Monday, November 21, 2011

To fall into heresy is a worse defeat than any the battlefield offers

Ready for a lesson in boredom?
I sure am.

Who is the best musician or band of all time?

Today's writer's block.
This is an impossible question to answer and depends entirely on your taste in music.


No kidding, dipshit?
I thought an opinion was an objective reality.
You know, because the eighteen million other writer's blocks you answered were totally factual and not just asking your opinion.
It was good to see discussions going on, and generally a positive attitude from the many members of the public passing through the square. Some of the Occupy people were handing out leaflets and chatting to people, and I engaged one of them in conversation. He was an interesting, friendly and altogether very sensible guy, and I hope the whole thing raises people's awareness of how much we're being screwed over by the very wealthy and very powerful.

This is in reference to the whole Occupy Wall Street thing.
Only this is Occupy Edinburgh because it's in Scotland.
Anyway I'd be very curious to see if you gave these people millions of dollars they didn't earn if they'd be so keen on redistributing their own wealth a bit, because after all, it isn't fair that 1% controls 90% of all the wealth in the world.
Unless you're one of the 1%, I'd wager, and then suddenly that's just the way it is.
Everyone in the world is hypocritical. The only reason these people are protesting is because they aren't one of the 1%. I bet less than 1% of the total protestors give a shit about social change. They are just mad jelly they're not rich.
They've been here for a month, and I say fair play to them. I left feeling encouraged that people are making an effort and doing something very worthwhile to highlight the horrors of the political and financial worlds at the moment.

>Making an effort
>sitting around doing nothing
When will people learn that "raising awareness" is akin to doing fuck all?
What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Oh. This was a writer's block question, apparently.
Well given that you hate 1% controlling 90% of the wealth so much your first goal should be to give away 900,000 dollars of it to the poor.
Somehow I bet your answer won't quite read that way.
Hmm...well, it's not as much as it was a few years ago, so it's not necessarily life-transforming. But it's enough to make life extremely comfortable indeed. I'd buy a house and furnish it with nice high-quality stuff, and a huge model railway. :) I'd have a library full of great books.

Oh please, do go on.
It all sounds perfectly rational to me.
I'm sure he could weasel his way out of this by saying "a million dollars isn't really a lot of money" but most people one earth don't have access to a million dollars at once so I think we're arguing semantics and you are a hypocritical piece of shit.
Unlike my own radiant philosophy which has no qualms with the wealthy or the current setup.
I'd give up work for a while to travel and study. I'd use some time to write The Novel That Burns In My Soul.

I don't understand people who compare creativity to burning.
Oh right, those are the people who continually make excuses for why they can't create and who invariably have nothing to really offer. I mean if you had a book in you that was so good it was literally BURNING YOUR SOUL (a process so violent in Warhammer it leaves people dead or blind) you'd think you'd spend a little more time right now doing it instead of waiting until you hit the lottery.
I'd give money to some of my favourite causes - Greenbelt, my very strapped-for-cash church, and some international development and human rights charities.

I'd help out people I know who are struggling with money.

Uh-huh, but number one comes first, right motherfucker?
That's just how the 1% feel, you know.
You're not so different, actually. If you could avoid economics I think you'd find a lot to agree about with the wealthy.
More politics for you today, because it's vitally important that we do something before it's too late.

I'm prepared to fix all of your problems but you must give me absolute authority to fix your problems.
Southampton Council (among others) looks to privatise EVERYTHING as response to cuts

This should scare you a great deal. Think of what your council does. Let's try these things for starters...

Well I'm in America where most shit is already privatized.
Where is the US on the Human Development Index?
Oh wow, all the way at #4.
Where is the UK?
Oh dang, all the way down at #28.
No I'm being purposefully misleading. The difference between #4and #28 is less than 5%.
  • Schools
  • Parks and playing fields
  • Providing child protection services
  • Caring for vulnerable adults
  • Refuse collection
  • Trading standards
  • Social work, supporting a wide range of people with a huge array of problems and difficulties
  • Providing libraries
  • Maintaining street lighting and roads
  • Subsidising unprofitable bus services, which are often socially necessary
I'm going to go ahead and put a boldface on everything the government should actually be responsible for.
There, see? I'm already starting to solve our economic woes.
Think about the sheer horror of all these things being in the hands of profit-making companies. How quickly will they shy away from assisting children from problem families who need expensive interventions?

I already solved that problem in another post. So-called "problem families" will have their children taken from them to be raised in a monastery setting to become future soldiers and future police.
You see, this is the problem with you people. You fuck everything up so bad and your solution is to make a blog post and sit in a tent in front of a bank. My solution is simple, it's elegant and most importantly it will actually solve the fucking problem but noooooo it's ethics this, human rights that.
It's like I can't win with you people. Why even bother?
What money will they be able to make out of running libraries? How can they increase the value of shares by educating your kids?

I'm finding libraries increasingly redundant with the digital age so I'm sure some simple reforms and strict enforcement through the schools will see libraries unnecessary when we can digitally distribute reading material.
My future government, far from fearing an educated elite like so many totalitarian regimes would welcome anything that can bring us towards the future.
I hate the way this government snuck into power with no mandate, on a mission to rip this country's social fabric apart.

