Friday, December 21, 2012


Middle school kids are fucking whiny, man.
Oh well--
Christmas break now.
Speaking of being unreasonably whiny: women blogging.
The terrible crime and tragedy at Sandy Hook School has given rise to another blast of failed ideas that seem to pop up whenever there is a tragedy.

The "brilliant" liberals want to ban guns again. It never works, folks. The guns are not the problem. Sick, twisted, demented people are the problem.
This is apparently the #1 debate in America right now because of this shooting.
The only thing I want to say to this is "30 little kids got murdered. Can we not make this about you for two goddamn seconds?"
It sucks a bunch of kids got axed but meanwhile OBAMA WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AND JERBS.
If someone at the school had been armed, the killer would have been stopped before the death toll mounted. Look, most killers are spineless cowards who just want to be famous for something. They're too stupid to gain fame from doing something good, so they pick infamy. Murdering helpless people, especially children, is easy for them.
Yes, arm the teachers.
Smart solution.
I can't tell you the number of times the phrase "if I had a gun I'd have put one of those fuckers down" occurs in the teachers lounge.
Teachers are unhinged people. They'd do it.
Now that the initial shock and horror are subsiding a little and the funerals have commenced, we are hearing from mental microbes who want to pass new laws to restrict our freedom by disarming everyone (except, of course, the criminals). The blame game is in full swing, too. Let's blame the mother of the killer, shall we? Oh, she was the first victim... but the guns were hers! 
White women debating skills right up in this bitch.
Boy, I am really impressed by the way our brilliant government works, folks. It amazes me how legislation streaks through on the most important things and the news covers the essentials.
You have one speed for comedy and it's sarcasm.
Not even subtle sarcasm.
it's annoying is what I'm trying to say.
And hey, how about that Canadian genius re-writing "T'was The Night Before Christmas" to exclude the part about Santa's pipe smoking? I can hardly wait for the tobacco Nazi's in the USA to jump on board with that one.
It must be great being you.
I wish I had so little in my life that's of concern that my primary concern is rewriting some bullshit Christmas tune in Canada.
I mean take me for example.
Look at the myriad concerns in my life:
1. I have to know you exist
I think that's enough, really.
Good to know that we pay out the wazoo for such great legislation, ain't it, folks? 
This hasn't even happened. You're being an indignant cunt about a fabricated event.
You've probably heard by now that Hostess, makers of Twinkies and other goodies, has gone out of business. Wonder Bread and Ding Dongs have gone away... sad, indeed. Especially when you consider that those 18,500 workers refused an 8% pay cut to accommodate Obamacare and now have a 100% pay cut. Guess that union showed 'em, huh?
>8% pay cut
>catastrophic loss for many middle class Americans
Must be nice being that rich.
I believe you people have proven you can't handle free markets.
I am Caesar. My will be done.
Olive Garden and other restaurants have been faced with the choice of cutting back employee hours or going out of business, thanks to the multitude of new regulations, taxes and the ever grasping Obamacare. 
These companies lie out of their dicks.
I can't tell you the amount of lies fed to my at my shitty grocery store job.
yeah good job leaving that profit sheet out, dickbag. I saw the 300% markup on most of that shit.
You can lie to your other brain dead employees but not me.
Am I alone in believing that we now have an unaccountable ruler? A government above the law? And a population so stupid they voted for this mess?
I think if we had an unaccountable ruler he'd have come up with something better than this.
Every solitary decision the US government makes now is this milquetoast, design-by-committee bullshit that solves precisely dick.
Know how Lincoln abolished slavery?
By essentially illegally forcing it through the senate.
Good presidents see their will done no matter what.
Weak presidents compromise.
The election results are in. Now we can see what happens when the public is as uninformed and ignorant as they can get. We see that bread and circuses carry more weight than logic, reason and common sense.
>bread and circuses
Is this somehow implying that feeding the poor is bad?
Because in the grand scheme of things that costs the country virtually nothing and probably prevents a lot of other things like crime and such.
Look, lady. There's being cold and callous for a reason then there's this.
So, democrat voters, you have won again! Are you ready to fully enjoy the fruits of victory? Really? Oh yeah, free birth control and abortion on demand for any reason, that should thrill you. Free cell phones, yeah. Multi-culturalism abounding on every side, whooppee! Punish those terrible rich people and tax them to death, right.
Those poor rich people.
Of course, with abortion cheapening human life down to the lowest convenient denominator, older folks should start watching their backs. Obamacare and Agenda 21 are already talking about how us older folks have "lived a good life" and how we should be willing to "step aside" for younger folks so they can "live a good life", too.
Oh Christ are you for real?
