Friday, December 28, 2012

You stole my thing

Blogging in Amerikkka is today's blog.
Pretty sure I've called America Amerikkka  before.
I feel ripped off somehow.
Once again America is taking its annual day of self-congratulatory celebration and I must admit, I am feeling disappointed, disrespected, and a tad bit bitter on behalf of my Ancestors and the way in which their American stories are ignored.
So anyway--
Listening to the media programs of the day, you would think that the experiences of Africans and their descendants in this country -- federal and state sponsored and supported kidnappings, enslavement, torture, rape, Black Codes, Jim Crow, and the modern day James Crow Esq. (still!!), etc. -- never happened.

The fact is that on this day, African Americans are left out of the popular American Narrative. We do not fit into America's description of itself as ". . . land of the free" where ". . . all men are created equal".
Who is MLK I don't know he just has a holiday and roads named after him.
We do not fit.

Our very presence is a "gotcha!" to America's sense of itself as a fair country; a meritocracy; a land of opportunity where ANYONE can get ahead if they only work hard enough.
>people are hired on arbitrary things like race and gender and other bullshit
Yeah hardly.
As long as blogs like this exist we're not a meritocracy.
Our history here -- despite President Obama and the myth of a "post-racial" society -- proves the lie of that.
The president of the US is half black for Christ's sake.
Honestly someone just linked me a Girl's Generation video so the amount I'm not paying attention to this blog is approaching a new record.
Sorry ended up watching 3 of their videos.
How can the next be hotter than the last?
There's only like 7 of them or something.
And this is not to say that there haven't been opportunities for success at all points in American history for African Americans. However, what success has been achieved -- and there is more than plenty on which to brag --has been more as a result of the drive, perseverance, resilience, and heart of African American individuals, families, and communities than as a result of any inherent fairness and equity of America. 
Meritocracies by definition aren't fair.
That's the point.
Do you want a meritocracy or not?
For months I’ve been following the “Occupy” mobilizations and pondering what –- quite frankly –- felt “wrong” about something that -– on the face of it -– seems oh, so right.

Then I read an article by journalist Stacey Patton ("Occupy isn't black America's fight", The Washington Post Outlook section, 11.27.2011), who oh-so-brilliantly provides the context and sheds light on what seems to be Black America’s relationship with this overwhelmingly white mobilization.

In her article, “Occupy isn’t Black America’s Fight”, Ms. Patton serves up an October 2011 Fast Company survey finding that African Descendants, who are 12.6% of the population in America, make up only 1.6% (!!!!!!!!) of the Occupy Wall Street mobilizations.
Today is the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and, of course, the only thing that too many Americans seem to know about this great man – his “I Have a Dream” speech –- is on full display as the national narrative for this event is being woven by media and participants. 
I don't even know that outside of that line, frankly.
It's not that I don't care--
actually yeah it is.
Looking at and listening to the dedications and speeches and remembrances, I admit that, rather than feeling pleasure and pride, I am feeling sadness and pure panic:
He was a great American
please just take the memorial
Look I'm giving it to you
just take it
I'd be the worst Caesar in situations like this.
I'd have a wrecking crew on standby the second an ungrateful shit like this gave me trouble.
Panic that this dedication will be yet another reason -- for Americans who are always looking for reasons -– to say “okay, let’s now ignore racial disparities! This is more proof that we are ‘post racial’! And anyone who says otherwise is a race-baiter and a racist!”;
People just hate people.
case in point
in EVE Online people will hate you based on your in game character's race that isn't actually a real thing. 
Fascist Caldari scum
fucking Commie Gallente--
Also the Caldari split from the Gallente. Ethnically they're the same people.
Oh right I'm the only person fucking gay enough to give a shit about the back story of EVE Online. My mistake.
Panic that we will forget the economic realities of living Black in America: that the unemployment rate for African Americans is the highest that it has been in 27 years at 16.2% (when the total national unemployment rate stands at 9.1%);
Black people in EVE Online are also the weakest of the four groups.
Yeah actually it is.
This was the sign held up by Kirtland High School students and their parents (according to all media reports) to taunt the losing Harvey High School team at the end of their recent football game in Ohio.

