Monday, August 19, 2013


About Little Ol' Me
I'm married to a wonderful man (known by his online handle of Kalamain to most people) and we have the most beautiful daughter, who is now 14 years old and as much of a geek as we are (she goes by her own online handle of Jenaa). I'm 37 years old, although I have a tendency to act as though I'm still in my 20s,
Wow a woman acting well under her age?
What a change up for Dreamwidth!
This clearly needs a warning that I might be jackhammered with content not appropriate for me!
I have delusions of one day becoming a published and paid author, but I know it's probably a pipe dream. I've discovered that I enjoy writing short stories a lot more than I like writing novels, so for now at least, I'm concentrating on those, and hoping to get one or two published in magazines. I'm also interested in writing for children/young adults, and I'm looking at comic books as a medium too. I also write fanfic and will never hear a negative word said about the art form. 
She reads mostly comics and books intended for 12 year old girls and writes fanfiction and one day hopes to write her own Harry Potter knock off?
Get the fuck out immediately!
I am a multi-fandom multi-shipper who dabbles in at least a dozen fandoms at any one time. I have 'ships that contradict other 'ships, and have a specific love for friendship-ships, as opposed to romantic-ships. I read/write gen, het, slash and femslash and love a ridiculous number of tropes. You can read a full list of the ones I love at this post.
On second thought let's not because it's really boring.
Here's a post about Pacific Rim--
I wish women would shut up about that hack movie--
Hockey post, hockey post, hockey post, Pacific Rim post, hockey post, Pacific Rim--
Jesus Christ, woman.
Jesus Christ me. What the fuck was I thinking picking this blog?
And this amused me all afternoon at work:

Give me three characters and I'll tell you which I'd snog, marry or throw off a cliff!
Are you fucking 14? I'm in need to happifying.

Comment here and tell me about something you love.

Fannish. Non-fannish. TV show. Book. Colour. A tree down your street. A picture of a kitten you found on Tumblr. Your children. Your other half. Your parents.

Feel free to ramble and to squee and to infect me with your happy.

Plz respond
she got a lot of comments, too, which kind of pisses me off.
 Happy International Women's Day!

In honour, as I did last year, I'm offering drabbles.

Give me a woman and a single word prompt and I'll give you a ficlet/drabble.
International Women's Day?
International women is something I'd like to celebrate but I doubt that's what they meant.
In my "I don't wanna work, I wanna procrastinate" afternoon at work today, I wrote a 500 word prologue to a story that I don't know if I'm going to write. It's basically for a zombie apocalypse universe, and details how the virus took a hold, and what it does.

I'm considering opening it up as a fic challenge/group writing/shared universe idea.
Continuing with your theme of "I can't have a thought not somehow tied to recent pop culture": a movie about zombies!
A lot of us are doing various writing challenges at the moment and may be struggling or starting to doubt our own abilities.

I, however, have faith that we're all fantastic writers.

So, whether you're doing NaNo, mini-NaNo, preparing for Yuletide, taking part in any other writing challenge, or just need a quick boost, this is the place for you.

Link me to the piece of writing you've done that you're most proud of. The fic that you love, despite it's tiny fandom. The story of your own that you re-read with a smile on your face. The words that remind you that you're a writer. That. Comment here and tell us all!
No thanks.
I'm playing the stock market game again and I bought stock in Huaneng Power International.
How the fuck does a power company in China lose money?
This is almost as stupid as the time I bought into a coking (read: coal refining) company in China and it lost for a solid 9 hours before returning huge.
What the shit is with this stock market?
Wow, good going there LiveJournal. You've pretty much managed to piss off every single one of your remaining users!

For those who don't know, LJ have decided to force a new style "feed" instead of the customized friends pages, that resembles Tumblr's dashboard. But is a lot less user friendly, and is a lot more uncomfortable to look at. And apparently is causing migraines all over the place. I only looked at the new layout for about 30 seconds before deciding it was hiddeous.

So far, LJ do not appear to be offering an opt-out on this new "fix".

*slow clap*

I still have a few important friends on LJ who haven't/won't come over here, and they are the only reason I even still have my account.

But I won't be using LJ much more, I don't think. Might just turn off comments over there again and start herding people this way. The less I have to deal with that site, the better....
Livejournal got so bad even a troll like me jumped ship.
You know you have problems then.
Also bang up job on the emotes, there. That was the one annoying twat thing you weren't doing.
Yesterday, I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't come up with the crime aspect of an original story I was working on. I have most of the characters sorted out, and some nice character sub-plots, but the main crime plot just wasn't coming together.

