Friday, June 28, 2013

Fuck off

Fuck off I mean goddamn
First of all look at that travesty.
I'm going fucking blind trying to read it.
The new henchboss turned out to be just like its predecessors, and will always kowtow to incompetent users rather than supporting me. Note to myself... Stop caring, dammit, and be content with the paycheck. Pride in work well done does not pay grocery bills.
Punk motherfucker
If I can, I'll leave work early and do a bit of 'carpentry' in the garage.
Jerking off in the garage.
Got it.
Protip, dipshit: don't put inverted single quotes around a word if you don't want it to sound filthy.
I'm going to get some 'reading' done in my room later.
I tend to put quotes around the word because saying that what I do is carpentry would be the same as my sticking my hand inside a sock to make a puppet of it and then pretending I'm the equal of Shari Lewis.
Hey man I don't judge.
Hand puppets to jerk off.
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
no I dunno.
This is a guy incidentally.
In case you couldn't tell.
He says he has a wife but uhhh I think he's lying because as we all know: all guys with blogs are gay.
My wife says the best word to describe my body type is 'sinewy'.
What? Are you trying to insinewate something?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
On Friday, when I told my cubicle neighbor that, for the 2nd day in a row I'd be leaving at 3:30pm instead of 4pm, a discussion ensued about it'd then be better to describe my reputation as soiled or tarnished. We decided that 'tarnished' sounded better since it suggests there's something like silver under it.
Is it possible to be this boring?
Jesus Christ.
Say something interesting.
I've seen vehicles with a Christian Fish with sharp teeth eating a Darwin Fish. Yesterday I saw a vehicle where a T-rex is eating a Christian Fish. I don't really care much fo either sentiment and I'm an atheist.
You know what throws me right the fuck off?
Those family stickers on cars.
You know the kind that shows exactly the contents of the car so I know who to hate while I'm driving behind them?
Mama cunt and a daddy cunt and three little baby cunts and I HOPE THEY ALL DROWN IN AMMONIA.
Last night, Sue and I went to Albuquerque's Kimo Theater for the premiere of documentary "Justice Denied". Co-directed by her friend Geri Lynn Weinstein-Matthews, it was a followup to "The Invisible War". While "Invisible War" was about women in our military who'd been raped by others within their ranks, "Justice Denied" was about men who'd suffered the same fate.
So a casual Friday out, huh?
If you want some military drama that doesn't involve gay rape might I recommend "Labyrinth of Sorrows" by George Mann?
No rape but there is almost two hours of traitorous scum getting stabbed in the throat by space marines.
Remember a few entries ago that woman was whining about a werewolf show involving murdered women?
Well like ten people get axed in the first five minutes of this fucker.
Cranking the hardcore dial up as high as it goes.
"Hope for the best, plan for the worst."

So I said today to one of my former minion's own minions.
What *do* they teach kids these days?
Death to the traitor and the heretic.
One lesson I need to teach myself is to avoid telling the higherup that his/her plan won't work. That's probably the nerd in me that makes me act that way. It's best to say nothing and then let the higherup find out as the brilliant idea's implementation turns out to be anything but.
Petty office politics HUH HUH HUH
A co-worker just said I'm a gem.
"no need to be a sarcastic cunt."
Probably the reason I try to avoid my fellow man.
I went to Barnes & Noble tonight and was taking a look at the new F/SF books when one of the employees approached me. 
I'm thinking of getting the book "Flesh of Cretacia" because it's about the Flesh Tearers and I kinda like them but the Space Marine Battle Books are very hit or miss.
It is written by Andy Smillie who I've never even heard of so that tells me nothing.

Cut too many corners of a square and you wind up running in a circle.
Actually if you cut even one corner off a square you don't have a square.
It becomes a triangle. 
 I finally fulfilled one of my many missions at work today.
'Tis a heady feeling.
God why is Youtube so shit lately?
Sue is writing a novella prequel to her fantasy novel "Mist" and she needs a name for her heroine's horse from when she was living in Asgard so she'd been researching on the net. She's found quite a few posibilities so far but I don't think 'Gufi' or 'Barmi' will be among the finalists.
Hellghast is a cool name.
Horses are kinda gay so they need cool names to make up for it.
Wow this blog is fucking boring. I had another false start today for a similar reason.
People: get your act together.

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