In the week since, the Ohio NAACP condemned the sign as "racial and ethnic intimidation."
People should be punched for saying "you mad bro" because they break it out before there's any reaction period.
no I haven't even--
14 year olds need to learn to troll better.
A kid said that to me while I was working.
That was a big problem because I couldn't even call his mother a whore like I can online.
So I did what any sane person would do in my situation:
Now we see the media equivalent of "You Mad Bro?" as media and bloggers engage in a campaign to discredit the Ohio NAACP as "race baiters" while excusing the race-baiting actions of those Kirtland students and parents as "bad sportsmanship".
How is calling someone bro racist?
Black people have a monopoly on the word brother now?
I call my friend Mike bro all the time
and I mean it in a knightly sense.
We've gone to war together, basically.
We both almost died eating at a Mexican restaurant from violent food poisoning.
We're basically brothers.
That restaurant went out of business the next day too, no shit.
It was like their last fuck you.
Not usually included in the reporting about this incident is the fact that Kirtland High School has a 98% white student population and is located within a white (99.1%) enclave.
99.1% white? Wonder what their school rating is.
Harvey High School predominantly black?
Wonder what their school rating is.
Instead of whining about some stupid fucking football game if we want to talk real problems with race in America why don't we get to the bottom of that?
I've seen this time and again, too. So yeah, you kind of are race baiting when there's a clear issue here and it isn't over some sign at a dumb football game.
Nor does the media usually include the fact that Harvey High School's student population is 53% students of color.
Only the most determined, pugnacious, willfully blind will deny what this means in terms of the vulnerability of Harvey High students to being stereotyped racially, economically, educationally, in the media, and by their white Kirtland High peers. And the "You Mad Bro?" sign clearly shows how well that message has been learned by these young Kirtland students.
Motherfucker I'm a white guy making double what they do at a minimum wage job, I'm the authority figure in the room and they say it to me, for fuck's sake. It's pretty benign as far as language goes.
If this were only a case of bad sportsmanship, they could have used any of a number of slogans that did not hint of racial/cultural appropriation and micro-aggression.
>cultural appropriation
Black people invented brothers.
There you have it.
We see racial appropriations all the time. They are like the air we breathe, the water we taste: expected, unnoticed, and necessary. From TV shows who use hip hop and other music to emphasize story lines and the actors in them as being "cool" and "hip" and "street smart" and "dangerous" -- and other adjectives that are racialized as the cultural norm -- while only using white actors as the lead characters; to young white suburbanites who are the major purchasers of hip hop music; to these self same youth who easily purchase and walk around decked out in the hip hop styles that Afrikan Descendant youth can't afford; to the white people we see walking down the streets in dreadlocks and who will argue that dreadlocks are not an indigenous style from the loins of the Afrikan Diaspora but is instead a "lifestyle choice" found naturally in all cultures (free tip: don’t fall for that. . .).
White people aren't allowed to like hip-hop or it's racist.
Appropriation – otherwise known as being a “culture vulture” (someone who not only racially appropriates but makes reputation and money off that appropriation – for example, Elvis Presley, Eminem, and Quintin Tarantino are names that are often mentioned. . .) -- has long been part of the American Narrative. And although one could debate the degree to which America in 2011 finds its Afrikan descended citizens palatable – despite the election of President Obama – there can be little credible argument regarding the role of America’s racial appropriation and white-washed assimilation into the white cultural narrative the cultural markers of Afrikan Descendants.
Elvis made money because black people worked hard.
Not because he was talented or a charismatic person or anything.
Wouldn't this do more to hurt race relations than it would to help?
Wouldn't white people and black people listening to, say, NWA kind of have the message of "maybe we aren't so different after all" instead of THERE ARE WHITE THINGS
I don't even like rap and I like NWA.
Micro-insults: Nonverbal communications that subtly convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person's racial heritage or identity. An example is an employee who asks a colleague of color how she got her job, implying she may have landed it through an affirmative action or quota system.

