Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Fags who don't know how to work the internet, that's who.
Nooooooo. So when I installed windows XP it meant all my old programs went bye-bye, including photoshop CS.

Backup programs on discs? IMPOSSIBLE!
My dad got CS4 in the mail yesterday (I've been using the trial) and when it prompted me to enter the serial code for CS it DIDN'T WORK. Apparently I'm missing four whole numbers! D:

Call Adobe?
I don't know what to do. I can't find the CS box anywhere, it's HISTORY. When I tell my dad he's going to be uber pissed- blaming me for copying down the serial wrong, I'm sure, even though I checked it when I was copying it down. I don't know why the four other numbers aren't on there. UGH.

Well it's only four digits, so you only have 10,000 options. Better start guessing.
Surprisingly my dad payed me for all my hard work yesterday by going out of his way to buy more Sunkist oranges from Costco (I had run out).

Also you might want to work on not producing line drawings only before getting Photoshop. I'm fairly certain the correct order to do things it to learn something first and then buy the fancy tools to aid you in its execution.
That's just me, though.
And is it just me or did I play THREE jrpg's this year with pirate ships and or ghost ships or ghost ships of former pirate ships? Seriously? Is that a requirement for jprg's?

Hi, 1998 is calling and they want you back. It's a requirement like a sewer level is a requirement in FPS.
JRPG Rule number #43: Must have ghost pirate ship. I'm not joking, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia, TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass.


I'm going to be spending the next couple of days upgrading my computer to Windows XP.

Better late then never, I suppose.
Personally I'm typing this on a Mac 2. I don't trust new things.
*gigglesnorts at the silliness*
So far the gameplay has been this.... cutscene, fight, cutscene, cutscene, cutscene, redesign party, fight, redesign party, fight, redesign party, fight, cutscene cutsence, cutscene, redesign party...

You just described EVERY JRPG EVER MADE.
I have nothing of interest to say!

Implying, of course, you can have a blog and fill it with interesting thoughts.
You can't.
I'm just worried about how many times I can bake it before I dunno, it gets brittle or something. I honestly know nothing about Sculpey chemisty.

Doesn't it say on the package "bake once or it will turn into napalm and kill your family"?
Now there's a picture of some gay doll she owns.
Looks expensive.
Not that I don't totally adore them- just been too busy with school and Sydney Walls and videogames.

Video games, like board games or card games, is two words.

Purchased Fable II, I'm so excited and I can't wait to start playing.

No just kidding I liked Fable.

I was surprised to see it was rated M. Geez, what exactly did I buy here? XD

LOLXD die.
I'm under the impression that many individuals in other countries, especially European countries, are told that all Americans are complete and utter morons.

They'd be right.
Europeans are just as stupid, though. In fact pretty much everyone is stupid unless they can prove otherwise.
One particular person just got through explaining to me that Spain was in Europe. Wow. Thanks. Didn't know that one.

Shit don't get butthurt about it on Livejournal, get even. Say something mean like, like, I don't know. Spain is pretty badass. I mean shit, their national sport is killing bulls. With swords.
What's our national passtime? OH, HITTING A BALL WITH A STICK AND RUNNING IN CIRCLES? Pussies.
Then sometimes they try to outrun bulls but one guy is always too slow and gets gored to death.
The way I see it Spain is basically nonstop survival of the fittest: bulls versus men. Also they have kickass guitars. What else are you going to listen to while there's bull fighting? Flutes and violins? Hell no you need a badass guitar solo in that shit.
Sorry I kind of got offtrack.
I know there are a lot of cases where Americans are interviewed on history and world politics and answer all the questions incorrectly or with ridiculous answers,

Well in a recent survey something like 60% of adult Americans believed America fought China in WW2.
and that Americans are known for doing very arrogant things and making fools of themselves at home and when they visit other countries,

I'm waiting for the BUT... Where she tries to defend America with something totally unrelated to the matter at hand.

but that does not mean that ALL Americans are like that.

Hey, if the shoe fucking fits.
I know a great deal of Americans are undereducated, but when you live in a country with the third largest population in the world, do you think it's going to be easy to perfectly educate every single individual and create an education-system that keeps taxpayers happy?

I'm sick of people bashing on America. I'm sick of people stereotyping Americans.

I'm sick of the fucking apologetic logic Americans are adopting. When your science and math scores are amongst the worst in the world you shouldn't be reaching for an excuse you should be, I don't know, looking into it maybe? When I see every goddamn blog ever can't distinguish between "your" and "you're" and spelling "paid" as "payed" I see a fucking problem that won't be cured with flimsy excuses of the weak-minded.
If you don't like it then TOO BAD.

No, if you're so married to a failing system then fuck you.

I think it's the best damn country on the planet and I prefer it's culture to that of any other.

How can you even objectively say that? Have you been to any other country?
I think they're interesting and wonderful and would love to visit them

"Would love" implying you haven't, so shut the fuck up you uncultured yokel.
I hate it when you have a whole day planned, beginning to end, and then you suddenly get SICK.

Considering my entire day is usually something like "play Final Fantasy XI" "paint Warhammer figures" my "busy days" aren't really slowed down by illness.
It's pretty fucking great to be me, actually.

By the way, I have the following games for sale.

Great let's see what you're sel--
Original Persona 3 w/ artbook: $60
Persona 3: FES: $30
I have to find your ignorant opinions of that now.
Blah just some nonsense about not being able to think of a name for the main character and some other assorted SHIT.
So, like all blogs, this one continues to disappoint.
I have too much of my own nonsense to think about than to worry about her nonsense. I want to read shit like last blog where I thought some idiot was having a baby. If I wanted to read about how aweome Persona 3 is or how shitty Xenosaga is I'd read my own opinion on a reputable gaming site. Like this one, perhaps.
Your dolls are the most interesting part of your blog and the only reason I say that is because they're kind of neat looking. For an artist, though, they sure are factory-perfect. I'd strip that paint off and do it up myself right-like, but I don't play with dolls because I'm a guy and we have to play with action figures otherwise our penises turn inside out and become vaginas.
Well ladies and gentlemen, that's my offering for this day.

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