Friday, January 25, 2013


Ordinarily I'd be out and about at this time failing with women but the deadliest of man's enemies has reared its ugly head where I live:
there is a thin sheen of ice on the street.
Usually North Carolina drivers are whiny and anemic when it comes to the weather and driving but for once I feel their fear is rightly placed.
So here I sit and so shall I review another blog: ONTD_P, my old friend.
Where white women go to whine and feel self righteous on the internet.
"Larry Seabrook diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public till into the pockets of his favored cronies. Today, he is a convicted felon, stripped of his City Council position, who must serve prison time. His sentence punctuates a powerful message that abusing government power to steal has serious consequences.."
Less powerful than the message I would have sent.
Ever heard of damnatio memoriae, Larry?
Check it out on Wikipedia and be thankful I'm not in charge.
U.S. Military Lauded For Creating Gender-Neutral Killing Field
My weapons in vidya gayms only seldom discriminate based on gender.
Yeah some weapons in Skyrim are more effective against the opposite sex if you have certain perks or whatever.
No I don't understand it either.
I think the Fallout series has similar perks in place, hmmm.
I remember particularly in New Vegas being a girl character could potentially behoove you since most of the enemies in the game were men and that 10% extra damage was often nice.
“The U.S. Armed Forces have been gender-neutral in their victims for years, and now they’re finally leveling the killing field for female combatants as well,” said Nadine Hynes, a retired Marine Corps Lance Corporal who was unable to add to the carnage of Iraq’s blood-soaked, limb-strewn slaughterscapes due to the Pentagon’s 1994 rule barring women from infantry and artillery roles.
This article seems like it might be a bit biased.
Props for the term "slaughterscapes" though.
I genuinely do like that coinage. 
You'd think they'd be thrilled. Finally men and women in an equal opportunity situation.
But nope, white women whinging yet again.
They want everything and nothing.
“Now, women will have the same opportunity to accidentally gun down innocent civilians or be ripped apart by insurgent rocket fire as men.”
I think they already had a chance of getting ripped apart by an RPG. 
... Weapons, especially projectiles and explosions, tend not to discriminate.
Also women are often employed by the army to drive trucks.
So they run people over regularly.
A Wisconsin high school is under fire after parents discovered that the 'American Diversity' class taught students that minorities had historically been oppressed by white people.
Don't major in education if that offends you, then.
Because all your education classes will be thus.
Here let me save everyone a ton of time wondering what an education education (har) is like:
There we go.
Oh forgot one:
"They were told to go and count the number of dolls that were representative of blacks as opposed to whites," the parent said. "It’s meant to divide and victimize non-whites and condition whites to feel guilty and to be more passive."
Fun way to throw a spanner in the works:
"you know there are more than two races. Isn't reducing race to a binary inherently racist as well? What about Asians or Hispanics? Why are we reducing all white and all black people to two groups? Surely ethnic Africans face different challenges than African Americans or Aborigines. Surely there are different African cultures. Why are we calling Finnish people racist when most Finns haven't seen a black person before? What about all the other, similar European (white) cultures with a 100% homogeneous population?"
Usually they'll just stammer and skip over your questions but occasionally they'll level the ol' "well they're not multicultural so therefore they're racist." to which you can quickly respond with "and neither are countries like Korea or Japan or most of Africa, for that matter, and yet I don't hear similar sweeping claims about their culture's character."
The simple fact is you want to be in places like Europe or America (well maybe not Europe so much anymore and probably not America in 5-10 years) so everyone is mad fucking jelly.
Comments are, as expected, great:
fucking... white people LOL

also they don't get options being raised by their dumbass parents... so way to be dicks

mad because they giving kids REAL TALK
Fucking... Black people LOL.
The fact that this kind of class exists is a really good thing, I think. These are subjects that need to be discussed. Oppression of all types NEEDS to be acknowledged and discussed so it's not repeated.
Ironically the avatar this person has is a character from Shin Megami Tensei.
The series of video games that basically teaches oppression is inescapable and part of the natural order of the universe.
And if anyone reading this disagrees with that assessment of the series fuck you you're thrown into a world of gods and demigods as a mortal and force to pick one of three arbitrarily alignments and work for complete assholes towards goals you don't fully understand and probably wouldn't choose if you had free agency in your decision making in the first place.
Even the decidedly more humanist Persona series teaches you that whatever is going to happen to you will happen regardless of your decisions and the only thing you can do is control how you think about it.
Although Persona 3 does raise interesting (in my opinion) questions on the nature of fate and exactly how much agency an individual has in struggling against it.
But that was a common theme in Greek mythology anyway which was basically the entire underpinning to Persona 3.
Persona 4 picked Japanese mythology and consequently wasn't as good.
Something about a culture having to analyze its own values I suspect.
That or there is something very alien about Japanese mythology that even the Japanese acknowledge and seem to take some kind of pride in.
I personally like it for those characteristics but an interesting study in character it does not make.
Sorry I started talking about something almost totally unrelated.
This is really boring.
Arkansas schools could soon have an easier way to teach a Bible course as part of its public curriculum.

Republican state Rep. Denny Altes has proposed a bill that would allow the state's public school districts to adopt an elective curriculum for academic study of the Bible. The course would "consist of a nonsectarian, nonreligious academic study of the Bible and its influence on literature, art, music, culture and politics" and would "be taught in an objective and non devotional manner with no attempt made to indoctrinate students as to either the truth or falsity of the biblical materials or texts from other religions or cultural traditions."
And yet every public school
secular or deeply Christian
teaches the one true religion.
Waiter who refused service to customer becomes Web hero

Usually, when a waiter refuses to serve someone at a restaurant, customers complain. In this case, customers cheered.

