Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just waiting for a party

Man getting a party is hard on thief. Probably because thief looks awesome on paper but in actuality is a little bit shit.
2x centurion's sword though I'm excited to test this out. I'm ballin'.
Of course I couldn't afford that new 2+ acc cloak, so I guess I'm a baller on a budget.
Oh yeah some shit.
But seriously 200k for 2 accuracy is pretty fucking ridiculous. 2 attack for 10k is fine, thanks.
And yeah I know people spend like 1.5mil for 2 accuracy later on but this isn't exactly a job I plan on maining, all right.
At the last count, I have paid something like £3500 in overdraft charges to my bank in the last 5 years. These charges continued when I was unemployed and my only income was £60 a week in job seekers allowance.

Oh hey how about that? Banks don't like it when you spend money you don't have.
Let me put this into a context you'll understand. Imagine a place where everyone has 50 cents (or 50p, whatever get real money) and people put their 50p in the same piggy bank. Now you've spent 1 pound 25, and suddenly GUESS WHOSE MONEY YOU'RE TAKING?
If I see one more fucking advert for that "one flat stomach rule" or "one simple rule" for losing weight, I am going to have to design a plan for hunting down the clown responsible and showing him one simple trick for losing weight that involves cutting his fucking balls off.

Wow. Easy. I mean I admit I'm tired of the SECRET TO WHITER TEETH FOR FIVE DOLLARS that's probably "use baking soda" but whatever, I just don't look at it. Also Firefox Adblocker. Look into it.
The woman on the left is probably a UK size 12, maybe a 14 at most. If she wasn't slouching and grabbing at her lovehandles, she would have a nice figure.

Yeah grabbing that fistful of fat equates to a nice figure in my head. I mean she's by no means a cow, but let's not delude ourselves.
The woman on the right is heavily airbrushed and probably underweight (and quite possibly jailbait). It's no wonder that perfectly healthy women are stressing about their weight with images like this all over the Internet.

What kind of bullshit is that? THE GIRL ON THE RIGHT IS NUBILE AND UNDERAGE SO IT'S NOT REALISTIC. Wow, you're right. The internet is so unrealistic. Which is probably why I don't get my dieting brotips from POP UP ADS.
It's bad enough these ads try to exploit people by promising them some magic cure, but even worse is the fact that they're targeting people who have no need to feel bad about their bodies. Fucking disgusting.

If you're a currently living human you probably have a reason to feel bad.

She seemed perfectly lovely, of course, apart from stealing half my fags.

For someone who seems to subscribe to the philosophy expounded by my Philosophy of Education class (wherein we treat the form of something and not its function) you sure are busting out some homopho-- oh right, British. Goddamn you people.

This world is full of racists and misogynists and these people shout louder than everyone else and have no morals to speak of, so they generally end up causing a hell of a lot more damage.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
The truth is, the importance of treating people equally is something that some of us have always known is right, from a very early age.

Oh but what if people don't come from equal backgrounds? Wouldn't treating them equally still not be equal enough, in that case? Shouldn't we be treating people with equity? (yeah I've been through some shit this semester)

I knew racism was wrong the first time I saw an Asian girl at my school in tears after being called "paki." Nobody had to tell me that something very unfair was happening, I just knew.

Yeah if you were a real bro (you're not but whatevs let's roll) you'd break the people making fun of hers' faces in and then pick up the chick for being totally cool.
At least that's how these scenarios play out in my mind.
Of course I recently learned that reaction is the problem with our hyper-masculine society so I don't even know what to do. I'm trying to be multicultural by picking up Asian girls and now you're telling me I can't even bust a few noses on my way there? Sure are leaving me with few options, class.
I'm totally built enough to fight someone else, too. Trust me.
I couldn't give a fuck about being perceived as "polite" or "inoffensive," but political correctness never killed anyone. Political correctness never got anyone beaten up. Political correctness never kicked or stabbed someone to death.

Exactly my fucking point. These cavemen won't appreciate your sophisticated concepts of social contract and equality when they're too busy wracking their stupid cavemen brains for something witty to say, so your only option is to go in like you mean fucking business.
As for the misogynists... a few days ago I read an online rant by a sixteen year old who was speaking very much as a typical sixteen year old would.

Oh hey, a sixteen year old says something stupid. I don't believe it.
I wrote a blog, something happened on my laptop, I lost it and couldn't get it back. So there you go.

There I go? What? Go where? What does that have to do with fucking anything?

3. Pro-lifers, homophobes and other religious types who insist on inflicting their beliefs on others.

Yeah the other side never does that. Both sides are pig disgusting.
9. People whining over the smoking ban. Get over it.

Yeah enjoy your police state, England.
Now she's writing a review of Snakes on a Plane and I've apparently moved back 3 years' worth of posts.
So I guess that's it. Still no invite on thief, switching to samurai~

1 comment:

goldones said...

Still no invite on samurai. Game sucks.