Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Special 200th post spectacular!

Who would have guessed this would have held my interest for 200th posts? Certainly not I!
With that said, though, this is my last entry. Seriously. Maybe.
And what better way to celebrate than with what has brought me so much fortune, acclaim and readers? Especially that last part, oh ho. Actually especially the first part, too, but especially the second part.
So here we have Guillo, he's some kind of something.
I got an A on my English paper last week. Which is amazing cause I wrote the paper in like 5 hours the night before it was due because I spent 2 weeks playing Aion.

Anyways, I'm excited cause it's my first paper that the professor has told me that it was great and he told me that in front of class which boosted my ego. :D

Here it is

I didn't think it was super great cause of the time it took me to write it, maybe my professor was drunk when he graded my paper.

Oh, what? Posting your homework to your blog, okay.
Let's see-- oh, well, right off the bat in any English class I've taken sentences such as:
This is another part of the current healthcare system that saddens me.

would have instantaneously failed you. It's an unsubstantiated opinion with no relevance to anything, but mostly because you used a first person pronoun.
Dominicans in Japan.

Nope not reading this.
Last night Japanese class was good. Of course, I was supposed to learn the #s 1-10 and I did not study so I was a lame ass in class. I did super well in the Kore/Sore/Are part.
Derp derp.
You're not going to make it, bro. That's Japanese 101 and you're already fucking up hard and missing basic grammar assignments.
Maybe going to Japan is a bad idea. That's just asking for me to get arrested for trying to rape a sumo wrestler.

What is this I don't even
Why would you want to rape a sumo wrestler?

Now he posts pictures of his Aion character which I wager looks strikingly similar to how he looks (sans gray skin, red eyes and wings of course) in real life. That is, morbidly obese with a neckbeard.
Also thanks for answering conclusively whether or not I should try Aion. That answer, by the way, is a resounding "no".
Beyonce is the most amazing woman ever. I love her.

Hi I added a picture of Kanye West for humorous effect.
Japanese class was awesome last night.
My pronunciation frakin' rocks.

But does your grammar rock?
Considering your English grammar is of inferior quality, I somehow kind of doubt it.
The problem I have is that I freeze when attention is on me. So when I had to stand up and talk to another person I kinda get weird.

Last night a girl had to introduce me to her friend.

No you freeze because you have to talk to girls because you have NO GAME.
It went something like this.

Kochira Kono wa Suzuki wo to Debura san desu. kochira kono wa Honda wo to Waito san desu.

Hi just upgrading your grammar.

That's all I had to say. I might have the particle "wo" wrong but I don't have my notes on me.

No you definitely did. Also if you pronounced it "whoa" your pronunciation is as poor as your grammar.
Conor and I think the class is going a bit slow. The Teacher explains stuff way too long and he goes off into space with stuff.

Apparently not long enough when it comes to basic elements like the difference between an object marker and the conjunction "and".

I'm wearing a sweater vest, so I am looking super cute.

Heh, heh, heh.
So we get there and we kinda hope for a woman teacher cause women are cute when speaking Japanese I think.

Unless they're ugly, then it's not so cute.

I am here eating lunch at work. Hot boys around.

Maybe this is a girl, I don't know. She (?) posted her first name: Guillermo. I could Google it and find out but that would spoil the mystery. Let's take bets and I'll Google it at the end and we'll have a conclusive (hopefully) answer.
I'm still going to work under the assumption that this is a gay guy.
can you say SQUEEEEEEE!!!

In light of this evidence I think one could make a strong case for this being a girl, but there still isn't enough conclusive evidence yet. I'm standing firm on this.
All right mystery over he posted a lot of pictures of himself.
I was correct on every single account by the way because I'm pro like that.
This has to be one of the greatest stand up comedy acts in the history of history. The execution, the ending, the build up to know what "the phrase" is.

Dane Cook at his best ladies and gentlemen

>Dane Cook
>one of the greatest stand up comedy acts
Last entry I'm serious.
Wait maybe all the pictures of that morbidly obese gentleman weren't of the author.
Goddamn this blog is confusing.
No, wait, it is. There are a couple fat guys that I've seen pictures of from this blog, okay, so it's very hard to follow.
Now I've gone through 3 years of entries. Most of them were pictures at one time but are now missing.
Cool blog, bro.
Well I best be doing some shit for class tomorrow or something. I seem to recall a long, rambling speech and then some kind of assignment on Tuesday so I better search deep into my soul to discover the assignment which turns out is written on the Mona Lisa like in invisible ink like the latest Dan Brown bestseller or some shit.
So anyway last entry.
No, really, it is.

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