And yet you want to rip the social fabric apart by taking money from the rich.
Which is it?
My government, on the other hand, makes no pretenses. The change will be sweeping from top to bottom.
Tremble in awe.
I hate the way we all sit back and do nothing. Because Cameron has got us all trembling with fear, exactly where he wants us.

Sounds like Cameron has 50% of the winning formula down.
As is clearly shown here, eventually fear by itself turns to hate.
But if you're a likeable tyrant then no one will say shit.
Endless posts about pictures and more about petty politics--
even I find myself with not enough time to bother with this nonsense.
I've seen blogs with 0 content in my day but I've never seen such a brazen lack of care in trying to hide it.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Man I miss all the good writer's blocks.
Anyway it would be blogs.
Blogs flash boil my piss.
One of the biggest things I can't stand is people who spout loads of corporate jargon - they strike me as being very robot-like, devoid of personality and the sort of people who wouldn't know what fun was if it came and slapped them in the face. There was someone in my old job who spoke a lot, but all of it was corporate jargon, and this made her one of the most terrifying people I've ever come across in my life.

Another great change of my wondrous government: I'm bringing Latin terminology back.
If we're going to have a culture worth its name we're going to have to start thinking like the most cultured civilization ever, and the easiest way I know to do that is through language.
People who constantly make a big deal about how busy they are. I've come across plenty of these as well. Yeah, we're all busy, but there's no need to continually harp on about it.

People seem to confuse being busy with doing other things they'd rather be doing.
I had a guy in my linkshell tell me he was too busy to do something in game.
What was he so busy doing?
Playing Skyrim.
Yeah, you're busy all right, motherfucker.

What’s the best way to mend a broken heart?

The same thing that fixes all maladies of the spirit: an indomitable will.
That's a good line. I'm going to have to remember that--

It just takes time. Give it a while and it will usually fix itself.

Yeah, see? This is the problem with people.
You might as well tell the fucker to pray because at the end of the day you end up with exactly the same result.

If you could become a member of the opposite sex for just one day, what would you do?

Probably sit in my room and play the juego.
So, the same as every other day.
I, unlike most of you mutants, don't have continual escapist fantasies about being the opposite sex.

Just enjoy the novelty of it, I think. :) I've often been really curious about what it would be like to be a woman...try on lots of clothes? Interact with people? Look in the mirror quite a lot?

So that's what a woman is to you. A dummy to try on clothes, chat with people on Facetube and be narcissistic.
Actually come to think of it that's a fairly accurate assessment of all humanity.
Church this morning was very thought-provoking, and just the sort of thing to get my brain going and mull over.

That's why the monastery setting is important. Combining church and government makes for some powerful influence.
The minister talked about the rioting and the aftermath of it, and some of the horrors we've seen in the reaction to it. A man steals bottled water worth £3.50, and gets jailed for six months. MPs make a fortune at tax-payers' expense, and most of them get away with it scot-free. A mother gets jailed for five months for handling a stolen pair of shorts, and none of the bankers, who trashed the economy and cost us billions, have faced jail.

Wow sounds like a lot of heresy to weed out.
Why would you steal a water bottle when there are water fountains?
Is stupidity a crime? If so I'm guessing that's why you got jail instead of just stealing a water bottle.
He went on to say that we've created a marginalised, individualistic and highly competitive society with few opportunities for those at the bottom of the pile, and we ignore a lot of the blindingly obvious needs around us. The challenge is - what sort of society do we want to build, and how do we get there?

I know I'm a bit too fond of the post-apocalyptic, but I've never felt that society has been this close to collapsing.

See, even simple complaints like this I've addressed. When my regime is done you'll be rightfully apocalyptic.
Whilst you should never blame a lack of tools for not getting on with something, my acquisition of a Psion Revo has done wonders for the Novel That Burns In My Soul - for lo, I have actually written something! And some of it is actually quite good!

Here's me believing you.

Having a fully-featured word processor with a small but usable keyboard that runs for 12+ hours on a charge, but is small enough to fit in a pocket, is amazing. PDAs seem to have gone backwards these days - my phone is amazing but it's no good at all for a writing task.

Oh you want something small that fits in your pocket, has an endless charge and is specifically designed for the task of writing?
How about a pencil and a tablet, asshole?
Dante had to make his own paper from some shirts he found and ink out of rain water and soot from a torch and he only had two hours of writing while the light was right in his cell and he produced the Inferno.
What's your excuse, again?
You don't have the right kind of word processor?
That's deeply unconvincing given what real authors have produced and the tools they had available to them.
I've actually done some work recently on The Novel That Burns In My Soul, and I think it might actually be quite good. I've done quite a lot of plotting and I'm gradually getting it all written and typed up.

Is that seriously the name of it? If so, I recommend something less douchey.
You might want to just give up on it all together because I'm sure it's complete shit.
Most of the best books have had one or two word names. Maybe something like that?
We need jobs. We need hope. We need decent, affordable housing. We need justice. We need pride.

You get what you earn, I say.
Ohhhh man this is really boring.
I mean really boring.
I'm going.

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