Micro-invalidations: Communications that subtly exclude, negate or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential reality of a person of color. For instance, white people often ask Asian-Americans where they were born, conveying the message that they are perpetual foreigners in their own land.
Yeah I've asked Asian people that before and no one has ever gotten pissed.
I don't believe in the history of the world that has ever happened.
Southern people have asked me where I'm from.
BECAUSE I'M FROM UP NORTH INNIT and I didn't get mad.
It's a perfectly valid question.
How about I phrase it like this instead: "what group of ancients do I have to hate for your stupid face being in my line of sight"?
This is why racism exists. This shit hurts any sort of progress way more than it helps.
Social psychologists Jack Dovidio of Yale University, and Samuel L. Gaertner, PhD, of the University of Delaware, have also conducted studies that established that many well-intentioned whites who consciously believe in and profess equality unconsciously act in a racist manner, particularly in ambiguous circumstances. This often unconscious pattern -- one that is not necessarily grounded in any white supremacist ideology but refers in part to the aversion of whites to being seen as engaging in racialized thinking -- especially given the conscious belief of these people in the adherence to racial equity principles (these are the people who will triumphantly crow or quietly beam that they “marched with Martin Luther King”; or that they have Black people in the family [“my son/daughter is married to a Black woman/man. . .”]; or that they have “given my life to the struggle”) -- is called “aversive racism."
Even not being racist is racist.
I remember in pussy sensitivity we had to play this bullshit game where you had to shoot people based on whether they had a gun or not and it was to prove you were racist because white people were more trigger happy shooting black people than white people.
Of course in my years of video gaming the second I saw a gun-like object in someone's hand I was double tapping them in the fucking skull.
No one knew what to make of that.
"You don't have to shoot them twice that's really throwing the score off" the guy giving the test said.
"Yeah can't be sure the first one gets the job done, buddy."
Because whites very rarely-to-never are held accountable for incidents of aversive racism or micro-aggressions, and because the impact to people of color in the face of the same is that they are left dealing with the emotional baggage
This shit isn't micro-aggression. It's like this entire neighborhood (white or black) went to war with me. 
‘Tis the Season to once again see who and what we are really worshiping: Christ or Consumerism.
Them that dwell on Mt. Olympus and the Imperial Cult.
Although it is easy to forget, this is really a spiritual and religious holiday -- and I'm not talking about worshiping at the altar of consumerism, although we genuflect at that altar en masse every year about this time.
Praise Persephone who brings the change of the seasons
without change there is stagnation.
But this year it is different: we are in the middle of an economic crises such as we have not seen since, many say, the Great Depression. 
People -- especially Afrikan descendants (African Americans) -- are losing homes, jobs, and life savings; are hanging on, having survived gas prices of almost $5.00 per gallon, ARM loans that doubled the price of mortgages and foreclosed homes like falling Dominos; and long-established companies folding as quickly as a bad poker hand.

People are running scared and feeling grateful for just holding on. . .

Just in time to go out and amass MORE debt in the name of Christmas.
I've avoided commenting on it before now but is there a reason you're spelling Africa with a k?
Taking back the k?
Also you always put in parenthesis (African Americans) so just say that.
You'd think we'd be dropping to our knees and giving thanks in prayer for surviving, economically, in a year that many have not. You'd think that, for Christians, the focus would be on the "Christ" in "Christmas" rather than on that other “C” -- Consumerism -- that we've been seduced to believing is ". . .the reason for the season."
I think my gods would be pissed if I thanked them for the shit I had.
In fact there's a long tradition of punishing foolish mortals who act like twats.
I'm not one to question their divine will.
It truly is the religion of personal accountability.
And the main reason it's not around anymore :(((((((((
It is at times like these when our faith (however we believe) needs to be front and center.
Oh but I get weird looks if I talk about what I think.
DISCRIMINATION :(((((((((((((((
All I have to say is THE BROTHA SPEAKS THE TRUTH about white women who are threatening to withhold their votes from Barack Obama -- or give their votes to John McCain -- in "protest" to Hillary Clinton's Democratic primary loss.
>White women
Trying to reason with one of those is like
I don't even know.
Don't do it.
This is an open letter to those white women who, despite their proclamations of progressivism, and supposedly because of their commitment to feminism, are threatening to withhold support from Barack Obama in November. You know who you are.
What's wrong with that?
They've picked their side.
I picked my side which is why I cast my vote for Caesar.
Not voting for Caesar is like voting for poverty, really.
Well, the holidays are here -- again -- and once again, I’m shaking my head at the massive scale madness that seems to engulf so many of us each year.

And it leads me to wonder: what are you REALLY “celebrating”?
That summarizes your post shut up don't even do it.
Now, some folks say that they are “celebrating” this religious holiday or that one.
Well I was supposed to offer libations at the temple of Zeus this day--
oh wait.
And now poor Kwanzaa is on the run from the powerful, all-encompassing, greedy hand of American consumerism.
The next person to celebrate Kwanzaa will be the first. That shit isn't real.
First we must agree that racism/white supremacy is the mother's milk of this country. Any thorough reading of history will support that contention.
Must we?
I don't have to agree to anything.
No, we must wrap our minds around the accurate definition of racism: racial and cultural prejudice and discrimination, supported intentionally or unintentionally by institutional power and authority, used to the advantage of one race and the disadvantage of other races.

The critical element which differentiates racism from prejudice and discrimination is the use of institutional power and authority to support prejudices and enforce discriminatory behaviors in systemic ways with far-reaching outcomes and effects.
Oh yeah this shit.
From pussy sensitivity.
Let me translate: only white people can be racist.
There you go.
I'd like to point out she only updated 3 times this year. Apparently racism isn't as serious an issue as she makes it out to be.
If it were you think she'd manage to update more than once every four months.
Anyway I managed to reach the end of this bullshit so I'm out.

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