Monday, August 6, 2012

I don't give a fuck

Apparently people are protesting General Mills for their pro-gay marriage stance.
Go home you fucking idiots. First Chick-fil-A now this bullshit.
And fucking food manufacturers stop voicing your opinion on marriage like your opinion matters. Go make some Lucky Charms you cocksuckers.
If you want to inform me about genetically modified crops I might be willing to listen to your opinion.
I said "listen to" not "take into consideration" because all of you are full of shit and I'm not having any of it.
Language class continues to suck, most of the time moderately but sometimes severely enough to drive me to drink. PPD continues to be a thing, sometimes moderately and sometimes more than moderately. P has his first major cold and is a whiny and pathetic sick person, much like his mama. 
Dear Sr. Teacher:

Don't give me that look. YES, I did not do my homework. NO, I did not "Do nothing all weekend..?"
I'd expect a language teacher to string together a better sentence than that but that's just me.
You might have noticed this whole massive power outage thing that is happening around these parts lately. We were involved in that. All weekend. Which means that instead of "nothing", I kept my four month old baby from dying, getting heat stroke or becoming seriously clinically dehydrated all weekend. That took a bit of doing considering that it clocked out at 116 degrees in our fifth floor apartment, and we had no drinkable water. 
I'm not even going to ask how you had no drinkable water in a city in the United States of America.
Well, it is DC which as I understand and have in fact witnessed is like wandering into a post-apocalyptic nightmare.
Beyond that, which some would say is achievement enough, I also kept the four and six year old reasonably calm and relatively happy and emotionally comfortable even though they spent the better part of the weekend in a car or at a mall. This was pretty much a heroic enterprise.
Based on the literally five sentences of yours I've read I get the impression you're some kind of linguistics major in which case I suggest staying home with your spawn instead.
Oh. Apparently she's majoring in the Telugu language.
What the hell is that?
Well a quick Wikipedia search confirms it's a language spoken in India.
So, we're all aware by now that my dad died in 1999 and was pretty much a metaphorical and emotional casualty of the Vietnam War, right?
I am well aware of this.
Well, apparently the VA did some lookin' into stuff and decided that he was a physical casualty of the Vietnam war too --
... He died in 1999.
there was a court case recently that establishes that the disease that he died from passively allowed to kill him committed suicide with died from was caused by his (hugenormous) exposure to Agent Orange during the war. 
I don't fully understand the point she was trying to get across with the crossed out shit.
I guess his disease was treatable and he decided to not treat it and therefore kill himself--
I know people who have been exposed to Agent Orange and 1. I can't blame them for wanting to die and 2. I don't think lung damage is treatable. 
(As are, I'm reasonably sure, most of my fertility/hormonal problems. Dioxin, gotta love it.)
Your fertility problems?
You have 3 kids. Shut up.
On Thursday, Patrick decided to randomly stop sleeping. Completely. I don't think he's been a sleep for longer than half an hour at a time since his nap Thursday afternoon. 
That's one of her spawn.
So. Here I sit, on what I'm reasonably sure is the world's most uncomfortable couch. I'm thirsty. My back aches. I need to pee. I'd like to watch a movie and clean up and do some errands and some work in Aperature. But I DO NOT DARE MOVE, because the baby might wake up and the screaming might start and I don't know if I can cope with it again. 
Oh wow imagine that kids are a responsibility.
 Yesterday in language class we wore Saris and flew kites and ate fantastic Indian food. Today in language classes we sung bajans and learned Indian classical dance.


I have the best job in ever.
Coooool maybe I should sign up.
Oh, apparently this is some sort of US foreign legion thing--
Does the US have a foreign legion?
I don't even know what the fuck is happening anymore.
Forget it. I'm going to bed.

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