She reminded me, in a nice way, that I suck at plot, but I'm good with characters. So maybe I should try working backwards from the antagonist.
>Suck at plot
>most of the best crime stories the crime is a macguffin to drive the characters along
somehow I doubt you're good at characters, either.
Quick, pop quiz: name one crime movie where the crime was the interesting part!
Also please don't confuse "crime movie" with "mystery movie" because they are different.
Come the fuck on Huaneng Power.
I know that several people on my flist suffer with migraines - myself included.

However, I was wondering if any of you get aura symptoms before the onset of one? You know, lights or sounds or smells that aren't really there? I believe it can also happen before stress and anxiety attacks, and is common before epileptic fits.

I'm working on some original writing where my main character sees auras around people, although it's not medically caused in this case, and I'm interested in talking to anyone who might have experienced anything like this first hand.
Yeah I could write you an entire page and a half on that but nope.
That'd really just fuck your story up because there'd suddenly be a paragraph of awesome description written by me.
Also we're not friends.
... Not sure why I felt the need to qualify that.
Clearly we're not friends.
Today, my beautiful daughter turns 13 years old.

This is both terrifying and amazing.

I certainly don't feel old enough to be the parent of a teenager.
There's a disturbing thought.
You reproducing.
A question for those of you who write short stories (original fic, mainly, but I guess the same question stands for fanfic):

When you first come up with an idea, do you think of an actual plot, or just a scenario? And if the latter, how do you convert it to a plot?

Okay, that was two questions, but I'm not apologising :)
You think of the message you want to convey and work backwards into a plot.
Think of 1984. It probably didn't start with "dude decides to write a journal despite it being illegal" it probably started with "why the future is going to be fucking gay."
Or Warhammer. It probably didn't start with "The Imperium of man is fucking kick ass" it probably started with "what setting would make a cool game?"


You may, or may not, recall how miserable my current job has been making me. I'm bored (which is a dangerous state for me to be in), under-appreciated and just generally pissed off with the whole place. I actually ran an experiment a week or so ago to see how many conversations I would have with people in my office if I didn't start them. The answer was one. In two days.

So I've been looking for jobs, but not too hard. After all, I know there's a shortage of jobs out there and I didn't want to piss off my current place too much by going to lots of interviews etc.

But then something came up that was perfect.
Two days and one conversation?
That sounds perfect.
Awww yeah gimme that money, Direxion Bear Share.
Betting against the developed world is a smart gamble in 2013.

Today's curiosity question is about Steampunk.

I have a basic understanding of the genre, but I don't know nearly as much as I'd like to. I'm pretty sure that some of you in my circle are into all things Steampunk, so I invite you to tell me about it. What books/films would you recommend? Why is costuming so popular? What misconceptions are there about Steampunk in the popular media?
Steampunk is for homosexuals and women who can't handle the one true scifi subgenre of cyberpunk.
I am currently overlooking the fact William Gibson himself wrote a steampunk story.
It was 1990 and no one knew better and even then he couldn't fully commit alone. He needed Bruce Sterling to help and so I consider it mostly a Bruce Sterling failure.
A ton of posts whining about how hot some guys are--
Moot postings, really, because the hottest person alive is Lee Hyori and if you disagree you are provably wrong.
Here's a picture that may have been specially hand picked to be especially flattering to prove how right I am always.
Here's another one in case you weren't convinced the first time.
The fact there are blogs dedicated to moaning about how hot Emma Watson is but not Lee Hyori proves how incompetent my fellow man is.
Have you seen Emma Watson? She has the face of of Richard Dawkins.
I mean I guess if you're into that then whatever.
Oh man last Friday's slaughter is salvaged by Direxion Bear Shares.
Go suck a fat one Standard and Poor's because I got 1350 shares of Direxion to shove down your cakehole.
Fuck the stock market holy shit.
How can you gamble against the market to make money?
How is that an action you can do to make money?
Like I understand the principle of what I'm doing but I still don't understand how that's even a thing.
Anyway back to the matter at hand.
Fucking stocks and bonds. No one comes here for that garbage.
I don't know why people come here, actually.
I understand reading my thoughts is probably the highlight of your life but you have to read a bunch of cunts whining to get to it.
Jesus Christ I'm going.
Fuck Dreamwidth
fuck the internet
fuck this gay earth

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