Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Compromise is the last bastion of defeat

I tried to update Friday but no one was posting shit. I think it's safe to say blogging is almost (finally) dead.
But as long as there are blogs like this I'll be vigilant.
I'm skipping the first entry because I can't bring my eyes to focus long enough to read it.
The second post caught my attention because it's entitled "hate speaks for itself" and I almost considered using that as the title of this entry but she means it in a negative way and I was thinking it sounded like a Warhammer quote.
On the internet we read a lot of homophobic hate speech but I think it is often not treated as severely as it should be.
It's the fucking internet. Trying to stem the tide of the shit wave that is the internet is impossible.
I'm still here, aren't I? Still trying to stop blogging. It's futile.

Ok I have finished Mass Effect 3 and I am going to have to squee. There is so much good here.
Mass Effect 3, the game universally panned by almost everyone not a professional reviewer getting paid to turn out a 10/10?
ME 2 and ME3 I don’t think the whole “clips” concept worked. They had a nice idea with ammo in the first game – and I don’t think the whole “heat sink” idea made a whole lot of sense the way it was implemented.
Really, the heat system in 1 didn't make sense?
So firing superheated gas at enemies wouldn't cause the gun to heat up?

And, besides, you never ran out of ammo so why bother?
Yes, why bother with things like balance and logic?
On inclusion – lots of it and I loved it. And I loved my romance with Estevan (Kaidan, alas, died in ME1 for me) but more than anything what impressed me is that Estevan is gay. I mean, even if my Shepherd is straight as straight can be, Estevan is still gay. He isn’t the gay option thrown in to placate me and hidden away if you don’t want him. He’s gay, he’s mourning his husband and he will talk about it.
Don't care. Busy killing.
Don't care about that blue bitch's quest for knowledge and I don't care about that bitch in the hazmat suit's peoples' plight.
Don't care about that fag's whining or that other bitch's racism.
It's just me, Wrex and that weird alien guy.
Yeah, the three fucking guys killing shit and saving the galaxy.
When this is all over we're going to have so many blue bitches, holy shit.
And then I never played any of the sequels.
What a great game.
 Similarly you can walk through the Citadel and hear a woman talk about her wife. While romancing these character is an option, there existence is not. They are there. And that impressed me.
Whatever out of the way I'm going to the gun store.
Blue bitches won't ride my super tech cock if I can't beat these assholes in some bullshit lab doing illegal cloning research.
Too many targets. Can't solve this diplomatically because I chose to sink points into firing guns instead of whining so my only option is murder.
Your plight doesn't interest me. Stand back and let me save you from alien collectivisms bent on killing all life.
And to describe how much I loved this? I’m tempted to do a play through of the whole series, one after the other. Yes yes I am.
I seem to recall getting that game a few days after Christmas a few years ago then beating it before break ended. That's not really a feat.
So, I was talking about how Beloved’s parents aren’t exactly super-duper thrilled about be, or mine about him for that matter – and I was quickly informed by an empathetic person that they totally understood, they didn’t get on well with their in-laws either. See, they understood what it was to be rejected by your loved one’s family.
Don't care.
But it’s not a matter of my in-laws not liking me or my parents not liking Beloved. Even if Beloved or I were completely different men, our parents would still be hostile. 
Oh this is a guy.
Of course.
I'm just glad I can keep score for once.
We cannot have a relationship that would possibly meet their approval. Every potential relationship is wrong. It would actually be better for us not to have relationships, in their eyes, than have any of the relationships open to us. Our very capacity to love is flawed in their eyes. They weren’t just rejecting our partners, they were rejecting us. And that is so extremely different from your in-laws not liking you very much. 
You're right. We are completely unalike.
Or because I'm still playing Deus Ex it's FEMA and other government assholes to kill.
Who gives a shit, Frank? Unless FEMA is code for "I can't snap their necks" I'll solve this somehow.
Then one of them caught me hacking one of their computers.
Fuck it time to escalate this motherfucker.
Have you seen my armor piercing assault rifle yet?
Let me acquaint your spine with it.
*deep breaths* my temper is frayed on this one. I’ve just come across a blog post by a straight person who is most displeased that the GBLT community is not more up in arms and outraged by the group beating of Brandon White in Atlanta. She wanted to see more outpouring of… I don’t even know what. Outrage, grief, anger, shock? She judges us for not reacting more forcefully to the gay bashing and not paying more attention to it.
Oh look it's some Russian bitch who can turn invisible.
Real fucking neato, super spy. Hope you're a fan of Dirty Harry, Natasha, because I have a 44 mag you can suck on.
All the invisibility in the world sure didn't stop that hot lead, huh?
Now that was a great fucking game.
Know how many romance options there are in Deus Ex?
Fucking none. Not a single one. Too busy being future Dirty Harry.
So, I just saw a wonderful whine about the new Mass Effect 3 and apparently, of the new love interests, there are no EXCLUSIVE heterosexuals (i.e. they’re all gay or bi). Note, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have an opposite sex pairing – there are bisexual love interests and your straight love interests from the last 2 games which, in case you have forgotten, included ZERO same-sex relationships (oh you could have female bisexual flings, but no relationships).
I'm currently reliving every act of violence I've ever committed in a video game right now. Are you still whining about fictional relationships?
K, glad to see I haven't missed anything.
Seriously you're playing a game where you're a space soldier with optional robot eyes and you're charged with stopping an alien collective from eradicating all life in the galaxy and your concern is whether you can fuck other dudes?
If it's that fucking important to you, your imaginary gay life, you can save the galaxy and I imagine every ass in the galaxy would be yours because YOU SAVED THE FUCKING GALAXY.
All the waifu options in Mass Effect were underwhelming from the start so I just focused on being as hardcore as possible because I imagined Shepard would have a million waifus if he succeeded in the mayhem I was contemplating.
Am I the only person who still plays video games to have fun?
But but but shouldn’t heterosexuals be equally represented?! Equality should be equal!!!

