Friday, October 14, 2011

Forward On

I often joke that I find these blogs quickly. Like Dante, Homer or John Milton claiming this shit came to them in a dream to make it seem like they're more talented than they are, I often in reality spend upwards of an hour before writing looking for a blog to review.
Oh no, pulling back the curtain.
But in all seriousness, I found this blog immediately.
Also, unlike Dante, Homer or John Milton I don't end up with a classic at the end of it. I feel vaguely ashamed to be associated with these bloggers, even if it is to make fun of them.
I got my Genographic profile in today. I'm going to have to study it to figure out what all it means. The graphics are pretty straightforward, though. Although my family's migration pattern doesn't verify my ancestoral memory (the resolution is nearly tight enough for that) it certainly supports it, meaning, my people were at the right places so that the things I remember could easily have happened.

I've always wondered why Americans are so interested in their ancestry. Your ancestors moved to America so they probably weren't winners in their own country. They were probably escaping religious persecution, were refugees of another sort or were otherwise poor or lower class, or possibly slaves.
In fact, it's best to leave the mystery. My ultimate ancestors were Italian which means I could be related to some sort of badass in the Roman Empire like a Legatus or Pontifex Maximus.
But if I pay a ton of cash to find out I'm related to a dockworker then that sort of removes all doubt.

One thing, though, it doesn't show my family passing through Greece but if my memory is correct, that was a small, migrating splinter that formed my thread of the family. Also, I've always wondered why I have memories of later (Medieval) Eastern Europe if my family was occupied with southern Europe and Western Europe.

I thought when he said "ancestral memory" he was referring to a relatively obscure concept in epic poetry, that is, a group of people have a long history of doing something and it kind of influences the disposition of future generations.
For instance, in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight it mentions how the ancestors of England were refugees of the Trojan war and so their people have a racial memory of being great warriors.
Of course, the Trojans lost that war so one wonders where they get the idea that they're great warriors but that's not important. This yahoo apparently literally thinks he has the memories of his ancestors.
Or her, actually. This does seem more like a woman's concern.

This map has my family moving through Eastern Europe, so, perhaps two threads remerged later.

Nevertheless, I may end up presenting the Genographic information, the traditional family story as I remember it, and the things that I do remember.

I'm excited to have not been blown out of the water, though.

Hint: your last name is probably an indication of your ethnicity.
Who is your favorite 80’s moviestar?

Today's writer's block. The results were about as expected. Most people weren't alive in the 80s and therefore don't have a favorite movie star.
Anthony Hopkins.

Silence of the Lambs was 1991.
I know he was around before then but no one cares about anything he's done before or since.
What are you skeptical about? (religion, ghosts, Toddlers and Tiaras, etc.)

I am the most trusting person ever.
Oh, I'm skeptical about your visions of the past, woman.
Why, I'm skeptical about everything. I believe that very few of what people call paranormal (ghosts, magic, shamanism (and I'm a shaman), etc.) is actually paranormal. But I'm not a cynic, so I'm open to consider things honestly.

Oh, but what you experience really is paranormal.
You know I had a dream once that I was one of my ancestors but I didn't wake up going WOW THAT MUST HAVE REALLY HAPPENED because that implies all the other dreams I've had have a chance of being reality too and I've dreamed I was a Space Marine before.
But then I wake up and no dice.
From what I've seen on the Internet, most Internet skeptics are actually not skeptics - they're cynics.

Oh okay then I'm not a skeptic.
I fully admit to the charge of cynicism.
Skeptics are seekers. They're not willing to accept everybody else's answer to a question and they're not willing to stick with the first "obvious" answer - they want to test everything and they know that a lot of answers that very much seem correct fall apart on close scrutiny. The difference between skeptics and cynics is that skeptics are open minded - if they're not comfortable with an answer, they keep looking. Cynics are close minded - they think they already have the answer.

That's not true. I'm just willing to admit I don't have the answer and you don't have the answer as much as I don't.
That is, you're full of shit but I'd rather be full of my own shit than yours.
Is that closed-minded? I guess it is.
Fuck off, anyway.

What's worse: a pit of snakes or a pit of spiders?

Remember this shit?
Oh how I didn't miss it.

Uh......what's wrong with snakes?

What's wrong with spiders?
Just answer the question, dipshit.
That's just great. I guess the implication is snakes are important symbols in SORCERY and this person considers herself a sorceress (shaman, what the fuck ever) but spiders are also important symbols in sorcery so this woman is just full of bullshit.

Dystopia - it's the opposite of eutopia. Science fictions like Blade Runner and Mad Max are called "dystopic" because quality of life in those fictional worlds is so poor.

