Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh God What

Almost forgot my Friday update. NEARLY A DISASTER.
So here we have-- something.
I'm not really sure what you call this blog besides "crap". It's kind of generic and bleeeeeeeeeeeh.
If you could book a trip to the moon for $10,000, would you save up your cash and go? Why or why not?

No, what? We should be living on the moon by now. 10,000 bucks to visit, huh.
Why the fuck would I care about the moon?

Watch your fucking mouth, peasant. That's the future of man up there.

Now, if it were 10k for a ticket down to the deep sea, you would have my interest....

The sea, really?
Now here's a fanfiction about "the Disney multiverse" which if she thinks I'm reading she has another thing coming--

Seriously the bible is full of fucked up cracky awesome shit like this. Why don't we ever learn THAT when we get exposed to Christianity? Why does everyone not show off the cool wacky shit? Why is it always 'EVERYONE IS BAD' and shit like that? Damn it.

That is the interesting part, you twit.
Also no one bothers to read the Bible. Did you know there's a part where a prophet turns someone into dust? Then later Jesus responds it's not that kind of prophet you have to worry about but the kind that can burn your soul is the kind to be concerned about?
Basically everything you can do as a thaumaturge in FFXIV times a million is what was bopping around Judecca in Jesus' day.

Oh, and this brings me to another point: in my universe, Lottie goes to Tia's Baptist church.

Great, no idea what that means.

Tomorrow I'm going to:

- Wake up at nine at latest
- Condition my hair

Tomorrow: not up before noon.
Fuck yeah, spring break.

I'm going to go write now, hopefully get something of worth out. I'm very lonely lately, which mystifies me because since coming here I'm all of a sudden a woobity mess. I want to cling to people but I'm having a lot more anxiety. Goddamnit. What the hell is wrong with me. I'm an adult, I should not need to cling to someone's apron strings like a goddamned toddler.

You need a man to put you in your place.
Sorry I'm just being sexist for no reason.
Every once in a while I like to say something like that in the off chance I've gained a reader and so I do that to scare them off.

Took some more self-portraits to try and make a twitter icon.

Wow you're ugly.
Heh, nice one, me.

I've realised I've stopped really being interested in blogs or webcomics or writing about my day, since coming up here. Also I'm tired a lot more but I think that's all the different things I've been doing, and the fact that I'm still not very good at feeding myself.

It is hard to feed yourself. I mean it took me what, three years to master that skill?
Still feel like shit. No one will like me, I am too negative and bitter about being destitute. It's stupid and I ought not complain but I open my mouth and it just comes out because there's nothing else I can think to talk about. And I feel like a nerd for talking about my writing, because oh god you guys it sounds so lame in the real world. I am not even cool on the internet. :(


Blogs should contain more meltdowns like this. They might be halfway interesting--
actually, come to think of it, I had to wade through a lot of horseshit for this.
Never mind.

Went to a speakeasy last night.

Son of a bitch that's my goal in life. To open a speakeasy. But alcohol is legal here so I have to wait until it's illegal again.
What, you can't just do this shit half-assed, you know. Open a speakeasy with legal booze, huh.
Saw a real stripper (like, she actually stripped down, it was lovely--also she was really beautiful and sexy); rope/sash performer; fire eater/dancer; and a burlesque butterfly dancer (also so pretty).

Burlesque butterfly dancer-- anyone play Dynasty Warriors? There's that one character Zhang He who is really flamboyant and a butterfly appears behind him when you do his musou attack and he strikes this gay pose?
Man I play some weird shit.
Of course the fucked up part is people consider him an offensive stereotype and yet he kills like 5000 people with fucking steel talons. OHHHH BUT HE ACTS SO MINCING!
Guy does that he can act however the fuck he wants as far as I'm concerned.
I'd like to see you pussies siege Jiangling for months while suffering from a plague.
I often forget that I'm not 100% androphilic.

Oh boy, words.
This one is easy.
Andro- meaning man (referring to humans, not males specifically)
-philic, meaning love for
loving humans.
It's just that the lady-shaped body type that clicks the right switch is hard to find in this day and age.

Yes I know exactly what you mean.
I think. I better not agree with you on the grounds that later statements you make may incriminate me.

But when that butterfly came out on stage, I had that moment of 'Oh yeah, I'm not all-gay'.

Also I'm not even going to ask what genders everyone involved was because I guarantee the answer is long, stupid and boring.

And the stripper was--creamy. Mmm. She was creamy and dreamy.