Yes, equality should be equal. This is correct.
I just want to kill aliens with advanced weaponry. I don't care about heterosexuality or homosexuality or dualspirited furry transgenders in my games.
I want to sneak up on cybernetically enhanced gangbangers and kill them with my sword hands. I don't give a fuck about any of this other bullshit.
If you're going to tell a good story fucking do it and make it like Lost Odyssey or Persona 3. Make me feel interested about these characters as individuals and not fucking platforms for your misguided sociology nonsense.
If you're going the societal issues route you better make it like Deus Ex and make it an issue I care about otherwise I'll just focus on everything not that.
So Janet W. Hardy is writing a book that she has a kickstarter page to announce. And the book is called Girlf@g. (I am not linking to it, the last thing I won’t is for even one link from me to add so much as a penny into having this homophobic book put on the shelves)
Kickstart is basically institutionalized begging where you can tell people to give you money and you'll make this thing for them.
Lots of video games are being developed like this now and they'll all universally suck because you're paying for something before it even exists.
Fuck it, I made 2 million before I even started this shitty game. You can eat shit and like it, idiots.
Yes Girlf@g. Though Hardy, of course, doesn’t remotely have the respect to disemvowel the slur –if she did she wouldn’t have used the slur in the first place. And this book is about? Women who are sexually attracted to gay men. No, let's not even be that respectful. A book for women who fetishise f@gs, since that's the term this woman uses. Oh yay there’s a book about the fetishists now.

How to count the many things wrong with this?
Fuck it I made my cool thirteen million by being controversial. Peace, bitches.
So over in the US the Violence against Women Act has become partisan because it contains inclusive clauses for GBLT people, undocumented migrants and Native Americans

Which means, for these over-privileged arseholes, they were willing to scupper this bill – and throw all those women who desperately need this out because their hatred is more important than saving women’s lives.
If the government really wants to protect women from scumbags they should give me some cybernetics because I think I've successfully demonstrated that in test environments I am utterly lethal to scumbags.
Here's a post entitled "another rant about my labels"
Yes it’s time to say it again. Not particularly because I think it’ll stop people calling me it, but at least it lets me vent, and why have a blog if you can’t vent when you need it?

Do not call me queer. Yes I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it 100 times more. Do not call me Queer. I don’t care what the word means to you or how you identify or why – that’s your identity and your label, not mine. Do not use it to refer to me.
How about asshole?
Can I refer to you as an asshole?
And don’t try to poke or police me into accepting the label. Don’t make assumptions about me because I refuse to use your preferred terms.

My using the word gay doesn’t make me conformist. It doesn’t mean I’m not an activist. It doesn’t mean I secretly want to be straight. It doesn’t mean I’m not REALLY fighting for equality. It doesn’t mean I’m not a real gay man. It doesn’t mean I don’t REALLY face discrimination or that I don’t know what prejudice and bigotry really means. Pack up your shaming and get the fuck out if you think these things because I am beyond sick of it.
I've created a handy list of labels you can use when addressing me:
The Bane of Kings
The Red Wake
Uncontested Slaughter Master
The Last True Scion of Zeus
The Baleful Fire
If you're going to affix labels to your body you better pick some fucking labels, man.
To me that word is attached to my bones that ache because they’ve been broken. That word is attached to the scars on my arms and my back.
Hey man I know some chicks are into kinky shit like that but I don't really want to hear about it unless you're brown or Asian. And hot.
That is a word of my nightmares and memories that still haunt me. I take a cocktail of pills to keep my brain working because of the echoes of that word.
I added the boldface, if that wasn't apparent.
You have no right to decide I should use and claim this word. You have no right to demand I just swallow that and “get over it” and move on so I can follow your word choice.

