Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Persona 4 is out, fags

Best be going to your Gamestop and getting that shit.
You can thank me later.
So today is our typical weeaboo, which felt appropriately hypocritical after my PSA about Persona 4.
Although, no, wait, this isn't a regular weeaboo, this is a super weeaboo.
JLPT is, for those of you not familiar with Japanese, the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Basically you take a ton of tests to prove you're fluent so you can be a translator.
A translator of anime, of course, because there isn't any other possible translator job related to Japanese.
You might not be able to stick to it, but you should at least try. I forced myself to learn 50 vocab words a day plus 3 to 4 grammar points.

Ha, ha there's no way you retained 50 new words. You must have a super memory.
It's partly for my own benefit--the next time I take the JLPT, I want to study better instead of harder.

Maybe it's my limited fucking understanding of how languages work, but it's basically impossible to study better. Your only option is to slave through it.
Skip the reading questions and go directly to the grammar questions. Answer them as quickly as possible.

Exactly what you want to do with grammar: answer as quickly as possible. Don't spend any time because God forbid a grammar test is never knit-picky.
If you can't, just guess and move on.

You are the best grammarian ever. JUST GUESS.
I bet her next tip is "pray. Pray everything turned out okay."
Of course now I see why she's doing this sheer madness of attempting to learn 500 words in a single day. She signed up for this test October 6, the test being a little under two months later.
At her current skill level on October 6, she had to learn 4000 words by December.
Good job pacing yourself, boss.
Her current method of study? Why, to put words she saw in a video game into an electronic dictionary!
This'll work. I have a good feeling.

Haven't been on The Internets much lately because The Internets keep giving me headaches.

Didn't George Bush or whoever say this shit four years ago? Isn't it about time we moved past the whole "internets" thing?

What's more, I'll be leaving Japan in August,

Yeah, returning to the motherland you weeaboo fuck?
Le sigh.

Yeah keep it up. Just keep it the fuck up.
He thinks it's going to be easy to just walk into a foreign country and get a job and place to stay.

Depending on the country it probably isn't as hard as you make it out to be.
Can anyone give me some advice on finding work/residence in Japan (especially Tokyo) that I can pass on to him?

Google it you stupid cunt. You're on the goddamn internet.
Names of English schools, good districts to live in, contacts, etc. I've never had to hunt for a job or apartment while actually in Japan, so I don't actually know very much information that's immediately useful to him.

Gee I didn't know this blog came with a homework assignment. I might have reconsidered my involvement had I known this.
Am 99% sure I passed, yay! I did terribly on the listening section though...the girl sitting next to me had a really loud pencil, it totally distracted me.

At what point are you just making excuses? A loud pencil?
finish and mail off my test for my lame-ass Japanese course for JETs (the textbook not only has terrible explanations, it's also racist and sexist and discrimates against left-handers. I guess it's leftist?)

That textbook sounds like it kicks ass. Fuck left handed people. They're sorcerers.
As a sidenote, my family once caught pufferfish while we were fishing in the Philippines. But we threw the suckers back, since we aren't stupid.

Too bad.
This site lets you bypass your workplace's firewall so you can access blocked websites! Yay!

Holy shit welcome to 1999.

as I'm sure you're all dying to know about my sordid little life.

So why are you posting it? Your blog is arguably the most boring fucking thing I've ever read. I've skipped through 45 entries just waiting for something to comment on and it hasn't happened yet.
Today my students asked me my age and I answered truthfully (twenty-three). Her response was along the lines of, "No way! I thought you were way older! I thought you were older than _____-sensei!"

The teacher she was referring to is close to forty years old.

Shit, destroyed.
It's funner than it sounds.

Here's the thing, though: had this been Japanese you know that would have been conjugated perfectly.
First off, my computer attempted to commit suicide tonight so if I suddenly disappear off the face of the net (more than usual, I mean), it's because my computer succeeded in its attempt.

I know I might try just to get away from you, holy shit.
I can't take this anymore. This is so fucking bad.
Flonnebonne, this is bad and you should feel bad.
You seem to like Japanese, so let me say something in a language you can appreciate:
It's always good to know your favorite words in several languages, that way you won't be caught unawares should you suddenly find yourself in Japan and in need of calling someone a cunt.
Which happens to me quite often, I might add.

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