I hate when post-apocalyptic stories are counted as dystopia. Granted it would suck to live in either but to me dystopia is specifically oppression in a controlled situation, while the post-apocalypse the world has ended and people have regressed to barbarism It's oppression with no control. The morals of each story are ultimately different. Most dystopias conclude with either the high price of society, how we have to keep a reign on our governments or they'll start oppressing us or we haven't escaped our baser instincts despite our cultivation and civilization.
The moral of a post-apocalyptic story is often the reverse: despite our primitive state we have to keep track of what makes us human or we'll lose it, or what set is apart from the beast was our civilization.
Why do you think so many post-apocalypse stories start out as a utopia?
Forget it, Jesus.
Even the story of Warhammer started out with an implicit utopia being the end result of all the bad shit that happened. The grimdark stems from the utopia never happening.
You people need to leave the definitions up to me. Clearly I'm the only person that understands half of this shit.

Nothing works right. Businesses are out to get what they can regardless of the damage they do to customers, Banks don't care.
That's what business do. They exist to make money.

Utilities are so expensive that nobody can afford to live. People just sorta wander through their lives like cattle.......wait a second. That's not fiction.

Yes, truly my life is as horrific as what is depicted in Soylent Green or The Road Warrior.

But in a dystopic society, the key to surviving is networking - large extended families and close relationships between people who can rely on each other.

If there's any sort of hope of a better future the writer has failed to do his job. Dystopias are supposed to be crushingly oppressive with no hope or redemption at the end.
But the Cult of Individuality is as strong as ever. We'

Cult if Individuality, right.

Well, in the past years I have worked a lot with the mainstream community - Boy Scouts, the church, Citizens Against Violence, the Christian Motorcyclists Association, Easter Seals, the Department of Human Resources, etc. Now my focus is tightening up on the Therian community.

The what?
Also, Boy Scouts: this must be a man.

I don't think so. I believe that by serving the Therian community, I serve the larger human community because the Therian community is a key element in the well-being of humanity.

Key element that I've never even heard of. What the fuck is this?
The only word I know that's close to Therian is Therion, and that's Greek for an animal.
Implied mammalian animal, that is.
Are you a furry?
According to Wikipedia:

A therian may also be a member of the contemporary subculture of therianthropy, which is based on a spiritual and/or psychological identification with animals.


The human race is an organism which exhibits homeostasis - it adapts to it's environment automatically. When there is a deficit, it begins opening up defense mechanisms. I don't think Therians existed, per se, between the 15th and the 19th centuries. I think they're people with a certain genetic component that is being triggered into expression by the environment. It answers some needs of the larger human community.

But humans are animals right now, dipshit. It's kind of a misnomer to say humans "evolved from" apes because we currently are apes.
It's an unpleasant thought for most people but that seems to be the reality of it.

What deficits do the Therian community address?

The need for wildness in the human community.
The need for reconnection with nature.
The need to be able to deal with chaotic processes inherent in nature.

The fuck are you talking about you nutball?
So I dearly want to see a thriving, established Therian community in my life time because I believe it's a cog that has fallen out of the human "machine" and it badly needs to be returned to it's place.

The only cog I see that needs replacing is the loose one in your fucking head you weirdo.
I'm not a reincarnationist but I've pleny of experience with multiple lives. I think I've gone through about seven of them since my last physical birth. For instance, I'm a drastically different person from who I was in high school. Back then I was rather spineless and was, therefore, mistreated terribly. When I started to college, I took the move as an opportunity to redefine myself.

No, dipshit, those are called changes.
No, dude, I think you're still there.

I also used it to loose some of the masks I had been wearing since childhood. I adapted very well to the life of a offshore pipeliner the two years I worked as a welder helper on the M355. That was a different person than this vocational evaluator.

Having known for a long time that I was a Werewolf, I never suspected that there were others like me - that was another drastic life event.

Having known for a long time I was a fucking furry faggot--
The good thing is that I think the Therian community is morphing in the same directions. They've passed from an "Internet phenomenon" to a real life meet-up event and now seem to be settling down into connected semistable constellations and small communities. That warms my heart.

It's not a fetish it's a lifestyle, okay.
Wanting to fuck dudes in teddy bear suits is completely a lifestyle choice. I feel like I'm a bear deep in my being.
It's as legitimate as being gay.
Seriously, my gay friends, listen to me: you really need to distance yourselves from furries.
I look forward to retirement (I hope my job survives me to that point). I intend to drop all pretense and become what I am - a Werewolf.

I am literally an Imperial Fists Space Marine.
Oh but why am I still on Holy Terra my crusade needs me. :(
Hey wait I call bullshit even more. Terra is only nominally the Imperial Fists' homeworld. In reality they're based entirely around the chapter fleet and the Phalanx especially.
Ohhh boy this blog continues on his website.
Dare I venture further into crazy land?
No I feel that's enough for one day because a cursory scan of his website reveals it's all boring nonsense.
Oh well, next Monday~

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