Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Special Plague Update

Meant to update Monday but you know.
Flu and all.
I got a flu shot then still got the flu.
So much for immunization, eh motherfuckers?
I even read the vaccine was spot on this year.
Maybe it mutated in me specifically.
I feel bad, too, because I started this 2 month job at a middle school a week and a half ago and already I've had to take a week off because I was dry heaving for 5 minutes yesterday.
Anyway this blog is dark gray font on a black background.
Also it's like size .5 font.
Having it easy to read for my readers?
Psh no fuck you.
I'm sure half of you are in the habit of not clicking on the blogs (I can't blame you) but before we carry on you must at least look at what I'm suffering through (with the flu, mind) to entertain you today.
First, though, the entry from ONTD_P I found this bullshit from:
Coach suspended for 10 days after anti-gay rant
Coaches are always a little odd.
Fuck this guy and fuck the coach and fuck the school and fuck football and fuck Alabama. Seriously. That isn't misspeaking. That's being a racist, bigoted douchenugget.
All right his comments were (I assume, I can't read the original entry) bigoted but I don't know that they were inherently racist.
He did say some shit about Michelle Obama but maybe he just didn't like her as a person, or something--
you can dislike a black person for reasons other than their race, you know--
Anyway on to this crappy blog:
In which I'm exaggerating. I'm not hating on Christmas as hardcore right now, even if I still have way too many presents to finish. 8| One fish hat is almost done, though, so there's a good point.

Also, I got to go see The Hobbit at the midnight premier here. It was kind of awesome, because Mike decided to spring for 3D tickets, which ended up being an excellent choice. There was one other guy in the whole 3D showing (everyone else was cheap and went to the regular one lol)
Movie sucked. Live with it.
One of my main characters, Ainsley, got poisoned by a silver arrow (he's a werewolf), and for some reason in my own twisted mind, the poison of silver works unreasonably fast. Now he's dying and I don't know how to save him because the token healer of the group is also a werewolf.

And to top it off, Rinda, my half-elf, has just started to come to terms she might be ~in love~ with Ainsley.

I need a way to save his fuzzy butt pronto. And I am fresh out of brain power.
Wow that sounds awful.
Seriously stop writing.
I can't even begin to tell you how stupid "silver poisoning" sounds.
Silver is magic or some shit. If it hits the undead or a werewolf they burn. It's not poison.
If you want it to be poison that's stupid and you should feel bad.
Just a little miff I have with some people that follow this-is-not-native on Tumblr. Let me say first and foremost, I do identify heavily with both sides of my heritage. But because of my physical features, I mostly resemble the Cherokee side, 
I skipped the post where she said this because it was stupid but earlier she asserted she was related to Mary, Queen of Scots.
I checked and it's technically possible as Mary did have children (I've talked to people who claimed to be descended from Anne Boleyn, whose only child to survive infancy, Elizabeth I, was called the virgin queen for a reason) and yet being related to Mary on one side and the other half is Cherokee strikes me very much as trying to fit in with the regal, posh, Anglophile side of Livejournal that loves Dr. Who and that shitty Sherlock Holmes serial on the BBC on one side and trying to be an empowered POC womyn on the other.
In conclusion I'm almost certain you're full of shit.
That is something I learned in one of my pussy sensitivity classes and that's literally 90% of people that claim Native American heritage are either lying or are mistaken.
and I tend to speak out quite a bit about cultural appropriation from the Native Americans, because we have been so downtrodden in this country's history. (Don't get me wrong, I don't in any way hate this country. I just think NA rights are sometimes overlooked, and our lifestyles are sometimes glamourized when they're not.)
Not since the 1950s, no.
Once westerns moved to Spain and started being filmed by Italians not even westerns featured Indians.
No one gives a shit.
Anyway, some do-gooder submitted this to TINN, and...Really? Have you never seen a pup tent before? Because that is what that symbol is. Not a teepee. It's a pup tent. You go camping in them, hence why it's the universal US symbol for campgrounds. I don't think we NA people invented camping, just saying.
Link removed because it no longer exists--
common problem when blogs linking blogs, as I think you'll find occurs in my archives--
I've been asked why I always say I removed the link.
The reason is because despite being a patriarchal, imperialist white male pig I am in fact vehemently opposed to censorship, unlike every liberal blogger ever so I always feel fit to warn you in case you really care and want to check it out.
But in this case I wouldn't because it just 404s.
Also "we NA people" is kinda bullshit. Unless you live on a reservation then you should probably shut up.
You're probably like 1/32 Indian at best, assuming you even are, which I doubt.
Your claims to being Indian are probably more specious than my claims to being Roman is what I'm trying to say.
Also while Native Americans might not have invented camping Native Americans (broadly speaking) as a group seemed to stick with camping as a basis for civilization for about 2000 years longer than most everyone else did so I guess most people just considered you guys the experts on the topic.
Here's hoping Mike's superduper strong Army man coffee has done what it's supposed to. :3 Especially since he's gone off into the woods deer hunting (He hunts for meat, not sport, yay. Also, mmm, deer sausage. Om nom nom. Just sayin'.).
That's good he hunts for meat and not for sport because there isn't much sporting about shooting a deer.
Have you seen those things?
The only sporting creatures to hunt are bears (assuming you use a bow or a knife), crocodiles (blight on the earth) hippos (you can use guns for these also) other than that you're a pussy.
 And I've hit the start of this blog.
That's handy because I'm not sure my delicate constitution could take much more of this abuse.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hope you feel better soon