Monday, July 29, 2013

Oh Christ

I need a second.
I was configuring some Might and Magic 1: Secrets of the Inner Sanctum in DOSBox and the sound that projected from my headphones was so horrific and loud I think I legally died for a full minute.
If you were wondering what the worst noise ever the answer is a PC emulating an early 80s PC making system beeps at 3 quarters volume in a sick mockery of music.
Also the instructions said I needed an Apple II emulator when clearly it's the DOS version.
I don't know if anyone is on their A game in this production.
Also there are no sound settings for this fucking game.
Maybe I can force Soundblaster 16 emulation?
Maybe I'll just mute the whole thing.
Not sure this game has music outside of the awesome intro.
Anyway let's read about this cont
And holy shit did I pick a boring blog.
And it has totally kicked my Steve/Natasha/Bucky shipping into high gear (I've written 500 words of the sequel to "Our history is just in our blood" this weekend, after months of nothing), and somehow, along with that, my no longer sekrit Chris Evans/Scarlett Johansson shipping. I don't even recognize myself! I just want them to make out a lot (both on and off-screen) and have beautiful babies and keep making movies together and trolling reporters. They're just so ADORABLE and they look like they enjoy each other's company a lot. I may have a problem. *hands* 
I have had a lot of caffeine today, and only a big salad to absorb it, so I might be a little (more) scattered. The big salad was good, btw. The crunchy Thai chicken salad from Just Salad, though I feel like maybe celery is unnecessary. I knew it was there, but it was a surprise every time. Also, because I am a wimp, I had them switch out the spicy peanut dressing for balsamic. Regardless, it was tasty and crunchy, though sadly lacking in cheese. I feel like every salad should have cubed fresh mozzarella in it.
Only Americans can turn something as healthy into a salad into food for fat people.
I went to see Pacific Rim this morning (though I did not know there was a scene after the credits, so I left. Curses! But if you haven't seen it yet, now you know!) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And now I understand why there are already 9 million fusions and AUs, because it is the perfect setup for your OTP (or even OT3). But mostly my takeaway was that Mako Mori was Cass Cain and Stacker Pentecost (!!) was Bruce Wayne, and I had a lot of Batfamily feels.
What the fuck does any of that mean?
I don't know and I don't care.
That movie was fucking garbage
stop talking about it.
I did have some trouble parsing the dialogue because of the sound mixing, but also my hearing is pretty shitty when there is background noise. I look forward to the blu-ray where I can turn on the captioning. And then I can wince at the workmanlike dialogue. *hands* 
I'm not sure what "hands" means but I'm sure it's fucking obnoxious and she probably needs hit for it.
After the movie, I went grocery shopping because I am going to a fangirl gathering tomorrow and need to bring a dessert.
>fangirl gathering
>must bring desert
wow is there even enough ice cream on earth to feed that herd?
I brought home my 4 lb. pork shoulder, and poured out 2 tbsp and 2 tsp of coarse sea salt (half of what the recipe calls for, because the comments warn it can be salty) and then my brown sugar was frozen into a solid block, so I used honey instead, which doesn't caramelize the way sugar does, so it didn't get crispy on the outside, it just burned. The rest of the meat is nice and juicy and pulled apart pretty easily, so that's nice, but I might try it next time as written.
Last night, L. and I went to see Man of Steel. Since it was in 3D - not even IMAX, just 3D - the tickets cost $18.50 and with the fandango service charge, they were $20. (unfortunately, non-3D times were thin on the ground, and didn't work for our schedules on a work night.)

I can think of few movies I would happily pay $20 to see, and let me tell you, Man of Steel
MAN OF STEEL IS ONE OF THEM SQUEE *HANDS* <3 p="">just you fucking watch.

is not one of them. There was a good movie in there somewhere (not necessarily a good Superman movie, but nonetheless, there was some salvageable stuff in there) but the version that's been released is not it.
Well what a surprise.
First off, the 3D transfer was terrible - the movie was visually dark and kind of murky, and I'm not even talking about the unsaturated colors, which I actually kind of like in general (but not for SUPERMAN. COME ON GUYS. IT'S SUPERMAN. SHOW A LITTLE RESPECT.)
Sounds like the movie. They had the gray filter on everything.
Which I like. I like unsaturated colors.
But still fuck that incoherent mess.
Also buy a fucking tripod. I know you spent a billion dollars animating every chest hair on that faggot. Buy a 20 dollar tripod.

I think you know what my fandoms are. If you pick something that's not one of my fandoms I'll either ask for something I'm familiar with or make something up.

Yesterday afternoon, I saw Star Trek Into Darkness with a bunch of fangirls and... okay. the movie itself is moderately entertaining (especially if you don't think too hard about it), and quite often hilarious, though not, I think, in ways it was intended to be?
Movie was awesome
shut up.
I thought Cumberbatch was fine as the villain - I find him really unattractive so looking at his face bothers me, but he has a lovely voice and he was really good at being icily menacing. But, you know, he's not Khan and they shouldn't have gone there, for a variety of reasons I may or may not natter on about at great length in this post.
>fine villain but not pretty enough so I didn't like him
typical fangirl cunt whining here.
I thought he was good.
Don't know who he is outside of what these twats  have to prattle on about with Sherlock Holmes but otherwise I thought he was a competent Khan.
And speaking of the militarization of Starfleet in this timeline - so are they at war with the Klingons? I'm guessing no, because they wouldn't be sending the flagship out on a five year exploratory mission if they were, but some acknowledgement of that IN THE MOVIE would have been nice.
I guess that five minute scene about militarizing Starfleet because they'd be at war with the Klingons any second and then another scene about the new Starfleet dreadnought wasn't enough of a tip for you.
How about a giant neon sign that says "war impending you stupid fuck"?
Also the Enterprise would be a shitty flagship because in the five minute talky scene about how fucked the galaxy is if it came to a fight with Klingons it was mentioned several times that all of Starfleet was exploratory and science vessels.
Let me spell that out for you:
ships made for exploration and research tend not to be so good at fighting wars.
Remember the dreadnought scene where it caught up to the Enterprise in the warp and ripped it out of the warp by shooting right through its shields?
Christ you people are thick.
I think that could have been a really interesting story - the militarization of Starfleet, and Scotty's objections ("I thought we were explorers.") touched on it as well - but it gets subsumed in this ridiculous plot and then never brought up again. I mean, they could have had ONE LINE when Kirk wakes up - Kirk: "Are we at war with the Klingon Empire?" Bones: "No, Uhura convinced them it was a bad idea." - but it's just completely dropped.
How fucking stupid are you?
They spent literally five minutes on this subject in the middle of the movie.
They even traced the history of the starships with Kirk.
Were you paying any kind of attention or do you lose focus when there's no gay relationship material on screen?
Oh my god, this day. Fridays should not be this busy, nor this annoying! I was unable to connect to the network for over an hour and I was reduced to doing some filing after I ran out of copies to make! FILING! Ugh! Cruel and unusual!

The entire week has been hectic and I don't think it's going to slow down because now we're two weeks out from the next board meeting, and that always makes things crazy.
White wahm working.
Uhhhhh fuck blogs
Fuck the internet
Fuck this gay earth

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