The waiter in question, Michael Garcia, has been receiving goodwill and friend requests on the restaurant’s Facebook page since word spread that he stood up for a child with special needs.

Garcia, who works at the Houston restaurant Laurenzo's, was waiting on a family, regulars with a 5-year-old child, Milo, who has Down syndrome. The server said that another family at the restaurant commented on Milo’s behavior, which Garcia described as “talking and making little noises." Garcia moved the complaining family to another table, but they were still unhappy. "Special needs children need to be special somewhere else," the father reportedly said.

The waiter then took a stand. He told that such talk is ignorant and is due to  people's fear of the unknown. "My personal feelings took over," he said, leading him to tell the father, "Sir, I won't be able to serve you.” The family left the restaurant.
So that's it, huh.
That's what it takes to be a hero nowadays.
You have to not do something.
Hercules strangled an invincible lion with his bear hands.
Perseus killed Medusa.
Theseus slayed the Minotaur.
Michael Garcia didn't do his job because someone was being an asshole.
Back in the day you had to have been part deity or done something actually impressive to warrant the title of hero.
Now you just have to have some class.
One bioethicist's modest proposal to combat obesity through socially motivated self-hatred

People don't hate being fat enough, basically, according to Hastings Center bioethicist Daniel Callahan. In an editorial published in the Hastings Center Report, he argues that nothing -- not diets, drugs, sugeries, nor appeals to our health -- is working, and goes on to make the case for fat-shaming people until they start eating more salad. 
When I become caesar and assume my dark throne I will make you minister of propaganda. 
Oh wow.
I don't know what this article is yet but the person posting it has as their avatar Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Hope you guys realize what's next.
Why might a woman swallow lye? Gunpowder? Why would a woman hit herself about the abdomen with a meat pulverizer? A brickbat? Throw herself down the stairs?
Because she wanted to end a pregnancy. Historically, women have chosen all those methods to induce abortion. The first known descriptions appeared around 1500 B.C. in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical text that mentioned an abortion engineered by a plant-fiber tampon coated with honey and crushed dates.
She never asked for this.
What is most striking about this history of probes and poisons is that throughout all recorded time, there have been women so desperate to end a pregnancy that they were willing to endure excruciating pain and considerable risk, including infection, sterility, permanent injury, puncture and hemorrhage, to say nothing of shame and ostracism. Where abortion was illegal, they risked prosecution and imprisonment. And death, of course.
Her neck was snapped and her body was burned beyond recognition by a high tech compound.
Many of the cures for these “ailments” were nothing but sugar and dust. But some of them were nonetheless quite effective. Those were the dangerous ones, containing as they commonly did, turpentine, opium, pennyroyal, aloes, snakeroot, myrrh or oil of rue. One of the most common ingredients was ergot, or claviceps purpurea, a fungus found on the stalks of grain. Women as early as the 16th century had observed that cows that consumed ergot miscarried their calves. The fungus, however, had disastrous side effects, called ergotism, also known as St. Anthony’s fire. Symptoms included a burning sensation in the limbs because of blood constriction, which led to gangrene. The poison could also cause seizures, itching, psychosis, vomiting, contractions, diarrhea and death.
Yeah, RIP. 
If the Supreme Court were ever to overturn Roe v. Wade, or if anti-abortion forces continue to successfully chisel away at a woman’s access to safe abortion, many women will still choose abortion — by their own hands. Leeches, lye and Spanish fly are still among the many tools available to the self-abortionist. So are knitting needles, with predictable, disastrous consequences. There is no law that will end the practice of abortion, only laws that can protect a woman’s right to choose it, or not, and to keep it the safe and private procedure still available to us in 2013, 40 years after the Supreme Court made it legal.
Both treat torture at secret CIA prisons as if it were a thing of the past, masking the reality of an enduring practice.

The controversy surrounding Zero Dark Thirty has been as misguided as the film itself, which opened nationwide on Friday. Much of the debate has centred on whether Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow's latest opus leaves viewers with the false impression that torture led to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
All I know is that movie was fucking sweet.
Except when that one guy said bro way too much.
I wouldn't tell that jack off anything either.
The first third of Zero Dark Thirty is unadulterated torture porn, a display of medieval cruelty at various CIA and affiliated prisons. Strappado, drowning, sexual abuse, beatings, stress positions, loud music, stuffing people into boxes, sleep deprivation, but also
>loud music
I was advocating taking a ball-peen hammer to his fingers in the theater myself.
I think people really over think torture.
Holy shit can you imagine how these snowflakes would react to my administration?
Jesus Christ.
Look I'm not saying the CIA was right.
I'm also not saying they're wrong.
I'm just saying if you want results a ball-peen hammer is often an effective information extractor. 
How do I know this?
Stands to reason.
and this is not acknowledged enough as torture - threats to send prisoners to countries where they would face further abuse (in the film, Israel).
Always an effective strategy. Threaten a kid with sending them to the classroom next door and they fold like playing cards.
It doesn't glorify anything, though. There's not an ounce of FUCK YEAH in it.
First sensible comment on ONTD_P I think.
It doesn't glorify anything.
It's a spy movie. It's pretty grounded.
I feel the same way. The movie made me super uncomfortable by the sound of it (I'd never watch any film depicting torture, especially torture that, you know, actually happened and is happening) and reading this strengthened my distaste.
>I haven't seen it but it's still awful
Oh my God what's happened?
ONTD_P is being reasonable about this.
No I don't understand.
Anyway I kind of lost my focus on this for an hour and now I've lost my mojo.
Goodbye I guess.

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