Friday, August 17, 2012


So this blog is about some cunt whining and she writes fanfiction.
I think we're headed into new territory here. Not too sure, but I think this might be a first.
Lakota Sacred Grounds on Auction Block unless they can raise $1M by August 25th

The sale is perfectly "legal," but is it morally, ethically, and spiritually correct?
You'd think if it were so sacred you'd look into buying it.
In a race against the clock, the Sioux Nation is fighting to save Pe' Sla, one of its most sacred religious sites. Pe' Sla, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, is the epicenter of the creation story of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota nations. 
Oh, you know--
just the place where the world was created according to our religion, but raising money to buy it?
 Tribal elders and spiritual leaders conduct ceremonies essential to their culture and beliefs at times of the year when the stars are in special alignment. On Aug. 25, 2012, approximately 1,942.66 acres, sold in five tracts of land, will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Once sold, it is highly likely that Pe' Sla will be opened up for development, with the State of South Dakota building a road directly through it, according to a press release I stumbled across on Facebook. If the Sioux ever needed a savvy PR and fundraising team, now is the time, and it may be too late.
Well now it's an important religious site and a highway. What's the fucking problem?
Before it was just a religious site. Now it's both a site and a highway. It's two things in one!
Holy shit, you could even set up a little tourist trap to raise some cash to head off the next time your sacred sites are on the auction block.
The fact that native sacred places were taken illegally by the United States government is secondary to the urgent need to do something to protect this privately owned yet cosmologically significant site before Aug. 25, less than two weeks from now. In a gallant effort the Sioux Nation is fundraising to buy as much of the holy ground of Pe' Sla as possible. What is possible and what is realistic may be two different things, or they may not.
Citation needed on the US seizing it illegally.
To be honest, when this writer discovered the story, the situation seemed overwhelming and hopeless. How would the Sioux be able to raise over one million dollars in a fundraising campaign in two weeks?  
>this writer
All right, you're writing a blog. You're not working for some third rate newspaper. Cut the shit.
Also how will the Sioux Nation
raise a million bucks in two weeks?
Well I did some quick division and if each person in the Sioux nation donated seven dollars you'd have enough plus enough left over to have a picnic.
  So I dutifully posted it on Facebook, tried to go to sleep, tossed and turned in protest at my inaction, and now find myself blogging away at 1 AM--hoping and praying that by throwing this sad, terrible story against the wall, something might stick.
Rest now, weary internet warrior, for I have devised the solution.
Seven bucks.
 "In the time of the sacred sites and the crashing of ecosystems and worlds, it may be worth not making a commodity out of all that is revered," LaDuke writes, asking the critical question of morality.

She goes on to cite Lakota scholar Chase Iron Eyes, who said:

Pe'Sla, to the Lakota, is the place where Morning Star, manifested as a meteor, fell to earth to help the Lakota by killing a great bird which had taken the lives of seven women; Morning Star's descent having created the wide open uncharacteristic bald-spot in the middle of the forested Black Hills. 
Seven women, huh?
It takes at least an entire massacre to rouse Zeus from his lofty throne.
Maybe your gods need better shit to do?
On May 24, 1996, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 13007 that requires the government to "accommodate access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites by religious practitioners." Unfortunately, the order applies to federal and not privately held lands, leaving an ethical chasm between what should be and what is reality at sacred sites.
>privately held lands
And now, at this moment, there is absolutely nothing we can do about that harsh fact.
I'm actually kinda surprised South Dakota needs another road. I figured the literally tens of people there could use one of the other two roads.
It is the hour of dark skies here in northern Minnesota and the Pleiades are just now rising in the eastern sky, soon to be followed by Jupiter, Venus and the waning crescent moon. I find myself wondering what the skies are like just one state to the west in the Black Hills. Part of the writer wants to go there to better explain the sense of the sacred lands, but there is no time to waste when the hands of the clock have moved into another day since the time I sat down to write this testimony.
They built a tourist trap on Mount Olympus, just saying.
Zeus rewards industry anyway.
So, feeling completely helpless and inadequate, we offer what little we can and hope that a solution can be found in the coming days to save the "heart of all that is."
Can't save something apparently so incredibly awesome that you've called it the heart of all that is by raising 1,000,000 bucks.
I couldn't pony up a million bucks but then again I'm not 150,000 people.
If you cloned me 150,000 times and my bank account 150,000 I could buy that shit tomorrow.
This place is apparently only badass because a god killed a giant bird that ate some women.
You know the Greeks dammed up rivers where Zeus did some serious shit because if they had to avoid sites such as that they'd still be living in caves.
If you can't donate the money, please spread the word.
You know if the Sioux Nation can't be moved to donate pocket change for THE HEART OF ALL THAT IS then I don't think I care that much either.
Hey, donate a dollar for each woman that giant bird ate.
I can do the PR.
Hell, I'll even donate my time.
Leave a comment, Sioux Nation, with your phone number and I'll give you a call about a badass PR campaign.

Seriously. You pay what you can and the money goes to protest efforts in North America and Europe.
I saw those protests.
I don't think anyone actually knew what they were protesting.
I'm not a rich man. I can't donate to all this shit.
I don't know how to ride a bike.

I would like to ride a bike. (I live in the city. Gas is expensive. It's good for my health. Lots of reasons.)

Caveat: I have a Parkinsonsism that severely effects my balance. I've tried learning to ride before and mostly hurt myself a lot. I never got off training wheels. (And I'm not biking through the city on training wheel because I have got some kind of pride.)
sounds like you're fucked, then.
Research so far says: tandem bikes (I have no one to tandem with) and trikes (and I don't have $300+ to drop on a bike I don't know I can use).
Oh can't have training wheels because you have pride but a tricycle
AKA a bike for babies
is perfectly fine.
No, cool.
I'm not asking for a solution so much as resources. A place where I can raise money for a trike? Someone who helps cripples ride bikes in the Philly area? Something?
A place where you can raise money for a trike?
How about a job?
Don't work at a grocery store, though. Then your back will hurt too much to give a fuck about a trike.
 Anyone know anything about netbooks?
Yes. They're little laptops. Next question.

I want a cheapee one to bring to Occupation and marches - just word processing and internet. Advice? Links? Anything?
Yeah I have a link for you.
Dumb cunt.
Anyway this blog goes on and fucking on about this shit so I'm going to bed.

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