My life. My being. My labels. Respect them or get out, simple as.
I prefer the first two titles, incidentally.
Respect them or get out.
So, Louis C. K. has joined the legions of those downplaying Tracy Morgan’s bigotry and chiding gay people for our reaction to blatant homophobia

So let’s address some things here, Louis.
Louis C.K. is probably the best comedian alive--
If he says something is funny I'm inclined to agree.
You found it hilarious. Really? A joke about stabbing a gay child you found hilarious? You know why we can’t laugh at this shit? Because it happens, Louis.
 He also makes jokes about rape and killing elderly people. I'm pretty sure he's not serious.
He is on a comedy stage – do you think that makes it better?
It literally does.
You know nothing. You understand nothing and you’re choking on your privilege.
Don’t tell us what would be more effective, straight man. Don’t tell us how we should react.
K got it.
I've been putting it off for months, but this wreck is way past its useby date. I have a blank desktop and 101 broken start menu links, in fact broken files all over the shop, it keeps freezing on me, half the programmes don't work the other half are unreliable at best.
computer programs are always spelled the American way.
Yeah that's right I'm correcting a British man about British spelling.
That's how top fucking pro at English I am.
Also time to reinstall Windows dipshit no need to buy a new computer.
So another bigoted arsehole has decided to open his mouth to defend poor oppressed Christians in the UK Who are being crushed under the “pink jackboot” and he needs to oppose the “Gaystapo”
Christfags sure do love playing that persecution card. I don't even understand how you can pretend to be persecuted when you're 80% of the industrialized nations' population.
When my people, the Romans, (allegedly) fed your people to lions that was persecution. You people are just whining about some bullshit I don't care about.
Yes, Nazi analogies. I'm putting aside the malicious vileness of claiming GBLT people are oppressing Christians when Christianity is pushing so much homophobic and transphobic hatred because it's eclipsed by the sheer nauseating evil of comparing GBLT people to Nazis.
There's an ironclad defense if I've ever heard it. "It's okay because Christians are the Nazis!"
So I've quit WoW. 
Sure you're not a girl?
Partly because I wanted the time, partly because even with 6/7 hc bosses progress before nerf still didn't seem fun and partly, with our guild going from transition with our server dying, it was looking like I'd have to go to other places with other guilds aaaand... that sounded as much fun as putting my foot in a blender.
Oh yeah gotta rush through the boring leveling to get to the boring end game raids--
can't wait to play this gringo motherfuck in a heroic, fuck yes.
I will bet a thousand dollars right fucking now that this'll some how wrap around to gay shit.
I mean goddamn. I play an MMO (FFXIV) and yet I don't somehow tie this into how fucking straight I am, do I?
I've been lucky in my guild. S & I have been GM of it since raiding Gruuls lair back in the day. We were insular, kept to our own and had a very strict policy – your fuckery will not be tolerated here. 
That's one of my rules in my linkshell, too.
No meme spouting
No general faggotry
No bullshit whining
I hate you
You're going to hell.
No boss will be “raped”, nothing was “gay” unless they were actually homosexual and no racial abuse was remotely tolerated.
I don't know if there are any gays in my LS but I know I'm a minority as a white man and the racial slurs fly like fucking mad regardless.
No one gives a single fuck.
You know that's the thing about being cool as hell. You don't give a shit about this nonsense because you're too busy having a job and doing shit to worry about nonsense.
And no one there is actually racist. Hell, the core of this group agrees we'd probably be friends in real life if it had come to that.
If you didn't like it we weren't going to argue or debate with you – we'd kick you. Get out.
I've never kicked a single person.
Your presence might not be tolerated, but if I have to kick you for your bullshit I'd have to kick at least three other people for the same reason.
Because, ultimately, I'm quitting WoW because I don't want a hobby that involves so much homophobia dodging.
Outside of FPSs, MMOs are probably one of the more homophobic communities in gaming.
They're not outright hostile about it but the anti-gay terminology is pretty much rooted in the lexicon of these games. You picked a really shitty thing to involve yourself with if that's what offends you.
I can't even recall the number of times I've heard something called a cocksucker in FFXIV alone.
Oh and all you straight cis people “you're offended because they insulted the alliance” really? Really you privileged arseholes? Someone sings a rant full of anti-gay slurs and you think we give a shit about the freaking FACTION insults?! Get a clue, get some perspective and wake up. 
What kind of fag picks a Lalafell anyway?
And I'd never call a gay man a fag.
Unless he was acting like one.
Anyway this is fucking boring. I'm going to go play the video games.

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