Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yeah I knew

Anonymous said...
I just got done fucking a broad like six months who is like 95% this bitch. Didn't know how deep the rabbit hole was, but should have known I wouldn't like. Hindsight's 20/20, and we're not made of stone (though sometimes I wish it so).

Maybe I oughta read this blog before I get shacked up with terrible broads. Hell, you saved my ass once before.


-A Fan
Yeah you're welcome.
Saving one poor soul at a time. 
Remember: no mercy for the misguided.
 just before I forget that I actually had an idea haha

okay so, Irrbloss has always been a standalone character, but the idea is that he's the embodiment/maker/representation of will-o-wisps, so what if I did more things like that?
I mean irro is and will forever be my baby but amorabosk could be something like the embodiment/maker/representation of forests?

I mean hell I could do that with everything, mist and water and earth and moss
it could be pretty cool.

like, back in the old ancient times, they were all like little gods that helped shape the environment together, but as more and more things grew and became independent and intelligent they've become forgotten and scarce? but they're all still there, more or less. just the world is bigger now so they're disappearing into it.

like, they're the ~old ones~. and the flowers and birds and animals are all the young ones.

Sounds gay and stupid
Also like a knock off of Ents.
Seriously that sounds fucking stupid. Whenever you have to put an idea in writing and say "gee is this a good idea?" It really sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.
Could use a hug. Never intended for this journal to be my [personal/rant/mute] space, but it became that, so that's what I'm gonna use it for.

Alice taken to the emergency.
I texted mom asking if she was gonna watch Sherlock, and she called me saying "No, we're not watching Sherlock, we have to take Alice to the hospital, she's coughing blood", and I said "Then why aren't you already", and she said "We're going to, bye" and I said "Bye".

And then I watched Sherlock.

It's the Reichenbrach episode.
Also you could use a hug?
Not Alice who is vomiting blood?
I hope Alice is like a cat or something because if not your reaction is remarkably callous.
That's coming from me, who routinely tells people to kill themselves and is only mostly joking.
My sister may be dying of internal hemorrhage but RERUN OF SHERLOCK, WHAT?
I watched an episode of that show, incidentally.
I enjoyed it but it was way too long. Hour and a half an episode.
Granted each season is 3 episodes but I dunno. It didn't feel like I was watching a movie. It just felt like an hour show padded out an extra half hour.
And this is British television, too, so each 90 minute episode is like 88 minutes.

Then I texted her, asking what's wrong with her, and I got back, "Really high fever for 2 days... now vomiting blood..."

I haven't texted back.

I'm relieved I'm having a reaction at all. Which is sick.

I'm a fucking soldier.
I guess Alice is a person.
Also you're a soldier?
Not Alice, vomiting blood?

Ice cold, lady.

Sometimes I hate my head.

She'll be fine, because that's how it goes. I notice I have a hard time admitting that I'm worried, because I'm not sure how it feels anymore, but I'm pretty sure I am. Same heavy feeling that I vaguely recall from back then.

Worry. worry worry. there are tears.
Alice may be vomiting blood but Christ forbid you're a bit worried about her.
I see the serious issue here.
Also not worried enough to actually visit her in the hospital or even call.
Flowers, maybe?

Okay, caught CSI Miami on tv a few hours ago and have spent the last few hours in a kind of nostalgic haze reading fanfics, because that was basically my life when I was fourteen. RPing and CSI and CSI fanfiction. And Wire in the Blood, but no one remembers that show, so that never had any fic and I had no one to talk to it about and it's still really sadmaking because it's one of the best shows out there.
I remember Wire in the Blood.
Never saw it but I remember the commercials and I remember thinking "what the fuck does 'wire in the blood' mean?"
Guess you have to watch the show.
It's an interesting name, though, so I can't call it shit or anything.
It certainly creates an image.
Musing on the whole LJ/DW thing - right now, definitely in favour of moving here. Everything seems friendlier. The staff, the userbase and the site itself from a using standpoint. It's all a-okay to me whereas LJ has made it clear that they're not listening and that the fandom/RP userbase isn't welcome.
I respect Livejournal for taking a stance against this garbage but man, that's a ballsy move.
Remember when the owner of that brand of champagne, Cristal, said he didn't want black people to drink it?
Like damn, that's 95% of your consumer base.
 Anyway, gonna finish fiddling with this later - icons, styles, all of that good stuff. Still have to create a musebox and accounts for Tulio and my Lodge playground, and start importing the old journals at some point.

In the meantime, I'm going to keep watching Lord of the Rings. And sleep a lot. It's good to be back home. c: 
Like what the fuck?
This isn't an IM. You don't have to tell me what you'll be doing.
Anyway fuck it made it to the first entry.
I've been having a run of these lately.
They're really douchey but really new.
I guess most people jump ship to Dreamwidth, last about a week then say "nope not losing all my shitty RP posts from Livejournal" and move back to LJ or quit.

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