And let's be sure to not just make Muslims proud of themselves (NASA's new mission), but give in to their demands for Shariah Law. That'll be loads of fun for you liberals, won't it? Explain to your daughters why they'll be better off with no education and having that cute little "excision" surgery to make them proper wives.
What the actual fuck are you on about?
I think the government should put you down just out of general principle.
I admit I'm not the biggest newspaper reader alive but I imagine I'd have heard the story where NASA advocates female circumcision.
Of course, ladies, being beaten for any and all reasons won't bother you a bit, right? And divorce is an automatic death sentence, but hey, the president loves Shariah Law so you can deal with it to please him, right?
Well the Bible does advocate that and you seem the type, so--
Think of Obama promoting your city on the hill and not Sharia Law, ok?
As election time approaches, it amazes me that so many people are "bored" by all the political talk. I guess it's normal for some folks not to believe it matters who gets elected. It's also normal for some people to vote based on who offers the most goodies or who tells a joke best or who wears the latest fashions. But that kind of normal doesn't work this year... nor should it ever.
Shouldn't but it does.
Quit bitching.
Man, how awful must it be to be you?
You claim to be an older American so I assume you're older than I am but you still haven't shed that youthful naivete of talking about things "like they should be?"
Yeah you're absolutely right-- people shouldn't pick their leader based on arbitrary things like fashion.
Aaaaaaaaaand I should be able to bang every single member of Girls' Generation on command.
But alas.
The third person is too young to vote and has a very liberal outlook. She thinks B.O. (B.S.) is cool and doesn't want to know anything else. Cool people have to be right, don't they? The schools these days are not likely to teach her anything more substantial than that, folks.
I can assure you, having taught these classes, that they do attempt to teach something more substantive than that.
It is, however, up to the little twat to pay attention and learn.
A lazy, anti-intellectual, instant gratification seeking, idiot mass begging for oblivion.
A wise person said that an informed electorate was essential to keep government honest and people free. Is this the "complacency" that precedes a dictatorship? It sure sounds like it to me!
Maybe that's what we need.
Clearly you dipshits can't handle your own affairs.
Nanny Bloomers aka Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, has really outdone himself this time. He is such a devoted dietician that he has effectively taken charge of the eating habits of everyone within his realm. Low salt, no grease, limits on sodas... boy he's a busy menu planner!
Good. Elect that guy president.
Now he's crammed one of the favorite liberal causes down the throats of school children and their parents. He won't let them decide what to eat, but he will sure enough encourage the much riskier behavior that comes from underage sex. If a 13 year old girl doesn't have the sense to eat the perfect foods, he seems to think she's perfectly capable of choosing to have sex whenever she wants to. So he's gonna solve the problems for her...
Why are you so concerned about the sex habits of 13 year olds?
13 year olds fuck all the time. I see the way they dress.
It's better they have at least some basic precautions.
No amount of telling them Jesus will cry if they do it will dissuade them.
Christ I can barely talk them out of not climbing on the furniture like animals sometimes.
That's right folks, your 13 year old daughter will be forbidden to drink a super-sized Coke, but she can sleep around all she wants. He won't hand out diet pills or appetite suppressants, oh no! But the morning after pill? Yep. And you don't even get to know about it!
Yeah that's smart. Give a 13 year old girl diet pills.
Have you ever stopped to think the difference between humans and chimps genetically is less than 1%?
Whatever separates us from chimps is in that 1%.
What if we ran into another creature that was another 1% in the same direction as we are from chimps?
Are we really all that different from chimps?
Am I the only person that thinks of shit like this?
But the bigger fact is what they're not telling you: 174,000 rounds of ammo is almost nothing compared to the 1.4 billion rounds of ammo being purchased by the DHS. And to my knowledge, nobody has explained why the DHS needs 1.4 billion rounds of ammo.
Someone wasn't looking too close at their market window.
Happens to all of us.
Usually to my benefit.
Also with the way you've been talking I'd expect you to be getting a big old girl boner over 1.4 billion bullets.
I wish I had the resources to make 1.4 billion bullets in EVE Online and that isn't even real.
The US managed that irl.
That's pretty kick ass if you ask me.
Just as in Nazi Germany, the modern U.S. government believes only the government needs ammo, not the citizens!
Would you even know what to do with a lot of 140,000 .357 rounds?
I wouldn't.
My family and racial heritage are mixed and I find this absolutely disgusting. It looks like the makings of a race war, folks. This is what happens when race is all that matters and people need to find their identity via becoming "hyphenated" Americans. Why can't we all call ourselves American and follow the Constitution instead of dividing into groups that resent each other?
Why indeed?
In 2008, all the black vote (O.K., very nearly all of it) went to B.O. (B.S.). The unemployment numbers among the black population in general and the young black population in particular, are staggering.

