
I actually liked you a lot more when I was calling you a fag for liking My Little Pony. Go back to that shit.
I've woken up at 6 AM regularly on my days off the last few weeks.

Not because I have to, but because My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is on at 7:30 and I want time to wake up.

Between this and some of my music choices, I question whether having a Y chromosome and testicles qualifies you as a man.

No it doesn't. Some of the blogs here are conclusive proof of that.
Why would you admit to this shit? This is stuff I'd take to the grave.
I just discovered that, yes, they ARE releasing the PSP remake of Persona 2: Innocent Sin in America.

...goddamnit. I still have to finish the first one.


And meanwhile I have an English-patch version of the original SMT in my emulator files, Nocturne and both DDS games are wrapped in plastic on my shelves, and I recently started up a Law playthrough of Strange Journey.

All this started with Persona 3. Damn you, Atlus.

Fuck you Atlus for making great games that often come with the soundtrack and artbook included and it isn't even considered a collector's edition--

...time to saddle up and start Persona 1 again. Damn it.

I think I've reviewed this blog before. He keeps talking about this Operation Powderpuff bullshit and I remember another blog did this too and I can't believe this is popular enough to warrant multiple mentions from two different sources.
ohhhhhh man.

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