Monday, May 18, 2009

The Bro Crusade Continues

Today I tackled the Promyvion runs in FFXI and cleared them all, so pretty much any achievement imaginable pales in comparison. It's all there in the title: PROmyvion.
So here we are today.
A fellow Final Fantasy fan, going by the avatars. Yes, Final Fantasy VI was the best. This does not mean I'm going soft on you, though. If anything I'm now holding you to a higher standard because you are familiar with things that are not shit and therefore have no excuse for your heathen ways.
Two things that I find unfair:

Somehow I bet both of these articles you are, in fact, in control of, but do continue.

That I only truly want to be writing when I am nowhere near something that I can use to write.

Yep definitely don't give a fuck.

That in order to get a good job I have to do things like apply and interview and go to job fairs and that just scares me and makes me unhappy.

Also I've cut about a paragraph from each of these two items. You didn't miss anything, she just literally got her point across in one sentence and then continued to prattle on.
See that, Jen (I love being on a first name basis with the various bloggers :3)? I didn't have anything further to say so I ended the thought.
I GOT AN A IN RESEARCH METHODS, AKA THE CLASS THAT HAS BEEN IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE SINCE SEPTEMBER. Okay so yes I got As in all other classes but the B in econ but those don't seem NEARLY as wonderful/exciting/etc. I GOT AN A IN 406.

Well whoopdeeshit I got an A in all my classes.

Now it's time to make Aziraphale's life miserable by remixing my angsty WWII slash fic <3>

I know what World War II is, and I know what Azazel is (an obscure character in Jewish Apocrypha, but given this cunt probably from some anime) but I have no clue what this sentence means. At all.

Belial just popped into my head, along with his reasoning for deciding to seduce Uriel

What is this I don't even
All right for those of you unfamiliar with Jewish and Christian mythology and associated texts and apocrypha (who could blame you?) Belial is, well, first a term, as in the oft-mentioned "riotous sons of Belial" basically, greedy people who would do anything for money. Crooks, thieves, rogues, etc. Belial was later personified as the demon of greed. His most famous appearance is perhaps in Milton's "Paradise Lost", where he attempts to convince the Court of Hell to develop the natural resources of Hell, which was rich in valuable metals.
Uriel is a rather obscure Seraph (highest order of angels) who I believe is briefly mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy as well as "Paradise Lost" and figures only slightly more heavily into the cult classic Shin Megami Tensei series.
I can't be certain if they were gay or not, but I would have to assume Uriel would spurn this advance considering they are embroiled in a bitter war and are on opposite sides of the conflict.
Oh here she posts an excerpt.
Uriel was tidying up and singing to himself. “Love me hate me say what you want about me, but all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin’ to IF YOU SEEK AMY!”

Belial’s eye twitched.

“Say, you know, that song is so catchy but makes no sense,” Uriel admitted, “No sense at all. IF YOU SEEK AMY? What does that even mean?”

Belial’s eye began to spasm.


If Belial had a soul, it would have died.

Well that was bad and didn't make a lot of sense. I'd like to mention that Belial is only a soul by definition but whatever, hey who needs all this book learnin' when you can shit out this PURE GENIUS?
XD Sorry those two amuse me.

Oh now we get deep insight in the form of an AIM conversation. These are always fucking stupid. Put your goggles on, because I suspect unprotected eyes will be irrevocably damaged upon viewing this:
[15:29] steadfast: he will get involved in a duel to the death (not sure with who XD) that occurs over a pit of spikes that are on fire while the kraken tries to suck him down
[15:29] steadfast: so i guess we could do that XD
[15:29] foxxfire5: xDD
[15:30] foxxfire5: what are we going to do? have him spiked underwater?
[15:30] steadfast: XD
[15:30] steadfast: just
[15:30] steadfast: XD

In a two minute window (at most), FIVE "XD"s.
This conversation continues in this fashion for another five minutes, and in that window there are another SIX "XD"s, bringing the grand total (in a six minute clip of a conversation) to 11. That's almost two every minute.
So I finally sat down and forced myself to read Twilight. It took about 4 hours.

It wasn't nearly as bad as I figured it would be.

Thanks. I didn't put much time into my best seller but it has made me a fortune.

Two more scenes to go, still. Well, three, if I'm including some sort of climactic fight scene against el dragon, which I haven't quite decided whether or not I'm going to write or not.

I don't usually count climactic battles where most of the action is resolved as a scene, but I can see where you might consider it one of the most important parts of a story.

I finally got up the metaphysical balls to look at the grad school apps I still have hanging

I guess all those big bad psychology classes (and an English minor, no less) don't extend into the definition of "metaphysical" (protip: your statement didn't make that much sense).
Do you remember how I complained that my brain doesn't think linearly - that I can write the end of stories before the beginning, etc.? Prime example of this: MY BRAIN HAS DECIDED TO WORK ON THE SEQUEL.

OH NO IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME METHOD OF WRITING WHEREIN YOU COULD DIVIDE INDIVIDUAL STORIES INTO SMALLER SECTIONS AND THEN ORGANIZE THEM LATER IN A FASHION THAT MAKES SENSE TO THE READER! Unfortunately to my knowledge no such thing exi-- oh no, no wait, I remember now: they're called chapters. Might want to look into them.

Second, it turns out that my Good Omens novella has gotten about 300 viewers per chapter.

I'm parring the next paragraph down to a sentence so that it isn't so boring (and stupid).
Oh, and I ordered statues of the archangels so that they don't smite me because of the fact that they're all characters in the novella.

I forgot what I was going to say about this, honestly. The glaring stupidity of this paragraph just crushed all rational thought I had for about ten minutes.
Things Jen needs to get done today:

But wait, aren't you Jen?
Oh who cares?
This goes on and on forever about shit I don't care about, so I'm going to do something else now.

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