The Catholic vote went down the same rat hole, and now they are going to be forced to choose between offending God Almighty or closing hospitals (and other Church owned businesses).

The Jewish vote was nice and liberal and look at how the panderer-in-chief has treated Israel.
Oh shit, that was you before?
Oh, uhhh, shit?
Shouldn't you just say Americans had a liberal vote?
I recall an old Charlton Heston movie called "Soylent Green" about a "futuristic" society where they developed a new "wonder food" that people were eating when other food sources ran out. At the end of the story, Charlton Heston discovers that the new food is actually ground up humans.
Due to overpopulation all the other food was gone.
Apparently some "scientists" also saw that film and liked the idea. In fact, it seems they really, really liked the idea of cannibalism. Really Long Link and Really Long Link indicate that "soylent green" is with us today.
Links removed because fuck you--
and it's about stem cells you fucking cretin.
These "scientists" trying to cure diseases--
I don't know about you folks, but I'm taking the names of every company listed (and every one I can find through other sources) and removing all their products from my home. Permanently. Perhaps they'll stop using murdered babies in their food testing if enough decent people object. Or maybe they'll make enough money by selling them to the "pro-choice" crowd... 
The all-fired wonderful health care system in Canada has another valuable lesson for us all. A baby boy, named Joseph, is in the hospital. He has some form of a neurological disorder that killed his sister and is killing him. The Canadian "death panel" of bureaucrats has decided to remove his breathing tube and kill him (apparently it isn't cost effective to allow him to live). And they won't allow his parents to take him home or seek treatment elsewhere.
You should be all in for this.
why not?
You hate giving people breaks.
Kid couldn't survive on his own?
Tough shit, kid.
Imagine yourself in their position, folks. What if you lost one child and were about to lose another from a mysterious disease? What if your government doctors don't want to expend the time and money to determine what the disease is or allow you to go elsewhere for treatment?
What if you couldn't afford treatment?
Based on your previous argument death would be inevitable then because fuck people who can't pay.
Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
It sets your metabolism.
Nope. We think it is because we have been told so for many years. Actually, the idea was started by an ad-man who worked for a bacon company. Bacon and eggs became a staple for breakfast after that. Bacon sold and the company got wealthy.
Mixing up stories and fuck sourcing things.
Americans prior to that ate a light, continental breakfast. This guy changed that.
I don't think the value of breakfast was ever called into question.
Lunch is the odd meal out, really.
It doesn't take a thousand hours of research, or a library of law or medical books or a degree in science to find the truth.
Well shit. Uneducated yokel who can't even be bothered to Google this shit says it? It must be fucking fact.
Fuck those scientists with their fancy degrees. In the arena of ideas we're all equal.
There's a bizarre disconnect here: your fundamental style of argument is really at odds with the shit you say.
You'd expect social Darwinism and pseudo-Machiavellian philosophy from me but then I fully acknowledge that all people aren't equal.
How can you argue God loves all the babies while simultaneously saying you should starve if you can't afford to pay for food?
Isn't that a contradiction?
At church, when the Pastor asked if there were any needs among the congregation, I mentioned my water problem. When the service ended, people started showing up to fill all my buckets and some even got into my basement to see why everything had frozen. It seems my water heater shut itself off and needed to be reset and the water main at the street was too shallow. Two of the men returned with electric cords and a small heater for the main. It worked and I now have running water again.
I live in a really small town. There are less than 20 houses (still inhabited) and only 3 actual businesses. Three homes are decorated for Christmas with festive lights and decorated trees, sparkling through the windows. There will be one or two more, but that's all. My home is one of the three.
That sounds awful.
Our mayor is a nice, likable guy, who is also the town handyman. Last summer, he repaired my front porch and next week he'll be doing some interior repairs for me. He meets with the town council once a month and gets paid in the "double digits" for all his efforts. He meets personally with any citizen who requests his attention.
I know what's about to happen and before you suggest it: most mayors don't live in a town of 20 people and therefore can't meet with their constituents to hear their bullshit problems.
Yep that's what happens in this post--
First of all it's important to note that the Pilgrims risked a dangerous journey into the unknown for freedom of religion. Not freedom FROM religion.
Pilgrims came here to persecute. The same laws that made Europe tolerant of them also made them tolerant of such heretical filth as Quakers.
Maybe she learned something, at least I hope she did. Racial and ethnic insults aren't funny, folks. Physical problems aren't funny either.

I enjoy a good joke as much as anyone. Clean jokes are funny. Jokes about the crazy things people say and do and the situations they can get into can be hilarious. Political humor, if done with class, can leave me in stitches.
I think you argued that before.
Anyway this entry is going on too long.
Fuck the internet.

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