So here's a hypothetical for you: if you're flirting with a girl and she pats you on the leg she definitely wants to fuck, right?
Man, me and the brown girls. I'm 2/2 this week.
As Zhuge Liang said I MUST USE THIS MOMEEEEENTUUUUM (increasingly obscure reference)
I tasted a lot of cocktails, but never actually got one (didn't really want one, I don't drink in public).

>I don't drink in public
>I tasted a lot of cocktails (heh, cocktails)

I did have a heavenly crepe that tasted like I was eating a rainbow*. It was amazing.

So assuming I do ask one or both brown girls out do I tell them I'm a huge nerd who paints toy figures immediately or do I wait?
Oh Maman, I love you but the Devil's Advocate thing is sometimes a bother.

Got off the phone with her and she was like, 'well just don't forget to be looking for jobs.' Yes, Mum, I got this, don't worry. I don't want to have to ever go back to the south again, not now that I've tasted the creamy essence of the city (yes, I do want you interpret that as sexually as possible).

>creamy essence
>sexually as possible
creamy phlegm is all I can think of for some reason

Nekochan has three issues of Ouran High School Host Club, which I cracked open for a lark. I tried to read it years ago, when it first came out, and was not in a place to handle the genderqueer Haruhi, as I'd just come out and was still under the stupid impression that being transgendered meant you had to adhere ever more tightly to the gender binary.

I'm suddenly reminded of a class I took called, what was it, "themes in literature" which I was told would revolve around Native American writing.
"Neat," thought I, "maybe it'll cover what various Native American groups think about mythological matters and such like," ho, ho, ho, me. It was around the time I was reading poems written by a "gender queer" author and I was told I had to refer to this individual with the fictitious pronouns "hir" and "ze" that I started to wonder what, in the words of Homer, "vow unfilled or hecatomb unpaid to anger the god."
Now here's a post entitled "18 Things about Evan Rosier" which I hope number one is "who the fuck is Evan Rosier?" or else I'm going to be really lost.
First off, the things you already know (which don't count toward the 18):

- Evan, along with his father, is a Death Eater.


The elder Rosier was in Voldemort's year and dorm at Hogwarts, making him one of the four earliest Death Eaters.

Makes sense to me~

The Rosiers have a family trait of heavy-lidded eyes (think Bette Davis or Robert Mitchum)

Oh finally something that does make sense to me.
Has anyone seen The Wrath of God, incidentally? Holy fuck that movie was awesome.

- Obviously, they are purebloods. They are also related to the Blacks by marriage.

Errr-- racist?

- It's likely that Rosier and possibly Evan were not among those who looked for Voldemort. I have my own reasons for this, that have little to do with disloyalty.

Ah that's good. At least they're not disloyal to Voldemort and they're Death Eaters and have
pureblood-- I have no clue what the fuck is going on.
- Evan is canonically dead--Moody killed him and Wilkes while trying to apprehend them. He was the one who took a chunk out of Moody's nose.

Of these facts I only had to discard the fifth one.


1. Rosier isn't his real name--the Rosiers changed their surname from Rosenbaum to Rosier around 1790, because it was more fashionable to be French.

Well at least you're not Hitler, huh.
Rosier is of Russian-Jewish descent. His family went Reform, but remained nonetheless devout in their beliefs, even if they adapted to the gentiles in terms of appearance and diet. However, unlike his parents, Evan is kosher, wears a prayer shawl and a yarmulke and goes to synagogue every week and during holidays

So I bothered to Google Voldemort and apparently this shit is all from Harry Potter.
It's kind of hard to imagine faith in any religion surviving BEING A FUCKING SORCERER.
Evan and Roddy Lestrange have an interesting relationship, as both believe in the same God, and are the only Judeo-Christian members of the Death Eaters.

Hard to imagine a group called the "Death Eaters" being a faithful group.
How would you describe your perfect home in ten words or less?

I can do it in one word: Baroque.
Her response took a few more:

Mellifluous, wonderland-bohemian décor in a small Victorian cottage, with garden.

Great, thank you for that.
Now here's a really motivating quote:

“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” — Susan J. Bissonette

I prefer the quote "a pessimist is an optimist with experience" myself or perhaps "a pessimist is never disappointed."
How the fuck have I been reading this blog for 2 hours and I'm less than a month back?
I've been reading up on Maria Montessori, which makes me even more determined to send my kid to a Montessori school until high school, and to go back to the Montessori method, myself. One of my endless anxieties is my bad school transcript, and the fact that my 'resume' for school makes me look as stupid as a brick (my last GPA was 0.8, I have no other GPA despite that one being from sophomore year).

Your hypothetical kid that doesn't exist, right?
Holy shit.
Anyway I'm going to bed now, fuck this noise.
Also I'm retroactively dating this so it looks like I posted this Friday--

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