Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I've been diseased

I contracted some unspecified biological agent thanks to my horrible school.
On top of SHIN SPLINTS HARDCORE and in general having to winnow the horrors of teaching fucking 9th graders (in a shitty school no less) a lesser mortal would have broken by now, but not I.
I endure eternal.
Hooo, so tired.
Also: must be 14, flavor country, gentlemen, etc.
Today's writer's block:

When, if ever, is it okay to snoop on your significant other? Have you ever?

"When the bitch is creeping" is my response.

I don't think it's ever ok to snoop on your significant other. EVER. I would be absolutely livid if my partner were to go through my e-mail, my phone, my facebook, my anything behind my back and without consent.

Yeah, well. Don't give me a reason to think you're blowing some other dude and we're fine.
Also this is how you know I'm an honest person. At least I have the balls to say it. All the other "I WOULD TRUST MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER ALWAYS LOL" are cocksucking liars.
I think they're all nuts. Even if someone gives you reason to suspect that they're up to something sketchy, I don't think it's ok. I think it's the coward's way of not talking through problems and I think it shows a lack of respect.

If she's cheating she's going to lie. Are you fucking stupid or something?
To me, if you don't trust and respect your partner then there's no reason for you to be together. I think it also starts to make you look for problems, look for suspicious information, and give you a reason to start keeping secrets.

A suspicious mind is a healthy mind.
I know that if my partner was looking through my email, I'd start a different email account without telling them. It's a disgusting display of control and mistrust, and I wouldn't ever condone it.

Didn't you just say you didn't condone keeping secrets? So you should show me your email and dispel all doubt instead of acting like you do have something to hide.
See then you could call me an asshole and break up with me instead of acting like a petty, hypocritical cunt I know you are and whoops-- looks like the truth finally came out.
Here's some dumb fucking survey hidden behind a cut and if she thinks I'm reading this she's nuts.
I've worn myself out bitching about the extend on our hellatus (fuck you, CW) so moving on to another topic...

Women. Feminism. Empowerment. Ect.

Moving on from something I don't know what it is, some shit no one but dumb cunts care about.
Here's why: we think of feminism and we think of bra burning, women fighting for equality in the work place, the right to vote, ect. Now we've achieved all of that (debatable. Women are still paid less than men for the same jobs but, you know)

Oh what they're not telling you about that shocking statistic: the fact women take off from work to drop spawn they promptly ignore explains the discrepancy in wages.

but now we face other kinds of inequality which boils down to basic sexism. Sexism is still alive and thriving today.*

Ok so she has a note where she explains this statement but it's immediately below her previous paragraph in small font so just make a new paragraph, goddamn.
*Note: I'm aware that sexism applies to men too. I think it's terrible the way we raise males to think that they have to be strong, unemotional tyrants who need to put their pride before all else.

Oh no, don't lump me into this butthurt bullshit. You are the one upset about sexism, not me.
Then we raise females to think that it's normal for men to be that way. Be honest, how many women feel awkward when they see a man cry in front of them? Anyways...

But yes, anywayS.

I categorize racism, sexism, and denial of human rights (ie: gay marriage) under the same heading, and that heading is "WRONG." It sickens me that we are still racist, that we still make racist jokes and laugh at them, that we laugh at sexist jokes (no, it is NOT funny when you tell me that women belong in the kitchen),

Actually yes it is funny.
You can say it's not all you want but your opinion isn't actually better than mine so I can just refute it outright.
Deal with it.

and it's not ok that we deny marriage to anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Only a shitty writer deals in absolutes, you know.
I bet there are some combinations of sexuality you find objectionable like, say, pedophilia?
In fact I'd wager that exact kind of thinking hurts the gay marriage movement more than it helps because then all conservatives have to do is point and say LOOK PEOPLE WANT TO LEGALIZE MARRYIN' YER DOG and be technically right based on the language people use.
My point is before you say shit make sure you qualify it.

The thing is, we recognize that racism is wrong and to an extent, we recognize that discrimination against gays is wrong too. But we continually advocate sexism and then we (especially men, ironically) claim that there is no need for feminism in 2011.

Stop saying "we". I recognize nothing you recognize categorically just to separate myself from you.

And think about it, men are still seen as sexual and it's ok for them to be sexual. If a woman is openly sexual, she is labeled as: skanky, slutty, or a whore.

Flashing back to pussy sensitivity. Anyway, moving on--

But here's what really upsets me and what made me realize that I've been thinking the wrong things about feminism: genital mutilation. It isn't practiced in the U.S. (anymore, to my knowledge) but it is in the Middle East, in Africa, and I think in Asia, too. Without going into gory detail, it's exactly what it sounds like: women being mutilated sexually (with razor blades or broken glass, my psych teacher has informed me.) It's done because it's "more appealing to men for marriage," or as a rite of passage into women hood.

Oh what do you call circumcision, then? Not genital mutilation?
Fuck you you two-standard bitch.

And don't even get me started on the media. The media is what helps feed all of this. Music and music videos are constantly depicting women as nothing but sexual objects, advertisements and Hollywood keep telling women that they need to be thin and perfect, but they more or less let the men slide. Yes, I acknowledge that the media affects men too, telling them that they need to be ripped and tan, but it's not nearly as prominent as it is with females.

Because men are less affected by such marketing. Stop being gullible twats and it'll go away.
What, you really think companies don't market to men that way just because?
Goddamn, I can't deal with this shit anymore, new entry.
The CW is pushing tomorrow's Supernatural to NEXT FUCKING WEEK.


I don't even know what that means but I get the impression you have a "crisis" every ten minutes.
Never short of things to be OUTRAGED about.
And truly? This is probably not normal. I'm spending an outrageous amount of money on this convention. Who does that? Who flies across an ocean and spends an unspeakable amount of money, just for a TV show convention?

>Probably not
No it definitely isn't.
Whoooa wandered off for a few hours and coughed up a lung.
Time to do something else.

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